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Question - Tradeskills Dummy Question (1 Viewer)

If you mean "skill numbers," then it's both.

After 300, it's about the number of recipes, as far as I understand.
1-300 is based on chance of skill up doing a combine that is not trivial. 301-350 (201-250 fishing) are entirely based on the number of recipes you know and having the relevant aa to raise the cap for that skill. The number of recipes required per point varies per skill. It’s been awhile and my old post where I had it all mapped is now erased in a data loss with former guild

Off memory and these may be slightly off:
54/pt research
17/pt fletching
27/pt smithing
26/pt jewlery
6/pt brewing
18/pt baking

Also, not all recipes count for skill ups there’s a lot that don’t (all cultural for example). Additionally, Smith/tailoring/reseach/pottery have books that can get you to 313
Does it cap at 350? I'm sorry, I'm so confused by TS now as a returning player. All info I see only talks about 1-350 but then I see recipes "trivial at 451" also, I started JC but then started to read that the only way to get to 350 is to learn every recipe in the game that is like over 1k recipes and I noped the hell out at like 280 JC.

All the info I could find was either really dated or very confusing.
Does it cap at 350? I'm sorry, I'm so confused by TS now as a returning player. All info I see only talks about 1-350 but then I see recipes "trivial at 451" also, I started JC but then started to read that the only way to get to 350 is to learn every recipe in the game that is like over 1k recipes and I noped the hell out at like 280 JC.

All the info I could find was either really dated or very confusing.
Tradeskils cap at 350.

1-300 are earned the traditional way by practicing recipes higher than your skill level until you hit 300. 301-350 are obtained by LEARNING recipes which means either scribing the recipe or succeeding on one combine. 300+ trophies is enough skill to make anything you want. 350 in all is required for Artisan's Prize.
These might help, but don't forget you have to have all the AA also

While this is older, its a very good and easy to understand format. Look to the right side of the screen where it lists the skills

This one is a little more crowded with info which makes it cluttered but still good.

Finally this is a nice resource to see what you need once you set it up

Tradeskils cap at 350.

1-300 are earned the traditional way by practicing recipes higher than your skill level until you hit 300. 301-350 are obtained by LEARNING recipes which means either scribing the recipe or succeeding on one combine. 300+ trophies is enough skill to make anything you want. 350 in all is required for Artisan's Prize.
This is incorrect. Artisan's Prize itself does not require 350 in all skills to get. To max Artisan's prize it requires 420 points above 300 (200 for fishing) across all skills your toon needs. For a non-gnome, non-shaman, non rogue what this means is you need to max your artisan's prize there are about 30 points you can be short of fully maxed and still have a maxed artisans prize. For gnome rogues there are 130 points you can skip, for non-gnome rogues, non-rogue gnomes and shamans, there are 80 points you can skip and still have a maxed artisans prize
1-300 is based on chance of skill up doing a combine that is not trivial. 301-350 (201-250 fishing) are entirely based on the number of recipes you know and having the relevant aa to raise the cap for that skill. The number of recipes required per point varies per skill. It’s been awhile and my old post where I had it all mapped is now erased in a data loss with former guild

Off memory and these may be slightly off:
54/pt research
17/pt fletching
27/pt smithing
26/pt jewlery
6/pt brewing
18/pt baking

Also, not all recipes count for skill ups there’s a lot that don’t (all cultural for example). Additionally, Smith/tailoring/reseach/pottery have books that can get you to 313
You are the man but I still need my mana regen items they are like Linus and his blanket. I don't run out of mana so I'm superstitious
This is incorrect. Artisan's Prize itself does not require 350 in all skills to get. To max Artisan's prize it requires 420 points above 300 (200 for fishing) across all skills your toon needs. For a non-gnome, non-shaman, non rogue what this means is you need to max your artisan's prize there are about 30 points you can be short of fully maxed and still have a maxed artisans prize. For gnome rogues there are 130 points you can skip, for non-gnome rogues, non-rogue gnomes and shamans, there are 80 points you can skip and still have a maxed artisans prize

Thanks for the correction - I should have just left the AP part off cause I haven't actually done that. I was mainly focusing on the differentiation between 1-300 and 301+.
Never heard of this one, as it being an outside of RG install, I am naturally weary of it. The site doesn't really have much info I can see other than install.
The creator created a video on usage:

It's regularly maintained and here is their discord for the app:
350 IN ALL IS NOT REQUIRED in all for Artisan Prize, Looking at mine, 5 are at 350, but the others are close. 17pts shy to tailor, 8 short on Research, 2 short in Smithing, theres a formula I forget but it mostly, not all...
350 IN ALL IS NOT REQUIRED in all for Artisan Prize, Looking at mine, 5 are at 350, but the others are close. 17pts shy to tailor, 8 short on Research, 2 short in Smithing, theres a formula I forget but it mostly, not all...

yeah, i think someone told me it was based off how many recipes you truly "know" vs 350 in each skill.

its possible that someone was trolling, but i was also told that the next expansion may have a 350 in all check for a tradeskill based item. i can neither confirm or deny it.
Question - Tradeskills Dummy Question

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