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RGMercs (macro version, deprecated)

Combat Assist RGMercs (macro version, deprecated) 01/02/2024

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Okay so here is patch day and Here is The new rgmercs! Wooo hoo

So for changes, Some things

Remeber! if your rgmercs is acting up. Ensure your setting values are Valid!

/rg Help

Alot of Folks mention That When Travelling Invis Drops or silly things happen involving Invis and they Die.. So a Setting i wanted to Highlight this Month.

BreakInvis "Set 0/1 to break invis to heal injured group or out of group members when out of combat only. Healers will always break invis in combat."

Default setting is 1 which means on if you would rather Your healer not heal Unless Your In combat then Change it to 0 and this should resolve most travel issues.

Various Bugfixes Spell tweaks to many Classes. a Change log will come tommorow and i will Update this post!

Shaman - Various fixes And tunes!
Bard - Various fixes And tunes!
Paladin - Added Marr's Gift into Paladin for Mana Regen purposes.
Berzerker - Added Alliance function properly
Mage - Spellbar Updates and Alliance Enabled/added.
Beastlord - tweaked When and How to summon a BeastLord Pet on Death.
Cleric - Various Updates and fixes as well.

Updated to not List Spells on Start lower than 10 levels that Your Missing.

Thanks to everyone for Your Support!
Fixed Bard, Necro, Shaman issues keep the issues coming we will keep the fixes coming!
Okay So, I have Gone Thru and Added as many Spells as i could match names to and Lines that i saw missing, or needing updates as i could to every class.

The Shaman Bug on heal is Fixed
SK - Taunt fixed
Paladin - Mode 10 Recommended if you have 12 or more Gems and want to tank!
Mage - has Been tweaked Alot.. lol I've been playing SK Cleric Magex4 alot this past week for the fun of it!

All Classes Should have Some or all Cov Spell Functionality but as with Any expansion There will Likely be a Wrench and a Prompt Hotfix for this. heres Hoping thats Not the case And That I Spelled everything Properly!.

Cheers! and Onto COV!
Found a few Bugs That were Unacceptable, So Squashed em and releasing a new RGmercs out to you,

Also Included is some minor Tweaks.
To Sk Spell Lineup
and fixes for shield flash Issues.
Fixes MAG Git spew. Fixes duplicate code in MNK Fixes other minor issues & includes SHD improvements.

Just some Minor fixes
Okay So welcome to the Novemeber 2020 RGMercs Update This Month Brings you a Swathe of Major and Minor updates from Both new and Old members of the team

Okay So Overview as best As my poor brain Can Recall! - We'd been having issues with some classes not quite working as they used to with the New Unified system and so we undertook a Complete Class By Class Retesting and tuning of Conditions and spells. That should be used. This Involved playing play testing and reading alot of forums for Class specific Rotations and The way they should be Casting spells or using abilitys in certain orders or weaves.

First and Foremost we are No Longer Case Sensitive! Wooo now you to can sPeAk LIKE tHE wEiRdO you always wanted to be when changing settings.

Bard - Found Some Melee Engagement Bugs - Fixed, tweaked the Songs and the burns So it now Operates More like a Bard Should alot of Conditions Were tweaked to make it work better. Things of note.
Mez for Both
Bards & Enchanters is defaulted on 2 or greater mobs There is a setting to change this if you find Your Bard or Enchanter Underperforming DPS wise and don;t need the CC to be Quite so tight.

Classes who have Received a Pass By Check this Month In general Conditions and issues
ALL OF THEM, - we went thru every single class this month as we had spurratic bad behaviours cropping up and we found it was a remnant from the Crossover to the New System that we just needed to Fix a Couple small things for each class.

Another Major Change You Will Notice is the Engagement engine has been Reworked Previously The Engine relied more on AE taunts than We felt it should so Wander Mobs could Make your Clerics lifes Short.. Not so much now
It Scans the Assistrange for any mobs on Xtarget Which The MA does not have Full Aggro on and Switches to that Target then Aggros it up and once it has All the Aggro Switches back to the Lowest HP target, or Named.

Priority Looks Like NoAggro> Named> Lowest HP
For Kael this can Cause issues Our Version of Manual Mode is Slightly Different Than Other Implementations , /rg Doautotarget 0/1 Will Allow you to pick your Own targets in your Own order. For Missions Like Kael,GD (narandi) Achievements which Require you to kill Mobs at equal % this is a Must.

We may do More Tweaking in the future but have found this new Aggro Engagement system to be very effective. The Range for the Tank Pickup of mobs is set by /rg assistrange on the tank. so if your tanks assistrange is 50 and your group is 100 away he will do nothing but if your group is all within 50 then he will protect Them, by aggroing any Wandering mobs in that area.

Pull Engine
Adjusted Some Features In the Chain pulling engine -
Chaincount- Pulls Mobs till i have greater than this # on my Xtarget
ChainPct - Pulls when My target has this % XP

I myself have used the above to commands in conjuction to chain Pull and drop 5 mobs on my group at a time for extended periods. by setting Chaincount to 3 or 4 and ChainPct to 100.

So Class By Class Update BreakDowns..
Spell bars for alot of Classes were changed around to move Long recast items to gems and Short mem/pop spells to On Demand gems.
Also modified Burns to Save Big Burns not just for large groups of mobs but for names So Things Like Harmtouch, ManaBurn, Funeral Dirge That either Put a debiliting Effect or Large Damage that would best be used on a single target To Only trigger on Named Burns and Not MobCount burns The difference being a Mobcount burn triggers if u have 3 or more mobs. Named Only in the event its a Named Mob. And yes you can Change The Minium Burn Mob count up or down
/rg help provides More info!

Fully Reworked Heal Routine. And Spells Used and why.
Previously Cleric Had 3 Seperate Healpoints as well as a Group heal Point This caused Slower reaction times than we wanted, Revamped cleric Now has 2 HealPoints 1 Mainhealpoint and 1 Bighealpoint which is the Ohshit heal.
Every single time cleric heals be it for Main or Big it Checks if a Group heal is needed and Checks against The group Conditions.
Added Some Conditions for Controlling Intervention based healing. - DoNukes - 1/0 turns then on or off NukePct - %% Defaults to 90. Starts Nuking @ this pct, This allows Nuking Start to be Independant of Melee Starting if your also Meleeing. to avoid Early Aggro.
Cleric Also Now Uses The Promised heal Line, Always keeping it up on the MainTank All the time. and Refreshing it whenever Possible.
Cleric Also Likes to Use its Twincast healing Nuke if able When able. provided noone needs a heal.
Dps - Cleric Had some Burns Changed. around Some gems Moved and Automatically when switched to this mode it adjusts melee Engagement % and Nuke pct and Things of that nature as well as changing the Spells Used.

Wintry Gift - This is Now cast on Demand consistently to provide twincast Shaman heals.
Simmilar to cleric shaman had to many healpoints to react as we wanted so we reduced this and have better performance as a result.

Paragon Bug invovling Focused paragon vs Group and Spam Fixed.
Pet Engagement bug Fixed.
Slow Spam Bug Fixed
Tothealing Tuned to work better so less target Switching for beastlords.

UsePocketPet - Nifty new feature that makes a backup pet via Suspended Miniona nd keeps it there incase your pet dies mid combat so it can be brought back out. since mage dps plummets without one.
Mage Classmode 2 - pettank mode - This Mode focuses On being a Pet tank Using the Mage to ProveHeals and Nuking Even being able to melee, In this mode 100% Solo play works or group Play provided the members do not Steal aggro over the pet.

Bard & Wizzie
Our Resident Bard/Wizzie Expert has gone thru and Made these 2 macros act as they should have fixing numerous bugs, and Conditions that were causing Unwanted/Unexplained behaviour All Songs and meelee should work as should Wizards Spell Weaving.

So the Paladin Recived a DPS/Tank Mode rework as well as a 1-115 Spellbar Update via the Spreadsheet method of doom. So Pallys should now properly work thru all levels. The Spell gems will not always be all full depending on your level but they will Have Spells. throughout. and use them all. as needed.
Tank Mode before crush Spells Now properly Uses Stuns to help with aggro.
Dps Mode Now has option to tag Mobs with ReverseDS. and Removed Taunt/tank Spells from its bar to contain more Dps Oriented Spells for the Paladin to use.

The Ranger Ranged Mode Now Works much better using a NavIncircle Mode to Circle around the mob and move out and in for ranged attacks. - In some Hilly Areas This can be iffy due to the nature of arrows. Ranger Ideal range is between 35-50. to allow ranged attacks and Use of Kicks so thats where it will try to remain.

As You might have Guessed i spent alot of time playing with this one there is currently 2 modes of berzerker Mode 0 is our traditional Mode with a Few tweaks., Mode 1 Is A new In testing Mode that was added by Noone, It is still Under construction and may change both work quite well for me in the 100-115 gameplay.

This Class Got a Nice Update last Month so its only Gotten a few tweaks and fixes as we went Mode 0 is the default New Code for enchanter. if you Dislike the changes u can find the old Mode under mode 2. and Please Submit issues.

At The Moment Warrior works Decently Well from some play testing I recomend mode 10 to most folks The engagement engine changes helped this class as it has Less Aoe powers than Sks& pallys for tanking.

Fixed a DeathBloom Casting Bug that was reported.


More Changes To Come I may update these notes when my brain/Other People remind me.

Also There Will be No Class of the Month this Month Due to the Impending Launch of the Xpack and Focus being Put on Spell Updates and fixes Involving That!
So we did some Hotfix to fix some hot button Issues.
This Hotfix should Positively Affect bards, Rangers,Wizards and all melee as well as Mercs.


2020-10-23 - Version update.
2020-10-23 - Squelched a number of unsquelched nav calls.
2020-10-23 - RNG in bow mode now uses Nav instead of Stick to maintain range around the mob.
2020-10-23 - New Sub: NavAroundCircle. Allows character to nav to a radius around the mob.
2020-10-22 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-22 - DEBUG in NPCSpellReady now uses a parallel SpellReady check.
2020-10-22 - Stage 1 optimizing wizard routines, and working to correct weaving.
2020-10-22 - ENC will now cast NDT on all Melee types.
2020-10-22 - Ordered rotation debugging now uses the proper NPC<Ability>Ready Calls.
2020-10-22 - NPC Spell Ready will now provide Debug information when it doesn't have a spawn_id argument.
2020-10-22 - DEBUG will now log when the end of a rotation is reached.
2020-10-22 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-22 - Mercs will only be set to passive if UserMercenary is on.
2020-10-22 - more optimizations to the bard rotations
2020-10-22 - Reorganizing the structure and efficiency of the bard lineup
2020-10-22 - When RNG's get the too close message in combat, and aren't meleeing, they'll move back to bow range.
2020-10-22 - Melee positioning now feels more purposeful and less like doing the two-step with our foe.
2020-10-22 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-22 - Version update.
2020-10-22 - WAR Mercs, if set to tank, will now engage instantly when mob is in AssistRange.
2020-10-22 - ROG mercs should now switch to balanced in combat appropriately.
2020-10-22 - Reorganizing the structure and efficiency of the bard lineup
2020-10-21 - Reorganizing the structure and efficiency of the bard lineup
2020-10-21 - Reorganizing the structure and efficiency of the bard lineup
In This Months Update to Rg Mercs we tackled Many issues and Many Classes.. I will do my Best to Recapture it!
First I would Like to Welcome back Noone from His Sabardical! - hes Back to Help out with Wizzie and Bard!
Also welcome Kettoch To The Team! - he tackled The mage this Month! More on that later.
I focused On Enchanter and Doing some Hotfixing to other classes to make them More useable Until we can Fully resolve any issues!.

So For Changes?
For the Standard RgMercs Users

Mage Has been Revamped.
It Now has 3 Modes
/rg ClassMode 0 - Fire
This Casts Traditional Fire based Nukes and Rotations
/rg ClassMode 1 - Magic
This Changes the Spell base to Magic Spells, This is good in spots like Doomfire the Burning lands And I am sure someWhere else!.
/rg ClassMode 2 - PetTank Mode
This Mode is focused on Using your Mage Pet as Your Primary Group tank and Your Mage as a Dedicated Healer for that pet.

Those are the Basic Mode changes for mage - Some other changes
We have added The Self Only Modrods into the Mages Rotation so Its more Mana efficent than ever. And it will Always summon its Personal Rods.
Mage Alliance is now also Built into Mage. When Using Multiple Mages Please be aware of the /rg SummonModRods Variable and Ensure that it is set to 1 on The Highest level mage only if u have Multiple Level of Mages in your group with Summon Modulation Shard or Spell Levels.
Mage Epic 2.0 Is also Into the Pet Buff Routine if you have it we will Use it! - More on this Later!

Enchanter Updates! - OMG! YES DPS!

Enchanter Still only has 2 modes
1 for mez/dps and 2 for Charm

We've gone thru and Optimized Enchanters to Do More Damage Whenever possible. While still mezzing like a Champ. You Will See More damage from our enchanter friends.
They Will often Spam Twincast mez Spells even when not mezzing to benefit from The Twincast on a Nuke, They will Cost There favorite Dot Often. as it has a Big Damage frontload.

Enchanters Will use Pets As well Correcting that Bug, They Use Dual Auras Properly as well.

Bard Hotfix
So You Spoke we Heard it The Bard Has issues He was Mezzing and Well.. Watching you do all the work This has been fixed for the most part But there is More work to be done we currently Have a Hotfix in for The Release while Noone Looks Under the Hood and fixes it fully. The Issue had to do with order of Operations So as a hotfix We've reordered the bards Operations, I have Also tweaked Some Things and Fixed Bard to use Auras Properly.
Its Better than it was, It mez's and it Dps's and well as using Boastful Bellow and Auras. Still Some Kinks which will be covered This Month as its been Voted Class of the Month!!!

Cleric Hotfix!

So People keep saying I loved IHC cleric.. But Rgmercs Cleric is a little strange? it works but sometimes its Just weird in its actions? We heard we tested we felt it might be simmilar After A Bunch of testing I think we've nailed down the issue and The Cleric has been tested and Seems to be Much Better than it was? The Strangeness that i couldn;t quite put my finger on Is gone. Things are working cleaner and better. let Us Know what You think of the Hotfix to our Cleric.

Items & Epics.

Our backend Specialist, has taken it Upon himself this Month to get Behind the project and fix some Things we wanted to work better We Now Have easier ways to Add In Epics and Specific Iconic clickers to Class Rotations, What we Lack is Knowing all The Specific Clickers people would Consider Iconic and that must be used. for every class. So I ask if you Know them Please Send me a PM Detailing the Class The Clicker What it does and When to use it. And i will Dilligently work on Adding Some of those to the Macro for Novemeber!

Dps Burn Routines.

So i noticed some dps burn routines were a bit Overzealous in the use of things Like Harmtouch manaBurn Funeral Dirge these abilitys seem to be best used on a Actual named, Not on El random Mob. so now the Burns Autofire on Burncount Default is 3 But Some abilitys do require a Named to be present in order to Fire off. Thus saving things Like HT MB and Dirge for dem Big Hp Boys!

Pulling DoPull And How to use it.

This is a Special Place for Some folks! Y'all Know who you are.. P:) We changed things JUST FOR YOU!

To turn on Pulling And Keep pulling
/rg Dopull 1/2/3/4 - 1 is normal Mode Pull and return to camp 2 is Hunter Mode Run to and Kill and Then Run to the next, mode 3 Chain Pull Mode - Now fully Functional 4 Farm Pull Mode. Uses WPs to To Run to and farm mobs within the FarmRad and then move to next wp and risne repeat.

That is the Way to turn on Pulls. No other Command will Turn on Repeated Pulling.
/addignore - Will ignore targetted mob for pulls
/addpull - will Add to the pullonly list
/pullinfo - will List What Mobs are on either list.
/clearpull - Emptys Pullonly List
/clearignore - emptys ignore list

You may need to Restart the Macro or at the very least Toggle pull ON or Off to have the Settings effect take. for All Pull Commands!

/singlepull replaces /dopull and Does a Single Pull
/singlehunt replaces /dohunt and Does a Single Hunt Pull.

And Now The Git Commit List for all You Addicts!. if there is a Specific Commit u need Info or have Further questions on. Feel free to ask or JOIN OUR TEAM! P:)

2020-10-20 - WIZ Spammable AAs now are checked after spells to reduce over spam. Damage types match class modes.
2020-10-20 - Engage function now uses PreEngage at the propre times then navs. General distance condition cleanup.
2020-10-20 - Revert "Melee users should do less dancing with the mobs and more melee smacking around."
2020-10-20 - Melee users should do less dancing with the mobs and more melee smacking around.
2020-10-20 - Removed unecessary variables used in RNG.
2020-10-20 - BRDs, because they're special, are back in as melees and casters too.
2020-10-20 - BRDs will now be appropriately considered as a Hybrid class.
2020-10-20 - Item usage more vigorously checks for a user in the middle of casting and won't use an item if they are. Also will wait for BRD's to stop signing before using an item.
2020-10-19 - Removed ClutchHeal From healPoints kept as a Var.
2020-10-19 - Changed Cleric Healing Rotation/routines.
2020-10-19 - Fixed incorrect spawn reference in xt buff group -- should no longer pause when AssistOutside is on.
2020-10-18 - Backing Off will now set mercenary status to passive.
2020-10-18 - Mercenaries will now engage and backoff in a similar manner to pets.
2020-10-18 - NavInCombat will nav with line of sight. Additional MERCENGAGE define added.
2020-10-18 - CantSee in melee will try to stay closer to MaxRange.
2020-10-18 - RGENC will no longer spam Speed of the Brood on pets.
2020-10-18 - Version update.
2020-10-18 - Added /summonmerc bind to simply unsuspend a merc.
2020-10-17 - Pull will now use IsspawnFightingStranger versus naive TargetOfTarget checking for pull conflicts.
2020-10-17 - Fixed /rg campoff regression bug.
2020-10-16 - RGMercs now will pick up mod rods that will kill you and see if you want to delete them.
2020-10-16 - Rogue poison clicky defaults to NULL to avoid clicking things it shouldn't
2020-10-16 - Updated manuals submodule.
2020-10-16 - Updated version.
2020-10-16 - Added MAScanZRange advanced setting, default off, to assist narrowing MATargetScanning in dense old-world dungeons.
2020-10-15 - Merge branch 'Development' of https://gitlab.com/redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-15 - Mage can now pocket pet if desired and combat cast
2020-10-15 - RGMercs now restets and restarts when an invalid classmode is detected.
2020-10-15 - Merc Buffing will no longer frequently swap targets when a buff stacks.
2020-10-15 - Mercs BuffGroup now uses Target.CachedBuff instead of Target.Buff like it's supposed to.
2020-10-15 - ENC should no longer spam aemez on giants.
2020-10-15 - Version update.
2020-10-15 - Removed dead code from MAG.
2020-10-14 - New PocketPet Routine. Still some issues with swap
2020-10-14 - Added combat casting of pet. Tank will buff also.
2020-10-14 - Added Cursor Checks to modrod Casts (Spam Fix)
2020-10-14 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into Development
2020-10-14 - Adjusted Rotation Placements And Fixed Call to Downtime Routine
2020-10-14 - Don't display stood me up notice while mounted.
2020-10-14 - PAL will now use anti-undead spell in tank mode at low levels.
2020-10-14 - Mercenary BuffGroups will do less target swapping for buff checks.
2020-10-14 - Ready checks now check for being stunned. Misc. Spell Remem delay is now an advanced setting.
2020-10-14 - Camp binds now echo autocamp variables for more accurate acknowledgement of camp.
2020-10-14 - Auto camp variables now init to 0.
2020-10-13 - Added Lesson Bind & Put in details for ranger /makeammo
2020-10-13 - Used wrong DEFINE
2020-10-13 - Changed DPS Pet routine to trigger in classmode 2
2020-10-12 - Attempted to reduce mq2 crashes by included spawncounts for ready checks.
2020-10-12 - RGPal Undead Nuke line traced all the way to the beginning. Used in DPS mode.
2020-10-12 - AANow uses set target and will stop autoattacked on AA usage just like spell usage.
2020-10-12 - SpellNow uses SetTarget targeting. WDelays for combat to be off before swapping targets.
2020-10-11 - NPC<Ability>Ready checks now leverage the Spawn datatype instead of Target to increase accuracy of checks. Should also improve healing.
2020-10-11 - BuffGroup now exits early if it detects you're in combat to increase responsiveness.
2020-10-11 - Updated version.
2020-10-11 - Fix mispelled var name in DoBuffCheck.
2020-10-11 - Added addl NPCSpellReady DEBUG to detect healing spells w/o LOS.
2020-10-11 - Added PriorityMez check subroutine. Currently unused.
2020-10-11 - Cleanup unused variables.
2020-10-11 - Added DoBuffCheck subrouine to improve readability over the DOBUFFs define.
2020-10-11 - Removed early returns from WorstHurt that were better placed in PriorityHeal.
2020-10-11 - Added PriorityHeal sub that is more effecient than the #define.
2020-10-11 - RNG will now follow Manatonuke at low levels. Will also snare.
2020-10-10 - Updated manuals submodule.
2020-10-10 - CPU Throttle will now occur at the end of the mainloop, whether it is on or off, and after binds/events have been processed.
2020-10-10 - /campfire now accepts a campfire type numerical argument.
2020-10-10 - /killnow will no longer call functions that don't exist.
2020-10-10 - Version update.
2020-10-10 - Fixed two conditions to behave per Morisato's wishes for buffs. Added RunSpeed buffs.
2020-10-10 - PAL should no longer target spam corpses if Rez isn't ready.
2020-10-09 - Added CPUThrottle advanced setting. Default to off. If turned on, slows mainloop down to reduce CPU usage.
2020-10-09 - Don't do worst hurt if we're not healing.
2020-10-09 - Fixed ||s that should be &&s in RGRNG conditions.
2020-10-09 - Fixed a caps problem and 2 mispellings.
2020-10-09 - Rearranged Spellbar & traced Lines /conditions Ranger
2020-10-09 - Added pre/post pull callbacks for fancy pulling.
2020-10-09 - Added RGCustom callbacks for Downtime, Mez, and Healing.
2020-10-09 - Fixed BST Typo.
2020-10-09 - Fixed BST Typo.
2020-10-09 - Version Update
2020-10-09 - Tweaked Wizzie
2020-10-09 - Fixed Typo In bard Aura
2020-10-08 - Version Update.
2020-10-08 - Disc users should now wait until the disc is cast before doing other things.
2020-10-08 - Made Sk Epic work @ Same Hp As Shield Flash. Fixed Bard Aura By using new aura Defines.
2020-10-08 - Converted Epics to use New ItemSet Rotations and vars
2020-10-08 - ItemSet Backend fixes Via DRwhompd
2020-10-08 - Fixed Missing } on 193
2020-10-08 - Added More Condtions to mage Alliance
2020-10-08 - Put Alliance into Mage Rotation With Condtions
2020-10-08 - Healers using HealNow should no longer require LoS for healing rotations.
2020-10-08 - Add /clearpull and /clearignore to clear their respective pull lists.
2020-10-08 - PCs will no longer chase after death.
2020-10-08 - PCs will now respawn their mercs when UseMercenary is on.
2020-10-08 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-08 - Mercs will now clear target on death just in case.
2020-10-08 - Version Update
2020-10-08 - Merge branch 'BardFixes' into Development
2020-10-08 - Corrected All bard Modes.
2020-10-08 - ReOrdered and Moved around some Abilitys
2020-10-08 - Reworking Bard Completely Due to issues
2020-10-07 - Added Do Pet Pull to Pet Pulling classes.
2020-10-07 - Version update.
2020-10-07 - DoPetPull now calls PullSetup when its changed to update pull usage.
2020-10-07 - Added a bind to manually call Pull_SetAbility.
2020-10-06 - Reordered SK Pull for Pet Pull
2020-10-06 - Fixed Long Standing Paragon of Spirits Mispelling bug.
2020-10-06 - Updated Pulls With a DoPetPull Setting Implmented on SK so far.
2020-10-06 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into Development
2020-10-06 - Removed Summon Modrod check from Self Only rods.
2020-10-06 - Pull abort message will now appear. Pull abort checks more responsive.
2020-10-06 - Added mercenary support to BuffGroup API.
2020-10-06 - Added UseMercenary setting for mercenary features.
2020-10-06 - Version update.
2020-10-06 - Added new help info for DoPull.
2020-10-06 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-06 - Fixed twincast to Not Spam On named.
2020-10-06 - Fixed Burn Mode Call Corrected Charm Mode Rotation
2020-10-06 - Put Burn Mode into enchanter
2020-10-06 - Redid Mode 8 Aka Mode mori
2020-10-05 - Changed How SK& Paladin Stick in tank mode.
2020-10-05 - Added additional documentation comments.
2020-10-05 - Added ItemSet datatype with New/Add/ChooseOuter methods like Ability Set.
2020-10-05 - Changed single pull binds to avoid confusion.
2020-10-05 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-05 - Version update.
2020-10-05 - SpawnFightingStranger warning now include's the stranger's name.
2020-10-04 - Pet Engage On Sk Puller fix
2020-10-04 - Added missing UseBattleRez setting.
2020-10-04 - AutoDebuffAt will no longer accientily use the DODEBUFF define in its help info.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up WIZ settings.
2020-10-04 - CLeaned up WAR settings.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up SHM settings.
2020-10-04 - Claned up SHD settings.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up ROG settings.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up RNG settings.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up PAL settings.
2020-10-04 - Added back AutoDebuffAt. Checked via util define but no clearly in macro itself.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up NEC settings.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up MNK settings.
2020-10-04 - MAG Setting cleanup.
2020-10-04 - ENC Setting cleanup.
2020-10-04 - Further DRU setting cleanup.
2020-10-04 - Updated CLR Settings.
2020-10-04 - Cleaned up BRD Settings.
2020-10-04 - DRU Runspeed setting now matches BRD/SHM/BST
2020-10-04 - Pull will now tell you who the other person is your mob is fighting instead of a plain warning.
2020-10-04 - SpawnFightingStranger will now check PC Pets as well.
2020-10-04 - SpawnFightingStranger now checks PC names not mob names due to typo.
2020-10-04 - Swapped EDEBUG for DEBUG in Spawn Fighting Stranger sub.
2020-10-04 - Mez should no longer try to spam cast when low on mana or any other items NPCSpellReady checks for.
2020-10-04 - - Toons with UseMelee off will not be interrupted when medding during combat. - MainAssists should no longer target mobs being fought by unsafe PCs or their mercs. - NavInCombat should now not fight itself due to Velocity checks. - NavInCombat should be a bit easier on the CPU. - Additional debugs for Standing/Sitting to find issues.
2020-10-04 - Noted an improvement in comments and updated version.
2020-10-03 - Informed folks DoPull resets every macro start.
2020-10-03 - Setup BER to use the universal bind system.
2020-10-03 - Moved alliance checking to a bind sub. Now done on ModeSetup, Group Change, or /checkalliance.
2020-10-03 - Removed no longer used settings.
2020-10-03 - Removed ZoneEventCheck as it currently does nothing and isn't part of future design plans.
2020-10-03 - Nav-based follow for casters will now use line of sight on the chase target.
2020-10-03 - LOS now checked individually in NPCSpellReady to enable future expansion.
2020-10-03 - Updated manuals version.
2020-10-03 - Updated version.
2020-10-03 - /campfire now properly checks for the right materials.
2020-10-02 - Tweaks to campfire bind. Now just /campfire. Improvements to error messages.
2020-10-02 - Updated help info.
2020-10-02 - Cleanup of OpeningMove.
2020-10-02 - Added AURA define to remove AbilitySet magic #/vaguery.
2020-10-02 - Fixed syntax errors.
2020-10-02 - Merge branch 'cursed_guardian_fix' into 'Development'
2020-10-02 - Corrected Cursed Guardian spelling
2020-10-01 - Ignore blocked buff checks for SPA 58 on DanNet.
2020-10-01 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-01 - Updated version.
2020-10-01 - Fixed bug where Downtime songs wouldn't be memorized because they weren't ready.
2020-10-01 - Identified and Moved Enveloping Helix Enchanter AA to Universal Debuff Section.
2020-10-01 - Added DetAACheck to mage Wind of Malaise AA
2020-10-01 - Organized Enchanter Mode 8 Made it A Remake of ModeMez.
2020-10-01 - Implemented Shared Debuff For all mage Modes.
2020-10-01 - Found More Weird Enchanter Issues
2020-10-01 - Enchanter Spells Pass1
2020-10-01 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-10-01 - Refactored RGMercs camp sub.
2020-09-30 - Correct spell names for ancient spells.
2020-09-30 - Now /nav stopping on an aborted pull.
2020-09-30 - Fixed Thaumatize issue, corrected shared downtime.
2020-09-30 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into Development
2020-09-30 - Fixes to Magic Mode on mage Spacing and Naming for rotation Commented out Fire mode Taum pet. for now.,
2020-09-30 - Commented out rotation entry causing crashes. Entry already handled by mainloop.
2020-09-30 - Version update.
2020-09-30 - Initial bug fix for bards memorizing songs -- specifically auras.
2020-09-30 - Gnits RGMAG Upgrades
2020-09-30 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-09-30 - Merge branch 'revert-832e787c' into 'Development'
2020-09-30 - Revert "Merge branch 'Kettoch' into 'Development'"
2020-09-30 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-09-30 - Added time info to stand warning so folks see how rapid event occurs.
2020-09-30 - Merge branch 'Kettoch' into 'Development'
2020-09-30 - Added New Fire Mode - Reordered Nukes - Split Magic and Fire Bolts - Choose two for several spell sets Added New Magic Mode - Spell selection a work in progress (need to look at spell cycling Other items - Self Only Mod Rod included with static use at 80Mana 60/HP - Work In Progress
2020-09-29 - Fixed variable name in killnow bind.
2020-09-29 - Cleaned up KillTarget function.
2020-09-29 - Version update.
2020-09-29 - Zone event clears pull info so that it can be reloaded w/o writing false values for the new zone.
2020-09-29 - Added InMedState support to pulls and binds.
2020-09-29 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-09-29 - Removed unused variables. Added an InMedState to warn folks when other tools are standing them. Fixed pet engagement.
2020-09-29 - Removed unused varaible.
2020-09-28 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into Development
2020-09-28 - Changed Modrod Values.
2020-09-28 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-09-28 - Fixed typo in DNet Ice check.
2020-09-28 - Fixed Typo Maro to Macro.
2020-09-28 - CLR/SHM now have a query based DNet check for Ice. UNTESTED.
2020-09-27 - Re-arranged pull abort conditions. Potential fix for a pull bug where puller wouldn't abort w/ an add.
2020-09-27 - Removed the min item check as it was not needed. Marked setting as unused.
2020-09-27 - Pull TargetOfTarget safety check now checks dannet peers for less false positives.
2020-09-27 - Fixed ber spamming DVolley line w/o having right axes.
2020-09-27 - Fixed bad variable name.
2020-09-27 - Version Update.
2020-09-27 - Added UseHaste setting back to SHM Haste Buff.
2020-09-27 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-09-27 - BER Class Touchups/Optimizations
2020-09-26 - Fixed Shaman to not Spam talisman of Celerity
2020-09-26 - Removed missed debug spew.
2020-09-26 - Implemented chain pulling mode.
2020-09-26 - Moved terror aggro ability to top of list.
2020-09-26 - SHM Haste buff now obeys UseHaste setting.
2020-09-26 - Version update.
2020-09-26 - Casters will now med during long spell ready wait times. Good for mid levels.
2020-09-26 - Cleric now obeys UseHealNukes setting.
2020-09-26 - Attempt to get BRD Travel hotkey to continue across zoning.
2020-09-26 - Changed Sub/Var names for wintitle change to match prior RGCustom style.
2020-09-26 - Added option for custom window title in rgcustom.inc
2020-09-25 - Added an amount field to GiveItem Sub.
2020-09-25 - Merge branch 'Development' of gitlab.com:redguides/rgmercs into Development
2020-09-25 - Impelemented Manatonuke for SHD SpearNuke line.
2020-09-25 - Fixed Mages To properly use Self Modrod and Shard AA.
2020-09-25 - Fixed DoMed for mount users when indoors.
2020-09-25 - Fixed condition logic for heal entry in mainloop.
2020-09-25 - Fixes bug where pet tanks w/ IsHealing won't call the heal sub.
2020-09-25 - Added a mid-level bard travel hotkey.
2020-09-25 - Version update.
2020-09-25 - Fixed spam casting.
2020-09-25 - Added missing remedy heals.
2020-09-25 - Fixed incorrect TLO Name.
2020-09-25 - GiveItem now handles trades to players.
2020-09-25 - Added /givemoney bind to enable quick money giving.
2020-09-25 - Added GiveMoney function to enable giving money to toons.
2020-09-25 - Added LastMouseOver hotkey.
2020-09-24 - Version update.
2020-09-24 - Removed SetPetMode sub. Pet Tanking should be the purview of a pet classes mode setup.
2020-09-24 - Mortifier's Unity added to NEC downtime.
2020-09-23 - Updated manual submodule.
2020-09-23 - Updated version.
2020-09-23 - Limited spell too powerful checks to occur only if we're outside assising and have a low level MA.
2020-09-23 - Fixed SpellTooPowerful so that heals/buffs won't cast on low level players.
2020-09-23 - Fixed issue where healers would cast spells that were too powerful when assisting low lvls.
2020-09-22 - Added new /hotkeys bind.
2020-09-22 - BER no longer intimidates by default.
2020-09-22 - Added /nextwp bind to manually skip waypoints. Added protection from pulling mobs fighting others.
2020-09-22 - Added taunt as a secondary backup for throw stone when too close for pulling w/ bows.y
2020-09-20 - Converted /port to use RGMercs functions for increased reliability.
2020-09-20 - Fixed bad variable in giveitem causing a pause.
2020-09-18 - Added /giveto bind to easily hand in items to NPCs.
2020-09-18 - Moved GiveTo sub to rgutil so it can be used across RGMercs.
2020-09-18 - Version update.
2020-09-18 - Added divine intervention line to BuffGroup. Defaults to off.
2020-09-18 - Fixed casting bug for higher latency/non-US users.
2020-09-16 - Merge branch 'master' into Development
2020-09-16 - Merge branch 'Development' into 'master'
2020-09-16 - Sk Fixes. - Thwart was Being Used as a Spell Not a disc and So Not firing. Also Adjusted StickHow to make it less Dancy
2020-09-15 - Clutch Heal Changes. for Cleric
2020-09-14 - Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/Development' into Development
2020-09-14 - Version update.
2020-09-14 - Microcombat now supports melee engagement.
2020-09-14 - DNetBuffCheck now checks for Blocked Buffs as well.
In this Update we have Done alot of generalized Performance Tweaks behind the Scenes, Some Minor tweaks and Buff fixes, to In general Tune classes to work better.
Fixed AA pulling to properly Calculate distance
Added a DoCure Observer mode Default is off. because this is still Experimental if you wish to test it /rg DoCure 1
And remember when Updating RGMercs please Delete Your Old PCinis To ensure Compatibility with New Versions.


We have a New Mage Revamp Coming Soon. - Watch For a Developers Edition update to try it out early!
Okay So, Alot has changed alot remains the same But some things to note the macro is now Called RGmercs It this is to signify that it has changed and is not owned by anyone person but is a Community Project That any Red Guides member can be a part of!, Also It is Offically Supported On The Redguides Build of MQ2. Any Other builds May or May not work. and we cannot support them.

All Classes Remain Supported. , Also Added a new Major Feature!

PULLING - So We can Now Pull using RGmercs! Thanks Team for the awesome Job. on the new pulling engine! as it is new there may be bugs let us know!
- /pullinfo - Displays pullinfo for the current zone
- /pulltarget <spawnid> - Pulls <spawnid> (e.g., /pulltarget ${Target.ID})
- /addignore - Adds target to pull ignore list
- /addpull - Adds target to the pull only list
- /dopull - Pulls nearest mob and returns to start location
- /dohunt - Pulls nearest mob and does not return to start location

Yes You Can Send a command like so /dex XXX /pulltarget While targetting a mob and Whomever u send the message to will pull Your target!
Also to Turn on pulling to keep going i Use /rg DoPull 0/1/2
And a Command i use alot is /rg GroupWatch 0/1/2
To find more Commands /rg help or for More advanced Commands /rg Advanced

To aid you In your travel needs we Implmented a RGmercs Portal System
### /Port - This Functions to Use items to Port. Current options are:
- /port air
- /port fire
- /port stone
- /port pok
- /port lobby
- /port guildhall
- /port gorowyn
- /port froststone
- /port stratos
- /port fm
- /port ghlobby
- /port poh

## List of Binds
- /rg - Displays help for root RGMercs command interface
- /navto - This will navto Yourself or to your Target. For Your entire Group
- /kaenform |- Moves group to a moon around you with minimal fuss. ( named for its creator)
- /groupfacefront – makes everyone face Front same heading as your toon yer on.
- /combatreset – Resets Combat kill id and target good for Mobs Not inrange but stuck as priamry target
- /backoffmob – Backs off the currently targeted mob. - Must be ran per toon
- /groupbehindme – Self Explanatory.. Group Gathers Behind u.
- /killtarget – Reassigns this mob as Your Kill target.
- /yes Bind – this clicks yes on windows. For all Toons in party.
- /lazylobbyrez – Works Just like the mac Just type and you will summon yer corpse in the lobby to be rezzed.
- /clickdoor – Clicks the Nearest Door on Whole Group for example Guildhall Door in lobby to enter.
- /levelinfo - Spits out Everyone In groups Current name Level and Exp % towards next level. into the mq2 window
- /aainfo - Spits out how Many unspent AA you have and how much % into current one you are - into mq2 window.
- /scribe - Scribes spells in inventory and buys spells up to your level from an open merchant window.
- /pullinfo - Displays pullinfo for the current zone
- /pulltarget <spawnid> - Pulls <spawnid> (e.g., /pulltarget ${Target.ID})
- /addignore - Adds target to pull ignore list
- /addpull - Adds target to the pull only list
- /dopull - Pulls nearest mob and returns to start location
- /dohunt - Pulls nearest mob and does not return to start location
- /targroup2xtar - Adds target's group to your xtarget list
- /summonsnacks <#> - Summon snacks for your group -- bind equivalent of SummonSnacks.mac.

- Also There is now a RGMercs HUD availible in your Manuals Folder for use with mq2Hud. if you So Choose to use it

Updated Faq And Install Instructions for Most Questions on How do i do X I recommend you try the command

/rg help

It will List toggles available to that Character and what they do in Most cases!

We Reduced the Targetting crazyiness a Good Deal, We Updated Classes to include more Support for Rizlona and Added Spells to Multiple Classes. There was Overall a But ton of Changes.. Unfortunetly I am Bad at
Patch Notes. So I will take a Page out of My ps4 Patch Notes..

- Improved System Stability.

The end p:)

Thanks Sony for the great idea!

PS Welcome to RedGuides mercs First Release!