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Help Requests(Make yours here!) (1 Viewer)


Sep 12, 2004
I want to get back into playing EQ and I don't have the time to level a char or the money to pay to have it levelled. Having said that, I would like to win the monthly contest and get a new account reward!

Post your help requests here for anything. If I can help you, I will. If I can't, I'll let you know and may be able to direct you to someone who can help you.

Stuff I feel confident with:
  • modifying macros, not creating them(although if you give me a great explanation of a short macro, I might be able to help)
  • Bard AFK Exp'ing
  • Group AFK Exp'ing(botting a group with macros)
  • Other stuff to do with EQ issues

Please, ask me for help, and return the favor at the awards show, if I even make the list!
Jinx, if the bard thing works, these should work. You will need to add the bard's name into these macros, as well as change the spells for your necro.

Let me know how they turn out!

Future change:
Add the mount checking
Think it goes:
Rich (BB code):
/if (${Me.Standing}]})&&(!${Me.Mount.ID})) {
/call cast "White Drum" item
/delay 5

shaman macro:

Rich (BB code):
Name:  shaman.mac 
|Requires spell_routines.inc by rusty, and the following: 
|Breath of Wunshi, Curse of Sisslak

#include spell_routines.inc

#event wCurse "#*#Your Curse of Sisslak spell has worn off #*#"
#event wBreath "#*#Your Breath of Wunshi spell has worn off #*#"

#event rCurse "Your target resisted the Curse of Sisslak spell."
#event rBreath "Your target resisted the Breath of Wunshi spell."

#event Assist "#*#Incoming! Assist Me!#*#

| Main Sub 
sub Main 
|  Call Mount-setting inactive until I find the me.mount variable, mount up before you start
|   /call Cast "White Drum" item
|   /delay 5s 
| Casting Block 
Sub Event_Assist
   /squelch /5 Attacking!
   /assist Mainassistnamehere
   /if ( ${cCurse} && ${Me.SpellReady["Curse of Sisslak"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Curse of Sisslak" 
   /if ( ${cBreath} && ${Me.SpellReady["Breath of Wunshi"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Breath of Wunshi" 

| Wear Off Events 

sub Event_wCurse 
   /call cast "Curse of Sisslak"

sub Event_wBreath
   /call cast "Breath of Wunshi"


| Resist Events 

sub Event_rCurse 
   /call cast "Curse of Sisslak"

sub Event_rBreath
   /call cast "Breath of Wunshi"

Necro macro:

Rich (BB code):
Name:  necro.mac 
|Requires spell_routines.inc by rusty, and the following: 
|Breath of Wunshi, Curse of Sisslak

#include spell_routines.inc

#event wCurse "#*#Your Curse of Sisslak spell has worn off #*#"
#event wBreath "#*#Your Breath of Wunshi spell has worn off #*#"

#event rCurse "Your target resisted the Curse of Sisslak spell."
#event rBreath "Your target resisted the Breath of Wunshi spell."

#event ImHit "|${Target.CleanName}|#*#YOU for#*#" 

#event Assist "#*#Incoming! Assist Me!#*#"

| Main Sub 
sub Main 
|  Call Mount-setting inactive until I find the me.mount variable, mount up before you start
|   /call Cast "White Drum" item
|   /delay 5s 
| Casting Block 
Sub Event_Assist
   /squelch /5 Assisting
   /assist Bardnamehere
   /if ( ${cCurse} && ${Me.SpellReady["Curse of Sisslak"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Curse of Sisslak" 
   /if ( ${cBreath} && ${Me.SpellReady["Breath of Wunshi"]} ) { 
      /call cast "Breath of Wunshi" 

| Wear Off Events 

sub Event_wCurse 
   /call cast "Curse of Sisslak"

sub Event_wBreath
   /call cast "Breath of Wunshi"


| Resist Events 

sub Event_rCurse 
   /call cast "Curse of Sisslak"

sub Event_rBreath
   /call cast "Breath of Wunshi"
|- Feign Death sub

sub Event_ImHit
  /popup FD'ing!
  /call cast "Death Peace" alt
  /delay 130s
@Lichd2: make sure you are saving it as a text file. if you are using wordpad, ms word, etc. save as ascii text and save the macro as (name).mac
I prefer to use notepad to do macros just for that reason. If you open up the macro in notepad you might see a single line for the whole macro with a whole bunch of squares in it denoting carriage returns. Unfortunately mq2 only reads macros as plain text and this might be your problem.
Jinx said:
Bard Target Mac still not calling the assist

On all three macros, there is a line that says

"/squelch /5" then something

Change the 5 to whatever channel you're wanting to use. If you haven't already, set up a channel for your bots and password protect it, and keep that channel just for your bots. Use the number of that channel to replace the 5.
siddin said:
@Lichd2: make sure you are saving it as a text file. if you are using wordpad, ms word, etc. save as ascii text and save the macro as (name).mac
I prefer to use notepad to do macros just for that reason. If you open up the macro in notepad you might see a single line for the whole macro with a whole bunch of squares in it denoting carriage returns. Unfortunately mq2 only reads macros as plain text and this might be your problem.
Jinx said:
I didn't have to change it. I am using channel 5 as my chat channel. I am just not getting anything.

So the macro starts twisting, but it doesn't send the info to the chat channel?

Decker suggests using groupsay, so try that and see if that works. I don't understand why it wouldn't send that info to the channel, but it would start the twist.

Change the "/5" to "/gs"

Either way, the necro/shaman macro should pick up the text, whether it's in groupsay or channel. It's just safer to use channels, imo.

BTW, I would be testing this myself, but I'm not loading up MQ atm. Sorry bout that, but we'd have this fixed sooner if I could actually load it up.
By the way, I'm still willing to help people if ya post in this thread, and when I get time for other threads. I'll do what I can.

I'm gonna be gone for several weeks in August, but feel free to post here if ya need help with something.
HI, Im looking for an afk macro for my Pally. Im trying to keep it real simple. I've tried Puller mac and a bunch of others but they target doors and lots of other stuff I don't need or want. What i have done is used advpath and maped out a set path, so what I would love is a code that goes something like this...... play my advpath1---target close npc----- run to the npc (no fancy pulling code needed, just a stick or something)-----attack on-------loot mob----- Play my advpath2----and repeat the process.

Oh and if it's not to difficult add in a selfheal (burst of sunlight) if/when fighting a mob my hp goes under 50%.

Thanks for any help
That's a bit above my skill level. I can help ya work it out if you can get me some barebones code, though. There are several macros here that do advpath coding. The puller mac has runToMob code. Get me some of that advpath code and the runToMob code and I'll try and put it together for ya. PM the code to me and I'll see what I can do.
any help would be great. I have the puller mac but it keeps targeting a door. Im near a zone out door and it Says --------door0 "acbars301" targeted ------ even though a mob is on my target icon and then it spams the door thing and runs all shaky, like its trying to kill the targeted mob yet trying to run to the door.
im not sure how simple or hard this might be, but how bout a turn in macro for this. http://eqtraders.com/articles/article_page.php?article=q237&menustr=120020000000 i dont need the toon to move or anything, just want to walk up, hit /mac whatever , and come back later with all turnins done. this would save everyone so much time, and not everyone may know you can turn lower quality skins/pelt to high quality. thanks in advance!
flargendingle said:
im not sure how simple or hard this might be, but how bout a turn in macro for this. http://eqtraders.com/articles/article_page.php?article=q237&menustr=120020000000 i dont need the toon to move or anything, just want to walk up, hit /mac whatever , and come back later with all turnins done. this would save everyone so much time, and not everyone may know you can turn lower quality skins/pelt to high quality. thanks in advance!

That shouldn't be too hard. I'll look into it. I haven't had a lot of free time lately, but if I get a bit of time, I'll see what I can do.
Decided I'm done posting here at redguides until the administration(I MEAN REDBOT, THE ORIGINAL ADMIN) make their own efforts to keep this place alive. At the moment, the only people keeping this place alive is the community, and the community doesn't get paid a monthly fee, nor do they get the prizes they've won. People are paying to come here and they're not getting what they paid for any more.
Help Requests(Make yours here!)

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