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AFK Taskmaster (cont.) (1 Viewer)

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/target ${TaskGiver}

should be

/target id ${TaskGiver}

in Advtaskwarp2, otherwise it says there are no spawns matching: (##) any, and doesn't retarget the taskgiver after a task is completed.

doh .... hmmm I wonder why its worked all this time .... oh well change coming right up ....
Having a lot of trouble with the Warp2 version. I've actually had to go back to the 1/17 release.

When I load Warp2, it gets me the task with no problem. And then continues to try and get me a task, over and over and over. it never starts the actual movement.

I have issues with the Jan 17th release as well, but those are more lag related I think. Things like missing a location and so on. I've had it just keep zoning me through 3 or 4 chain zones without stop, until I could manage to get a fast /end typed in between zones.

The neverending request loop has me puzzled tho. Any thoughts?
Learningcurve said:
Does it actually get the task or does it decline them all?
It gets a task - I checked the INI file. The tasks I want/don't want are approriately marked 1 and 0. It gives me the message "You can't take another task till you've finished the one you have. Come back and speak to me when you're able to take another task" or words to that efffect.

Basicly, it targets Maran, asks for a task, scans the list, accepts one. Task window pops up shows the first step of the task and 10 secs later it attempts to request another task

Rinse repeat till I /end

The 1/17 release works fine though. I'm going to do a compare between the 2 codes and see if I can spot any obvious differences that may account for the looping
Hmmm which build do you have? Make sure that your task window is cleared before starting the mac.
Alatyami said:
Hmmm which build do you have? Make sure that your task window is cleared before starting the mac.
I'm using the 2/19/06 build of AdvTask and the 1/19/06 build of MQ2 (CodeCompiles).

Task window is cleared. As I said it GETS a task. it just doesn't stop trying to get another one
Learningcurve said:
DO you have MQ2warp and MQ2piggyzone loaded?
and do you have the MQ2Warp.ini in the main MQ2 directory replacing the old one?
Yes to all of the above.

I'll double check the versions of all the INI files again to be sure I'm using the right ones

It zones me to most of the right places, just misses a hail here and there. I'm thinking it's more lag than anything else. I see it target the NPC but it zones me before it can hail (And yes I have MQ2Hail loaded so I can be anywhere in the zone - the hail works fine from the same spot if I go back manually)

edit: MQ2RWarp.ini dated 2/18/06 is in the main MQ2 folder
Also, make sure that you have all the include files saved in your Macros directory.

Come into the chat and we can debug it.
Alatyami said:
Also, make sure that you have all the include files saved in your Macros directory.

Come into the chat and we can debug it.
INC files are in Macros. Was one of the first things I checked. (Also read through the post and made sure everything was named properly, even though the only versions I ever had installed were 1/17 and newer)

I'll join the chat tonight. I kinda gave up and went to sleep after my last posts last night :P
Another question, about tasks in general, not the macro per se.

I've been shrouding my lvl 70 down to a 65 Rogue to do the tasks. I noticed last night tho that if I don't go back to the Shroud NPC every so often to /remove I never get more than 1 AA point even after several tasks. The exp bar fills up fast (3-4 tasks take me from 0 to 100%) and then stops and remains at 100% for as long as I rremain shrouded.

I assume it's because of the shroud so I tested it. Repeating the same number of missions as got me the full bar plus a few more for good measure then went back to /remove the shroud. All I got when I did was 1 AA and about 45% of a second. I never got 'credit' for what should have been a second full AA.

Anyone ellse notice anything like that?
That's just the shroud form. I have leveled 6 levels while in shroud once you unshroud you get the adjustments. When there was double xp did 31 AA in one shroud period. All the xp and aa xp is stored up until you unshroud.
RedDog said:
Another question, about tasks in general, not the macro per se.

I've been shrouding my lvl 70 down to a 65 Rogue to do the tasks. I noticed last night tho that if I don't go back to the Shroud NPC every so often to /remove I never get more than 1 AA point even after several tasks. The exp bar fills up fast (3-4 tasks take me from 0 to 100%) and then stops and remains at 100% for as long as I rremain shrouded.

I assume it's because of the shroud so I tested it. Repeating the same number of missions as got me the full bar plus a few more for good measure then went back to /remove the shroud. All I got when I did was 1 AA and about 45% of a second. I never got 'credit' for what should have been a second full AA.

Anyone ellse notice anything like that?

Try doing 20 missions. You'll get more than one aa. I average 20 some AA's per round...
Be sure to kill your graphics, if you're considering running this hardcore. Turning off all the models and high end textures alone takes 200 MB's out of memory space

/viewport 0 0 1 1 Makes it real easy on your graphics card too
started the mac up.. seached for the tasks for a couple secs .. then finaly found one. After it selected one, it kept spaming for a task, + warping to the starting loc repeatidly, even though it had already been asigned a task. spamed 8 times, until it took the 15 min break.
tiikimagick said:
started the mac up.. seached for the tasks for a couple secs .. then finaly found one. After it selected one, it kept spaming for a task, + warping to the starting loc repeatidly, even though it had already been asigned a task. spamed 8 times, until it took the 15 min break.
Same for me. Except I ended the macro before it got to the 15 minute timeout to keep it from looping
Mochila said:
Try doing 20 missions. You'll get more than one aa. I average 20 some AA's per round...
I have a problem using the macro to do more than 2 or 3 tasks in a row. Some tasks it doesn't do the /hail, others it misses zones. If I don't watch it closely I'd be going in an endless loop of DLands to FV to LoIL and back. Not sure if it's the INC or the INIs. I've turned off the tasks that I know are cronic offenders but I'm reluctant to leave it going for too long and have it send me in a chain zone forever
Hmmm ... Im reformating my main comp. I'll scrub the tasks and look at the SpamCount logic again.
tiikimagick said:
aye, i was chatting with a fellow tasker in dreadlands on my sus account. the night before i was banned. Have a weird feeling he was to blame...

cant really trust anyone you dont know, even if their doin the same thing...

really sad... :(

I think this happens more than 'our community' will admit. TaskerA calls out TaskerB using an alt or even a "n00bie toon"
then lays low for a few days or a week then goes at it again w/o anyone else drawing attention to what they are doing.

Even cheaters can't trust cheaters.
spartusnecro said:
I think this happens more than 'our community' will admit. TaskerA calls out TaskerB using an alt or even a "n00bie toon"
then lays low for a few days or a week then goes at it again w/o anyone else drawing attention to what they are doing.

Even cheaters can't trust cheaters.

You know now that you mention it. I was talking with a guy doing tasks the other night before I was busted also. I didn't think to pick him as the one that nicked me but he may very well be the one.

But anyway, I noticed a problem with the Spamcounter, I am surprised yours even showed a change and sat you down for 15. I changed the code and will repost it When I get home. I am sure Alatyami will repost it on the first page when hes done reformatting and changing OS. I am not sure why you wouldn't be going ahead and accomplishing the missions unless you possibley just reupdated your MQ2 and have forgotten to reload MQ2Rwarp and MQ2Piggyzone again. I know I experianced something similiar becuase I did in fact just redo mine with codecasters compile to alleviate some issues I was having.
well, the guy that was warp taskin .. the person i suspected of /pet me. ( sence no one was in zone, until the gm came, and he left) i petitioned his ass, now hes not even online anymore. Why doesnt the gm look at the petitioners data. before he investigates the subject...
AdvTaskWarp2: Dreadlands on a 62Warrior.......
Everything was working great for me....I stopped for a while. Ran the patcher on my wife's PC, tried to start back up in Dreadlands and I'd accept the task but then loop "can I have a task" about every 2 seconds.
I didn't change anything, just took about 20mins off and restarted the Macro, I noticed that it was taking me FOREVER to zone nearing 2am EST, so I'm writing this up to LAG, but anyone else with a suggestion that I'm just not seeing??
Thanks in advance,

I did make a change, and believe it to be between the time it worked properly and stopped working.
I enabled envirofall and eb and seeinvis for some reason from the mq2docrack plugin. But again, I doubt that had anything to do with it aye??
AFK Taskmaster (cont.)
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