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RGMercs (macro version, deprecated)

Combat Assist RGMercs (macro version, deprecated) 01/02/2024

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Welcome to another Long winded patchnote!. I would do this By Webcam except well they are sold out EVERYWHERE! so i cannot buy one. Todays April 15th Update brings many new features for ihc..

First I imagine The Biggest Feature That everyone will Talk about Would be our New Out of group Support for DPS classes is Now working and in Alpha Stages - What this means? Well it means it mostly works but will Undergo many changes as we further Mature this feature until we like it. right now it does work and works well but Somethings are not perfect Hence Alpha
To Access Out of Group Support. First Start Up IHC as you normally would then type
/ihc AssistOutside 1
You Should see a message about the value being changed Then Drop Group Target Your main assist and Start IHC It will now function out of group.

This is Primarily Functional On DPS classes only. As well as Clerics - You can Right click a target and manually add them to xtarget slots 6-10 and they Will be healed. - Shamans, Dps some but do not heal properly or buff. - This is Coming Just not there yet. - Enchanters/Bards For some of our testers worked great for others they had a 50/50 Working situation. With some Mez issues this are also being Ironed out as we further Implment this feature. - DPS classes primarily worked great.

I recomended if your going to use Shamans/Enchanter/bards keep them in the Main group for full Functionality.

Also new to the IHC - We welcome the Monk!

We had a user Submission sometime last year by Addict - His monk has been transformed and remade into the Current IHC monk. It needs alot of love and attention and is being worked on Slowly whilst i level my Monk - Tips and suggesztions are welcome on the rotations.

We have also added a Feature That for any New class or Class that utilizes our new Spellmapping System to Spit out when you start IHC what spells are missing.
Currently This Feature is on
IHC ranger, Zerker,Bard,Paladin,Mage,Wizard and maybe others. - all classes will be moved to Spell map to support this feature. as time goes by.

Ihc Zerker has received a bit of love. You No longer have to set anything to do with the axes. it now auto detects and auto summons Default of 300 Axes of your highest 2 levels. /ihc SummonAxes turns on the highest axe and /ihc SummonAxes2 turns on the second. These default to on with a New Ini. Also in moving zerker to spellmap some previously broken or missing abilitys have been fixed and i have found it overall works better than previous. Though it will still be getting more love.

Ihc ranger - Spellmaps - Much like zerker some Small Issues and Rotational changes to better Fit the class as we moved it to spellmaps.

IHC Paladin i found and also got reports of mana issues from Spamming Disruptive Persection so i added in some toggles for Mana to nuke adjusted defaults and Also made it so On Undead we do not cast this Spell since our dps is already good for a paladin on any undead. this fixed the issue - I am aware of some weirdness with healing and Ressing and Its On the list to be fixed soon.

Ihc beastlord - Got some tweaks to avoid Charging in Like a Leeeroy Jenkins style with mobs @ 100% life. as well as a few Checks - I just want to confirm to Smokeybear! TALAtak is indeed in the util and working! - LOL

IHC Cleric fixes - Are you tired of trying to heal Corpses? US to! So we have taken a stab and think we have resolved this issue Clerics rejoice! Corpses Will be ressed not healed!

And finally.. Are your Gems SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSStuck? Ours as well.. So we have developed and put out a Alpha Fix for this. Please let us know how it works. If you experience stuck gems we want to know. Also if this is still an issue for you It is caused by Bard Quicktime spell so we added a toggle to IHC bard /ihc UseQuicktime - This allows you to turn it off completely or you can Buffblock it if it becomes an Issue.

Ihc Druid and IHC Necro are coming along nicely as is our Fully 3 way healer Revamp. Cleric Shaman And Druid! all being rebuilt.

Part of what we are doing with IHC is Unifiying and redoing the macroset into the Same Stylistic Manner. And where possible Sharing base code. so that when things break we can fix it in 1 place and not in 8 different Macros. So We appreciate Your Patience with us !

See You In another 2-4 weeks or Tommorow for hotfixes p:0

Also Strongly Recommend if you have Strange issues on a new Ihc Release First Delete your character INI file and generate a new one. With all the macro changes Some Old Inis can cause issues with the new macros.
So this is not our regular Monthly Release but it is a Update Edition with some Bug fix and feature Updates for Current content.

Some new Mage Mana routines pet routines, mod rod updates
Some Bard Bug Fixes
Some Paladin BugFixes. - As well as Adding Rez's Modrods and Annouces for heals.
Some SK Bugfixes - As well as adding modrods.
Some Enchanter Fixes
Some War Fixes.

So all in all We played Bug Whackamole and Extended Features.

Also As we are all Staying home And Safe! Keep it up and Stay Sane Make use of Discord and Other chat methods to get Social Interaction! to stay Sane!
Okay So we decided since we all are @ home and got alot more than usal done we Would release early, Please Remeber to Stay Home Stay Safe during these Dangerous times. And wash Your hands Frequently!

Included we have
IHC bard - COMPLETE revamp!!! Thanks to Noone!
he has reworked bard from the ground up using our new system it works great in our testing Does AE and single target mez as well as Sings dances and Slices and Dices.. if you find bugs let us know your our Front line! we can;t fix it if u don;t tell us.

We Welcome back Our Old friend
IHC Enchanter 2.0! - Reworked mez Routine Works MUCH better no more strange errors testing has proven it to be very solid. in my experience i mezzed 18 lvl 118 Mobs In the formal Dinner party when i got the Entire Library LOL. And i Survived. so pass from me. Again report some Dem Bugs!

Ihc Mage-
Now works with Summoned Pet packs. to give weapons And Also has many less Mana Issues as the mage remembered how to use its Mana Abilitys!,

IHC Paladin Alpha!!! - Works In Much The same ways IHC Shd works.
/ihc Dotank 0 makes it DPS Dotank1 makes it tank.
Has Heals Tank and Dps - No rez Functions as of yet. or cures.
Let Us Know of any Bugs or Functions or tweaks u suggest! Through My own testing i levelled a 115 paladin and have achieved parses over 1 million dps frequently in TOV missions.

We are now turning our attention on 3 final Classes and Features Like Out of Group Support and Maybe One day ihc Pulling..
Good Luck Stay Safe and Please Remeber to WASH YOUR HANDS!!

IHC team Out
morisato, Drwhompd, Noone,Vsab, And many others who Help on this immense project we all love!
Okay So Alot of Small Changes and Fixes Occured this Month Stuff that is Minor and Major alike.

IHCWiz - Noones Baby is finally Done - All 3 damage Rotations are in Fire Magic Ice, Rotations and burns have been tested it is not the Manapig it was! so all is looking well! if you find bugs let us know!
IHCSHD - Added in a Tank Mode and a Assist mode u can change this with /ihc Dotank 1/0 And it will change values accordingly
Fixed Pet not fighting Bug and created new setting for this Petassistat​
Added Doaoe support for aoe taunts Default on​
Removed Unused Settingsd Do Defense/Doaggro as they are combined under Dotank.​
Adding a Lifetap Setting to Choose if u want to spam taps or only use as needed. on your SK default is Spam set to 100​
IHCENC - BIG BIG NEWS ******************************** BIG BIG NEWS!!​
So after through testing many Bugs popping up we decided to Holdback the current rewrite and Revert to The original IHC enchanter for the time Being With all its warts. No Bug reports on this Macro will be addressed as​
We are currently Rewriting it from the Ground up along with IHCbard. Expect a release Of the Alpha test April. - if you wish to use The Current IHCENC on the new core in its current form The files are There and will need to be Renamed accordingly.​
IHCBST - Fixed to match new Spellname In March Monthly Patch Griklor's Instead of Grikor's​
Epic's - We Have fixed The Spam Epic Clicking on IHC Shaman and Ranger! Use your epics freely now.​
That Said i am sure we all Do we believe we have a Definitive Final fix for restless ice. The Current Implementation is such that You use mq2events and say thawme in group you will be added to a cure queue and your Cleric or Shaman will Cure you. it has been tested quite a bit and I hope to hear Nothing but happiness. as Restless Ice is giving me restless legs at night p:). This is the Event I am Using myself feel free to modify it however you wish!​
Restless Ice Event for mq2Events:
trigger=#*#From Restless Ice#*#
command=/multiline ;/gsay thawme; /dgt all - I Have Restless Ice~

As a Way to Keep You all Informed we will be Posting The Occasional Dev Diarys on the forum For your reading pleasure. This is where we will Tell you about the Fun of making ihc Vroom for you all and Ask for Suggestions Sometimes even!​
On the Burner for Next Month we look to have a Whole Lot of Potentional for the Biggest Ever release! IHCPaladin Will Hopefully be ready, IHCBard/ENC,Nec,MONK all are in various nearly ready /testing states and can all come in april if our ducks Line up! As well as IHCMag continues to be improved and worked on and may be in a near final State in a month!​
Okay So i coulda waited till march heck I prolly SHOULD have waited. but Its Working so well and i am so eager to share it with you all and We could use some more Testers as always P:) IHC mercs is a Everliving Beta with regular fixes. we squashed a BUNCH of little bugs Thanks for all the reports keep those coming in. They help! Finished Ranger revamp, Completed a Entire beastlord DPS routine Revamp - needs more testing but so far all Indications Point to good things.

IHC ranger - Appears done and revamped Find bugs if you can!
IHC Beastlord Revamp Pass DPS. Looks great - Fixed Talatak Bug. as well.
IHC MAGE -- ALPHA--- No Burn Routine. just basic Damage and Still Needs alot of Work But u can try it! ---ALPHA--- - No Bugs Reports needed as its Still In a Consistent State of update! Thanks thou!
IHC Bard - Had some Minor Bugs Fixed to resolve Silly Issues
IHC Ber - had some naming and axe bugs resquashed that crawled out!@
IHC Wiz - Brought up to date with current revamp Status still In progress!
IHC War - Attempted Fix for Paragon Champion! issue - Let us know! Ainen!

new Classes we are working on As of now.
IHCNEC - Started!
IHCMNK - STarted!
Revamps we are Starting to look at!
IHCBRD - Going to be a tough one! don;t expect to much to soon
IHCBER - Revamping soon not sure eta!

Still Looking for Testers to try new stuff! and for Devs to make new stuff! Happy to help with IHC mercs? Drop me a Line here or on the Discord! @morisato
So Apparently After Axeing me a question i found a undefined var messing up Restless Ice and So i had to fix it!
Also At The request of a User changed Shamans Text about Curing folks to be Less Obvious!. it is now going thru Dan-net.

Incidentally All these Minor Bugs that Slip thru Think I would Love More testers! - Folks who want to be on The Bleeding Edge and I do Mean Bleeding Usually Resulting in Death Edge of IHC! get in touch if you Like Dieing and New features!
Does your zerker summon properly Now? P:)

Thanks for Axeing us!
Here is The Third Update! Few Housekeeping changes and Wiz Fixes.!
to make things Cleaner
So As usual with a new Release found something I Missed.. Reworked Restless Ice cure Should not spam Anyone now. Also Thawme still works for mq2events for those not Using ihc on certain Toons for example if your Tank is Using a CWTN or Kiss or Core, u can create an Event to say Thawme for your IHC Cleric or IHC Shaman to Cure the ice.
So here is the new Edition of IHC mercs. This Month We Bring you a Whole new Core system to control the macro and settings functions and do away with the Alias's as well as Just in general make things WORK better. faster and make it easier for us the Dev team to make things go vroom!

Also new this Month IHC Rogue, Thanks to vsab and those who Have been Playing with the PreLaunch!
BIG new Release.... Drumroll.. IHC Shd - Currently in a Alpha But functional State So far Only tanks. and has 1 routine will be expanded as time goes on.
Complete Rework of IHC- Ranger Dps is solid and Spells and such work much better! no more walls of white text!.
Complete Rework of IHC - Wiz Works great Dps Solid. new core!
Added and converted The following to our new Core but have not yet recieved the love and attention they need but they will soon!

We also Changed the way Restless Ice gets Handled due to Alot of issues with Our method last Month. Now your toon will Say
In groupchat if it has it and we have Created a trigger for The thawme that triggers a cleric or shaman running IHC to heal it. You can also edit the macro and remove the command if u wish to use mq2events for the function and Know how!.

Thawme - begs for Restless ice Cure.

Okay So I am Sure Your all Eager Go Out and Have fun! Kick some mobs buts! Also we are Looking for More Developers who wish to take on new or Existing Classes to Help maintain tweak and Update! Join us on Gitlab and discord. Show us your Awesomeness. But really anyone wanting to join our dev team get in touch with me.

Some help For our New Core system
For more Help The Wiki is found @ https://gitlab.com/redguides/rgmercs/-/wikis/home

Commands for the new IHCSUBs

  • /ihc - Displays the list of available commands in case you forget the order/syntax/style
  • /ihc help - Displays all available settings that can be changed
  • /ihc debug - Will eventually be turned into our debugging interface when the interface is written/implemented. This will allow fine tuning of what debugging information you display/log. The goal is to have this autofill like the settings.
  • /ihc camphere - Sets your current loc as the camp and turns on return to camp. Does not save the setting to the ini.
  • /ihc campoff - Turns off return to camp. Does not save the setting to the ini.
  • /ihc chaseon optional:target - Turns on chase. Optional parameter is to provide the name to chase. Currently there are no sanity checks on this.
  • /ihc chaseoff - Turns off chase mode.
  • /ihc - Display the current value of a . All s are case sensitive.
  • /ihc - Set the value of a . Saves to INI. All s are case sensitive.
  • /ihc - Get the current value of a class specific . All s are case sensitive.
  • /ihc - Set the current value of a class specific . Saves to INIT. All s are case sensitive.
Example Hotkeys For new Core
Turning on Chase
/hotbutton ChaseOn 6 1:0:/dge /chase 1 ${Me.Name}
/hotbutton ChaseOn 6 2:0:/dge /ihc chaseon ${Me.Name}

Turning off Chase

/hotbutton Chaseoff 7 1:0:/dge /chase 0
/hotbutton Chaseoff 7 2:0:/dge /ihc chaseoff

Toggling Slow on ENC

**Note: ** settings are case sensitive.

/hotbutton TglSlow 7 1:0:/noparse /dex MyEnc ${If[${DoSlow[2]},/ihc ENC DoSlow 0,/ihc ENC DoSlow 1]}