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TheZ v5.XX (June 28th In testing) (2 Viewers)

Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

i have neer seen no weather work for me, I always click it anyway but that and daylight, I never notice working.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Not sure if anyone has noticed or said anything but you ahve extra files in you ZIP Z, when I unzip the get appended with (XX) where xx is a sequance number 1 to 14
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Can't give exact details, Cant verify it was me. But I loaded the exptracker dll, and about 45 seconds later the entire zone crashed out. was mid raid so hoping it cant be pinpointed, as most of the guild i was with hacks. but damn. that could get hot though unintentional :P
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

w102are said:
anyone else crashing anytime they try to camp to character select screen?

I always crash when switching to character select screen whenever I have been using superduperreallyghettospeed otherwise I tend to be ok.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

I crash whenever I try to change accounts without exiting completely out. I also crash frequently just camping to character select.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

I do as well...from what I can determine, it's just a bug with MQ2. When I get a chance, I'll update to the latest zip, and see if that makes a difference.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Did you guys know, to be remotely helpful you have to copy paste the list of loaded plugins you have from your Macroquest2.ini file ?

Maybe you could do that or just load and unload plugins one by 1 and see when you start crashing...Thez's compile is getting so huge now it could be 30+ different problems. Try helping yourself first
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

/circle on 100 isn't working for me unless I am doing something wrong only plugins I got loaded are the moveutils and moveplayer.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

I have been crashing on Char change since last patch no matter who's compile I use.... with or without plugins loaded..

I also have been having a hard time with circle... what I get is the first time I run cirlce on 70 it works great if I stop it will not start again unless I move to another location and start it... I have used several different moveutils but not consistant like it used to be (NO macros with circle any more for me) .... I can fire it randomly but have to do it myself. If I unload it and reload it it will work 1 time then not work ... the mq2chat screen has numbers which are to the -E position but toon does not move (OK sometimes spins in circles in one place) wish it were more help just additional info
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

TheZ, the new zip for MQ2 on their boards is pretty solid. I've not had a crash since I made my own compile a few days ago.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Is it just me or is the feedme plugin not working? i have it loaded and when i type /autofeed and /autodrink it does nothing
I think this is why my bristlebane challenge got eaten /cry /cry
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

In addition to character switch crash, the following are giving me probs as well...

1. MQ2Preventspeed - sometimes works, sometimes doesnt...sometimes when I go "/dspeed on" I can't click doors to open them. Odd.

2. CTD upon a summon from mob or warp. Tried isolating it, but no luck. Here is what I have loaded if anyone has any ideas.

And if it hasn't been said clearly enough...THANK YOU!!!
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

I know that any packets that involve change of speed (i.e. superduperreralyghettospeed,noaccel, ect) i have to turn off b4 character switch. Or LD hapens. I have it hotkeyed now to turn on and off.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Oh, I am running NoAccel as well as NoStun and Weightlock.

Will turn that off and see what happens.

Thanks S.O.S.!!!!
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Twen said:
Is it just me or is the feedme plugin not working? i have it loaded and when i type /autofeed and /autodrink it does nothing
I think this is why my bristlebane challenge got eaten /cry /cry

Hmm plugin eh? When you use the offset you just turn it on then eat eat eat or drink drink drink with out getting the message your gonna explode and cant eat anymore. Not sure how the pluin works I haevnt seen it
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Notes: (v5.10):
-Updated to 6/16 zip to attempt to fix some of the crashing bugs, etc
-Added MQ2Autotrade
-Updated MQ2Hail...should be working fine now
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

like i said nothing happens, no too full messages or even error messages. i tried unloading and reloading too
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Try again with the new zip. I just now uploaded it...computer froze in the middle of the upload last time!
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

NM, i am a n00b >.<
I ran out of my force feed/drink stuff. Man wish i could kick myself for eating the challenge.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

no stun still crashing me, is offset with this compile good? anyinfo be great
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

I've said from the beginning of the thread that I wasn't going to update the offsets for DoCrack, and that you are perfectly able to get those yourself =p

A working NoStun has been posted, afaik, but I don't use it, so I have not tested it.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

I'm still crashing when trying to exit character select, and I'm using a compiled version from the MQ boards, so it's not just your compile, thez.

It's probably DirectX and/or WinEQ.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Or some plugin you have loaded. Open your MacroQuest.ini and remove all the plugins from the list and start loading them one by one as you play.

I had some crash issues I think were related to MQ2Timer and I've not crashed since I stopped using it. MQ2SpellTimer gives me the same problems.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

is there an offset for nosummon yet for the docrack? i couldnt locate one
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

There was a no summon plugin that basically warped you back to your original spot. You would get hit once or twice, but it did prove to be useful for some encounters. It did help for root rotting certain mobs and gave time to heal and recast dots. I don't use it much anymore but I think it worked well enough and hoped it would be updated even if it was a gimped version.

Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

would give a red cent for someone that could post a docrack that all i have to do is download it and put it in my folder, thank you !
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

In the several hours you are waiting for someone to post this for you, you could perform the process yourself many hundreds of times.

It's a simple idea. Go into your MQ2 folder, open MQ2Docrack.ini in a text editor. Go to the offsets thread. Copy and paste any offsets that you want from the list (check the whole thread to get all posted) into the MQ2Docrack.ini. Save the file. Load MQ.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Hiyas, does any one know why the normal Hud isnt loading and showing on my screen, its the hud that shows basic info like char lvl, hp and distance etc i miss it and would like any info or advice plz.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

copy the old mq2hud.ini and paste it in your directory and then make sure the plugin is loaded by typing /plugin mq2hud. The default hud is empty so if your using one that you actually see then you need to bring it over into the new compile. This goes for just about all the INI files that you have. Unless you want to input all that information in again then you need to keep your old INI files for the new compiles. Best way to do is save your INI files and if something doesn't work bring the INI file over for it.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Lc I already did that right away after the last zip was released, still no sign of a working Hud. new class huds work when install but not the original, the new class huds are to busy and the info isnt relevent for a lower lvl player. but thanks, any other ideads plz.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Rich (BB code):
   GMIndicator=3,10,38,255,255,255,GM - ${NearestSpawn[GM]} 
      GameTime=3,10,50,255,255,255,GameTime: ${GameTime.Hour}:${GameTime.Minute} - ${If[${String[${GameTime.Night}].Equal["TRUE"]},Night,Day]} 
         Speed=3,10,62,0,240,0,Speed - ${Int[${Me.Speed}]} 
      LastTell=3,10,86,215,0,215,LastTell - ${If[${MacroQuest.LastTell.NotEqual["NULL"]},${MacroQuest.LastTell},]} 
 TributePoints=3,10,98,0,240,0,Tribute - ${Me.CurrentFavor} 
            XP=3,10,110,200,200,200,XP - ${Float[${Me.PctExp}]}% into ${Me.Level} 
          AAXP=3,10,122,240,240,0,A.A. XP - ${Float[${Me.PctAAExp}]}%         Points Available: ${Me.AAPoints}        Spent:${Me.AAPointsSpent}      Total: ${Math.Calc[${Me.AAPoints} + ${Me.AAPointsSpent}]} 
          HP=3,10,134,100,255,100,Current HPs: ${Me.CurrentHPs} of ${Me.MaxHPs}
         Mana=3,10,146,100,255,100,Current Mana: ${Me.CurrentMana} of ${Me.MaxMana}
    Macro=3,10,158,215,0,215,Macro Running: ${Macro.Name}
**Target Loc**=3,430,178,150,250,150,${If[${Target.ID},**Target Loc**  ${Target.Y}  ${Target.X}  ${Target.Z},]}  
**Me Loc**=3,430,190,150,250,150,**Me Loc** ${Me.Y}    ${Me.X}    ${Me.Z}
TargetLevel=3,10,170,255,255,255,${If[${Target.ID},${Target.Name} Lvl ${Target.Level} - ${Target.Class} - ${Target.Race} - ${Target.PctHPs}% Hp,]} 
LOS=3,10,182,50,255,0,${If[${Target.ID} && ${Target.LineOfSight},Target in LoS,]}
NOLOS=3,10,182,255,30,0,${If[${Target.ID} && !${Target.LineOfSight},Target NOT in LoS,]}
HP Regen=3,180,134,255,000,000,HP Regen: ${Me.HPRegen}
Mana Regen=3,180,146,255,000,000,Mana Regen: ${Me.ManaRegen}
Petdistance=3,150,62,255,255,255,${If[${Me.Pet.ID},Pet Distance: ${Me.Pet.Distance},]}       
TargetSpeed=3,150,74,255,234,8,${If[${Target.ID},RunSpeed is ${Target.Speed} MPH,]}
TargetDist=3,150,86,255,255,255,${If[${Target.ID},Target Distance: ${Target.Distance},]}
maxmelee=3,150,98,255,255,255,${If[${Target.ID},Melee Range: ${Target.MaxRange},]} 

CursorItemName=3,265,158,0,240,0,${If[${Cursor.ID},Cursor - ${Cursor},]} 

paste this in your mq2hud.ini
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Cool thanks for that one. tried it out works a dream. thanks for all your time. has any one got a docrack by chance for the unlimited drunk also, ive started learning to build my own mq2 but docracks are beyond my reach atm. and thanks Lc i really do appreciate every ones help. great web site and great people, slap yourselves on the back. :drink
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Try typing /mapfilter to see your settings and /mapfilter help to see how to change them.. Real easy if you would have taken a few minutes to read any txt files in the zip or did a quick visit to the macroquest website..
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

I also am wondering if anyone has had the nostun feature to work.

Trying to get my bard a few lvls via macro and can't seem to do it without the nostun feature.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

saw people complaining today in general chat on firona about 3 goblins hiding afk near marna. They also said that one of the toons auto accepted group invites. I'd suggest people either use gunthak or do a better job of hiding themselves in DL until the hotzones cool off.
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

It's not about programming in the slightest, Bitstormy. Just being a VIP member is great (there is every reason to support the MQ2 devs), but it helps to actually know what you have your hands on.

I don't recall if I include text files in the zip explaining this stuff, but the first thread has a link to the specific pages on the MQ2 Wiki that explains how to use MQ2Map (and a bunch of other plugins). When beardog was telling you to go to the MQ2 site, he was likely hoping you'd visit this page: http://www.macroquest2.com/wiki/index.php/MQ2Map, or more specifically, http://www.redguides.com/wiki/Command:/mapfilter
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

Oh, and btw:

Offsets, docracks, and active hacks are *very* actively discouraged at the MQ2 website. It was very shocking to me when I saw MQ2Autoshrink pop up there, and then stay there, because the members are usually very vocally opposed to such. But I digress.

The point is that if you want help for that sort of stuff, your best bet is the guides section in your very own Redguides.com. If that isn't enough, try joining the RG irc channel...if you don't want to download an IRC client, there is a post in the help section that tells you how to connect via MQ2.

*edit* A link to that thread: http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php?t=11216
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

minen said:
saw people complaining today in general chat on firona about 3 goblins hiding afk near marna. They also said that one of the toons auto accepted group invites. I'd suggest people either use gunthak or do a better job of hiding themselves in DL until the hotzones cool off.

sorry i posted this in teh wrong thread, meant for advtask
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

thez said:
Oh, and btw:

Offsets, docracks, and active hacks are *very* actively discouraged at the MQ2 website. It was very shocking to me when I saw MQ2Autoshrink pop up there, and then stay there, because the members are usually very vocally opposed to such. But I digress.

I thought Autosize was purely client side only, and therefore not considered an active hack?
Re: TheZ v5.XX (Works with 6/16/06 patch)

someone here can update newshared offset i know it is very risky to use but only if people petition you or you petition for a lost item ;
TheZ v5.XX (June 28th In testing)

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