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Trade / Skill The Outer Brood Database Update for Tradeskill Construction Set NeXt 1.37a


1.37a - ChangeLog

Modified: Many Recipes that had (Vigor) (Brilliance) etc in the name to accommodate UI searching

Please be sure to manually update.

1.36a - ChangeLog

Fixed: Sub-Recipe ID for Nascent Longsword in component table.

1.35a - ChangeLog

Corrected: Lychee Misspellings
Corrected: Fillet Misspellings

You may need to manually update to get the changes, as TCN only sees that you have the update but does not have version tracking *yet*

1.34a - ChangeLog

Fixed: Recipe: Nascent Head Armor (Misspelling)

1.32a - ChangeLog

Added: ItemLookupTable
Added: ItemLookupMaster
Fixed: Starlight Nectar Sparkling Metheglin for use with UI
Fixed: Nascent Brilliant Gem (Ingenuity)
Fixed: Nascent Ritual Spear

1.31a - ChangeLog

Fixed: Item ID in component table for Fish Scale Swatch (TOB)

1.3a - ChangeLog

Fixed: Recipe: Nascent Acrobat's Gem (Adroitness)

1.2a - ChangeLog

Added Recipes:

Nascent Longsword
Nascent Axe
Nascent Dagger
Nascent Short Spear
Nascent Sword Breaker
Nascent Broadsword
Nascent Knuckles
Nascent Injection Dagger
Nascent Athame
Nascent Wand
Nascent Scimitar
Nascent Ritual Spear
Nascent Bardiche
Nascent Long Spear
Nascent Greatsword
Nascent Greataxe

1.1a - ChangeLog

Fixed: Reptilian Deviled Eggs
Added: Seared Voidscale Filet