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Serious - Tip the MacroQuest Developer: brainiac (1 Viewer)

Order reference: BSQMV/1
Transaction reference: ch_3KTeArL2uRETJoyB0yzQy2Tk
Date and time of payment: 02/15/22, 07:27 PM

Really appreciate all that you do!
Order reference: 9X6KJ/1
Transaction reference: ch_3KTeDVL2uRETJoyB1lueE9El
Date and time of payment: 02/15/22, 07:30 PM

For all you do, this tip's for you.
Your payment has been successfully processed.
Order reference: G8AEH/1
Transaction reference: ch_3KUI4ZL2uRETJoyB0aa33ZVs
Date and time of payment: 02/17/22, 02:03 PM

Amazing work, I expected 64 bit to be a lot more painful.
As always appreciate everything you do for the community.

Order reference: TJ68R/1
Transaction reference: ch_3KbT0QL2uRETJoyB0Briu7AK
Date and time of payment: 03/09/22, 09:09 AM
Ty for your hard work,

Order reference: B92TC/1
Transaction reference: ch_3KbZCmL2uRETJoyB1fSrrKJQ
Date and time of payment: 03/09/22, 03:46 PM
Order reference: NEXYE/1
Transaction reference: ch_3KbZSUL2uRETJoyB1z0rYT8n
Date and time of payment: 03/09/22, 04:02 PM

Thanks again sir!
Your payment has been successfully processed.
Order reference: N1SC9/1
Transaction reference: ch_3Kba17L2uRETJoyB1PXQ8jjj
Date and time of payment: 03/09/22, 04:38 PM

woot woot thnx sir
Fresh out of Galleons and Sickles, but had some muggle money laying around.


Order reference: JRHCC/1
Transaction reference: ch_3L0CajL2uRETJoyB12kkHUB7
Date and time of payment: 05/16/22, 03:40 PM
Thanks @brainiac for keeping MQ up to date and this community enjoy it's boxing! :)

Order reference: DGQ3V/1
Transaction reference: ch_3L0lmfL2uRETJoyB1rytIYR1
Date and time of payment: 05/18/22, 05:15 AM
As always thank you for your contributions and time. It's really a blessing to have someone like you helping the community, as well as all others that participate.

Order reference: RUMWF/1
Transaction reference: ch_3L0mpZL2uRETJoyB111hFFn9
Date and time of payment: 05/18/22, 06:22 AM
Your payment has been successfully processed.
Order reference: 7BQ2W/1
Transaction reference: ch_3L0nMLL2uRETJoyB0THQMnpy
Date and time of payment: 05/18/22, 06:56 AM

Thx for all the hard work!
Reposting the post here i did in EMU section.
That would be awesome to have MQ properly working for EMU.
Thanks for the effort
Order reference: ZH9VM/1
Transaction reference: ch_3L0NwdL2uRETJoyB1aBOTAXz
Date and time of payment: 05/17/22, 03:48 AM
Order reference: 3JVLY/1
Transaction reference: ch_3L0p1DL2uRETJoyB1OIFDd7s
Date and time of payment: 05/18/22, 08:42 AM

not much but its the best i can do and i hope this helps. thanks for the hard work!
Always appreciative of the effort this team provides.

Transaction reference: ch_3L0pShL2uRETJoyB1h8inFRK
Date and time of payment: 05/18/22, 09:11 AM
Even today, and as long as it lasts, I appreciate the efforts you all contribute to making our gaming experience more enjoyable!

Order reference: FMT5W/1
Transaction reference: ch_3LNedEL2uRETJoyB1Ag6BExZ
Date and time of payment: 07/20/22, 08:16 AM
Serious - Tip the MacroQuest Developer: brainiac

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