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  • EverQuest (live servers) were patched today so brainiac is spending his evening updating MacroQuest. Please show him your appreciation.

Combat Assist MQ2Shaman 2858

- Already put the fixed file in the mq2shaman thread
-- But this corrects some removed stuff :(
- Added an option to determine when to use your 1.5/2.0.
-- This is currently *ONLY* a slash command.
-- This is not in the ui window atm.
-- "/shm shmepic 0" = never
-- "/shm shmepic 1" = named
-- "/shm shmepic 2"= in combat
- Low lvl Slow spell group set adjustment.
- Changed cast ready checks for unusual targettypes.
-- This fixes "lupine spirit" AA using the wrong distance check. (thanks targettype 51)
- Will no longer counterbias if you don't have Xtargets.
-- this prevents accidetanlly pulling mobs when your ma targets something.
- Fix't weird buff stacking issue with Spirit Guardian check.
- Please see the mq2shaman thread - I posted a "quick patch" update.
-- the most recent update was missing a couple of important things, so you will definitely want to grab that file int the thread
- VV will have to be rebuilt for the file to get sent to the launcher, and nothing i can do about that
- Sorry for the troubles, and merry christmas
- Spirit of Cat updated from "Spirit like Cat"
- Recourse will now check your target doesn't have the forbearance buff.
- Nukes now care about NukeManaMin.
- We will now use Summon Companion to reposition pets.
-- This helps fix that thing where sometimes your pet is under the geometry and can't attack properly.
- Fix't a couple of missing "PoisonDot" spells.
- Corrected "Spirit" spelling.
- BreathDoT does BreathDoT stuff now (smelly breath folks rejoice).
- Added GSta for low/mid lvl.
- Avatar shows in the window when it should, again.
- Both reasons to spam Unity of the Spirits on pets should be resolved.
-- Hurray!
- Rez adjustments.
-- Fixed the delay between re-rezzing.
- Won't call of the wild someone if they are standing there ;).
- Fixed potential ST Pet Buffing crash.
- Fixed issue where a spell doesn't cast the spell it says it does and causes spam buffing.
- Low lvl spell adjustments.
- Xtarget cures if you have XTargetHealing and UseCures turned on.
- Preincarnation spam memorization fix.
- Fixed some missing middle tier of Glyphs.
-- Also won't fire glyph on cooldown!
- Recourse and RenewalHoT will check for the buff before recasting (when used as a group heal).
- Fancy comparison for speed from lupine or your sow spell to decide what to cast.

- Spell gem loadout adjustment - fixes.
- Avatar will only be cast when we have mobs on xtarget.
- Preincarnation will now respect BYOS.
- GiftDD will now respect campradius while UseSquall is true.
- Cracked the case of "The Missing UseHaste Ini Entry".
- Adjustments for ST Focus for pets only, which might cause other buffs to not occur.
- Low Lvl rez will now mem it if/when you need it (and are not in byos, and don't have Rejuvenation of Spirit).
- Adjusted spellgems to try and better accomodate low lvl avatar.
- Added UseAvatar toggle.
-- You will only useavatar at lower lvl (will stop memorizing at at 80 if you still had useavatar toggled on for some reason).
-- Avatar/GAvatar is set to buff melee classes.
- Updated "BreathDoT" line.
- Will now memorize a spell if you are not using spellcanni and you do not have DireDD yet.
- Added STAgi line for tank classes.
- Fixed missing GroupFocus Spells.
- Further Mending adjustment.
- Fixed Crash when you didn't have an MA.
- Added Sraskus Drowse and Enalam's Drowse to "Slow" line.
- Will use Lioness line if memorized.
- Fixt the order of spells in the Heal line.
- You should no longer see that msg for Growth or Ennui about cwtn messed up.
- Added RenewalHoT to Gift of Mana.
- Added additional usage of RenewalHoT if in heal or hybrid stance.
- Added pet specific single target check to cover if a fresh pet doesn't have group buffs.
- Corrected Avatar (low lvl) class check.
- Added some Beta stuff.
- Corrected possible crash if you fell to character select because you went from gold to silver.
- Further lower/mid lvl adjustments/additions.
- Forceful Rejuvenation to refresh DissidentRoar.
- Moved the Pandemic Combo dots to their own spell group, as it should be.
- Corrected issue where some settings might not save / display as you would expect.
- Low lvl rez adjustments.
-- Will now use Incarnate Anew when it should and respects UseRez.
- Group Shrink will now say who you are casting upon.
- Downtime adjustment upon zoning.
- UseSquall toggle
-- if turned off you will memorize HalcyonHoT in heal stance, and ColdDD in dps/hybrid
--- This also changes when/how we decide to GiftDD and if UseSquall is turned off, it will be treated like a generic nuke