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Help Requests(Make yours here!) (1 Viewer)


Sep 12, 2004
I want to get back into playing EQ and I don't have the time to level a char or the money to pay to have it levelled. Having said that, I would like to win the monthly contest and get a new account reward!

Post your help requests here for anything. If I can help you, I will. If I can't, I'll let you know and may be able to direct you to someone who can help you.

Stuff I feel confident with:
  • modifying macros, not creating them(although if you give me a great explanation of a short macro, I might be able to help)
  • Bard AFK Exp'ing
  • Group AFK Exp'ing(botting a group with macros)
  • Other stuff to do with EQ issues

Please, ask me for help, and return the favor at the awards show, if I even make the list!
Since warps are out, what kind of exp are you looking for and what level? Are you looking for AA exp, and what amount per kill are you looking for?

I can help with this, but remember I haven't played in a while, so I don't know what the latest expansions offer.
Lets propose two scenarios then. In either case they have all of the expansions to play around in.

1.) 70 and trying to get to 75.

2.) 75 and trying to max out some AAs.
Like I said, I don't have experience with the latest expansions. Because of that, it's hard for me to help with scenarios involving all expansions.

I haven't played in a year or so. I do have experience with a lot of stuff pre-serpent's spine.

Having said that, I think you could safely get some exp into a few levels 70+ at rcod, soloing the stone golems with the bard afk macro. That works, as well as tirranun's delve(the instance, not the zone), in the big open area where the basilisks are. You can afk kite those as long as you have some very strong regen(or figure out how to resist their nuke), as all of them do frequent skill nukes(when that expansion first came out they used to do one and stop nuking, but SOE doesn't like to make afk kiting easy, so they made them all do it quite often). This area is best done in a corner, where you pull a mob then start your circle, leaving it afk to actually kill the mob, then you come back to grab another and start back at step one. It works best that way, to ensure you don't die, plus you can exp quietly with endless mobs.

POF Tables is an easy spot. I had a macro a long time ago that ran a set path instead of circling and pulled every mob at tables area as they spawned. I didn't create it, but it was nice.

I'm sure the new expansions offer better places to afk macro, but those are a few places I frequented at 70.

I sure do miss Vxed! If you want the kind of exp you could get there back in the day(from 10-20% aa exp per kill at 70), you could go to Kod'Taz or Yxtta. I have some good spots for both places, so if you want to know them, just PM me. They're not exactly unknown areas, but I can tell you I spent weeks of play time trying out different spots with a bard in those zones, and I found the best spots, imo. I don't want to spout them publicly, just because no one ever goes there.

If you know of a spot I haven't mentioned that you'd like to try, I wouldn't mind helping you modify an afk macro to best suit the area.
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Looking for a workaround to resetting a password. I have my station name on an account i purchased long time ago, about a year or more. Have updated cc# and pw and secret question after buying account. Now after a year away i cant for the life of me remember the password, only the station name. But EQ in their infinite wisdom in the password retrieval utility asks for the email , date of birth and pets name at time of registration. Is their a work around for this other than me calling them up and trying to give them some song and dance about losing the info and trying to explain the different info that i don't have .??? Please help if you have any insight.
Am I understanding this right...you don't know your email, dob or pets name you used for secret question? Your only hope is to call them and they will want billing information or CD keys.
No, i remember my email lol... I reset the email and password and secret question and all the important information when i originally purchased the account. but when i go to the password recovery utility it asks for the Original email , date of birth and secret question answer from what it was at activation. Any work around for that?
bakshi said:
I was just wondering what level can a bard start using the afk macro?

Level 12. You can use selo's accelerando with a drum to outrun mobs, while using brusco's boastful bellow to DD them over and over until they die. You also could throw in some chords of dissonance if you're feeling daring enough to get close to mobs.
Okay Dark, heres one for you.

There is some sort of bug in moveutils. It causes /circle to go sperratic. Now I was gone about as long as you, and my compy is really a PoS as my good one smoked in a storm :(. In any even I dont have the programs, nor the memory/knowlege to attempt a fix. You have any clues? Saw a post about some numbers being crossed, I have no Idea. Sec and I will link the thread.

*EDIT* Here's the link mate. http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php?t=17577

hoosierbilly said:
Can you provide the coding to automaticlly end a macro if I forget when I camp a toon? I'll do my best to figure out where in teh macro it should be located :).

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

I think I can handle that, although I'm a bit rusty. I don't remember what the camp message is, nor do I remember the command to end a macro, but isn't it /endmacro?

What's the message you get when you camp? I always exit out, so I don't remember it and I'm not at a computer with eq on it to check. Whatever it is, put it in this first spot:

Put this at the top of your macro

Rich (BB code):
#event Camping "Whatever it says when you camp, put here in quotes"

Put this at the end of your macro, but if /endmacro doesn't work, someone will probably post saying that's wrong and hopefully tell us the right command.

Rich (BB code):
Sub Event_Camping
     /echo Campout Detected, Ending Macro!

Anyway, that's the basic idea. I'm very rusty, so I don't remember all the commands and messages. If anybody sees anything wrong, please correct me.
( @ )( @ ) said:
Okay Dark, heres one for you.

There is some sort of bug in moveutils. It causes /circle to go sperratic. Now I was gone about as long as you, and my compy is really a PoS as my good one smoked in a storm :(. In any even I dont have the programs, nor the memory/knowlege to attempt a fix. You have any clues? Saw a post about some numbers being crossed, I have no Idea. Sec and I will link the thread.

*EDIT* Here's the link mate. http://www.redguides.com/community/showthread.php?t=17577


If you can tell me exactly what happens, I can try to help. I can't do any programming, but I had tons of experience with moveutils. Unless it's something new or it deals with the programming parts, I might be able to help.

Are you running any other programs? Give a complete step-by-step, without leaving anything out, no matter how mundane.
darkeros said:
If you can tell me exactly what happens, I can try to help. I can't do any programming, but I had tons of experience with moveutils. Unless it's something new or it deals with the programming parts, I might be able to help.

Are you running any other programs? Give a complete step-by-step, without leaving anything out, no matter how mundane.

Not doing anything abnormal. What happens is: It runs a perfect circle at whatever number I set it at, but only one time. If I go for another circle, it gets really choppy, almost lag spikish. It may or may not run a circle at all. I am pretty certain it is in the programming, guess it is time for me to break out the old c++ and hex workshop, see if i can figure it out. At 1st I thought it was my comp, but after some testing, it is not.

hoosierbilly said:
Can you provide the coding to automaticlly end a macro if I forget when I camp a toon? I'll do my best to figure out where in teh macro it should be located :).

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

Here is the segment you want:

Rich (BB code):
#Event	Camping				"#*#It will take you about 30 seconds to prepare your camp.#*#"
Sub Event_Camping
	/echo Camping - Ending macro!
Well, I thought I could figure out how to add end macro when camping code, sigh. It does not seem to be working, I base that on failure to recieve the message "camping - macro ending" within 25 seconds of starting to camp. I did not let it camp all the way out because that cause my computer to have fits and froth at monitor (mouth), hehe. Here is the macro, I highlighted the parts I added in red. Any insight as to what I might doing wrong.....

Again thank you very much for any help.

Rich (BB code):
|Yet Another Forage Macro 
|Ini File: yafm.ini 
| 0 = destroy 
| x = keep at most x of this item 
|New foraged items are added to the ini file automatically and are kept by default. 

| Main 

#Event Camping	"#*#It will take you about 30 seconds to prepare your camp.#*#"

sub Main 
	/echo forage macro started

    /declare DefaultMaxSave int outer 

    /varset DefaultMaxSave ${Ini[yafm.ini,Default,MaxSave,${NotFound}]} 
    /if (${DefaultMaxSave}==${NotFound}) { 
       /ini "yafm.ini" "Default" "MaxSave" "100" 
        /varset DefaultMaxSave 100 

   /delay 1 

   | Verify that we have the ability to forage. 
   /if (${Me.Skill[Forage]}==0) { 
      /echo You cannot forage, silly person! 
      /goto :Exit 


   | If we can forage then do so. 
   /if (${Me.AbilityReady[Forage]}) { 
      | Stand up.  Can't forage while sitting. 
      /if (${Me.State.NotEqual[STAND]}) { 
         /delay 5 

      /doability forage 

   | If we successfully foraged something then take care of it. 
   /if (${Cursor.ID}) { 
      /call HandleItem 

   /goto :Forage 


| HandleItem 
sub HandleItem 

   /declare ItemSetting int local 
   /declare NotFound int local 
   /declare ItemsHave int local 

   /varset NotFound -1 


   | Look up this item in yafm.ini 
   /varset ItemSetting ${Ini[yafm.ini,ForageList,${Cursor.Name},${NotFound}]} 
   /delay 5 

   | If the item isn't in the .ini file then add it. 
   /if (${ItemSetting}==${NotFound}) { 
       /ini "yafm.ini" "ForageList" "${Cursor.Name}" "${DefaultMaxSave}" 
       /varset ItemSetting ${DefaultMaxSave} 

   /varset ItemsHave ${FindItemCount[=${Cursor.Name}]}  
   | If we're keeping this item then stash it in our bags. 
   | Otherwise, just destroy it. 
   /if (${ItemSetting}>${ItemsHave}) { 
     /echo Keeping "${Cursor.Name}" only ${ItemsHave} of ${ItemSetting} on hand 
        } else { 
     /echo Destroying "${Cursor.Name}" already have ${ItemsHave} of ${ItemSetting}

   /delay 5 
   /if (${Cursor.ID}) /goto :LootIt 


Sub Event_Camping
	/echo Camping - Ending macro!
( @ )( @ ) said:
Not doing anything abnormal. What happens is: It runs a perfect circle at whatever number I set it at, but only one time. If I go for another circle, it gets really choppy, almost lag spikish. It may or may not run a circle at all. I am pretty certain it is in the programming, guess it is time for me to break out the old c++ and hex workshop, see if i can figure it out. At 1st I thought it was my comp, but after some testing, it is not.


Let me know what you come up with! I'll see if I can do some testing myself, but I only have low level chars.
Nightmare327 said:
Here is the segment you want:

Rich (BB code):
#Event	Camping				"#*#It will take you about 30 seconds to prepare your camp.#*#"
Sub Event_Camping
	/echo Camping - Ending macro!

I don't think you need a return, since that causes an ending, right? Also, what is the effect of the #*#?

Can someone confirm that /endmacro is the command to end a macro?
lighthouse said:
would love a mac iso i can go afk with a 60+ sk or a 60+ bst and work on aa xp. I would be gratefull for any help

PM'd you some sk and bst macros. I also grabbed the include files needed for those macros to work!

Vote for me!
You will need to add a doevents call in the middle of your loop, without that it never fires the event off. I believe that should fix it.


Rich (BB code):
/goto :Forage

You can place the /doevents in there multiple times in the loop, it shouldn't use up too many CPU cycles. Just make sure there isn't any way to circumvent the call, ie restartin the loop early, etc. I guess you could actually put the doevents call at the beginning of the loop, that would accomplish the same thing.

The /return isn't probably technically necessary, but it is good programming practice EVERY sub should have a end sub line in it, ie, the /return

The #*# is a wildcard, it looks for the event text anywhere, not just at the beginning or end of the line.

And definitely /endmacro will end a macro, as will /end usually. I usually use /end when I wish to end a macro manually.

I need a simple Rogue macro. I currently use RH from mq2.com but it is buggy and obsolete.

What I need it to do is stick behind, backstab and evade while autoattack is on.

I would also like a command to make my rogue automatically find the max melee range so I can slack at raids and not worry too much about AE rampage.

That is all, Thank you!
Keps said:

I need a simple Rogue macro. I currently use RH from mq2.com but it is buggy and obsolete.

What I need it to do is stick behind, backstab and evade while autoattack is on.

I would also like a command to make my rogue automatically find the max melee range so I can slack at raids and not worry too much about AE rampage.

That is all, Thank you!

I can't promise anything, but I'll do my best to find something like what you're wanting.
zxcvbb said:
any one got a mac for a war that will hit a mob bring it to camp and tank it , loot it then get another?

Alatyami had one on here a while back, but something happened to it. It disappeared from the thread. I sent him/her a PM and hope to see it back soon. I'll keep my eye out for another one, but that one worked perfectly. I wish I hadn't deleted all my old macros. I had highly customized that one to work perfectly in quite a few different zones.
Hey dark,

Currently just using target.mac for my bard kiting, looking to add a few lines in it that will check /who all gm....not just in zone; if one pops up it will camp out. I had a lvl 75 admin gm log on yesterday and boot both of my toons from fhalls, no ban but was a nice little scare.
Admin GMs are normally hidden all the time.. When he takes action and boots you the race is over...

This code is allready in the scripts (asuming you are using the one redbot made):
Rich (BB code):
 Sub GMcheck  
 /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {  
 /echo Gm detected  
 /keypress 9 

This will camp you if a GM is in your zone (not hidden)
I have that one, but is there a way to make it so if one logs onto the server and atleast shows up on the /who all gm. it will log out? i dont trust waiting til they are in zone, one would assume they are able to look at stuff happening in other zones. Fhalls probably gets some attention when they go afkbot hunting.
Okay, thanks for the info. Just a little nervous in regards to macroing during afternoon/evening hours. Been seeing lots of activity lately on my server in regards to gms being on. Several lvl 50s few 53 and even a 75 in the last few days.
I would like a command to generate a random delay between two integers:

I have ${math.rand[n]} which generates random number from 0 to n

would like to make a radom delay from say 5 to 10 seconds, but don't know how to modify the math.rand command

Again your help is great appreacaited.

would some thing like /delay ${math.rand[5]}+5 work?

Nevermind I finally found the right command:

/delay ${Math.Calc[${Math.Rand[20]}+10]} delays for 1-3 seconds:)
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