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Combat Assist MQ2Bst 2861

To address an issue with recognizing Rk. III spells.
MQ2Bst now uses MQ2CWTNBuffs and not mq2kissbuffs

MQ2Bst -
- Added timer 11 "Roar" to be used when you have UseAoE toggled on.
- Additional improvements to alliance.
-- Will memorize in slot 13 now (meaning you will need to be 106 with Mnemonic Retention to 5 to automemorize it when you have UseAlliance on)
-- This stops the stupidity that is putting alliance over a dot gem.
-- If the mob you're fighting has an alliance debuff, we will ignore our mob health check for using dots.
- PetSwarmMoon line will now be treated like a dot for purposes of when to cast (mob health) and mana consideration.
- Single target merc fero will only buff melee.
- We will not now use our Mending line during downtime (if usemending or it is memorized).
- PullWithMelee added by request. Window option, command line, and INI settings added.
- Split the timer 16 and timer 10 PetBlocks into their own line.
- Adjusted our mainburn to only fire if we're in a burn condition if we don't have Fury (Ruubari's etc).
-- this sounds obvious, but normally we burn these while under the effects of Fury.
-- this corrects an issue where you don't have Fury.
- Added some extra spells to mem if you're outside of "modern era".
30 re-records later, and giving up on editing software and just re-recording again, we have a mq2bst video!
