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Transfer No-Drop items (1 Viewer)

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this seems to be nerfed now. I right clicked the potion then left clicked the item into slot 8 and immediatley went to server select 2 times now.
a friend said that once you turn the No Drop into a potion you have to click it 3 times real fast and you can still trasnfer it havn't tried it yet.

Edit: Tried it a few times didn't seem to work still got kicked to server select so don't bother with that one
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this has actually been nerfed as of the 1-30 patch. i'm currently trying to find the offsets (which cronic has already) to transfer nodrop items.
There are ways to do it. I know how cronic does it, i'm just trying to figure out how to write the plugin for it now. Basically what it does is it either removes the nodrop flag that your client sees or it changes the nodrop to attuneable, but either way it gives the same results.

here's how you do the wear anything/everything no matter class, race, diety, etc.
If anybody's any good at writing plugins, go for it. This is basically what you will be doing. You will need to make the plugin overwrite the memory so that when you put an item into a slot instead of saying its for an iksar monk with a certain deity only you'll be changing the memory to say that its for any diety, any race and any class/slot and poof, you can put anything in any slot. i'm just not good at C or C++ anymore since i haven't tried it for about 5 years now. I used to program for old muds.

Woot! 69 posts *ducks*
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All this Macro stuff is greek to me :eek: LF alot OF help getting this setp up on my comp and running atm, if any of you computor Ubbers have some time a step by step for dumbies (points to self ) would be great.

eqlover said:
There is an MQ2DoCrack offset for this. Just need to find the new one.
i've been looking for the mq2docrack offset for this one, is it just one offset or are there multiples like the map offsets?
ok, found how to put it in the trade window, now i just need to find out how to not get booted to server select *points to the questions board for help*
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sduchac said:
All this Macro stuff is greek to me :eek: LF alot OF help getting this setp up on my comp and running atm, if any of you computor Ubbers have some time a step by step for dumbies (points to self ) would be great.


Good, then i can read it *Greek here* >_< lol
lol yea this stuff is not easy imho. Mostly when you are clueless into Programming :)
ok, i found the offset to trade nodrop items, problem is, the moment its in the trade window, the server kicks you.

I used this crack the other day and it was fabulous. The first time I threw my no drop item into a backpack in my shared bank slot and I crashed. The second time I put the same item into the bank slot by itself and transferred it just fine. Not sure if you;ve already figured this out but to those fo you who haven't here you go.
Looking back at my post I don't think I was specific enough, so here's my revision:

I am speaking of the crack [sharedbanknodrop] for MQ2DoCrack. I used it successfully by placing a no drop item in a shared bank slot by itself, not in a backpack after turning the crack on.

For information on docrack, please see the DoCrack Megathread.

To my knowledge the exploit with Crimson Potions is nerfed as of the February 15 patch (I never tried it so I didn't pay much attention to it). For those of you who are interested in transferring no drop gear, run the crack ("/docrack sharedbanknodrop on") and place your no drop gear in a bank slot by itself and log. Log in your alt and equip the no drop item in the shared bank slot.
got an old nodrop crack? one that you can transfer from player to player? been looking for one, just need to look at the structs around the offset so it'll be easy to find the current one lol.
I am getting there, i have mq2 up and running now. I would like to know where i get this [sharednodrop] from and how to put it into my macroquest??
thx for any help.
I personally bought cronic's no-drop transfer method and I love it to death.. I can explain how it works down to the detail, but I cannot script you anything up cause I am the suck at C++!!

If it helps ill post what happens if you don't already know.. or heck give you a link to the .dll, won't help any I know, but whatevah~
a link to the dll would be nice, and the details of what it did, i MIGHT be able to recreate an idea of it (doubt it, but i'll try)

my only problem is i don't know all that much of c++ so it might actually just be a C plugin... unfortunately i don't know much of the detour code that mq2 uses :(
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Transfer No-Drop items
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