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TheZ v6.XX (works with 6/28 patch) (2 Viewers)

yeah i do, i just zone to undershore then /zone illsalin, but i cant /gate out of there, nor can my wife or a friend of mine that has it as well, can you test it ?
TheZ brings it home again! Man, it's nice to know that when we get patched, TheZ is on the job. Can't tell you how much I appreciate your work. Seems like everytime I go to give you a redcent, I get the message that I need to spread them around some more before I can give you another. Rebel Yell for theZ!
No, Zulan, I meant that if you need to gate out, just zone to undershore first, then gate. But I will check on that.
I found on my good computer with a good video card i never crash with speed. But on my other comp (the one with only 1.5 gig ram) It likes to crash every once in awhile. COuld it be that the FPS or the info is too great for the comp therfore causing it to crash?
thats a good point, i could imagine that is has something to do with ur comp specs, in some zones with many mobs or many objects my comp crashes alot more than in empty/low graphics zones...so i think that it could be a reason for crashing...
Im crashing when using mqcobalt warp...everytime I try to cwarp t It crashes to server select.
yeah mq2nostun.dll crashed me, but /docrack newnostun on , didnt, but the difference is that you cant cast or attk when ur stunned with docrack.
I'm crashing when I try to /zone anywhere it seems...did it to me on every zone I've tried so far.I'm sure youll get it fixed keep up the good work bro your much appreciated.
Tracking no longer sorts when selecting from the sort by drop down list w/e, it always sorts by level starting at lvl 1 at the top.
Most docrack making me ctd. List and when some of plugins try to work ctd.Everything else seems to work great, thanks again TheZ.
Greggus, switch the doors to on, unload the plugin, then load it. That should reset the commands. Any time you have doors off and log out / zone, it ends up switching them.

As for the docracks, I can't explain it. I don't have any problems =/
For the tracking, for some reason, my tracking code has always done it. I can't explain it.

For the cobalt, I'll look into it...I really never use that plugin at all, I'd rather use Rwarp and Piggy. Is there a cobalt feature that causes you to use it over the other two? I could probably import it without much effort to the others.

For the zoning issues, do you have a mq2piggyzone.ini? Where are you zoning from, where are you bound, where are you zoning to, what command are you entering, and what plugins do you have loaded?
can you add the Sorciers Raidleader Plugin ?

And can someonetell me how to use the MQ2Trademods ?
I put all my Trophys (The new one from the Tasks in Freeport) in the ini but if i open a Tradeskillwindow it dont change the primary weapon into my tradeskill trophys.

thanks for help
Notes (v6.01):

--Since I received reports of MQ2Nostun both not working and working, I'm going to leave it up, but advise people that in the long run, the docrack is more stable.
--Updated MQ2Debuff to 6/30 s0rcier
--Updated MQ2Cursor to 6/30 s0cier
--Updated MQ2Netbots to 6/30 s0cier
--Updated MQ2NetHeal to 6/26 s0cier
--Added MQ2Missing, s0cier's raid aid plugin
salomo said:
can you add the Sorciers Raidleader Plugin ?

And can someonetell me how to use the MQ2Trademods ?
I put all my Trophys (The new one from the Tasks in Freeport) in the ini but if i open a Tradeskillwindow it dont change the primary weapon into my tradeskill trophys.

thanks for help

Try equipping it on your own? I dont see why a plugin is that essential..
Crashing to Desktop

Im experiencing crashing to desktop when using TheZ v(6) in regular gameplay - casting spells etc. (not when using any of the hacks).

When I switch to the vanilla MQ2 from Lavish, this does not happen.

What gives ?????


I am haveing crashing issues also with just MQ2 loaded and no hacks but I seem to crash a lot more when I have hacks on. The main hacks I run is Ghettospeed and Rwarp for gateing purposes. Any info to help stop this would be very helpful.
well, I'm running everything just fine. I have in one way or another tried about everything included in the compile w/o having a single CTD. Great work once again TheZ!
Well, I'll tell you for one that if you're using Rwarp to gate, something's not working right =p That plugin should only deal with warping, piggyzone gates.

But speed is what seems to crash people who have crashing issues.
Thanks for the compile Z, Question for ya... I have plugged in the mq2feedme and I am using the same INI as I always have and I keep eating my stat food, Could there be something wrong with it?

Thanks, Archy
Check your ini Archy, your character's settings could be reset to zero = eat stat food. Reset it to 3500. I had same thing happen.

I am still having tracking issues like before. Track window comes up, but it's a limited version, like druids have. Cannot sort in any way. Track list comes up ascending by level.

I had similar results when I tried my own compiled version using MQ2Tracking plugin source. I am wondering if there is an opcode or hack to make tracking behave as if you were a ranger, with full sorting/arranging capabilities. < Me wonders again what Ndawg did differently >

Still learning, still trying :confused:

Thx again Z btw for new version.
...mq2feedme and I am using the same INI as I always have and I keep eating my stat food, Could there be something wrong with it?

Convert to MQ2Cursor. IDK about feedme, but Cursor is a s0cier plugin, which means a) that it is god, and b) that it never breaks! It also has that autofeeding feature, but a more advanced one.
See I am not crashing while I am gateing with Rwarp, I will be running somewhere or fighting a mob and EQ will just shut down on me and either boot me to server select screen or straight to the desk top. Codecaster had rwarp set up to gate and I figured your compile did as well, but like I said the problem is not when I am gateing but just playing normally. Oh and I have to have my ghettospeed usually only plugin I use. =)
Playloc, unload MQ2nostun

Rich (BB code):
/plugin MQ2nostun unload

Ghetto Speed said:
Oh and I have to have my ghettospeed usually only plugin I use. =)
This is also what's causing the problem most likely.....
MQ2superduperreallyghettospeed is known for alot of crashing problems

That should fix it
Vendors and Tradeskiller may be broken...I've gotten reports of it. I'm going to look into it.
Devlin I did not use MQ2nostun so cant unload it =). I wanted to come back and add another post. I redid the zip for the 6.1 version of MQ2 and I have not crashed once in over 5 hours even with muh ghettospeed loaded woot. theZ not sure if you did anything diff. but I have had no probs so far. You are DA man =).
Re: Docrack.ini
I noticed there was no ini for Lavafisheyes. I copied and pasted the old ini with the date change, and when I tried to enter the docrack in game .... CTD. Anybody have a working Lavafisheyes? Thanks Thez ... you are doing one helluva job!
Rich (BB code):
Description="See Clearly Under Water And Lava"

Try that fishman7.
More than the date has to be changed for the docracks. The offsets (look for address0, address1, etc) have to be updated to match changes in the .exe.
Problem: when trying to hide I am getting spamed "cant try to hide while attacking" this happendes even when sitting down to make sure i am not attacking anything, any ideas?


Description="Hide/Evade While Attacking"
Normal0="0F 85 AB 01 00 00"
Crack0="E9 AC 01 00 00 90"

causeing to spam attack
Last edited:
Best guess, unload twist. But if that doesn't work unload everything but like map, labels, and itemdisplay, then just load them one by one til you figure out which causes it.


hi i was wondering if i could still use the speed change /speed commonad or is it different ?

TheZ v6.XX (works with 6/28 patch)

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