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Question - What problem do people need solved with a Lua? (3 Viewers)

Dec 27, 2022
So I’m really enjoying writing Lua programs to solve the problems that I’ve personally been running into, such as not knowing when a Druid/wizard port is available that can help me get to where I’m going faster.

I’m really curious about what problems others have been running into that I may be able to throw some stuff together for. I’m hoping to get a list together of projects to work on after I get my PotionMaker program to a more complete state without just starting down the rabbit hole of making trade skill helpers.

So please let me know if there’s something that you’ve been hoping to run across a solution to.

Consolidated list:

  • Kookies - Slayer achievement tracker
  • Num1pkfutura: TS mat farmer
  • Deadcities - TBM Aug Swapper
  • Secret_wombat - UPF and MH cycle | CWTN deconflicter
  • Szazor - FindItemSet
  • Joakhan - Give alt currency to leader
  • Rare Spawn - Missing Collection Tool
  • Eqsubi15 - Raid management GUI
  • Scoops420 - Alt currency interactions
  • Sic - Looting system
  • ArcaneProphet - Toggle looting epic drops
  • Hackzimus: Stats condense and upgrade suggest | Analyze and suggest augs | boxr/button master combo | TS mat farm lookup | GINA timer tool | AA analyzer and suggest | Group Rally | Buff stacking conflict notifier | Tanking DPS meter | Enemy debuff tracker | Consolidate and track group items
  • Rusang: Aug Remover
  • Szazor: Started a Raid Assister and would like someone to collaborate with
  • Lanceval: Group and Raid manager
  • Littch: Search for augs to remove from old gear and slot into new
  • Setsuni: Raid Window group saver tool | Jann’s Veil leveler
  • Kilroy03: MercRez
  • Dufus: Auto missions from older expansions
  • Myysterio: Condition setter and KissAssist starter
  • K9Carter: Track group task progress
  • Whatsaname: PoisonMaker | TinkerTool
  • Neumono: Stuck character notification
  • Turaj Steelfist: Items return to original slot after bandoleer
  • Afortner87: Give all money to a toon
  • Apop: Mob DPS balance window | Priority kill window
  • Gaelicboy: AugCheck
  • Almafa: More automated quests and missions (anything specific?)
  • Robban: Check and set /autoskill | SoD Aug item seller to Tavid Dennant
  • Naturesong: Raid management GUI
  • Diamondmine: Raid translocator
  • Doc James: Any member corpse run
  • Granditos: TS/Raid trophy swap
  • Notgametime: LDoN grind
  • That1guy: Swap augs from old gear
  • Jayah: TS items back to original locations
  • Robban: Persona swapper
  • Councilman: Back off if constant out of range
  • Dewey2461: Chat filters | Hide players, pets, and names if they reappear
  • RobRenfro: Collection sorter
  • Eqsubi15: Aug manager UI
  • Afortner87: Ping window
  • Damon: TasteTest
Last edited:
Also, there is a Lua specifically for switching between toons called switcher
I have used that and its not effective for my needs. I prefer an augment of the default group window so that if I double click a name in that specific group, it switches to them on the fly. Often I have a raid going and boxhud is no longer efficient for my eyeballs and specific needs. Boxhud is still a part of my daily UI driver.

On top of that, there are now MQ options that are baked in to the default group window with right click (that are awesome). Such as.. switch to this toon. Now, if only I could double click that name instead of right click, and drag mouse down to "switch to this toon" -
I also would love a Lua like Scriber that checks for Augs in your bank,bags,gear etc
Just turn it on in guild hall or somewhere and it buys the distillers etc and swaps out Augs from old gear bags bank etc to give you the best Augs for your class and puts them in your gear for you.
I know this is an ambitious build at best but wouldn’t be amazing to just turn something on it just check everything and put the best Augs you have in for you?
Forgot to remove a good Aug out some old gear sitting in your bank collecting dust? Oh the Lua found it and took it out and put it in for you…..
Aggregating this so that it isn’t lost in the shuffle:

  • Kookies - Slayer achievement tracker
  • Deadcities - Augment swapper
  • Secret_wombat - UPF and MH cycle | CWTN deconflicter
  • Szazor - Item find setter
  • Joakhan - Give alt currency to leader
  • Rare Spawn - Missing Collection Tool
  • Eqsubi15 - Raid management GUI
  • Scoops420 - Aug swapper | Alt currency interactions
  • Sic - Looting system
  • ArcaneProphet - Toggle looting epic drops
  • Jande - Aug swapper
Mine was skipped!
+1 to the aug swapper idea
+1 to the Raid Window group saver tool - as a raid leader, the ability to save raid groups by class makeup, hit a button and have it auto organize the raid.

My own idea - Janns veil leveling. Start a persona at level 1 with Janns Veil - auto run to areas, kill to level x, move to next area, kill to level x. etc Hopefully you can hit level 85, who knows.
A Lua that will do quest turn ins when you have all the pieces for all your toons.

Give 3 item "A's" to quest giver "Name"

Would be really kewl if you had the items on your cursor on one toon and turned them in and your other toons would mimic that.
it's not a Lua, but the way I do it is with a button on my driving toon.. I just get everyone their X # of items, roll up to quest giver, pause everyone, and hit button.
/dgga /multiline ; /itemnotify #${Cursor.ID} leftmouseup; /timed 5 /target ${Target.Name}; /timed 10 /usetarget; /timed 15 /usetarget; /timed 20 /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup; /timed 25 /autoinventory
Here's a functioning group optimizer.

DISCLAIMER: It may or may not fuck up skill optimization that's otherwise more efficient. Use at your own discretion. And pleeeaaaase don't bother Sic/CWTN, this isn't their creation.

Credits to MrInfernal <3
i would like a script that opens the find item window and sets the filter parameters to the required:
View attachment 55719

I find I am only ever looking at 3 or 4 things.

This gets tedious having to set these all the time - especially in LS where Augs are dropping like candy.

Yes! I was just thinking how annoying this is the other day!
A Lua that will do quest turn ins when you have all the pieces for all your toons.

Give 3 item "A's" to quest giver "Name"

Would be really kewl if you had the items on your cursor on one toon and turned them in and your other toons would mimic that.
There is a thread I found on how to do this as a hotkey. It works great for trying to finish turn-ons on 6 toons at a time.
/squelch /dgga /target id ${Target.ID}
/timed 10 /squelch /dgga /nomodkey /shiftkey /itemnotify "${Cursor}" leftmouseup
/timed 20 /noparse /dgae group /dgt group \aw Handing \ay${Cursor} \awto \ay${Target.CleanName}
/timed 20 /squelch /dgga /usetarget
/timed 30 /squelch /dgga /notify givewnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
Wanted to reinvigorate this thread. I can see that there is a lot of interest in an Aug upgrader and I’ve been thinking of seeing if I can do something for TBM gear. Some good info using Almar’s Guides and I think it might be do-able.

I’ll go through and consolidate the suggestions tomorrow. In the mean time, please don’t hesitate to “check out” a project and let’s see what we can come up with!
I also would love a Lua like Scriber that checks for Augs in your bank,bags,gear etc
Just turn it on in guild hall or somewhere and it buys the distillers etc and swaps out Augs from old gear bags bank etc to give you the best Augs for your class and puts them in your gear for you.
I know this is an ambitious build at best but wouldn’t be amazing to just turn something on it just check everything and put the best Augs you have in for you?
Forgot to remove a good Aug out some old gear sitting in your bank collecting dust? Oh the Lua found it and took it out and put it in for you….

I would love something that just told me what empty aug slots an aug could fit in!
I would LOVE an augmentation handler. Having 6 toons, it's a pain to manage augments. I would love to be able to just remove augs with 1 distiller, but it's too much.

So a Lua that recognizes I want to remove an aug, buys the appropriate distiller from whatever merchant I'm in the zone with, then removes it.
Just buy the highest level distiller and it will work on every aug that doesn't require a perfected distiller.
Just buy the highest level distiller and it will work on every aug that doesn't require a perfected distiller.
Do you get a commission from the distiller manufacturer? Your response was literally to use the inappropriate distiller, to a request to use the appropriate distiller. Which is technically an inappropriate response :)
More automated Missions from older expansions. For the Savior achievements and the associated Hero's Vitality AAs etc.
Ohh, a Lua that builds macros for those who have no idea how to program other than use someone else's code and prayers!

Input task steps, locs and kill list, and it builds everything out.

Maybe it already exists! My suggestions tend to exist but I miss them haha
Ohh, a Lua that builds macros for those who have no idea how to program other than use someone else's code and prayers!

Input task steps, locs and kill list, and it builds everything out.

Maybe it already exists! My suggestions tend to exist but I miss them haha
Yes! And we can call it Greenguides, and Very Chocolate. Who peed in your cheerios?
Consolidated list:

  • Kookies - Slayer achievement tracker
  • Num1pkfutura: TS mat farmer
  • Deadcities - Augment swapper
  • Secret_wombat - UPF and MH cycle | CWTN deconflicter
  • Szazor - Item find setter
  • Joakhan - Give alt currency to leader
  • Rare Spawn - Missing Collection Tool
  • Eqsubi15 - Raid management GUI
  • Scoops420 - Aug swapper | Alt currency interactions
  • Sic - Looting system
  • ArcaneProphet - Toggle looting epic drops
  • Jande - Aug swapper
  • Hackzimus: Stats condense and upgrade suggest | Analyze and suggest augs | boxr/button master combo | TS mat farm lookup | GINA timer tool | AA analyzer and suggest | Group Rally | Buff stacking conflict notifier | Tanking DPS meter | Enemy debuff tracker | Consolidate and track group items
  • Rusang: Aug swapper
  • Szazor: Started a Raid Assister and would like to collaborate
  • Lanceval: Group and Raid manager
  • Littch: Search for augs to remove from old gear and slot into new
  • Setsuni: Aug swapper | Raid Window group saver tool | Jann’s Veil leveler
  • Jetanroth: Augswapper
  • Gaelicboy: Find gear slots for an aug
  • Kilroy03: Disband a group member for a merc and then swap back
  • Dufus: Auto missions from older expansions
  • Myysterio: Condition setter and KissAssist starter
  • K9Carter: Track group task progress

Augswapper: 6

These are all amazing and I really appreciate everyone for taking the time to suggest them. This should give me an amazing amount of projects to work on and would love to see others either claim a project or suggest one to collaborate on. Until then, thank you again and I hope that we can start making these a reality.
I think something like this is around to some extent but send a text or email when a character has not moved from a spot in X amount of time (like stuck for 10 min). Would be useful in you have multiple groups doing different things and 1 character get hung up, dies, crashes ect.
Do you get a commission from the distiller manufacturer? Your response was literally to use the inappropriate distiller, to a request to use the appropriate distiller. Which is technically an inappropriate response :)
No my point was why write a Lua for something that is already covered under not needing the exact distiller for the augs so you don't have to carry around 20 different types. By all means create said code for it. I'll continue to simplify the process by buying the highest level distiller so I can easily swap my augs.
I hope I am not too late to add to your list and heck I am not sure it is even possible or even something that requires a .Lua (non coder here so it is all greek to me), but I would love something that will put items back in the same bag slot they were taken from when using bandoleer.
So I’m really enjoying writing Lua programs to solve the problems that I’ve personally been running into, such as not knowing when a Druid/wizard port is available that can help me get to where I’m going faster.

I’m really curious about what problems others have been running into that I may be able to throw some stuff together for. I’m hoping to get a list together of projects to work on after I get my PotionMaker program to a more complete state without just starting down the rabbit hole of making trade skill helpers.

So please let me know if there’s something that you’ve been hoping to run across a solution to. Until then, I hope everyone has had a great start to their 2024!
I would like to see a simple Lua script that would consolidate and give all the money from each toon to your mule bot
something that condenses stats into 1 window and shows what upgrades you'd need to hit the next threshold of mod2 increases on Hstats. Bonus points if it can tell you the best logical upgrades within your era.

Something that analyzes your augments and tells you the best slots to put them in so they all fit with a bias towards certain stats like hp/ac/hdex which you choose

an amalgamation of boxr/button master which you can have a column or row of hotkeys that broadcast to the character designated for that row. In the same spirt of this, something where you can make complex hotkeys, but then map them all to 1 push so you can designated layers of burns manually. Ex: hit 1 key and my sk will pop visage/epic/mantle, then bst will hit almost everything, rogue hits primary burn etc.

to assist with TS mat farming, tool that can tell you where some items drop. ex: certain tiers of silks and pelts... what do I need to kill for them? Kinda like magelo without needing to load it

--TCN pretty much does a large majority of that with the farm table.. after generating a list..

an integrated GINA like tool that sets timers for running discs and a customizable pop up window you can use to tell yourself when certain buffs are on and a reminder of what to click to get the best boosts: when shaman epic goes on, hit bard epic and short term burns if its not a boss.

a script that looks at your aas and helps decide an aa path for you to follow so you dont skip over something. You set it to filter passive and activated abilties that deal with mitigation, dps increase, threat generation, resource maintenaince, etc.

A group set up tool for when toons arent together. Hit it and they will auto invis/gate/port to closest hub or zoneline which they can be together and will proceed to invis to a designated camp spot and pop campfire/run desired automation settings

a Lua that scans buffs for spa and stacking issues and lets you know when something is being cancelled out or possibly overwritten by something else.

a tanking tool that shows avg hit, min max hits, mobs dps on you in real time to gauge when to pop discs and cooldowns if a fight starts to ramp up etc. perhaps it has saved data sets for mob and what dps they currently do to you, and you make a threshold of estimated dps you want to incur before it tells you to pop discs and as you gain threat on multiple creatures etc it will warn you when your comfort threshold is being breached and may see spikes (good for adds entering camps)

Something that can see what debuffs are landing on mobs, let you know how far from debuff cap they are at and if its got tash/malo or any other desired debuffs youd want to be aware of (tyvls and dirge etc) before you start ytour burn phase... could be a good way to track coalitions.

A script to run between multiple characters that will condense inventory that is shared between them on one ccharacter and perhaps save a database of who has what? bob1 and bob 2 have excellent silks, bob2 gives them to bob1 and now a file is editted to show bob1 has the excellent silks.

I know gina has some of these capabilities, ive just started playing with it and there may be macros or luas already doing this type for stuff that i not aware of. If some of these exist I will redcent ya if you let me know :)
anything that can clear my bank of questitems and old armor/gear/augs and somehow reading my mind if I would ever need it again. :D 👍
I was just thinking about this. I was going to start by writing a parser for the outputfile to at least look things up and advise on whether something is worth keeping or not. then dump it into a csv or spreadsheet. That was going to be my first step :)

Another thought I had while spending an hour clearing out old no-trade weapons off a character and tributing them, was to build something that would give you a list of possibilities, let you select all then de-select the items you want to keep, and just tribute the rest. Little time saving utilities like that would be so beneficial to my enjoyment.

I just have to take time from playing to actually write some of these.

--TCN pretty much does a large majority of that with the farm table.. after generating a list..
I love this feature of TCN, I use it all the time. There is also an Excel way to auto-merge the CSV's for each of the tradeskills into one combined list, so I use that whenever I go into a zone to farm materials.

I hope I am not too late to add to your list and heck I am not sure it is even possible or even something that requires a .Lua (non coder here so it is all greek to me), but I would love something that will put items back in the same bag slot they were taken from when using bandoleer.
Hmmm, for that to work, it would have to be running and replace the bandolier functionality, storing the location when it switches, then swap them back. Maybe it would be as easy as when it does the original swap, it puts what it pulls out into that original slot, so then when it switches back, it just swaps back and forth. That really only works for a temporary swap-out to use something else, like a bow. When it is going to be swapped to for a while, it might get messy. I wonder if it might be better to designate a particular bag that all of the swapped items go into by default, rather than worrying about the particular slot.
As requested by @Kilroy03, here is MercRez. This automates disbanding a group member, unsuspending a merc to rez/buff, then suspends the merc and reinvites the original group member. I'm currently working on another project, but inspiration struck and I felt that I could get that one out pretty quickly. Let me know what you guys think or if there are any issues.
Something to navigate a zone using waypoints you made beforehand instead of taking the straight path and running in see invis mobs camps. Like go to WP1 then once you reach it go to WP2 etc. Instead of doing each waypoint individualy you queue them. If theres a way to do that in Mq2Nav then I dont know whow to do it so an interface to do it would be nice.
Something to navigate a zone using waypoints you made beforehand instead of taking the straight path and running in see invis mobs camps. Like go to WP1 then once you reach it go to WP2 etc. Instead of doing each waypoint individualy you queue them. If theres a way to do that in Mq2Nav then I dont know whow to do it so an interface to do it would be nice.
When I was preparing to make my NavHelper, I found Magellan and saw that it has functionality for waypoints. I haven’t used the waypoints myself, but that sounds like what you’re looking for.
After a few days of theory crafting, I have an alpha version of a TBM aug swapper. This was pretty highly requested and I'm seeking testers to help me out. I don't have any characters high enough unlock the merchants, so I can't test this directly. This is a Work in Progress and I hope that it doesn't cause anyone to waste their remnants unnecessarily. Please discuss any bugs on that resource page. Thank you in advance!

Screenshot 2024-01-24 155402.png
Question - What problem do people need solved with a Lua?

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