the 'omm_grp.mac' and 'omm_raid.mac' file in your Macros folder
the 'gukbottom.navmesh' file goes into your
MQ2Nav folder - you'll need to overwrite the RG launcher version of the guk mesh for now.
***FYI - This macro will reset all xtarget slots to work properly***
To start have all chars in group and in PoK then use one of the following
/dggae /mac omm_grp naggy
/dggae /mac omm_grp dguk
/dggae /mac omm_grp lguk
Raid macro startup:
/dggae /mac omm_raid vox <char_name>
/dggae /mac omm_raid naggy <char_name>
NOTE: charname is OPTIONAL for raid macro. it is used to designate a necro class for 1 character (to fd split out naggy/vox rooms). You can omit and simply run 6 mages. Otherwise specify a name in the group and run 5 mages, 1 necro.
/dggae /nuke -- all characters with a pet will nuke the MA target. Helps clearing giants. Giants are belly casters, be within 30 units for nukes to land.
/dggae /invis -- all characters NOT invis will invis themselves.
Dannet is not required for the raid macro. You may use BCS in lieu of dannet.
Movement/pulling/positioning is on the user for raid macro. It'll make/rebuff pets as needed and auto engage the MA target and run back if they die.