- /luachase pause on|1|true -- pause chasing
- /luachase pause off|0|false -- resume chasing
- /luachase role ma|mt|leader|raid1|raid2|raid3 -- chase the PC matching the specified role
- /luachase role -- prints the current role PC to chase
- /luachase target -- sets the chase to your current target, if it is a valid PC target
- /luachase name somedude -- sets the chase target to somedude
- /luachase name -- prints the current chase target
- /luachase distance 30 -- sets the chase distance to 30
- /luachase distance -- prints the current chase distance
- /luachase show -- displays the UI window
- /luachase hide -- hides the UI window
- /luachase [help] -- displays the help output