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Trade / Skill Tradeskill Construction Set NeXt 4.18b


3.66b - ChangeLog

Added: Parija Kalamir in PoT remembered they sell snake scales.

Added: Celtir Gronbacki in Thurgadin will sell you Melted Glacier Whiskey and Kromrif Spit Vodka. They were complaining they
were not on the vendor table and the squeaky wheel got the grease.

Added: more items to the farm table.

Fixed: various recipes not referencing the sub-recipe.


3.65b - ChangeLog

Changed: You may now choose what items to not destroy specifically by ID, even if you have destroy on.

- This file is in tcn\settings

it can be edited by any txt editor..

to exclude an item just type the item ID in and hit enter, and if you want to add another just enter the item ID on a new line, simple as that and save. IDs can be found in Lucy, EQTraders.com , elsewhere..

Fixed: Items that we had in depot were also showing up as farmed in Artisan if we had the proper amount. Changed <= to <

3.64b - ChangeLog

Added: Will check the DB to see if there are any NOS entries, if there are it will return, which means there has not been an update.
However, if there are no entries, it will check to see if you have the NOSDB, and if you do, it will auto-install.

S/O to Hytiek for partial code.

3.63b - ChangeLog

Fixed: Order of trophy quests for GOD

Added: Break in quest turn in, if the item is in inventory but the task had not updated.

3.62b - ChangeLog

Added: Wood Elves can now craft in Greater Faydark for Cultural Smithing

3.61b - ChangeLog

Added: Generic sell facility, has items that can be sold from known TCSNeXt vendors, to be used for emptying out your local inventory of all items you do not

Open the sell.db file with your favorite SQL browser.. and change the ItemNoSale field to 1 on any item you absolutely do not want sold
when using the "
Sell All" button under utilities. This will sell the whole amount...



Fixed: Trophy quests, will no longer get confused and run to West Freeport then choose to go to Abysmal Sea.

Changed: If for whatever reason you pause navigation during tradeskill operations, it will no longer try to duck, jump, or rewind.

3.6b - ChangeLog

Fixed: Unfired Researcher Charm was not referencing Researcher Ceramic Clay

Added: You may now use the Standard Guild Hall to craft, if you don't have a paid GH, but it only has 6 containers, so plan accordingly. If you try a recipe that does not have a container in zone it will not work.

Added: Auto-Deposit will now work for quests as well. If you disable it, it will not put anything back in the bank.

3.59b - ChangeLog

Added: 9 original EQ recipes:

Meat Lover's Omelet (Alligator Egg)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Alligator Eggs)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Aviak)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Basilisk Egg)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Basilisk Eggs)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Cockatrice)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Griffon)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Free-Range Egg)
Meat Lover's Omelet (Snake)

Changed: Will now perform null checking in Artisan destruction routine.

3.58b - ChangeLog

Updated: TCGSetup for new LuaDir path selection

Changed: file reference locations

Fixed: Noodles is now Noodles (Free-Range Egg) so it can be used in UI now.

3.57b - ChangeLog

Changed: Packageman prompt should happen as soon as you /lua run tcn for the sqlite dll.. if you have a sqlite.dll in your lua directory please dispose of it.