some overthere missions for 35 shroud
/varset TaskSetting 0
/call GMCheck
/warp loc 2207.30 -2907.41 -28.65
/delay 2s
/target klok
/delay 6s
/say Do you have any tasks?
/delay 6s
|--------------------------Following the Bandits Home----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task1
/doevents flush
/warp loc -1927 -3076 -43.50
/call Taskcheck
/delay 2s
/warp succor
/zone zone warslikswood
/call Zoner
/warp loc -2497.65 1468.32 78.89
/call Taskcheck
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/Target npc Nuhost
/delay 2s
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Dangers of the Deep------------------------------|
Sub Event_Task2
/doevents flush
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc 190.91 -2672.40 140.77
/call Taskcheck
/zone firiona
/call Zoner
/warp loc -1791 2724 -101.34
/call Taskcheck
/delay 2s
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/Target npc Mythmoor
/delay 2s
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Jaunt Along the Broken Shore--------------------------------|
Sub Event_Task3
/doevents flush
/zone warslikswood
/call Zoner
/warp loc -789.00 2614.00 264.50
/call Taskcheck
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc -475.93 -1579.38 99.85
/call Taskcheck
/zone Firiona
/call Zoner
/Target npc cresthall
/delay 2s
/call Taskcheck
/zone lakeofillomen
/call zoner
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
|-------------------------------Earth and Sky----------------------------------|
Sub Event_Task4
/doevents flush
/zone Frontiermtns
/call Zoner
/warp loc -2846 -642 -477.63
/call Taskcheck
/zone burningwood
/call Zoner
/warp loc -853 -1180 -638
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
/Target npc bazz
/call Taskcheck
|----------------------------What's Left of the Tower-----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task5
/doevents flush
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc -1267.54 2678.02 211.22
/call Taskcheck
/zone Frontiermtns
/call zoner
/warp loc -3038.27 121 -533.34
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
/Target npc ricken
/call Taskcheck
|--------------------------Checking in on Cabilis------------------------------|
Sub Event_Task6
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone warslikswood
/call Zoner
/warp loc -798 2576 264.75
/call Taskcheck
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc 6360.75 -6632.25 37.81
/call Taskcheck
/zone firiona
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc cresthall
/delay 2s
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
|------------------------------Spires and Ruins--------------------------------|
Sub Event_Task7
/doevents flush
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc 4846.18 -2872.24 104.24
/call Taskcheck
/zone Frontiermtns
/call Zoner
/warp loc -2534 -1296 -475.74
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/Target npc skyspeed
/delay 2s
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-------------------------------Where? Overthere!----------------------------------|
Sub Event_Task8
/doevents flush
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1339.99 -4237.81 211.00
/call Taskcheck
/zone warslikswood
/call Zoner
/warp loc 3267.43 3991.37 -152.23
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
/Target npc Fleshblade
/call Taskcheck
|----------------------------Mining Kunark-----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task9
/doevents flush
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc 3373.13 3059.91 162.91
/call Taskcheck
/zone Frontiermtns
/call Zoner
/warp loc -375.95 -645.88 -124.56
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/Target npc skyspeed
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|----------------------------Holding the Fort-----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task10
/doevents flush
/zone lakeofillomen
/call Zoner
/warp loc -1384.29 -2057.68 100.37
/call Taskcheck
/zone Frontiermtns
/call zoner
/warp loc -39 -1435.38 -114.38
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call Zoner
/Target npc bazz
/call Taskcheck
|-----------------------Drachnid Breeding Grounds-------------|
Sub Event_Task18
/doevents flush
/warp loc 1825, -5020, 108.48
/call Taskcheck
/zone burningwood
/call Zoner
/warp loc 2955, -725, -255
/call Taskcheck
/zone skyfire
/call Zoner
/Target npc Byllella Voon
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------Dig in-------------|
Sub Event_Task19
/doevents flush
/zone nurga
/call Zoner
/warp loc -1952.24 , -1007.61 , -172.75
/call Taskcheck
/zone frontiermtns
/call Zoner
/warp loc 797.88, -2753.63 , 15.16
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/Target npc fallstan
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------Remains of an empire-------------|
Sub Event_Task20
/doevents flush
/zone karnor
/call Zoner
/warp loc 162.13, -250.87, 44.17
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/warp loc 392.82 , -4383.29 , 44.17
/call Taskcheck
/warp succor
/Target npc stillripple
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------Fortifying the woods-------------|
Sub Event_Task21
/doevents flush
/zone burningwood
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1106.22, 1136.64 , -206.44
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/warp loc 2274, 4859.75 , 1049.47
/call Taskcheck
/zone frontiermtns
/call Zoner
/tar npc Dagor
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------Fortifying the woods-------------|
Sub Event_Task22
/doevents flush
/zone burningwood
/call Zoner
/warp loc 29.80 , 140.96 , 2.19
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/warp loc 837.47 , 9667.65 , 1109.39
/call Taskcheck
/zone frontiermtns
/call zoner/
/tar npc Dagor
/call Taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------Badgering the Goblins-------------|
Sub Event_Task23
/doevents flush
/zone frontiermtns
/call Zoner
/warp loc -1906, 1995, -377
/call Taskcheck
/zone nurga
/call zoner
/warp loc -1875, 1383, 329
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/Target npc stillripple
/call taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------Kunark Landing-------------|
Sub Event_Task24
/doevents flush
/zone Firiona
/call Zoner
/tar npc drabit
/warp target
/delay 2s
/zone timorous
/call zoner
warp loc -9358, 2182, 261
/call Taskcheck
/tar npc Jorbin
/warp target
/delay 3s
/say travel to overthere
/warp loc -1059, 3709, 62.07
/call Taskcheck
/zone frontiermtns
/call Zoner
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/zone firiona
/call Zoner
/Target npc telligron
/call Taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------From the Mountains to the Sea-------------|
Sub Event_Task26
/doevents flush
/zone firiona
/call zoner
/warp loc -1791, 2724, -101.25
/call taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call zoner
/warp loc 1915, 3877.88, 678.88
/call taskcheck
/warp succor
/tar npc slad
/delay 2s
/call taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|-----------------------Danger, Here be Goblins-------------|
Sub Event_Task27
/doevents flush
/zone nurga
/call zoner
/warp loc -943, -849, -172.13
/call taskcheck
/zone droga
/call zoner
/warp loc 345.78, 587.15, -189.75
/call taskcheck
/zone frontiermtns
/call zoner
/tar npc teli
/delay 2s
/call taskcheck
/zone overthere
Sub Event_Task28
/doevents flush
/zone nurga
/call zoner
/warp loc -1571, -589, -189.75
/call taskcheck
/zone frontiermtns
/call zoner
/warp loc 4784, 1401, 354.20
/call taskcheck
/zone overthere
/tar npc zill
/delay 2s
|-----------------------Falling into Goblin Territory-------------|
Sub Event_Task29
/doevents flush
/zone nurga
/call zoner
/warp loc -2117.45, -1646.74, 15.81
/delay 2s
/call taskcheck
/zone droga
/call zoner
/warp loc 276, 169, -189.75
/call taskcheck
/zone frontiermtns
/call zoner
/tar npc shilur
/delay 2s
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|--------------------------High and Low----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task33
/doevents flush
/zone Burningwood
/call Zoner
/warp loc 3267 2257 -250.50
/call taskcheck
/zone skyfire
/call Zoner
/warp loc 2358 2995 -74.50
/call taskcheck
/zone dreadlands
/call Zoner
/Target npc slad
/call taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
|--------------------------Through the Rubble----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task34
/doevents flush
/zone Burningwood
/call Zoner
/warp loc -1256 2265 -375.59
/call taskcheck
/zone chardok
/call Zoner
/warp loc 178.82 444.34 52.16
/call taskcheck
/zone skyfire
/call Zoner
/Target npc mistellgone
/call taskcheck
/zone overthere
/call zoner
Some West karana missions for lvl 17 to 25
/varset TaskSetting 0
/call GMCheck
/warp loc 1008.73 -2080.97 1.48
/delay 2s
/target tarnar
/delay 3s
/say tasks
/delay 2s
|--------------------------Bringing Books to the Plains----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task1
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone highkeep
/call Zoner
/warp loc -27.17 -99.24 2.19
/delay 3s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc 604.25 143.13 30.03
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc tyco
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Mining Operation----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task2
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1261.88 -544.88 5.13
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc 8.57 923.74 -35.15
/delay 3s
/zone northkarana
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc fallstine
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Raised by Wolves?----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task3
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 98 -906 -4.63
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1323.88 -2681.88 1.75
/delay 3s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/Target npc lynx
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Gnoll and Go----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task4
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone everfrost
/call Zoner
/warp loc 2600.97 -3456.03 -38.06
/delay 3s
/zone blackburrow
/call Zoner
/warp loc 109 -3 3.75
/delay 3s
/zone poknowledge
/call Zoner
/Target npc theric
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Caution: Mud Crossing----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task5
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 848.13 -550.88 -.88
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -1733 -5987 389.13
/delay 3s
/Target npc fleetfoot
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Outpost One Lower Patrol Route----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task6
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -927.72 -4560.93 183.05
/delay 3s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 878.88 -462.06 -3.79
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc tyco
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Fork in the Road----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task7
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1388.88 428 1.13
/delay 3s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 875 -409.38 -4.65
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc frostreaver
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Nice Bridge----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task8
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1261.88 -544.88 5.13
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc 11.08 917.40 -33.59
/delay 3s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/Target npc churntide
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Through High Hold----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task9
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -863.23 -65.77 9.96
/delay 3s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc 65.21 -7.18 3.75
/delay 3s
/zone kithicor
/call Zoner
/delay 3s
/Target npc moor
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Road to Runnyeye----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task10
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -2406.86 -3812.43 103.04
/delay 3s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 922.61 -310.11 10.53
/delay 3s
/Target npc lynx
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Journey to High Hold Keep----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task11
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc 11.08 260.04 2.77
/delay 3s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc -259.85 -60.08 2.29
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc Lgador
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Over the Bridge----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task12
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone Highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc -313 336.88 28.75
/delay 3s
/zone kithicor
/call Zoner
/warp loc -570 1930 225.13
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc leafwell
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Staging a Raid----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task13
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone Eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -938.48 -4554.83 182.56
/delay 3s
/zone Beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 514 -589 -71
/delay 3s
/Target npc Jann
/warp target
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Karana Run----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task14
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone Eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -2278.80 -3747.04 98.61
/delay 3s
/zone Northkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -578.56 -213.76 -7.50
/delay 3s
/zone southkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc frostreaver
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Ridge Run----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task15
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc 589.11 105.17 31.75
/delay 3s
/zone highkeep
/call Zoner
/warp loc 68.55 -329.47 3.75
/delay 3s
/zone Kithicor
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc moor
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------outpost One----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task16
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -930.86 -4560.94 183.01
/delay 3s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc -314 -165 3.75
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc tyco
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Down the Pass----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task17
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone highkeep
/call Zoner
/warp loc -11.37 34.26 -0.25
/delay 3s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc -247.83 191.37 3.75
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc nella
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Basements and Plains----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task18
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone highkeep
/call Zoner
/warp loc 57.77 -134.10 -41.26
/delay 3s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc 281.21 -119.62 2.71
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc frostreaver
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Dropping in on Bandits----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task19
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc -24 105.52 4.39
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1388.88 105.52 -0.51
/delay 3s
/zone northkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc fallstine
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Stone Faced----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task20
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -2264.40 -3767.43 95.79
/delay 3s
/zone Highpass
/call Zoner
/warp loc -70.25 393.38 8.03
/delay 3s
/zone northkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc delver
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
|--------------------------Goblin Tracking----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task21
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone eastkarana
/call Zoner
/warp loc -2701 -2011 4.34
/delay 3s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 875 -409.38 -5.74
/delay 3s
/zone beholder
/call zoner
/Target npc hesen
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
|--------------------------Lord of the Castle----------------------------|
Sub Event_Task22
/doevents flush
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/zone beholder
/call Zoner
/warp loc 1262 -545 4.73
/delay 3s
/zone runnyeye
/call Zoner
/warp loc 165 -91 -128.90
/delay 3s
/zone eastkarana
/call zoner
/doability 5
/delay 1s
/doability 6
/delay 1s
/Target npc fleet
/delay 3s
/zone qey2hh1
/call Zoner
Hopefully these help someone