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Software EQBC Interface (2 Viewers)

using standalone mode:
logged on first character, worked fine
logged on 2nd character: became a dot.

still working on figuring out how to wireshark rofl gimme a few minutes to figure out how to cap local interface
What would the port forwarding settings be if im using the default eqbc server? I have interface running fine on my local PC, try to connect to it from android on verizon and get refused by peer

successfully resolved IP address...
A socket error has occurred...
The connection was refused by the peer.

Common Service:
Service Name:
Service Type:
Server IPv4 Address:
Server IPv6 Address:
Start Port:
End Port:

- - - Updated - - -

i followed https://www.xfinity.com/support/articles/port-forwarding-xfinity-wireless-gateway and got port 2112 on my pc forwarded but still cant connect on my android. on my android, what should the server be?

- - - Updated - - -

welp...i got interface running on my local PC and just chrome remote desktop from my android to see it :P
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Port forwarding is a little outside of the scope of this thread, but should be relatively straightforward. Pick a port you like on your router's external interface (public IP), and point it to the IP address and port of your eqbcs box, and do a lot of praying.... :)

As for the rest, I am looking at it now. I introduced another issue with one of the code updates, but it will only take a minute to revert. If multiple logins work after that, I'll post a copy here for testing.
If you want some assistance and I can help Jim let me know. I recently submitted a change for MQ2EQBC.dll but it shouldn't affect anything you're doing. Change was simply updating EQBC.Names on join and disconnect for any players and removed the names request on connect because it also processes on join.

I'll go ahead and post it here, but this is for TEST. So don't expect it to work on live lol. Note, this was done using default download from MQ2 website's test build. Built and ran it on test to verify the change was functioning as expected.

Gonna go back to your first post and take a look at what you have.

Note: I'm pretty new to plugins and C++, I've taken a single Unix/C++ class, so while I understand the basics for syntax MQ2 syntax for the most part still eludes me. But I enjoy being on the learning curve.


  • MQ2EQBC.dll
    351.5 KB · Views: 2
I have a wireshark setup. I setup port forwarding and then connect to my eqbc using my default gateway instead of my local IP Address (I connect to the router instead of the computer)
Then I've filtered using tcp.port == 2112

In order to get the information to you I'd like to do so via email or some other private transaction.

Interesting development. When I connect by providing the default gateway from a 2nd system I get connected and the name is correct. If I connect using the name is blank.

After using bccmd quit a few times I crash.
Give this one a try... It was working with my box crew. There was one issue with /switchchar (name got screwed up), but a /bccmd reconnect fixed that problem.

I don't have a second PC set up to test with at the moment, but it works from a VM to the main host. I also have not tried with any port forwarding through any firewalls/routers.

Edit: The crash was a thread synchronization issue. I've sorta worked around it for now, but would like to fix it properly in the future...
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jimbob just tested the latest build, and it still makes someone a .

the one who becomes a . can send commands via eqbcs, but does not do them when recieving from others.

first test.PNG
also if i put a local ip inside the eqbcs window it just turns off.

seems to be a hit an miss with logging in.

starting the thing from scratch, with autologin in going, half the times it seems to mess up other tiems it seems to work, is there some sort of timer that if it gets requests too fast it misses one?
also if i put a local ip inside the eqbcs window it just turns off.

seems to be a hit an miss with logging in.

starting the thing from scratch, with autologin in going, half the times it seems to mess up other tiems it seems to work, is there some sort of timer that if it gets requests too fast it misses one?
There's a timeout for receiving login information (like 3s I think)... I used it for a few hours... But I did end up with one broken name, but /bccmd reconnect fixed it though.
I fixed another bug. EQBCS wasn't sending the whole client list on join, so I put that back in. Now, it "should" work properly with "EQBC Interface"...


  • EQBCS.exe
    296 KB · Views: 9
i am running the latest jimbob posted seems to be running okay havent had any issues for the past couple hours, evyrone logged in fine

less netbots spam

Anyone have anything else to add to the wishlist?

I want to completely rewrite the protocol. :)

Edit: Channels "should" work, but I haven't really tested them...

Edit 3: Tested, and appears they don't work. I will investigate. :)

Edit 2: TLS and real authentication and authorization.

Edit 4: I fixed the channels... Will commit the change shortly...
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Software EQBC Interface

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