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Combat Assist MQ2Shaman 2960

- Cracked the case of "The Missing UseHaste Ini Entry".
- Adjustments for ST Focus for pets only, which might cause other buffs to not occur.
- Low Lvl rez will now mem it if/when you need it (and are not in byos, and don't have Rejuvenation of Spirit).
- Adjusted spellgems to try and better accomodate low lvl avatar.
- Added UseAvatar toggle.
-- You will only useavatar at lower lvl (will stop memorizing at at 80 if you still had useavatar toggled on for some reason).
-- Avatar/GAvatar is set to buff melee classes.
- Updated "BreathDoT" line.
- Will now memorize a spell if you are not using spellcanni and you do not have DireDD yet.
- Added STAgi line for tank classes.
- Fixed missing GroupFocus Spells.
- Further Mending adjustment.
- Fixed Crash when you didn't have an MA.
- Added Sraskus Drowse and Enalam's Drowse to "Slow" line.
- Will use Lioness line if memorized.
- Fixt the order of spells in the Heal line.
- You should no longer see that msg for Growth or Ennui about cwtn messed up.
- Added RenewalHoT to Gift of Mana.
- Added additional usage of RenewalHoT if in heal or hybrid stance.
- Added pet specific single target check to cover if a fresh pet doesn't have group buffs.
- Corrected Avatar (low lvl) class check.
- Added some Beta stuff.
- Corrected possible crash if you fell to character select because you went from gold to silver.
- Further lower/mid lvl adjustments/additions.
- Forceful Rejuvenation to refresh DissidentRoar.
- Moved the Pandemic Combo dots to their own spell group, as it should be.
- Corrected issue where some settings might not save / display as you would expect.
- Low lvl rez adjustments.
-- Will now use Incarnate Anew when it should and respects UseRez.
- Group Shrink will now say who you are casting upon.
- Downtime adjustment upon zoning.
- UseSquall toggle
-- if turned off you will memorize HalcyonHoT in heal stance, and ColdDD in dps/hybrid
--- This also changes when/how we decide to GiftDD and if UseSquall is turned off, it will be treated like a generic nuke
- UsePet toggle now correctly enables or disables the use of pets.
- Greater Healing is once again better than Healing.
- The XML File is now correctly being added and should load in game without having to load another cwtn plugin.
- UseMaloAOE and UseSlowAoE options were added as seperate entries. They are not connected to UseAoE.
- UseFocus option added.
- UseGrowth option added.
-- Will memorize a second GiftDD if heal/hybrid and usegrowth is off
- UseRegen option added.
- Added a timer to slow down the Canni Spell Check
-- So we don't get stuck casting only this during combat
- Added Malaisement and Malaise to the Malo Spell lineup.
- MemCureAll option added /shm MemCureAll
- UseSoW option added.
- DotManaMin and NukeManaMin options were added to the commandline options (so you can save the values!).
- Adjustments were made for Malo/Slow.
- Low level haste was added, corrections were made to the logic for higher level stuff so we can keep track of lower level stuff.
- Added option to toggle on/off SpiritCall (Swarm burn)