How to use:
1. Open the macro and edit the following lines (easier if you preset it). Both lines are at the top of the macro (line 37 and line 40)
/declare Cleric_List string outer ClericName1 ClericName2 ClericName3 ClericName4
- Add the names of the clerics you want to have in the chain separated by a space.
- Example: /declare Cleric_List string outer Sally Sue Susan
/declare Tank_List string outer TankName1 TankName2 Tankname3
- Add the names of the tanks you want to have in your tank line up separated by a space.
- Example : /declare Tank_List string outer Bob Buster Bucko
2. Start the macro on ALL clerics that you defined in step 1 by typing "/mac chrot" on each individual cleric.
3. Start the rotation by saying ">> ClericName GO NOW!" in raid chat.
- Example: /rs >> Sally GO NOW!