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  • EverQuest (live servers) were patched today and MacroQuest developers are putting in time for their own update. Please show them your appreciation.
Resource icon

Work in Progress RGManager (beta) v1.6.0.3

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue that was causing resources without an image to fail to generate a default due to a pathing error when attempting to pull the executables path from the reflection (due to obfuscation).
-Fixed an issue that caused the download button icon to point to the wrong path when loading as a resource.
-Heavily modified filtering to build our resource datagrids based off of a pre-determinant struct as opposed to live as the determinant is passed. This should allow for the datagrids to apply direct changes to filtered data removing the need for a reset on the data-structure holding the grids items.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue that caused RGManager to still be present in the alt-tab menu when in the toolbar windowstate.
-Fixed an issue that made purchasing throw a failed URI due to recent marketplace changes.
-Reporting for exceptions now appropriately navigates to the dumps directory for ease of access.

Bug Fixes:
-Fixed an issue that was causing the action handler to throw a null due to inappropriate validation on item selection.