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Question - "The High Priest" not awarding achievements? (1 Viewer)

Jul 11, 2020
Hmm, I just ran through "The High Priest" mission with my main team and got all 3 achievements. I then swapped the task over to my alt team and when they opened the chest, it gave the message that they completed all 3 achievements, but it isn't updating on their profiles. Anyone run into this issue before? Tried logging out and back in. No change.


Hmm, I just ran through "The High Priest" mission with my main team and got all 3 achievements. I then swapped the task over to my alt team and when they opened the chest, it gave the message that they completed all 3 achievements, but it isn't updating on their profiles. Anyone run into this issue before? Tried logging out and back in. No change.

View attachment 67273

View attachment 67274
Click the "Completed" option then again, to refresh that page.
Click the "Completed" option then again, to refresh that page.
Tried that. Tried logging out of the game entirely. Nothing is working. Gah...looks like I need to try and get that achievement again later. That one is such a pain too. The LEM wasn't cutting it and only way I've gotten that last achievement has been brute force with dumb luck.
Tried that. Tried logging out of the game entirely. Nothing is working. Gah...looks like I need to try and get that achievement again later. That one is such a pain too. The LEM wasn't cutting it and only way I've gotten that last achievement has been brute force with dumb luck.
where is the LEM breaking down?

I do it routinely with my own lem (i have two, actually) and it's been flawless each time, but for /mqp. it isn't setup for boxr or cwtn. Happy to share it if you want.
where is the LEM breaking down?

I do it routinely with my own lem (i have two, actually) and it's been flawless each time, but for /mqp. it isn't setup for boxr or cwtn. Happy to share it if you want.
I run a full CWTN team. Around 30-40% range, seems something messes up and I start getting a lot of adds and quickly turns into a wipe. I'm pretty good at stopping at about 5% threshold to allow for acolytes to kill. Not sure why I was getting the other add types if the LEM is supposed to run them to get cured in time.

This was the breakdown using LEM for cures and not burning at all. Result was eventually a wipe.


This was a burn starting at 98% on Priest and then switching to kill Rectors at 37% and then back to Priest for the win and all 3 achievements.

Possible something is buggy with the mission. I ran it today with a full burn out of the gate, and as a high dps group, i had rectors/adds activiating rapidly. got him to 2%, killed both rectors and he stayed hp locked until every single blue con was dead. while i had toons running rapidly for the two emotes. Don't know what I messe dup int he full burn cheese, but he definitely didnt unlock after rectors died.

The only thing ic an think of, some folks i know have had issues with chase or stick and responding to an emote in cwtn. I don't know what that problem is - everybody boxes a little differently. For LEMS i shared with those users, i had to pause their cwtn plugins, do a /stick off, /nav stop, and /afollow stop, plus a /target clear, just to be super explicit that i needed those toons to fully halt what they are doing, then go run to the <thing>. in this case it'd be running to the mobs.
Since I do it with macro, and im not the best coder, this is the main bit of my LEM thats been flawless for me:

local function event_handler()
    mq.cmd('/mqp on')
    mq.cmd('/dgt all Purification Emote')
    mq.cmd('/nav spawn Cleansing')
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() do
    mq.cmd('/mqp off')
    mq.cmd('/nav spawn Priest')

My other lem operates on navigating to the other one, and both use text triggers instead of a "do i have the buff" condition. I don't know if that makes any difference, but it's worked perfectly for me in the group. You'd need to change /mqp to cwtn, and i'm sure there are better ways to handle the delay while nav but. it works.
Hmm, I just ran through "The High Priest" mission with my main team and got all 3 achievements. I then swapped the task over to my alt team and when they opened the chest, it gave the message that they completed all 3 achievements, but it isn't updating on their profiles. Anyone run into this issue before? Tried logging out and back in. No change.
did you zone the alts in? some achieves require being in zone when the chest is opened.
Is there a reliable way to do this as I only got it to work 1 time and 1 purification ended up spawning
71 seconds and 64 seconds is fast enough 80+ seconds you'll get cure fail adds. Where the actual line of demarcation is when the cure emotes start and the fail mechanic happens, I'd have to look closer at a log, but there's definitely a metric of having "enough" DPS to outburn the cure mechanic.
Possible something is buggy with the mission. I ran it today with a full burn out of the gate, and as a high dps group, i had rectors/adds activiating rapidly. got him to 2%, killed both rectors and he stayed hp locked until every single blue con was dead. while i had toons running rapidly for the two emotes. Don't know what I messe dup int he full burn cheese, but he definitely didnt unlock after rectors died.

The only thing ic an think of, some folks i know have had issues with chase or stick and responding to an emote in cwtn. I don't know what that problem is - everybody boxes a little differently. For LEMS i shared with those users, i had to pause their cwtn plugins, do a /stick off, /nav stop, and /afollow stop, plus a /target clear, just to be super explicit that i needed those toons to fully halt what they are doing, then go run to the <thing>. in this case it'd be running to the mobs.
Since I do it with macro, and im not the best coder, this is the main bit of my LEM thats been flawless for me:

local function event_handler()
    mq.cmd('/mqp on')
    mq.cmd('/dgt all Purification Emote')
    mq.cmd('/nav spawn Cleansing')
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() do
    mq.cmd('/mqp off')
    mq.cmd('/nav spawn Priest')

My other lem operates on navigating to the other one, and both use text triggers instead of a "do i have the buff" condition. I don't know if that makes any difference, but it's worked perfectly for me in the group. You'd need to change /mqp to cwtn, and i'm sure there are better ways to handle the delay while nav but. it works.
This looks to be a good way to do the nav. One of the early lens floating around had locs too far in the corner which could cause intermittent fails
Possible something is buggy with the mission. I ran it today with a full burn out of the gate, and as a high dps group, i had rectors/adds activiating rapidly. got him to 2%, killed both rectors and he stayed hp locked until every single blue con was dead. while i had toons running rapidly for the two emotes. Don't know what I messe dup int he full burn cheese, but he definitely didnt unlock after rectors died.

The only thing ic an think of, some folks i know have had issues with chase or stick and responding to an emote in cwtn. I don't know what that problem is - everybody boxes a little differently. For LEMS i shared with those users, i had to pause their cwtn plugins, do a /stick off, /nav stop, and /afollow stop, plus a /target clear, just to be super explicit that i needed those toons to fully halt what they are doing, then go run to the <thing>. in this case it'd be running to the mobs.
Since I do it with macro, and im not the best coder, this is the main bit of my LEM thats been flawless for me:

local function event_handler()
    mq.cmd('/mqp on')
    mq.cmd('/dgt all Purification Emote')
    mq.cmd('/nav spawn Cleansing')
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() do
    mq.cmd('/mqp off')
    mq.cmd('/nav spawn Priest')

My other lem operates on navigating to the other one, and both use text triggers instead of a "do i have the buff" condition. I don't know if that makes any difference, but it's worked perfectly for me in the group. You'd need to change /mqp to cwtn, and i'm sure there are better ways to handle the delay while nav but. it works.
anyone who runs cwtn plugins able to edit this code for use? my melee won't run to the corners and I think this would fix
When we add alts into the zone before the chest is open, they never get any achievements besides Hero. Seems if they ain't there the whole time or part of the time (when achv happens?), they don't get the other achv's. With the burn method, the emotes were flying so fast, my shaman had both debuffs on him at once, was kind of comical. So we just slowed it down and were fine after that.

Plugin mq2boxr can be loaded and it makes running KA along with CWTN plugins act in unison. No need for /mqp on_off. Simplest thing I found to use when using LEMs that are set up for CWTN plugin's.
When we add alts into the zone before the chest is open, they never get any achievements besides Hero. Seems if they ain't there the whole time or part of the time (when achv happens?), they don't get the other achv's. With the burn method, the emotes were flying so fast, my shaman had both debuffs on him at once, was kind of comical. So we just slowed it down and were fine after that.

Plugin mq2boxr can be loaded and it makes running KA along with CWTN plugins act in unison. No need for /mqp on_off. Simplest thing I found to use when using LEMs that are set up for CWTN plugin's.
Adding alts before chest is open has been granting all achievements on other missions just fine. Also, the first two achievements on Priest mission too. It was only this one time that they received the achievment message for all 3, but it didn't update. I haven't recreated this scenario since then. So, I can't confirm it to be a larger issue or just a one-time fluke.
Ran 4 missions tonight.

Kicked two players from each mission at the end when chest spawned. Added alts, zoned them in, then opened chest. They never got any achv's boxes ticked, but hero.

While the toons that were in all fight got all the achv's boxes checked that we did.

What am I doing different then you, Why were my added toons are not getting achv boxes ticked?

Did you add your alts to the group? Mine just come in and are part of the task.
View attachment 67275

This was the breakdown using LEM for cures and not burning at all. Result was eventually a wipe.

View attachment 67276

This was a burn starting at 98% on Priest and then switching to kill Rectors at 37% and then back to Priest for the win and all 3 achievements.

View attachment 67277
After about 20 task quits, I stumbled upon your comment "This was a burn starting at 98% on Priest and then switching to kill Rectors at 37% and then back to Priest for the win and all 3 achievements." I was able to finally get this last achievement for my main and box crew. Thank you sir.
For achievements all taskadds must be in group (in zone not tested, we always had them in zone) when chest is opened. Otherwise, coin and hero, but no ach's. If not concerned w ach's, still get coin sitting in guild hall.
I cannot get this last "Unrepentant and Impure" achievement. I've tried dozens of times. No purifications or penance spawned but I'm not getting the ach.
The Lem I use below (probably should be posted in the LEM section instead of here) seems to work great as long as you tank the boss in the SW corner and take it relatively slow. Seems like it's been posted a few times by several people and probably modified by even more. What I noticed was if the two NPC's called for the cures are over 300 units away, the toons run, get the cure and come back without issue. If they are closer than that, the priests sometimes pause to cast a spell in or close to the corner and it causes a fail. You also need to go kinda slow. When two toons run, come off the boss and let them come back and then start the dps again.

You can either amend the lem to unpause after they return to the group or some other delay to slow the unpause or change tank position as I did.


Priest Cure LEM:

local mq = require('mq')

-- Do not edit this if condition
if not package.loaded['events'] then
    print('This script is intended to be imported to Lua Event Manager (LEM). Try "\a-t/lua run lem\a-x"')

local function on_load()
    -- Perform any initial setup here when the event is loaded.

---@return boolean @Returns true if the action should fire, otherwise false.
local function condition()
    -- Implement the condition to evaluate here.
    local my_tank = mq.TLO.Group.MainTank()
    local my_name = mq.TLO.Me.CleanName()
    local my_class = mq.TLO.Me.Class.ShortName()
    --local is_priest = {SHM=true, DRU=true, CLR=true}

  --if my_name ~= my_tank and not is_priest[me_class] then
  if my_name ~= my_tank then
    if my_class == 'BER' and mq.TLO.Me.ActiveDisc.Name() == mq.TLO.Spell('Frenzied Resolve Discipline').RankName() then
    while (mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() or mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')()) do
      if mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')() then
        mq.cmd('/boxr pause')
        mq.cmd('/nav loc 643.03 226.38 1470.37')
        mq.cmd('/dgt I got the shit')
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == false do
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == true do
        if not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedie nce')() then
          mq.cmd('/dgt I no longer got the shit')
      if mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
        mq.cmd('/boxr pause on')
        mq.cmd('/nav loc 223.81 -346.08 1470.37')
        mq.cmd('/dgt I am unclean')
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == false do
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() do
        if not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
          mq.cmd('/dgt These pipes are clean!')
      mq.cmd('/boxr unpause')

local function action()
    -- Implement the action to perform here.

return {onload=on_load, condfunc=condition, actionfunc=action}
The Lem I use below (probably should be posted in the LEM section instead of here) seems to work great as long as you tank the boss in the SW corner and take it relatively slow. Seems like it's been posted a few times by several people and probably modified by even more. What I noticed was if the two NPC's called for the cures are over 300 units away, the toons run, get the cure and come back without issue. If they are closer than that, the priests sometimes pause to cast a spell in or close to the corner and it causes a fail. You also need to go kinda slow. When two toons run, come off the boss and let them come back and then start the dps again.

You can either amend the lem to unpause after they return to the group or some other delay to slow the unpause or change tank position as I did.

View attachment 67749

Priest Cure LEM:

local mq = require('mq')

-- Do not edit this if condition
if not package.loaded['events'] then
    print('This script is intended to be imported to Lua Event Manager (LEM). Try "\a-t/lua run lem\a-x"')

local function on_load()
    -- Perform any initial setup here when the event is loaded.

---@return boolean @Returns true if the action should fire, otherwise false.
local function condition()
    -- Implement the condition to evaluate here.
    local my_tank = mq.TLO.Group.MainTank()
    local my_name = mq.TLO.Me.CleanName()
    local my_class = mq.TLO.Me.Class.ShortName()
    --local is_priest = {SHM=true, DRU=true, CLR=true}

  --if my_name ~= my_tank and not is_priest[me_class] then
  if my_name ~= my_tank then
    if my_class == 'BER' and mq.TLO.Me.ActiveDisc.Name() == mq.TLO.Spell('Frenzied Resolve Discipline').RankName() then
    while (mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() or mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')()) do
      if mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')() then
        mq.cmd('/boxr pause')
        mq.cmd('/nav loc 643.03 226.38 1470.37')
        mq.cmd('/dgt I got the shit')
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == false do
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == true do
        if not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedie nce')() then
          mq.cmd('/dgt I no longer got the shit')
      if mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
        mq.cmd('/boxr pause on')
        mq.cmd('/nav loc 223.81 -346.08 1470.37')
        mq.cmd('/dgt I am unclean')
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() == false do
        while mq.TLO.Navigation.Active() do
        if not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
          mq.cmd('/dgt These pipes are clean!')
      mq.cmd('/boxr unpause')

local function action()
    -- Implement the action to perform here.

return {onload=on_load, condfunc=condition, actionfunc=action}
Thanks, yeah I'm using the LEM. I haven't tried fighting in that spot, though. I'll give it a go.
Finally got it. I actually created a more straightforward LEM that works better for me. Sharing it if anyone else needs it. Turn it on for every toon except your tank.

local mq = require('mq')

-- Do not edit this if condition
if not package.loaded['events'] then
    print('This script is intended to be imported to Lua Event Manager (LEM). Try "\a-t/lua run lem\a-x"')

local function on_load()

local function condition()
  if (mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() or mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')()) then
    return true

local function action()
  mq.cmd('/multiline ; /brd pause on; /brd mode 0') --edit these as necessary for your classes
  mq.cmd('/multiline ; /shm pause on; /shm mode 0')
  mq.cmd('/multiline ; /mag pause on; /mag mode 0')
  mq.cmd('/mqp on') -- if you have kissassist toons
  if mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')() then
    mq.cmd('/nav loc 643.03 226.38 1470.37')
  elseif mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
    mq.cmd('/nav loc 223.81 -346.08 1470.37')
  while mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')() or mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() do
  if not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Contrition for Disobedience')() and not mq.TLO.Me.Buff('Disinfection of Veeshan')() then
    mq.cmd('/multiline ; /brd pause off; /brd mode 2')
    mq.cmd('/multiline ; /shm pause off; /shm mode 2')
    mq.cmd('/multiline ; /mag pause off; /mag mode 2')
    mq.cmd('/mqp off')
    mq.cmd('/nav spawn NameOfYourTank') --name of your tank

return {onload=on_load, condfunc=condition, actionfunc=action}
Question - "The High Priest" not awarding achievements?

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