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Resource icon

Work in Progress RGManager (beta) v1.6.0.0

New Stuff:
-New modifier for debug console command resourcehandlermods: -alwaysadmin/-askforelevation which can be used to dictate whether or not the resource handler always launches with elevation
-Watching/Stop Watching icons have been modified (by theme) to be much more apparent as to the watching status of the resource.
-You can now enable auto saving via the Application settings page! This allows the user to enable auto saving all settings on a user-determinant interval to prevent any unintended data loss. This is enabled by default (on new installations) with a 15 minute interval.

-First half of MVVM instantiation has been completed, UI thread manipulation should be relatively more optimized.
-Structures for downloading have been refactored in their entirety.
-Pipeline communication for downloading has been modified to be cleaner and more optimized given the new downloads structure. This should help to alleviate some of the optimization issues downloading can cause.
-Pipeline's should now appropriately terminate themselves upon terminating the application environment as opposed to waiting until the resource handler has terminated.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where, when downloading a externally hosted resource, the resource handler could potentially return an incorrect value resulting in improper handling of a fileless resource.
-Fixed a bug where settings could fail to save due to a potential null value on the user-end.
-Fixed a bug where some objects could potentially block others while resizing/maximizing in certain settings panels.
-Fixed a bug where certain framework objects could have a small graphical bug shortly before disposal due to a fired PropertyChanged event.
-Fixed a bug where multiple instances of an interval for dispatcher timers would be populated upon main window initialization

NOTE: There's a great deal of changes to the view model structure of the application as well as the download structure. I've tested extensively but there could very well be some issues lingering here or there due to the changes from the older logic. If you run in to anything, please don't hesitate to reach out and let me know!
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue causing multiple button base event handlers to populate when changing the status of the current MQ compile (down, out of date, up to date).
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where MQStatus could potentially throw a null after updating between patches due to a previous change in initialization/structure.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug where a handled safe failure could potentially be called outside of it's block causing an unnecessary error message to display on pipeline failure.
-Handling for in-use files associated with downloads has been refactored and are now handled prior to execution.
-Updater handling for RGManager/ResourceHandler cleanup has been refactored.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue where refreshing could potentially hang if the SEQ offsets root directory was modified manually outside of RGManager.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue where deleted resources still showed in the associated resource grids.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue where, when leaving the check for updates interval textbox blank after the textbox lost focus, a conversion error would be thrown.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue causing an unhandled exception to be thrown when trying to check the count of routed event handlers when none currently existed due to unloaded framework elements.
New Stuff:
-LaunchPad is now blocked from executing concurrently with RGManager.

-Attempting to launch EverQuest with no path set now appropriately guides the user to setting the path for eqgame.exe
-IonDebugger standard window now appropriately activates it's owner upon termination.

NOTE: This comes with all of the v1.5.0.0 changes as well assuming the pipeline doesn't fail me tonight. You may need to do a fresh reinstall if there are pathing issues as per the v1.5.0.0 patch notes but I do have handling in place to prevent this. If there are any issues, attempt a fresh reinstall with this new version. If issues persist, please reach out to me with whatever problem you may have!
New Stuff:
-Very Vanilla down status is now checked. Clicking on the Launch/Install MQ button while a compile is down will bring you to that compiles resource page.
-New console command timedautodetect. Takes no parameters, runs a unit test for detection speed on auto detecting MQ/EQ installations. This does not set path variables, it's merely for performance testing purposes.

-Auto-detect has been optimized to cut down seek time considerably!
-Many objects have been instantiated in to a cleaner view model to lighten the load on the main UI thread, more of this to come.
-Timer for auto-update checking can no longer fall below 30 minutes.
-Directory structure has been returned to a flat folder as opposed to a folder for each server type. In addition, new VeryVanilla/MySEQ downloads will be organized based on their server type in their root directory as opposed to being organized via a server type directory in the downloads folder.

NOTE: Another directory restructure, a lot less intensive than the last one so the likelihood for issues is quite low as it's mostly just a reversion. If you find yourself running in to any issues, don't hesitate to reach out to me! Worst case scenario, you may have to reinstall, but I've thoroughly tested the reversion & structure translation and fixed any issues I came across so fingers crossed.