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  • EverQuest (live servers) were patched today and MacroQuest developers are putting in time for their own update. Please show them your appreciation.
Resource icon

Work in Progress RGManager (beta) v1.6.0.3

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue where refreshing wasn't validating MQ2Main.dll's version when considering whether or not we should display the Update All button.
-Fixed an issue where the Update All button sometimes wouldn't appear when MacroQuest needed an update via version checking the DLL.
-Fixed an issue where the Update All button sometimes wouldn't disappear when MacroQuest was the only thing that needed updating and was updated via the Very Vanilla page.
-Tweaked how resource excludes are populated on download finalization to not include single file compressed downloads on top of flat single file downloads.
-Update All is here! When any resource(s) need an update, a button will appear in the upper left of the resource pages! Clicking this button will recursively update all out of date resources (Including MacroQuest)!
-You can now exclude any individual files from updates for any individual resource! New resource downloads (that contain a directory) will now be automatically appended with their file list to the Resource File Excludes page! Already existing resources before this patch will be created at runtime to be tweaked. NOTE: config\ for MacroQuest is automatically excluded, every other resource(s) file(s) are not excluded by default.
-ResourceHandler is now fully obfuscated at runtime!

-Optimized functionality for checking out of date resources, this should help check times significantly.
-Disabled auto-update logic from the resource settings menu system. This was bogging down load times and is in desperate need of optimization (plus almost no one knew it existed). When we establish the new resource grid systems this will be re-instantiated & optimized.
-Modified the ActionHandler (for IonDebugger) significantly to allow for the return of diagnostics related to exclude issues.
-Consolidated resource related pages in to their own "Resources" accordion sub-menu! This should help to keep things more organized & streamlined.
-Renamed "My Resources" to "Watched Resources" and "Add Resources" to "All Resources" to keep them more in-line with their intended functionality.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue with the new resource handling that would sometimes cause LUA files to be downloaded as flat, empty files.
-Fixed an issue where the ResourceHandler would sometimes fail if a end-user changed the name of their uploaded resources due to case sensitivity.
-Fixed an issue where the start menu shortcut wasn't pathing appropriately for new installs.
-Fixed an issue where searching for RedGuides wouldn't show the RGManager in the start menu for new installs.
-Fixed an issue where files using LZMA type compression (most notably .7z) were not being handled appropriately.

NOTE: This is a pretty substantial update, the biggest since release. A lot of optimization in the back-end has gone on as well as a bunch of new functionality. There are bound to be some issues here or there so please don't hesitate to reach out to me with what problems you have!
-Introducing the Resource Handler! This is a sub-app of RGManager that allows for tighter control over resource manipulation!
-Added openresourcehandler command to the debug console. This will open the resource handler in manual mode (no server) for download debugging, manual resource handling, etc. etc.
-Added resourcehandlermods command to the debug console. This will modify how the resource handler initializes, allowing to change whether or not it displays a window and/or how it disposes.

-When access to paths are denied, the user is now prompted to elevate, continue or cancel. Elevate will elevate the Resource Handler for the next operation, Continue will continue with the operation ignoring protected files & Cancel will cancel the operation altogether.
-Handling of new and existing resources has been migrated to the Resource Handler, the handling process itself has been optimized and refactored.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue where the toolbar for RG Manager wasn't displaying the appropriate window title.
-Fixed an issue that would cause the MQ download to fail finalization when canceling the download.
-Fixed an issue where the newline character wasn't being appropriately removed from the received resource id if one existed in the XF backend.
-Fixed an issue with IonDebugger that would cause it to crash if there was no reference to the appropriate image needed for the called window.
-Fixed an issue that would cause the download queue to sometimes throw an error if an item was processed as a filter was executed simultaneously.
-Fixed an issue that would cause the user to be able to perform unintended pagination after refreshing while not on the first page of a resource grid.
-Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause the paging text to be incorrect.

NOTE: There's a LOT of big changes to resource handling here, going to take a few days before working on anything else to just let people mess around and report back any issues (as I'm predicting there may be some). Let me know what goes on and once I feel we're stable enough we'll move on to the next feature update, excludes and shenanigans!
-Downloading has been vastly modified to allow for more dynamic handling of specific abnormal resources.
-Entropy for files that are in use and/or marked for deletion has been tightened significantly to prevent any outstanding issues.
-The launch VeryVanilla button & install/update VeryVanilla button have been consolidated in to one button.
-Refreshing now appropriately refreshes the framework elements on the VeryVanilla page.
-Updating VeryVanilla will no longer attempt to overwrite the end-users config folder.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug that could potentially cause a crash by an invalid cast during pagination when switching to a resource page that held resources in the download queue.
-Fixed a bug that would cause VeryVanilla to be installed to the incorrect path when a MQ path was set.
-Fixed a bug that would cause VeryVanilla to return out of date when the MQ path was set but MQ2Main.dll wasn't located. (This now returns as needing to install)
-Fixed a bug that would cause progress to be reported incorrectly during downloads.
-Fixed a bug that would cause the download column of certain resource pages to fail to appropriately populate if there was currently a download queue.

Note: With such a heavy overhaul to downloading logic there may be some issues encountered. If you run in to anything, don't hesitate to reach out to me. I've tested pretty thoroughly, but there may be some underlying issues that I have yet to encounter. Thanks! :)
-Modified how dumps are created to automatically include the current users ResourcesLog & Settings JSON files automatically.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue that would cause a crash when attempting to watch/unwatch a resource in the download queue.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue where, resources that fall under pre-determined abnormal resource handling, were still being checked for standard update logic while loading settings.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed a bug that would cause the debuggers notify window to fail to assign an appropriate owner when an error was thrown as the owner exists but was not fully initialized.
Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue that caused the resource settings menu to sometimes cause a crash due to an improper conversion on resource price.