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Combat Assist MQ2Bard 2781

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Q: When does this go full-release?
A: November 1, 2024

Q: How do I load the bard window?
A: /bard show

Q: Does this work for all levels?
A: Yes!

Q: What level are these designed for?
A: They are designed to work from lvl 1 to current game.

Q: Do I need a license?
A: There will be a "everyone can try without a license" period during "pre-release" after which it will become a paid-for annual license like the other cwtn class plugins.

Q: If I have multiple toons of the same class, do I need multiple licenses?
A: Nope, just 1 licenses per class you are using. You can use them on multiple computers / installs that are your computers, on your pcs, that you are using.

Q: I don't know what a slash command is - What is a slash command?
A: A slash command is something like "/who". You type "/" followed by other stuff.
EQ has made you use slash commands forever.
The interaction with MQ and MQ utilities all utilize slash commands as well.
A slash command for MQ2Bard might be "/brd help" or "/brd campradius 40".

Q: Why am I not pulling XYZ mob?
A: Not pulling a mob is almost always an issue either with your Navmesh or your pull settings. If you do a "/brd debugpull on once" it will cycle 1 time and spit out in your MQ window all the mobs and why you are not pulling them. Compare the output with the mobs you think you should be pulling and it will tell you why. This will notify you if you have no nav path, or out of zradius, or radius, or on ignore, etc.

Q: What "Modes" does this have?
A: Has access to all of the CWTN plugin "Modes". See the commands tab for details.

Q: Trying to go mode 1 but says I need a mesh?
A: The plugins require MQ2Nav for movement. You will need to run the mesh updater in your redguide's Launcher. You can find the video at

Q: Sometimes a mob keeps hitting me but I don't engage? Ex. Dracoliches
A: This means you need to make your campradius bigger, as the mob is likely a "large" model mob and is hitting you from outside your campradius.

Q: I can't get pulling to work / don't understand the modes?
A: Check out the MQ2War video where we explain the tanking modes.
>> <<

Q: How do I make it not taunt or do tanking stuff?
A: You will use your tanking type stuff (including taunt) if you are in a tank mode (like 4, 5, 7, 8), or you are assigned as Main Tank in your group window assignment. If you don't want to do tanking stuff (like taunt) put yourself in a non-tank mode (like 0, 1, etc) and don't be assigned main tank in your group window. This will allow you to on-the-fly swap to doing tank stuff and non-tank stuff (like if you are off-tanking and need to swap with another tank). You can just quickly adjust your mode, or group assignment. Flow Chart
>> https://www.redguides.com/community/attachments/1605142832977-png.25483/ <<

Q: How do I ignore a mob when pulling?
A: /brd ignore

Q: How can I get it to break invis to do stuff
A: We will break invis if a camp is set - So Assist mode would break invis to do stuff, where-as Manual mode would not. If you want to break invis in a mode like ChaseAssist, turn on usemelee/useranged.

Q: Do I need to pause to invis / do anything special?
A: Nope, not at all. just /brd AAInvis.

Q. War March / War Chorus - Y don't you automatically memorize War Chorus in raidmode?
A. Well. You *should* have 1 bard running War Chorus if you don't have a bard in every group. But having all bards in raidmode is a bad idea. You can byos/byos-custom and load War Chorus.

Q. I don't want to do *anything* if I have Rallying Solo / don't want group member to do anything with Rallying Call?
A. We're not going to paralyze toons while they have Rallying Solo / Rallying Call. You can use a LEM to pause/unpause the plugin if you want.

Q: I was/am the bestest bard in the world, i have a "fansy the bard" tattoo on my ass - and my personal motto is "GO-GO GOOD TEAM!" is my motto.
A: If you have something useful to add, that you can support with details and math, please post it in the discussion thread. Keep in mind, as with all the CWTN plugins, these are not "how sic or cwtn would manually play" these are intended to work in a very broad use case, mostly out of the box with minimal setup. We are certainly open to feedback and suggestions, but if you're looking for very specific niche stuff - this isn't the utility/tool for that. It is almost always a "no, we have no plans on doing that" until it changes. So don't be surprised at "no". Yes, we've read all the guides you can point to. Yes, we understand that a manual player would do things differently. Yep. Just sit back and relax.

Q. How can I get it to break invis to do stuff?
A. MQ2Bard will break invis if a camp is set, or if it was going to engage in melee - so mode 1 would break invis to do stuff, where mode 0 would not.

Q. Can MQ2Bard Broadcast Mezzing?
A. /brd broadcastmez on - This will automagically detect dannet/eqbc and broadcast mez usage.

Q. I am below my NukeManaMin but I am using Burning Call?
A. Burning Call doesn't use mana, you can turn usenuke off if you don't want to nuke. (We also don't memorize Burning Call automatically, so you can also unmemorize it)

Q. Swarm Pet / Lyrical Prankster?
A. "Swarm Pet" is song of stone, Lyrical Prankster is something different. You can turn them both off if you don't want either.

Q. Amplification makes frenzied kicks go ham, y no memorize?
A. you can byos/byos-custom if you want to use Amplification. We check Amplification for normal usage, and prioritize it if Frenzied Kicks is active.

Q: I don't like the spell lineup.
A: Some classes have loadouts. But you can "Bring your own spells" with "/brd byos on" you can even use a "custom" byos, which will still do buffing and put your gems back if they change.

Q: What is the deal with the loadouts?
A: These get stronger the closer you are to "modern game" as many of the spell lines "modern" bards use you don't get until 70s, 80s, 90s and beyond.
Raid MT Group - use Tank Support it uses "Requiem", "Accelerando", "Spry Sonata", and "Reckless Renewal"
Raid/Group caster group - use casterdots for personal dmg, caster for no dots (sic uses casterdots)
Raid/Group melee group - use meleedots for personal dmg, melee for no dots (sic uses meleedots)

Q: What is Reckless Renewal?
A: This increases group chance to crit heal and crit HoT

Q: What is Requiem?
A: Reduces magic/melee damage taken

Q. I want to re-charm the same mob?
A. We will attempt to recharm a mob we previously had if it is still alive

Q: What is Accelerando?
A: Reduces reuse timer on beneficial heals, and decreases hate generation of those beneficial heals

Q. How do I enter the pre-release license giveaway?
A: react to this thread (doesn't have to be a red cent)

Q: War March / War Chorus? raid?
A: if you don't have a bard in all your raid groups, you should consider having one go byos/byos-custom and utilizing war chorus. The reason we don't automatically do that in raidmode is that you don't want all your bards using chorus as the group version is better

Q: What is "Group DA"?
A: "Kazumi's Note of Preservation", gives temporary invulnerability for your group. If this is memorized by byos/byos-custom you can force instant usage by "/brd DA"

Q: Single DA?
A: "Fermata of Preservation", gives temporary personal invulnerability. If this is memorized by byos/byos-custom you can force instant usage by "/brd DA"

Q: What happens if I have both Group DA and Single DA memorized?
A: We'd use Group DA First.

Q: What is the deal with Insults / Push Insult?
A: Insults are in 4 groups, there is Timer 6 and Timer 3 insults, and in those Timer 6 and Timer 3 some push and some don't push. You can toggle if you want to use push or not, and then we will determine which two of those to use, and then prioritize usage for the best of the selection

Q: I have MezST turned off, which means i memorize a second insult, but I don't think I'm using it?
A: You'll notice that you're able to get the second insult in during QuickTime (burns).

Q: Vainglorious / Boastful Bellow / AATimerOneEndMin ?
A: You will use Boastful Bellow and/or Vainglorious all the way down to your AATimerOneEndMin (endurance). If you want to use both Boastful / Vainglorious, you would turn on UseAoE, and adjust your AoECount, we'll check the cone for Vainglorious and determine if the amount of mobs inside that cone matches/great than your aoecount.

Q: Does this use MQ2Twist, MQ2Melody, or EQ's /melody?
A: Nope, we utilize our own system.

Q: How does it use Fierce Eye?
A: Assuming we have our epic and it isn't set to never be used, we dynamically check our dot_crit and our spell_crit_chance to determine if we should stagger our fierce eye usage to get maximum "uptime". If for some reason we're just not using our epic or we don't have it, we just use it and don't bother trying to min/max it.

Q: But sic, I want to use FE *BEFORE* the epic?
A: That might be a change we do sometime in the future, but due to how we're currently checking / pairing it isn't the way we're doing it.

Q: I read about a /melody list where you can do xyz?
A: We use a priority based system to ensure we're having as minimal downtime on buffs and such. We also don't use /melody

Q: I don't like the spell lineup.
A: Some classes have loadouts. But you can "Bring your own spells" with "/brd byos on" you can even use a "custom" byos, which will still do buffing and put your gems back if they change.

Q: I want to slow.
A: You can byos/byos-custom to load SingleBinding and/or AoEBinding.

Q: I want to split pull. Fade Pull. Lull Pull.
A: Sorry, we do not have plans to do any of those things at this time.

Q: Does this swap instruments in/out?.
A: No, not at this time. We don't have plans on adding that, but it may change.

Q. Have you thought of XYZ?
A. Chances are, we have, and there are reasons we're not doing it.
Examples included but not exhaustive:
- WaitForShmEpic on epic usage should check for if you have a shaman
- - sure, but what if that shaman doesn't have an epic? or isn't going to use it regularly?
- - what would you default to if not available?
- - we *may* change this when actors get implemented into the plugins
- Complicated song rotation that varies from

Q: I sometimes get stuck in my spell book?
A: This is often due to your background FPS not being high enough. It is strongly advised to utilize at LEAST 30 fps for background, recommended 60+ background FPS. The FPS cycle for EQ is where "work" is done. If your background FPS is set to "min" you can and will have undesired results with all sorts of automation activities.
Alt+O -> Display -> Advanced -> Max Background FPS
You will also need to check if you are using any external background FPS limiting software like isboxer and adjust that accordingly.

Q: I need help!?
A: Located in the sticky linked at the top of the FAQ on the redguides webpage for the FAQ you can find a link to "How to request help"