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Combat Assist MQ2Bst 2861

- Added missing CWTN Types: SwitchWithMA and DisablePullAbility.
- Beta stuff.
- Corrected issue where your paragon settings might not save / display as you would expect.
- Additional Combat Memorization updates.
- Group Shrink will now say who you are casting upon.
- Downtime adjustment upong zoning.
- Low Lvl Haste / Regen.
- Will now check against UseCures setting to see if they should self cure.
- added UseSwarmPet Toggle.
-- This will now memorize Growl line instead of Swarm Pet "Feralgia" line if useswarmpet is off
- Added CombatSummonPet option to MQ2Bst.
-- Will stop what its doing and summon pet and PetAggro/PetDef buff it and go back to business as usual.
-- This will return to camp if you have a camp, otherwise do it where it stands.
- Will output on plugin start up if you have bandoler sets ready for bandoswap.
applies same hotfix as this am
- Fixed issue with shrinking pets
- We will no longer use mending if we have UseMending off (even if memorized)
- Added Xtarget Buffing.
- Added Xtarget Healing.
Fixed issue with trying to use EndRegen after a battle rez