| advCasino.mac v1.1 |
| |
| Made coz I was bored, much the same reason as the original |
| casino money waster. |
| I made this also to learn some of the targeting, and methods |
| for windows, such as trade and inventory manipulation =) |
| |
| Start in the casino room =) everything is there... |
| |
| The only variables you will want to change are the CASINO_NPC,|
| and PP_TO_PLAY, set that to the amount you want to gamble =) |
| CASINO_NPC is set to Tirac Goldbender, the enc, nec, wiz, |
| mage casino dude. You may want to change MAX_PP_HELD, this |
| controls how much you get out of the bank at one time =)) |
| You can change things to trash in the CheckPrize Sub... |
| Enjoy... |
| |
| by zoobish |
Sub Main
| Declares, set CASINO_NPC, should be all u have to do =)
/declare CASINO_NPC string outer Tirac Goldbender
/declare TOKEN_NPC string outer Nayda Winterwind
/declare BANKER_NPC string outer Yeren Ironback
/declare PP_TO_PLAY int outer 50000
/declare MAX_PP_HELD int outer 10000
/declare MAX_TOKENS_HELD int outer 40
/declare CURRENT_PP int outer
/declare PLAY_COUNT int outer 0
/declare FOUND_TOKEN int outer 0
/declare dupe int outer
/echo Starting MyCasino.mac... Enjoy =)
| First find how much pp you have on you...
/varcalc CURRENT_PP ${Me.Platinum}
/varcalc dupe ${CURRENT_PP}+${Me.PlatinumBank}+${Me.PlatinumShared}
/if (${dupe}<${PP_TO_PLAY}) {
/echo ******* ALERT *******
/echo You don't have enough
/echo plat to play, please
/echo adjust script variable
/echo PP_TO_PLAY to the plat
/echo available to you =//
/echo ****** END ALERT ******
/varcalc dupe ${dupe}-${PP_TO_PLAY}
/echo You will have ${dupe} plat left after this is done.
| The main loop...
/call CheckPP
/call BuyTokens
/call Gamble
| /call IsFinished
| /if ( ${Macro.Return} ) /goto :Done
/if ( ${PP_TO_PLAY}<100 ) /goto :Done
/goto :Start
/echo DONE
Sub CheckPrize
| Looks at the prize, trashes if no good =), Dont have to
| put in full name if trash item, just a part.
| Add "BAD" items here to be trashed, follow the pattern =)
| Make sure u adjust total number in array
/declare i int local
/declare BAD[4] string local
/varset BAD[1] Bread
/varset BAD[2] Gnomish Firework
/varset BAD[3] Crushed
/varset BAD[4] Flawed
/declare flag int local
/varset flag 0
/for i 1 to ${BAD.Size}
/if ( ${Cursor.Name.Find[${BAD[${i}]}]} ) /varset flag 1
/next i
/if ( ${Cursor.Name.Find[Ticket]} ) {
/for i 1 to 10
| WOOOT!!!
/delay 7
/next i
/echo YOU WON !!!!
/echo YAY !!!!
/if ( ${flag} ) {
/echo destroying ${Cursor.Name}
} else {
/delay 3s ( ${Cursor.ID} )
/if ( ${Cursor.ID} ) /goto :START
Sub Gamble
| Start Gambling!!
/declare i int local
/declare ToGamble int local 4
/target ${CASINO_NPC}
/face nolook
/call MoveToTarget
/call ToggleBags
/if ( ${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]}<1 ) /goto :Done
/for i 0 to 3
/call PickUpToken
/click left target
/delay 2s ( !${Cursor.ID} )
/if ( ${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]} == 0 ) /varset i 4
/next i
/delay 1s
/notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/call CheckPrize
/goto :Start
/call ToggleBags
Sub ToggleBags
| Opens bags, or closes if already open...
/declare i int local
/for i 1 to 8
/itemnotify pack${i} rightmouseup
/next i
Sub PickUpToken
/ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=King's Court Token].InvSlot} leftmouseup
/delay 1s ( ${Cursor.ID} )
Sub BuyTokens
| Buys one lot of tokens
/if ( ${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]}>${MAX_TOKENS_HELD} ) /return
/declare NumBuys int local
/varcalc NumBuys ${MAX_TOKENS_HELD}-${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]}
/if ( ${Math.Calc[${NumBuys}*100]}>${CURRENT_PP} ) /varcalc NumBuys ${CURRENT_PP}/100
/declare NumBought int local ${NumBuys}
/target ${TOKEN_NPC}
/face nolook
/call MoveToTarget
/click right target
/delay 3s
/echo Buying ${NumBuys} tokens
/notify MerchantWnd MW_ItemList listselect ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[MW_ItemList].List[King's Court Token,2]}
/notify MerchantWnd MW_ItemList leftmouse ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[MW_ItemList].List[King's Court Token,2]}
/delay 2s
/if ( ${NumBuys}>20 ) {
/shift /notify MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button leftmouseup
/delay 2s
/varcalc NumBuys ${NumBuys}-20
} else {
/call GetQuantity MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button ${NumBuys}
/delay 2s
/goto :END
/goto :START
/varcalc CURRENT_PP ${CURRENT_PP}-(${NumBought}*100)
/notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup
Sub CheckPP
| Goes to the bank if not enough for 1 lot of tokens
/echo checking pp
/declare need int local
/varcalc need ${MAX_TOKENS_HELD}*100
/if ( ${CURRENT_PP}<${need} ) /call GotoBank
Sub GotoBank
| Gets some pp from the bank
/target ${BANKER_NPC}
/call MoveToTarget
/click right target
/declare qty int local
/varcalc qty ${MAX_PP_HELD}-${CURRENT_PP}
/if ( ${qty} > ${PP_TO_PLAY} ) /varset qty ${PP_TO_PLAY}
/call GetQuantity BigBankWnd BIGB_SharedMoney0 ${qty}
/delay 2s ( ${Cursor.ID} )
/varcalc CURRENT_PP ${Me.Platinum}
/varcalc PP_TO_PLAY ${PP_TO_PLAY}-${qty}
/echo Left To Withdraw: ${PP_TO_PLAY}
/notify BigBankWnd BIGB_DoneButton leftmouseup
Sub GetQuantity(string Wnd, string Ctrl, int Count)
/declare I int local
/declare J int local
/declare S string local
/echo in GetQuantity...
/delay 1s
/echo notifying ${Wnd} ${Ctrl} leftmouseup
/notify ${Wnd} ${Ctrl} leftmouseup
/delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Open} )
/for I 1 to 2
/varset J ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length}
/if ( ${J} > 0 ) {
/keypress backspace chat
/delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length} < ${J} )
/varset I 1
} else {
/varset I 2
/next I
/varset S ${Count}
/for I 1 to ${S.Length}
/keypress ${S.Mid[${I},1]} chat
/delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length} == ${I} )
/next I
/delay 1s
/nomodkey /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup
/delay 3s ( !${Window[QuantityWnd].Open} )
Sub MoveToTarget
| Moves to the current target
/if (!${Target.ID}) /return
/face nolook
/keypress forward hold
/delay 5 ${Target.Distance}<18
/if (${Target.Distance}<18) {
/keypress forward
/face nolook
/goto :Move