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Help Requests(Make yours here!) (2 Viewers)


Sep 12, 2004
I want to get back into playing EQ and I don't have the time to level a char or the money to pay to have it levelled. Having said that, I would like to win the monthly contest and get a new account reward!

Post your help requests here for anything. If I can help you, I will. If I can't, I'll let you know and may be able to direct you to someone who can help you.

Stuff I feel confident with:
  • modifying macros, not creating them(although if you give me a great explanation of a short macro, I might be able to help)
  • Bard AFK Exp'ing
  • Group AFK Exp'ing(botting a group with macros)
  • Other stuff to do with EQ issues

Please, ask me for help, and return the favor at the awards show, if I even make the list!
If you really want to help fix mq2melee, mq2combat or mq2moveutils

When I attack a mob with my warrior he is as likely to sit down as to start attacking, if he sits down it turns off the attack and i start looking like a pogo stick, up and down, sigh. The only way I have found to fix this is to complete restart my computer. Before you ask for ini files ot anything I dont have any for the listed plugins.

This is really frustrating.
Dang that was fast respoonse, more details:

I usually use the plugins melee, moveutilis, pop, rezme, and twist as well as the default ones from the redquest compile. Occasionally, when I attack a mob my toon which ever melee toon I'm using will simple sit down, this turns off the attack and is very frustrating after the pull. It seems to occure more often after several hours of play or if I swtich toons. Doing a complete restart of my computer will fix it for a while.

I have tried unloading and reloading the melee plugin and even tried using combat plugin instead with no improvment. Reseting the plugin doesn't seem to help either.

Again any help with this issue would be great, I know from other posts that I'm not alone having this problem.
What I would suggest is trying to do the exact same thing, but removing one plugin at a time. For instance, if you're going to start playing, try playing without rezme plugin loaded. Just unload it when you first log in. Then go about your business and if the same thing happens, you know it's probably not the rezme plugin. So next time you go to play, load rezme and remove some other plugin, and keep going until you can hopefully narrow it down to one plugin.

I'd be willing to bet it's just one plugin causing the problem.
Try using just melee OR combat and not both together. I had the same problem. I am not sure which one I am using now but not both for sure.

Twist, MoveUtils and other dont' seem to be a problem
I posted this in help before I saw your thread.

Can you add assist MA and start casting at a x% to this mac? Then when he gets a new target start over again. I am a noob and tried to put it in a few places only to see it not work. I just don't know what the heck I am doing here. This is a shammy assisting my bard casting dots.

Rich (BB code):
Name:  rootdot.mac 
|Requires spell_routines.inc by rusty, and the following: 
|Breath of Wunshi, Curse of Sisslak

#include spell_routines.inc

#event wCurse "#*#Your Curse of Sisslak spell has worn off #*#"
#event wBreath "#*#Your Breath of Wunshi spell has worn off #*#"
|#event wRoot "#*#Your Petrifying Earth spell has worn off #*#"

#event rCurse "Your target resisted the Curse of Sisslak spell."
#event rBreath "Your target resisted the Breath of Wunshi spell."
|#event rRoot "Your target resisted the Petrifying Earth spell." 

#event Done "You gain experience!!"
#event ImHit "|${Target.CleanName}|#*#YOU for#*#" 

| Main Sub 
sub Main 
   /popup Destroying targets...
|   /declare cRoot int outer 0 
   /declare cCurse int outer 0
   /declare cBreath int outer 0    
|  Call Mount
   /call Cast "White Drum" item
   /delay 5s 
|  Setting spells to cast...

   /varset cCurse 1 
   /varset cBreath 1

   /call dotcheck

| Casting Block 
/assist Mainassistnamehere
   /if ( ${cCurse} && ${Me.SpellReady["Curse of Sisslak"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Curse of Sisslak" 
      /varset cCurse 0 
      /call dotcheck

   /if ( ${cBreath} && ${Me.SpellReady["Breath of Wunshi"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Breath of Wunshi" 
      /varset cBreath 0 
      /call dotcheck 

/goto :loop 

| dotcheck
sub dotcheck

| Wear Off Events 
sub Event_wRoot
   /varset cRoot 1 

sub Event_wCurse 
   /varset cCurse 1 

sub Event_wBreath
   /varset cBreath 1 


| Resist Events 
sub Event_rRoot
   /varset cRoot 1 

sub Event_rCurse 
   /varset cCurse 1 

sub Event_rBreath
   /varset cBreath 1 
|- Feign Death sub

sub Event_ImHit

  /popup Oh no!
  /call cast "Death Peace" alt
  /delay 130s

| Other Events 
|sub Event_dostuff

sub Event_Done 
| All Done 
   /popup All done, the target is dead..
Last edited:
Is your MA using a macro as well?

If so, you could add a line in the MA macro to send a message to a chat channel upon starting on a new mob that lets your necro's mac know to start over. It may not be as high level as some other macros, but that's how I used to do all my assisting macros. I would have the main char say a message and if a mac needed an individual message, I'd just add one in the MA's mac.

"Incoming! Assist me!" - to start
"I need a heal" - for clerics
"DPS harder!" - If the cleric's mana or the MA's HP gets below a certain percentage, either one would say this into the chat channel to trigger the dps classes to do everything they could to kill the mob fast, then rest for a specified time period to regain that mana/hp/whatever.

If I remember right, you're wanting the necro to assist a bard. This will check the mob's hp and if it's above 99%, it will call for assists in the chat channel only once. After your char gets exp, it will be ready to call for an assist again. Both of your chars will need to be in the same chat channel.

I'll copy and customize some of Siddin's variable counting code:

Put this above Sub Main:

Rich (BB code):
#Event death "#*#gain experience#*#" 
#Event death "#*#gain party experience#*#"

Put this in Sub Main:
Rich (BB code):
|Initializes the Assist Counter
/declare Assist int outer 0
/if (${Assist}) <=0) {/call assistRequest

Add this sub

Rich (BB code):
Sub assistRequest
|Checks HP of Target, if at/above 95%, sends a message to chat channel
|for necro to assist and start dps'ing and
|increases the Assist Counter by 1
/if (${Target.PctHPs}>=95) {
		/2 Incoming! Assist me!
                /varcalc Assist ${Assist}+1

Add this sub as well

Rich (BB code):
|Sees that the mob died, so lowers the Assist Counter back to 0
Sub Event_Dead
/varcalc Assist ${Assist}-1

Obviously, there are flaws in this. One I can see already is the fact that if you get more than one exp message, it's going to lower the counter by more than 1, so you could end up with a negative counter. However, even if this does happen, the worst that will happen is getting multiple assist requests the next time you get a new mob, but it should correct itself very fast.

Let me know how it works out, but I hope you get the idea. If you need more help, lemme know.
Last edited:
Jinx said:
He is a bard running circles and dotting them to death.

Check my previous post. I edited it and included code you should place in your bard's macro. If you need help with placement, post your macro.

This should work for just the basics. You should be able to just switch out the spell names for your necro and your shaman.

Let me know if it works or not.

Stuff needed:
-Mount check and cast mount if not mounted
-Assist counter to only assist and cast once per mob, even if assist calls are spammed(due to the possibility of multiple assist calls in the bard macro)
-Add a class check:
if shaman, check hp/mana, cannibalize/heal if needed, heal bard if needed
if necro, check hp/mana, turn on lich if needed, cast lifetap if hp needed, cast hot on bard if needed

Rich (BB code):
Name:  rootdot.mac 
|Requires spell_routines.inc by rusty, and the following: 
|Breath of Wunshi, Curse of Sisslak

#include spell_routines.inc

#event Start "#*#Incoming! Assist me!#*#"

#event wCurse "#*#Your Curse of Sisslak spell has worn off #*#"
#event wBreath "#*#Your Breath of Wunshi spell has worn off #*#"
|#event wRoot "#*#Your Petrifying Earth spell has worn off #*#"

#event rCurse "Your target resisted the Curse of Sisslak spell."
#event rBreath "Your target resisted the Breath of Wunshi spell."
|#event rRoot "Your target resisted the Petrifying Earth spell." 

#event Done "You gain experience!!"
#event ImHit "|${Target.CleanName}|#*#YOU for#*#" 

| Main Sub 
Sub Main

|   /declare cRoot int outer 0 
   /declare cCurse int outer 0
   /declare cBreath int outer 0    

|  Loop here, call mount, do events, and start over
|   SO IT WONT CAST MOUNT EVERY TIME, commented out til then)
|   /call Cast "White Drum" item
|   /delay 5s 
   /goto :loop 

sub  Event_Start
   /popup Destroying targets...

| Casting Block 
/assist Mainassistnamehere
   /if ( (${cCurse} >=1) && ${Me.SpellReady["Curse of Sisslak"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Curse of Sisslak" 
      /varset cCurse 0 

   /if ( (${cBreath} >=1) && ${Me.SpellReady["Breath of Wunshi"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Breath of Wunshi" 
      /varset cBreath 0 
| Wear Off Events 
sub Event_wRoot
   /varset cRoot 1 

sub Event_wCurse 
   /varset cCurse 1 

sub Event_wBreath
   /varset cBreath 1 


| Resist Events 
sub Event_rRoot
   /varset cRoot 1 

sub Event_rCurse 
   /varset cCurse 1 

sub Event_rBreath
   /varset cBreath 1 
|- Feign Death sub

sub Event_ImHit

  /popup Oh no!
  /call cast "Death Peace" alt
  /delay 130s

| Other Events 
|sub Event_dostuff

sub Event_Done 
| All Done 
   /popup The target is dead. Waiting for assist call.

|  Setting spells to cast, then returning
   /varset cCurse 1 
   /varset cBreath 1 
Last edited:
hey Dark
Thanks for all the help!
Would you happen to have a mac for a 65 sk or bst that will work on aa's while afk?
I use to use advtaskwarp2 but not safe anymore.... Also do you know if there is still a mac for magic dice?
lighthouse said:
hey Dark
Thanks for all the help!
Would you happen to have a mac for a 65 sk or bst that will work on aa's while afk?
I use to use advtaskwarp2 but not safe anymore.... Also do you know if there is still a mac for magic dice?

Yeah, I pm'd you the sk and bst macros. Ahh, just saw your pm reply from those. NP, enjoy.

I've never heard of magic dice. What is it?
Jinx said:
He is a bard running circles and dotting them to death.

Jinx, before I continue working on that mac, did you get what you needed from the poster in your other thread?

I saw there you were asking for a necro mac to assist the bard, but here you're asking for a shaman to assist the bard?
Nope it didn't work. I was hoping to find a simple casting mac like the one I posted that would alow me to cast dots. That one works but what I need it to do is assist my bard (not working) then start to cast at x% of healt of the target. This little part I posted works great if I start it. It casts the dot then recasts when it wears off. I can get it to assist but what I have trouble with is getting it to start casting when my bard starts kiting a new mob. It assists but does not start casting dots. That other thread had a reply but it did not work. I was hoping if I could keep it simple I could use it for both shammy or necro casting dots assisting bard.
Hey Darkeros, you may have opened up the gates of hell with that request you made. We'll see how bad you really want to win the monthly poll I guess. Good luck to you mate and I'll help you where I can. ;)
Sylas said:
Hey Darkeros, you may have opened up the gates of hell with that request you made. We'll see how bad you really want to win the monthly poll I guess. Good luck to you mate and I'll help you where I can. ;)

Haha, I know but I like to help and I can't do much testing and/or creative stuff with a level 5 char nowadays.

Thanks for the comment. :D
There ya go Jinx. That macro should work for the time being for your necro and shaman. Just switch the spells around for whichever class.

Obviously it's not a final version as I can't test it, so let me know what happens.

Things to remember:
1.) Set the bard's macro to the HP Percent you want it to call assist
2.) Make sure and check/change the part of the bard macro that sends a chat channel message saying "Incoming! Assist Me!" to a proper chat channel you want to use.
3.) Make sure you log the bard and shaman/necro into the same chat channel, so they can see/respond to assist requests.

Vote for me!
I have a crew I am working on atm, 48+ Bard, BST, Monk, Pally. I have used different Macro's to no avail for semi afk botting. I seem to always be switching screens to start fighting, or to cast heals, or run them back to their anchor since they chased the mob halfway across a zone. I also have a 52+ Mage, Shammy, Druid I will be working on when these guys are even with them. Was wondering if you could point me in the right direction of where my group could go and what macro's would best work for them together. I use EQBC, although I have yet to get any commands to work through it. Any assistance would be appreciated.

Hmm. I've been able to use alatyami's puller/healer macros and customize them to individual needs of classes for an entire group. However, with that many, you might want to look into autobot(I think that's what it's called). I'll see if I can't help you out with it, but that's my immediate idea. I'll look into it more for you.
Ikky said:
I have a crew I am working on atm, 48+ Bard, BST, Monk, Pally. I have used different Macro's to no avail for semi afk botting. I seem to always be switching screens to start fighting, or to cast heals, or run them back to their anchor since they chased the mob halfway across a zone. I also have a 52+ Mage, Shammy, Druid I will be working on when these guys are even with them. Was wondering if you could point me in the right direction of where my group could go and what macro's would best work for them together. I use EQBC, although I have yet to get any commands to work through it. Any assistance would be appreciated.


I use modbot when I am doing a bot camp. I usually run the warrior or the monk manually, then have the necro, paladin, shaman, or cleric (or more of them) set up to run using modbot with different ini files for each. The shaman will slow, heal and keep debuffs up, while the pally will auto-assist at 98% health on the mob. The necro will snare and dot, and the cleric will heal when I have her in the group. All of this takes some time to configure correctly though, but once you get it going it is a pretty slick operation.
OK I changed it back to 0. I thought that is where you wanted me to set the HP % and call for assist so I set it to 90. Still not doing anything. The bard is still running in circles and targeting ok but not calling the assist.

Do I have it in the right spot?

Rich (BB code):
| This macro made for www.Redguides.com
| Don't steal it or we'll punch your fase!
#event camp "personingroup tells the group, 'lets roll'  
#event dzadd "personyouwanttoadd tells you, 'add me'  
#event invite "#*#invites you to join#*#"  
#Event Zoned "#*#You have entered#*#"  
#Event death "#*#gain experience#*#" 
#Event death "#*#gain party experience#*#"
Sub Main  

|Initializes the Assist Counter
/declare Assist int outer 0
/if (${Assist}>=1) {
 /call assistRequest
/call GMcheck  
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=60) /potionbelt Activate 2
/if (${Target.Level}>77) {
/squelch /twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 1 2 3 4 5 6
/if (${Target.PctHPs} <1) /squelch /target clear
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /tar npc radius 200 
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar npc radius 200
/delay 10  
/goto :loopstart  

Sub assistRequest
|Checks HP of Target, if at/above 95%, sends a message to chat channel
|for necro to assist and start dps'ing and
|increases the Assist Counter by 1
/if (${Target.PctHPs}>=90) {
		/5 Incoming! Assist me!
                /varcalc Assist ${Assist}+1

|Sees that the mob died, so lowers the Assist Counter back to 0
Sub Event_Dead
/varcalc Assist ${Assist}-1
 Sub GMcheck  
 /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {  
 /echo Gm detected  
 /keypress 9 
 Sub event_camp  
 /camp desk  
 sub event_zoned  
 /delay 5s  
 /camp desk  

 sub event_dzadd 
 /dzadd personyouwanttoadd 

 sub event_invite  
Last edited:
OK I changed it as you can see in my above post but still nothing is happening. Do I have it in the right place?

Sorry if I am driving you crazy Dark
Jinx said:
OK I changed it as you can see in my above post but still nothing is happening. Do I have it in the right place?

Sorry if I am driving you crazy Dark

Yeah, what I gave you is horrible. I don't know what I was drinking that night, but it must have been great.

I'm working on something new for you.
This is going to be a bit of trial and error, but try this for the bard macro. It only calls to twist once per mob, so it should only call for an assist once per mob.

Change the /5 to whatever channel you're using, but I think "/squelch /5 Incoming! Assist Me!" should send the message to the chat channel.

Let me know how it goes. I'll start working on the shaman macro. I may have something better than what you're working with.

Rich (BB code):
| This macro made for www.Redguides.com
| Don't steal it or we'll punch your fase!
#event camp "personingroup tells the group, 'lets roll'  
#event dzadd "personyouwanttoadd tells you, 'add me'  
#event invite "#*#invites you to join#*#"  
#Event Zoned "#*#You have entered#*#"  
#Event death "#*#gain experience#*#" 
#Event death "#*#gain party experience#*#"
Sub Main  

/call GMcheck  
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=45) /potionbelt Activate 1
/if (${Me.PctHPs}<=60) /potionbelt Activate 2
/if (${Target.Level}>77) {
/squelch /twist stop
/target npc next
/delay 30
/squelch /twist 1 2 3 4 5 6
/squelch /5 Incoming! Assist Me!
/if (${Target.PctHPs} <1) /squelch /target clear
/if (${Target.Distance}>220) /tar npc radius 200 
/if (${Target.ID}==FALSE) /tar npc radius 200
/delay 10  
/goto :loopstart  

 Sub GMcheck  
 /if (${Spawn[gm].ID}) {  
 /echo Gm detected  
 /keypress 9 
 Sub event_camp  
 /camp desk  
 sub event_zoned  
 /delay 5s  
 /camp desk  

 sub event_dzadd 
 /dzadd personyouwanttoadd 

 sub event_invite  
Rich (BB code):
| advCasino.mac v1.1                                            | 
|                                                               | 
| Made coz I was bored, much the same reason as the original    | 
|  casino money waster.                                         | 
| I made this also to learn some of the targeting, and methods  | 
|  for windows, such as trade and inventory manipulation =)     | 
|                                                               | 
| Start in the casino room =) everything is there...            | 
|                                                               | 
| The only variables you will want to change are the CASINO_NPC,| 
|  and PP_TO_PLAY, set that to the amount you want to gamble =) | 
| CASINO_NPC is set to Tirac Goldbender, the enc, nec, wiz,     | 
|  mage casino dude.  You may want to change MAX_PP_HELD, this  | 
|  controls how much you get out of the bank at one time =))    | 
| You can change things to trash in the CheckPrize Sub...       | 
| Enjoy...                                                      | 
|                                                               | 
| by zoobish                                                    | 


Sub Main 
   | Declares, set CASINO_NPC, should be all u have to do =) 
   /declare CASINO_NPC string outer Tirac Goldbender 
   /declare TOKEN_NPC string outer Nayda Winterwind 
   /declare BANKER_NPC string outer Yeren Ironback 
   /declare PP_TO_PLAY int outer 50000 
   /declare MAX_PP_HELD int outer 10000 
   /declare MAX_TOKENS_HELD int outer  40 
   /declare CURRENT_PP int outer 
   /declare PLAY_COUNT int outer 0 
   /declare FOUND_TOKEN int outer 0 
   /declare dupe int outer 

   /echo Starting MyCasino.mac... Enjoy =) 

   | First find how much pp you have on you... 
   /varcalc CURRENT_PP ${Me.Platinum} 
   /varcalc dupe ${CURRENT_PP}+${Me.PlatinumBank}+${Me.PlatinumShared} 
   /if (${dupe}<${PP_TO_PLAY})  { 
      /echo *******   ALERT   ******* 
      /echo  You don't have enough 
      /echo  plat to play, please  
      /echo  adjust script variable 
      /echo  PP_TO_PLAY to the plat 
      /echo  available to you =//  
      /echo ******  END ALERT  ****** 
   /varcalc dupe ${dupe}-${PP_TO_PLAY} 
   /echo You will have ${dupe} plat left after this is done. 
   /varcalc PP_TO_PLAY ${PP_TO_PLAY}-${CURRENT_PP} 

   | The main loop... 
      /call CheckPP 
      /call BuyTokens 
      /call Gamble 
   |   /call IsFinished 
   |   /if ( ${Macro.Return} ) /goto :Done 
      /if ( ${PP_TO_PLAY}<100 ) /goto :Done 
   /goto :Start 

   /echo DONE 


Sub CheckPrize 
   | Looks at the prize, trashes if no good =), Dont have to 
   | put in full name if trash item, just a part. 
   | Add "BAD" items here to be trashed, follow the pattern =) 
   | Make sure u adjust total number in array 
   /declare i int local 
   /declare BAD[4] string local 
   /varset BAD[1] Bread 
   /varset BAD[2] Gnomish Firework 
   /varset BAD[3] Crushed 
   /varset BAD[4] Flawed 

   /declare flag int local 
   /varset flag 0 
   /for i 1 to ${BAD.Size} 
      /if ( ${Cursor.Name.Find[${BAD[${i}]}]} )  /varset flag 1 
   /next i 
   /if ( ${Cursor.Name.Find[Ticket]} )  { 
      /for i 1 to 10 
         | WOOOT!!! 
         /delay 7 
      /next i 
      /echo YOU WON !!!! 
      /echo YAY !!!! 
   /if ( ${flag} ) { 
      /echo destroying ${Cursor.Name} 
   } else { 
   /delay 3s ( ${Cursor.ID} ) 
   /if ( ${Cursor.ID} ) /goto :START 

Sub Gamble 
   | Start Gambling!! 
   /declare i int local 
   /declare ToGamble int local 4 
   /target ${CASINO_NPC} 
   /face nolook 
   /call MoveToTarget 
   /call ToggleBags 
      /if ( ${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]}<1 )  /goto :Done 
      /for i 0 to 3 
         /call PickUpToken 
         /click left target 
         /delay 2s ( !${Cursor.ID} ) 
         /varcalc PLAY_COUNT ${PLAY_COUNT}+1 
         /if ( ${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]} == 0 ) /varset i 4 
      /next i 
      /delay 1s 
      /notify GiveWnd GVW_Give_Button leftmouseup 
      /delay 2s 
      /call CheckPrize 
   /goto :Start 
   /call ToggleBags 

Sub ToggleBags 
   | Opens bags, or closes if already open... 
   /declare i int local 
   /for i 1 to 8 
      /itemnotify pack${i} rightmouseup 
   /next i 

Sub PickUpToken 
   /ctrl /itemnotify ${FindItem[=King's Court Token].InvSlot} leftmouseup 
   /delay 1s ( ${Cursor.ID} ) 

Sub BuyTokens 
   | Buys one lot of tokens 
   /if ( ${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]}>${MAX_TOKENS_HELD} ) /return 
   /declare NumBuys int local 
   /varcalc NumBuys ${MAX_TOKENS_HELD}-${FindItemCount[=King's Court Token]} 
   /if ( ${Math.Calc[${NumBuys}*100]}>${CURRENT_PP} )  /varcalc NumBuys ${CURRENT_PP}/100 
   /declare NumBought int local ${NumBuys} 
   /target ${TOKEN_NPC} 
   /face nolook 
   /call MoveToTarget 
   /click right target 
   /delay 3s 
   /echo Buying ${NumBuys} tokens 
   /notify MerchantWnd MW_ItemList listselect ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[MW_ItemList].List[King's Court Token,2]} 
   /notify MerchantWnd MW_ItemList leftmouse ${Window[MerchantWnd].Child[MW_ItemList].List[King's Court Token,2]} 

   /delay 2s 
      /if ( ${NumBuys}>20 ) { 
         /shift /notify MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button leftmouseup 
         /delay 2s 
         /varcalc NumBuys ${NumBuys}-20 
      } else { 
         /call GetQuantity MerchantWnd MW_Buy_Button ${NumBuys} 
         /delay 2s 
         /goto :END 
   /goto :START 

   /varcalc CURRENT_PP ${CURRENT_PP}-(${NumBought}*100) 
   /notify MerchantWnd MW_Done_Button leftmouseup 


Sub CheckPP 
   | Goes to the bank if not enough for 1 lot of tokens 
   /echo checking pp 
   /declare need int local 
   /varcalc need ${MAX_TOKENS_HELD}*100 
   /if ( ${CURRENT_PP}<${need} )  /call GotoBank 

Sub GotoBank 
   | Gets some pp from the bank 
   /target ${BANKER_NPC} 
   /call MoveToTarget 
   /click right target 
   /declare qty int local 
   /varcalc qty ${MAX_PP_HELD}-${CURRENT_PP} 
   /if ( ${qty} > ${PP_TO_PLAY} )  /varset qty ${PP_TO_PLAY} 
   /call GetQuantity BigBankWnd BIGB_SharedMoney0 ${qty} 
   /delay 2s ( ${Cursor.ID} ) 
   /varcalc CURRENT_PP ${Me.Platinum} 
   /varcalc PP_TO_PLAY ${PP_TO_PLAY}-${qty} 
   /echo Left To Withdraw: ${PP_TO_PLAY} 
   /notify BigBankWnd BIGB_DoneButton leftmouseup 

Sub GetQuantity(string Wnd, string Ctrl, int Count) 
   /declare I int local 
   /declare J int local 
   /declare S string local 
   /echo in GetQuantity... 
   /delay 1s 
   /echo notifying ${Wnd} ${Ctrl} leftmouseup 
      /notify ${Wnd} ${Ctrl} leftmouseup 
      /delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Open} ) 

      /for I 1 to 2 
         /varset J ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length} 
         /if ( ${J} > 0 ) { 
            /keypress backspace chat 
            /delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length} < ${J} ) 
            /varset I 1 
         } else { 
            /varset I 2 
      /next I 

      /varset S ${Count} 
      /for I 1 to ${S.Length} 
         /keypress ${S.Mid[${I},1]} chat 
         /delay 3s ( ${Window[QuantityWnd].Child[QTYW_SliderInput].Text.Length} == ${I} ) 
      /next I 

   /delay 1s 

      /nomodkey /notify QuantityWnd QTYW_Accept_Button leftmouseup 
      /delay 3s ( !${Window[QuantityWnd].Open} ) 


Sub MoveToTarget 
   | Moves to the current target 
   /if (!${Target.ID})  /return 
      /face nolook 
      /keypress forward hold 
      /delay 5 ${Target.Distance}<18 
      /if (${Target.Distance}<18)  { 
         /keypress forward 
         /face nolook 
   /goto :Move 
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