- Rez adjustments.
-- Fixed the delay between re-rezzing.
- Won't call of the wild someone if they are standing there
- Fixed potential ST Pet Buffing crash.
- Fixed issue where a spell doesn't cast the spell it says it does and causes spam buffing.
- Low lvl spell adjustments.
- Xtarget cures if you have XTargetHealing and UseCures turned on.
- Preincarnation spam memorization fix.
- Fixed some missing middle tier of Glyphs.
-- Also won't fire glyph on cooldown!
- Recourse and RenewalHoT will check for the buff before recasting (when used as a group heal).
- Fancy comparison for speed from lupine or your sow spell to decide what to cast.
- Spell gem loadout adjustment - fixes.
- Avatar will only be cast when we have mobs on xtarget.
- Preincarnation will now respect BYOS.
- GiftDD will now respect campradius while UseSquall is true.