Macro Features:
1) In game slash "/" commands to manipulate specific variables without needing to restart the macro each time.
*Slash commands have to be entered on each cleric individually - they do not save/overwrite the defaults*
- /chdelay - modify the current ch rotation delay (default is 6s)
*Example: To change to a 5 second delay, you would type /chdelay 5
- /chstophp - modify the current HP % to interrupt CH at (default is 95)
*Example: To change to a 90 HP threshold, you would type /chstophp 90
- /chinterrupt - modify the current setting to interrupt or not (0 = off / 1 = on) (default is 1)
*Example: To change the interrupt to off, you would type /chinterrupt 0
- /chtanklist - modify the current tank list. This will add or remove a tank to the list
*Example: To modify the tank list, you would type /chtanklist NewTankName
**Note: The code will automatically search for NewTankName in the current list, if found it will remove them. If NewTankName is not in the current list, then it will add them.
- /chclrlist - modify the current cleric list. This will add or remove a cleric to the list
*Example: To modify the cleric list, you would type /chclrlist NewClericName
**Note: The code will automatically search for NewClericName in the current list, if found it will remove them. If NewClericName is not in the current list, then it will add them.
- /chtankswap - Set a specific player name as the tank (player does not have to be on the tank list)
*Example: To force a tank, you would type /chtankswap NewTankName
**Note: The NewTankName is not added to the Tank List. This is handy for situations where all normal tanks have died and a new player picks up the mob
***Note2: You can also issue a chat command in a channel (/rs) and force a tank swap. The trigger command is "TANKSWAP: NewTankName"
****Example: /rs TANKSWAP: Buster
- /chinfo - Displays all current variables for the macro