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Software EQBC Interface (1 Viewer)

I tried sending a few commands:

/bca ${Macro.Name}

worked...returns everyone's macro that they are running. Odd quirk........several lines were blacked out and had to scroll back to see what they outpuuted.

Did it again, application crashed.

Restarted application and it reconnectd but all toon names duplicated. Comparing with ieatacid's version.......his doesn't do that.

Also see that the Health/Mana/End bars are all varying sizes.

Right clicked the hotkey and now hotkey just says right-clicked. Can't change it? Any way to change font size or customize text color?
I'll check the .zip. Maybe I didn't upload the latest. I'll let you know. Maybe an hour or so. Or, you could try to grab another copy. The latest upload should have the editable hotkeys. They worked fairly well in testing. :)

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The latest compile was uploaded... I tested it, and the edit hotkeys was working. I am looking into the duplicate names now. I think the crash issue was fixed in the last release too. Maybe I'll build in an automatic update function/option...

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Fixed some bugs, uploaded version 0.03. Give it a try, and let me know if it works.

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I haven't changed the way the HP/MP/END progress bars work yet. There may be a way to make it where they're all always the same size. I'll mess around with it, and see what I come up with.
Hotkeys work now. Bars still varying sizes. Maybe you can start adding the stats like ieatacid's version?

I poked around I don't see the TLO for merc data but it is getting it from
[Page] [IW_MercenaryInvPage]
<Label item="IW_MaxHP">

I got the above poking around the xml files. I don't know how to get TLO from that though
I can put the stats from EQBCS. It won't be too hard, just have to decide where to put them. I was thinking about making a HME bar for each character that's on EQBCS, so they're all always displayed. I'll see what I can fit, and keep that as an option later.
You are using ieatacid's last UI version (version 2) as the template right?eqbc2.jpg

I don't know about having every toon from EQBCS. Some of us have lots of toons on their EQBCS
Yeah, I used his version 2 as a basic template. I wanted a version I could run natively in Linux, and I wanted to add some features (hotkeys, command history, etc...). The next release, I'll have it save the command history, and read it back in. I ran into some issues with progress bars and Windows 7. If you're using Aero, there's no easy way to color them the way I'd like. There's a little hack to make them red or yellow instead of green, but it's not an ideal solution.

How many toons are you talking about running? I could leave it like his, and add the zone/level class info pretty easily. I am already getting that from the netbots plugin.

Oh, I found the mercenary HPs yesterday, but I didn't find the pointer to the struct. I'll look for that some time this weekend or next week. When I find it, I'll ask the MQ2 devs to add it. I know that the Inventory UI references it, so there's a pointer somewhere...
Ok, I made several enhancements... V0.04 .zip is out. Check it out, and recommend updates/changes. Let me know if you find any bugs. I know there are still some features missing.

Things that should work:
Programmable Hotkeys
Command History (can be cleared)
bca, bct

Things I will remove:
bcaa (bca basically does that anyway - which is why I left it out originally)

Things to add:
detect when netbots disconnect/leave

Any suggestions/comments/complaints? Should I upload it to here for distribution, so downloads can be tracked?

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The latest release isn't enumerating/parsing users properly from EQBCS. I can probably fix it tomorrow. I don't have QT on this box... I suppose I could install it though.

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Hold off on downloading it for now. There's another bug. It's because I was lazy when making some changes.

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I fixed the bugs, and updated the download .zip. It's version 0.05 now.

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Updated release to v.0.06

- Shows status of all characters (scrollable).
- Detects login/logout of characters
- Hotkeys still work
- Several bugs fixed

Let me know if you like it...

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Can you add ${Zone.Name} I hate having to remember the Zone IDs. I'm also curious about the TLO ${Zone.Type} I want to know if it returns more than just 0 and 255 and if there really is a way to distinguish outdoors/indoors using that. Lots of empty space still......what else can you fit in there? This is starting to look like my HUD =)
The application just takes what it gets from MQ2EQBC plugin (zone ID), and displays it, so I'd either have to change MQ2EQBC to add the zone name, or start compiling a list of zone names to zone IDs (I think that's what ieatacid did). It would be easy to add the zone name to MQ2EQBC. Does Redguides keep their own source tree, or do they pull updates from the MQ2 VIP Plugins area?

I can look into the TLOs if you want. I dug into the mercenary TLO, but it didn't provide the information I wanted. I found the mercenary base hp, max hp, and other stats structure in RAM, but I haven't found a pointer to it... I can find it consistently, and found some functions that call the data, but I don't have any professional quality disassembly software. Maybe an MQ2 dev could help out there? That way, I can add the mercenary data like a regular character.

As for space, what would you like to see?
I think that's what ieatacid did regarding zone IDs to zone names, which is brutally inefficient. Also explains why newer xpacs don't show names.

Can you just have the interface display the TLO ${Zone.Name} or ${Zone.ShortName}? That way, you don't have to maintain a database mapping ID back to name.

Other things I might want to see (things I usually hotkey or alias):
Location: ${Me.Y}, ${Me.X}, ${Me.Z}
Info regarding curent target: ${Target.Name} ${Target.Level}

This is sounding more like my HUD =)
There are a couple ways I can go about doing that. The easiest would be to have my program request the information like it already does from MQ2EQBC. This would require updating MQ2EQBCS/eqbcs (server application), and MQ2EQBC (plugin). The alternative would be to use a /bca equivalent, but it will spam your MQ2 window. I will check the MacroQuest2 forums to see if the latest code is there. If so, I will update it, and post it there, and here.
The eqbcs code has not been updated in quite awhile. I have mine compiled on linux and not even sure what version it is (it is from that massive thread..maybe around page 38 or so). I tried one labelled as eqbcs v2 and that doesn't work at all. I connect and get disconnected over and over.
It's okay. I'll just update the plugin... :)

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Here's an updated MQ2EQBC.dll, along with the source code, and the latest release of my EQBC Interface.


  • MQ2Eqbc.dll
    228 KB · Views: 4
  • MQ2Eqbc.cpp
    78.5 KB · Views: 6
  • eqbci_v_0.07.zip
    7.1 MB · Views: 10
I got the source code off the MQ2 forums, so it does not. I can add it, or leave it to the Redguides devs to incorporate my changes (which were rather small).

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Updated MQ2EQBC to add /bcg (group excluding self) and /bcga (group including self). Source code is attached as well. It likely differs from the Redguides implementation, but it gets the job done.

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I released the source code to my project on sourceforge.net under the GPL 3.0. I will delete the .zips and .exes from wortheysoft.com, and they'll be made available on sourceforge.



  • MQ2Eqbc.cpp
    81.2 KB · Views: 6
  • MQ2Eqbc.dll
    230 KB · Views: 2
Updated eqbci to version 0.08.
-Removed Libevent
-Switched to QTcpSocket instead of native sockets
-Switched to QTimer for updating bot info

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I managed to get it running on my cell phone (Android). It is not ideal using the default UI, so I'll have to clean it up for mobile devices...
Any volunteers to test an Android release? I changed the UI a bit, and haven't moved it to the trunk code, but I basically got rid of the login stuff from the main window, and made it a popup window instead. I suppose I could add a reconnect on disconnect, and some other options to the mobile release, but I'd like some feedback first.

If anyone has a Mac they're willing to donate, or allow me remote access to, so I can compile it, I'll release it for iPhone too.

Here's a preview of the UI change (at least for phones)... It's a screen shot from QT creator, so it has all the design stuff there too.

It runs great on my Galaxy S3 with a SSL VPN tunnel and port forwarding to my phone.
Yeah, it doesn't actually do anything from the interface. I keep forgetting to take it out. If someone wants to use /bcg, it should be done with a /bct to the toon you want to run the /bcg command from... Since the interface is not part of a group, it does not make sense to let it use /bcg...

So, to actually use /bcg, select /bct, select your toon, and enter in the command //bcg //camp desktop (or whatever you want it to do).
Right now, it's just an apk. I'll see if I can figure out where QT creator puts it, and get it uploaded. It's a little more "beta"...

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Try this. I couldn't upload the .apk directly. I had to .zip it. Let me know if it works. :) There may still be bugs... I haven't thoroughly tested the UI changes for login and such...


  • eqbci.zip
    7.8 MB · Views: 11
Were you able to get it on your phone?

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Also, I paid the $100 to become an Apple developer, so I could release the interface for iOS devices. It worked in the phone simulation, but I need real iOS beta testers (any volunteers?). I submitted the latest release to apple for the app store, but it's still in review (last time I checked). I'd appreciate any donations (RG subscription, krono, cash) to offset the cost, but it's certainly not necessary. If you're interested, send me a PM.

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I found a bug yesterday. It was a silly oversight, but I didn't notice it because I was using an SSH tunnel from my phone to my eqbc server... So, it will only connect to :) Basically, it ignores whatever ip/username/password/port you put in, and uses the defaults or what's saved. It only affects the mobile version because I haven't made the changes to the desktop UI yet (soon). I've already fixed it in my code, just need to compile and upload. I'll put it on Sourceforge too.
Released an updated version (0.10) with the same UI as the mobile version (basically without the connection information). It's available on sourceforge. It also supports the EQBC colors ([+r+]red text[+x+])...

Thanks! I am glad you like it. There's a bug with the latest release that'll be fixed in the next. Another minor oversight. :) If you set a password, then try to set no password, it won't clear it. I was lazy with copy/paste of source code.
Hey Jim, Just reporting in.

Everything works great on local host and port forwarding on the windows box. However, never to be satisfied I fired up a Server instance in Amazon Web Sevices running Red Hat Linux. I then compiled the EQBCS.cpp (Server) on it and set it as a startup deamon. Everything in MQ2EQBCS works, but your interface just spams REQ in the chat and no HP/MP are showing up.

Any ideas?

Edit: P.S. Maybe I am running an out of date version of EQBCS server. Which version of the code are you working off of?

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Nevermind, I was working off old code for eqbcs server.

Here is the updated code if anyone wants to tinker with a hosted linux box.


  • EQBCS.cpp
    63.6 KB · Views: 4
That looks like the latest version that was available on the MQ2 forums. I use the RG version for my windows testing, and that version for Linux.
I haven't had any crashes on my dev box. I'll try it on another box, and see how it goes. Does it crash consistently, or just every now and then?

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Seems to be fine on my other box... What OS are you running? I've only tested on Windows 7, Linux (Fedora 22), and Android...

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I managed to crash it. I'll check into it. Thanks for the bug report. :)
I can't crash it on my dev box... I don't know why. I have a test program to send fake data, like MQ2EQBC would, but it's not crashing the UI...

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Well, I think I know why it may have been crashing. It's possible that the thread that receives the network traffic was not the same as the UI thread, and UI updates are not thread-safe... If that's the case, it should be fixed. If it's something else, I haven't been able to reproduce the crash to figure it out.

Is this still active? I DL'd ver 11 from sourceforge. Anyone using it?

I never used acid's back in the day, using something like this was always on my bucket-list. The more toons I add to my arsenal the more I am looking for way to mass-manage them.

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Sourceforge ver 11 branch looks good. I have been using it and offers a good amount of info for every toon logged in to the EQBCS server. Lvl, H-M-E bars, AA pts, Exp/AA %, Sit/Stand states, pet, etc. Current target doesn't seem to work but this is a great tool to manage multiple groups from one interface. It looks like a lot of this was carried over from JimBob's version (which was forked from ieatacid's some years ago). Suedeworthy might have simply taken over maintenance, or did a branch, not sure.

There are 10 hotkeys that can be programmed like an in-game macro, in that there are 5 lines to each one. I haven't played with them yet, so I don't know what all you can and cannot do. For instance, I don't know yet if there is a way to send a cmd directly to a highlighted toon which would be handy to launch a specific macro etc. Right now, since I am using Afnuke2, AutoCleric and KA, I have outgrown the one-size-fits-all ability to launch everyone's macro from one hotkey. You can however type in BC cmds like /bct etc as if you were in-game. Again, most of this existed with the OP's version, but this is updated as of about 10 months ago.

I will mess with this some more and discover what the hotkeys can accommodate.
The current target doesn't work because the core plugin it uses for information wasn't updated on the RG site. I'll see if I can get the powers that be to let me update it with the modifications I made on the MQ2 site, then you'll have all that extra data. I can post a compiled .dll for the latest RG release if you want to give it a try for now.

The hotkeys send commands based on the radio button selected. If you have a toon highlighted, and BCT selected, it will send it to that toon. I suggest MQ2AFNuke and MQ2Heals if you want to be brave.

If you have any suggestions, let me know, and I'll see if I can make it happen.


Is this still active? I DL'd ver 11 from sourceforge. Anyone using it?

I never used acid's back in the day, using something like this was always on my bucket-list. The more toons I add to my arsenal the more I am looking for way to mass-manage them.

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Sourceforge ver 11 branch looks good. I have been using it and offers a good amount of info for every toon logged in to the EQBCS server. Lvl, H-M-E bars, AA pts, Exp/AA %, Sit/Stand states, pet, etc. Current target doesn't seem to work but this is a great tool to manage multiple groups from one interface. It looks like a lot of this was carried over from JimBob's version (which was forked from ieatacid's some years ago). Suedeworthy might have simply taken over maintenance, or did a branch, not sure.

There are 10 hotkeys that can be programmed like an in-game macro, in that there are 5 lines to each one. I haven't played with them yet, so I don't know what all you can and cannot do. For instance, I don't know yet if there is a way to send a cmd directly to a highlighted toon which would be handy to launch a specific macro etc. Right now, since I am using Afnuke2, AutoCleric and KA, I have outgrown the one-size-fits-all ability to launch everyone's macro from one hotkey. You can however type in BC cmds like /bct etc as if you were in-game. Again, most of this existed with the OP's version, but this is updated as of about 10 months ago.

I will mess with this some more and discover what the hotkeys can accommodate.
This is very similar to a project that I'm working on...

I'm working on the core engine of automating the group management side of things before I throw a UI on top.
I like what you did here good work!

When I was running my own compile I was making edits to EQBCS, but didn't want to keep them in sync with all the other builds, so my client just sends JSON payloads silently to my characters, and I have responses silented as well, so I'm not spamming my in game MQ2 windows, but my EQBCS text is a mess.

Here is a sample of what I send:
Rich (BB code):
    AAPoints: "${Me.AAPoints}"
    AATotal: "${Me.AAPointsTotal}"
    BankPlat: "${Me.PlatinumBank}"
    CurrentAAExp: "${Me.PctAAExp}"
    CurrentExp: "${Me.PctExp}"
    EndurancePercent: "${Me.PctEndurance}"
    FreeSpace: "${Me.FreeInventory}"
    HPPercent: "${Me.PctHPs}"
    Level: "${Me.Level}"
    Macro: "${Macro}"
    ManaPercent: "${Me.PctMana}"
    Name: "${Me.Name}"
    Plat: "${Me.Platinum}"
    SharedPlat: "${Me.PlatinumShared}"
    SpawnCount: "${SpawnCount[pc radius  125]}"
    TargetIsName: "${Target.Named}"
    TargetName: "${Target.Name}"
    Zone: "${Zone}"

Rich (BB code):
    SpawnCount: "${SpawnCount[pc radius  125]}"

The 125 pulls from whatever the config file is set for.
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The hotkeys send commands based on the radio button selected. If you have a toon highlighted, and BCT selected, it will send it to that toon.

This highlighting of the toon does not seclude it from those logged into the server. I hit the radio button for /bct, coded HotButton1 to merely send one of my toons a tell, selected/highlighted one of the logged in toons, and all toons connected to EQBC sent the tell. Eeet no worky.
Thx man, we appreciate you and this project! It is so close to being bloody awesome that it wouldn't take much to iron the last bits out.
Software EQBC Interface

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