I remember meeting my fist boxer when I played on Test server. Back in like 03-04. On test there was a "high end (for test) raiding alliance. Not one guild but it was exclusive and was the only group that raided near end game. Usually an expansion or so behind live.
Well then there was the B-Squad and I say that lovingly. It was everyone deemed "not good enough" to raid with the big dogs. It was run by this guy who mained a SK. And he also ran a shaman and a 3rd box. I was BLOWN AWAY at this concept. One day he "loaned" me his spare account that had a cleric on it. That was when I learned the power of alt-tab boxing. With my trust bard I would
/melody, auto attack, and then alt tab over to the cleric and just spam heals because I had no Idea how to play a cleric. It was cool doing content I was never able to do before.