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Guide - EQBC Idiot's Guide (2 Viewers)

That fixed it, my next question would be did I change something that effected this? Also where do I put the code you shared in the mq2 file or the Kissassist macro file?

Adding this here in case someone wants to know info from connected toons.
Rich (BB code):
/bcg //bct ${Me} hi there my name is $\{Me.Name} my macro state is $\{Macro.Paused}
The above code will just report the name of each toon connected and in your group and if their macro is running.

Note that doing $\ instead of $ in front of {} will make eqbc interpret it as a query for the grouped toon instead of parsing it for the toon "asking"

And to the guy above: do /plugin mq2eqbc
ive beat my head against this for a few days now.. apparently im not as sharp as i used to be cause back when i used to play 10 years ago i set all this up np.. but for some reason i have it connecting fine all on one comp.. but using a wired LAN connection i cant get my laptop to connect to my main pc thru eqbc.. do i need eqbc running on both computers? ive tried all the firewall stuff and port forwarding. but all i ever get it could not connect
Don't need to run eqbcs on second comp, you connect second comp by /bccmd connect or whatever your main box is running eqbc. also they have to be on the same connection, can't use two different internet connections (that i know of). on the main box run cmd and then type ipconfig /all check to see that your using the right ip address. go from there. :) also sounds trivial but make sure you have eqbc checked in both your update mq2 settings.
there still is a stand alone eqbcs, when you install it as a service its running but no window. Also just rerun the program and can choose uninstall and then click standalone button.
You could just host a server on each of the PC's, one for each group.

That's how I would do it personally. Unless you are connecting from an external location, in which case you'd need to set each on a different port and forward the appropriate port to the appropriate computer.
you can have channels that are different groups, but i have noticed lately that my eqbcs has been crashing and will get random data spewed from it over bc till i restart eqbcs.

- - - Updated - - -

Rich (BB code):
dont qoute me lol but i think it is
/bc channelname //whatyouwantittodo
How do i get the EQBC window to appear in game? so that I can see the actions of all my chars in a dedicated chatbox?
Right, sorry I should have been more specific in my question. When using EQBC if i give a character a command how do i get them to broadcast to all characters that they are performing the command; for example if from character A I type in /bct character b //casting "word of replenishment" how can i make it to where character b broadcasts to character a that they are performing the command?
I am not sure how to get this working. I have 3 computers, all connected via wired ethernet. On all 3 computers I did the setting up as a service thing.

On the main computer I use the ip is with the port default 2112. I set the other computers to connect to 2112 as well.

On the 2 other computers, it says
#Connecting to 2112
#Requesting names...
#Remote conenction close, you are no longer connected

On the main computer it shows
#Connecting to 2112
#Requesting names...
#charonmymainpc has joined the server.
#-Local echo: on
#-Names: charonmymainpc
#-has left the server.

It then says #-has left the server. every few seconds.
It was doing the same thing before I ran it as a service...

Only ONE computer needs to run the server. Then all other computers connect to the one system running the server. If you are running the server on the other computers you're doing it for no reason.

If you have server running on computer A and the then you try to connect to EQBC using /bccmd connect it will by DEFAULT connect to on port 2112 which is the localhost IE: the computer you are sitting at. If you want to connect one computer to another computer's server you MUST provide the IP address at a minimum. IE: Computer B needs to connect to the server on computer A. Then you need the local IP Address for Computer A (IE: and then you MUST provide that as a parameter for the command to connect. IE: /bccmd connect

If you run the server on all the computer and all the computers are using the default connection command IE: /bccmd connect then all the computers are connecting to their local system's server and are not communicating with each other, they are locked into a private server where only they've joined it, thus the commands aren't being relayed to any other computers.

As a base case scenario, login to more than 1 account on a single computer. Have both account connect to the local server (that should be running). If the connection for both accounts is successful then you know that EQBC is working appropriately.

Once you've verified that EQBC is working as intended locally you can move on to testing multiple systems on a single server. To get the IP address for the local machine you must run hit the windows start button and type "CMD" which should bring up a command prompt. Then you want to type in ipconfig and hit enter. This should display the IP Configuration for the system. Including your existing connection VIA the wired Ethernet connection and will display your current IP Address.

Lets say I'm running the server from the computer in the above IPConfig output. I've circled the IPv4 IP address that I need to provide to the parameter for connecting from all the -OTHER- computers trying to connect to the server. So the command I must issue is /bccmd connect

On the computer that is running the server I still only have to type /bccmd connect
I could also type /bccmd connect 2112 because is the same as saying "Localhost" or "this computer" the providing of the port is optional and should only -need- to be used if I've changed the default port for the eqbc server. IE: I changed the port to 2113 then /bccmd connect 2113

The port can be changed in the INI or it can be input into the window that pops up when you start the program using the right click context menu on the MQ2 Icon in the task bar.



  • ipconfig.png
    46.8 KB · Views: 12
In the latest version of EQBCS I've noticed channels seem to have stopped working. I use them for a lot of things depending on how many groups I'm running but I can't get the channels to form using the latest version a /bccmd channels assist command just does nothing, no error no return .. nothing happens. The older version I have still works fine though.
Re: MQ2EQBC How To

Now there are also options to set up a password which can be easily set in the MQ2EQBC.ini

This password would be put in at the end of the string "/bccmd connect 192.168.X.XXX 2112 passwordhere"

please read the following in High Erudite for the sardonic jest...
Your not telling me how has caused a gap in the understanding uptake on my behalf.

and now back to my charming Southern accent...
Y'all gonna have ta' be giving us a clue how this is done.

and lastly Ahmed, Jeff's puppet...
I keeeeell you!!!!!
Just kidding.

If you could show me an example maybe of your MQ2EQBC.ini with your password......NOT. An example properly sterilized would greatly help.

Thanks in advance,
Rich (BB code):
/bccmd set reconnect on
does not work anymore i think, it is replaced by
Rich (BB code):
/bccmd set reconnectsecs 15

maybe update page 1 guide with this thanks
Redbot submitted a new resource:

EQBC Idiot's Guide - an EQBC guide by nyghteyes


Much of this information is available in the WIKI and Quoted here.

From the wiki:

Allows remote commands via box chat much like mastermind does.
Allows you to control any connected client anywhere (ie. someone in your raid needs to afk for a while: they connect to your server, you remotely load macros and control their toon as needed until they return).
Is mostly compatible with scripts that already support MQ2Irc (replace...

Read more about this resource...
Solved: I did not need to use the microsoft program after all, I also did not configure each character on each pc, I was thinking it would auto add other chars to chat

I am using 2 pcs side by side but I keep failing to get them both to join the same chat channel so my Auto follow from eqcler,eskay will not work with the other pc group. I keep trying to set them on the same chat but for some reason it is not working.
The eqbc connects to different isp number, i change and it doesnt seem to work

So I was trying to make one machine server like in the instructions
thanks Chat going to try that out
OK I have them both connecting to the same isp now, thanks
I tried that before on other pc, maybe I did not bccmd quit then re connect to new number
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ok not sure where to put this I think what I want has to do with the bccmd , but not sure .. btw im new here so bear with me . yesterday i logged in a few toons to play around I got connected to the /bc chat server and kissassist and dabbled with /mule .. I had the black cmd prompt window in the background , but I also had a window up that had all my group members in it with info on each and then on the bottom half of the window was the chat box .. well I shut everything down last night and got up today and for the life of me i cant figure out how to get that 1 window up that show's my toons in it .. it was a white window outside of game and had my 3 toons names and lvl all their info .. anyone know how to get that back up ? what command or plugin ? thanks any help is appreciated .. im gonna keep looking myself

EDIT: .. found what i was looking for .. had to go into the release folder/utilities and start eqbc.exe which starts the window ..
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The window that is outside of the UI is the eqbc window, you need that open to run eqbc. This is either opened when you run mq2 from the updater and selecting the eqbc version you want to run or open your mq2 folder and run the EQBCS-eqmule.exe file.

/plugin mq2eqbc loads the plugin in game.
So you installed MQ2EQBCS as a service long ago but now you want to try the "2" version? But you really shouldn't have 2 programs trying to monitor the same IP port. So you need to disable the one running as a service.

Open a command prompt AS ADMINISTRATOR and type "sc stop mq2eqbcs" and then "sc delete mq2eqbcs" and it will eliminate that service from starting automatically.

Tidbit... the "sc" in the command stands for Service Control and it's been around since Windows NT.
For installing EQBC as as service there was a window that used to pop up allowing you to do this. Is there a way to get that window back?? If I select EQBC now it just pops up the standalone, I can't seem to get the window back that gives the option.

I'm trying to reinstall this as a service, unfortunately the program link to install this as a service manually on another post the tools aren't available for Win 10 / 11.
For installing EQBC as as service there was a window that used to pop up allowing you to do this. Is there a way to get that window back?? If I select EQBC now it just pops up the standalone, I can't seem to get the window back that gives the option.

I'm trying to reinstall this as a service, unfortunately the program link to install this as a service manually on another post the tools aren't available for Win 10 / 11.

The version we are running now is not the same as the one you have in mind. I don't know if the current version can be run as a service.
you can install just abouy anything as a windows service

> stack overflow answer <

or > here <

To create a Windows Service from an executable, you can use sc.exe:

sc.exe create <new_service_name> binPath= "<path_to_the_service_executable>"

You must have quotation marks around the actual exe path, and a space after the binPath=.

More information on the sc command can be found in Microsoft KB251192.

Note that it will not work for just any executable: the executable must be a Windows Service (i.e. implement ServiceMain). When registering a non-service executable as a service, you'll get the following error upon trying to start the service:

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
There are tools that can create a Windows Service from arbitrary, non-service executables, see the other answers for examples of such tools.
Guide - EQBC Idiot's Guide

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