TL;DR: Kickass!
It gets the Caverns of Endless Bullshit seal of approval. Granted, the mesh file for the zone is a nightmare already (I blame the map designer not MQ2Nav & Co.) it consistently seemed to outperform Come to Me, Follow Me, CTWN navigation, and outside of COES outperformed KA and RGMercs chase options, moving around logs in Scorched woods where otherwise toons were getting stuck. Only problems are PEBKAC with KA settings for Ranger backpedalling to shoot headshot pew pews ... fighting settings for LUAChase (a name I prefer since searching for CHASE is going to bring up every iteration of /chase in search results). I'll work those out and I don't blame the script for them. That and forgetting to pause LUAChase and getting jolted back to the chase target (again, PEBKAC). :)
Other testing: it seems to handle problems with the mesh better than other nav options, especially at points where you might flip flop flip flop flip flop like a bot on a river facing north then south then north (Thulisaur Isle in a few places, Neriak in that river as you try to head to commonlands, etc). However it's not a pancaea - I still find myself having to hit Follow Me to get my group on a boat from a pier, or to cross some doorways. It is what it is - again no blame on LUAChase for that situation.