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Quest / Event MQ2Grind 2918

10/04/2021 (available with build 258)
Resolved defects (MQNext build only)
- Fixed a plugin crash when group count decreases mid-session (#71)
- Reduced debug spam (#72)
- Fixed the lack of memory update when adjusting SafeMode mid-session (#56)

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)
Enhancements (MQNext build only)
- Added DelayTaskGet which will delay going into a task, (read FAQ)

Resolved defects (MQNext build only)
- Fixed (#68): PAL pause on - due to other cwtn plugins loaded
- Fixed (#46): Add use of /yes (well sort of for when MQ2AutoAccept isn't loaded)

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)
- Updated ROG default setting for Pause with MQ2Rogue (/multiline ; /rog usehidesneak off; /rog pause on; /timed 20 /makemevisible)
- Added multiple key words to open the ImGui user interface (/grind ui, /grind gui, /grind show)

Resolved defects
- Fixed ImGui / MQOverlay related defect while collapsing the Grind interface
- Fixed an issue where dropping the task automatically wouldn't actually do it's job rarely

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)
- Updated PAL spell from Protest of Power to Protest of Honor for /grind resettank pal

Resolved defects
- N/A

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)
- Updated location of the first NPC encounter in Contract of War (thank you craggyisland)
- Lowered default setting of pulseSkip if undefined

Resolved defects
- N/A

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)
Hotfix - Recompiled to fix the out of date error from Launcher 2021-03-25
- Added the ability to delay at each location (INI: [General] DelayAtLoc=<seconds>)

Resolved defects
- Fixed a defect where the Tank would not start if defined to use a macro (thank you JerkChicken for reporting this)
- Fixed a number of internal issues (bad loop made running look odd, bad timers, other things you won't see but bugged me)

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)
3/19/2021 HOTFIX
Resolved defect
- Fixed a defect where the Tank's corpse would be ignored and carry on Grinding instead of pausing for a rez (thank you SvcZero for reporting and testing this)

Resolved defects
- Automatically create INI if MQ2Grind.ini is missing

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)
- Added TBL Contract of War instance support
- Added additional TLO: ${Grind.Paused} (more info on resource FAQ page)
- Added the ability to run MQ2Grind from a non-tank (/grind waiver)

Resolved defects
- Cancelled the Dancing with Mobs (fixed an issue where facing mob would bounce a bit)

Caveats (known issues)
- /multiline issue with /rgstart in MQ2Grind.ini (work around is to replace /rgstart with /macro rgmercs\RGMERC.mac)
- Plugin is not available for EMU
- EQ, MQ2, and MQ2Nav say mob is LOS, but isn't, tried to avoid this by locations, let me know if and where you get stuck
- EQ BUG where when exiting instance group members end up in separate zones (work around built in)

Contract of War (map of Esianti):

The blue X's represent a geo-fenced area that the plugin will avoid. You may notice that a mob or 2 may get targeted inside; the plugin will drop the target if the mob is found in those areas.

  • Yes there are lots of mobs in the zone.
  • No we are not killing them all.
    • testing yielded about 210 kills per hour at 115 with CoV gear