Well, I have a low - no post count at best, bough tthe membership for the tools, an dhaven;t really contributed much. I do believe though that because there is a fee... i.e legally binding cash transaction/agreement between member and redguides. That if an inclussion were made to the membership agreement/forums block that had to be \agreed to during the payment/membership access phase that had a disclaimer about SoE/affiliates/partners/blah blah blah it would put a legal ramification to it based on a law that was passed about internet usage/ethics/etc by Bill Clinton. I know his name was part of the laws name in the end, but I'll be damned if I can recall the law.
I do think many people are WAY to quick to flame. If you think someone has posted something for a second time, say nothing, or simply say "I think this has been posted", if you really feel you need to contribute nothing more then a chastising to someone for mentioning something that may have been previosly mentioned, but got burried in a weeks of new reeases or something. After all, if ya don;t have anything nice to say, why are you talking at all to those trying to contriibute, as this sites WHOLE PURPOSE is stated to be an area to ask, learn, and share, free of the contempt of those who constantly belittle/call ppl newbs etc.. That's not why most joined Redguides.
As far as those major contributors, as most of the contributions are a rare few compilers, plugin/macro writers, My hats off to you. I have neither the time, patience, skills, or utilities to do what you do. And you share your time, effort, and abilities with all of us. To those of you who bash on them because maybe you don;t like their work, SHADDUP hehe. Move on to the next post and leaave the contributor alone, don;t take their red cents because u dislike their way of doing something, and don;t belittle their work.
I haven;t been a member long, and am mostly a lurker here and there who tries to pick up some scraps around about my cabability level to enhance my play time etc., and I really appreciate all the info on here, whether I use it or not, I may some day, and if I don;t someone is using it.
I think as far as the SOE thing goes, if people started posting stuff like mad the way it used to be to wear bugs lasted a long time, a lot of the worries would be gone, as it's been proven time and time again, SOE can;t even keep up with current fixes, if all the sudden 30 regular exploits are spotted at once, and bein commonly used on every server by half the EQ population, they'll be too busy finding and trying to figure out how to fix them one at a time, while people are posting newer better stuff here again, byt the time they fix 10 of 30, there'll be 40 more goin at the rate they work.
And tiny last note for those who don;t like gettinbusted for MQ2 ( hehe none of us do, I have 5 accounts myself, none busted yet, but not far off I am sure), it's gonna happen eventually probably to everyone who uses warps/piggyzone.hail/gank/sumcorpse, any of these tyupes of plugins. But think about it, it is a CHEAT. How long would your friends play poker with you if you were a cheat? Would ya catch a penalty if they caught ya cheatin em out of $300? it's cheating rofl that's what we're here for is to cheat, and noone old enough to be on a computer is too naive to not understand what cheating is. That is one thing I am happy to see, is how few of people complain about getting banned, how most take it in good stride. Don;t know how well I'll do with my first ban if/when it comes hehe I'll prob be mad as hell, taje 2 weeks off, then be back at the grind, as it won;t be anyones fault but my own because I clicked that shield hehe.