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Request - How should we respond to suspension waves? (1 Viewer)

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Oct 15, 2004
I've been talking with a few people about this for months, but ultimately MacroQuest is an open source project, so I'd like to open this conversation to everyone.

How should RedGuides respond to the recent 7-day suspension waves? We don't have the resources of a $300,000,000 company, but we certainly have passion. What should we focus it on?

Some things to keep in mind:
  • When reading this thread, you'll notice up ▲ and down ▼ arrows next to each reply. Use them to upvote ideas you agree with.
  • While a lot of us are upset about suspensions (people are venting on here and social media) we need to keep in mind that we're EverQuest fans. We're here because of the work and creativity from Darkpaw Games, so please show them respect even if you disagree with their judgement.
  • We assume several thousand people use MacroQuest, though this is a very rough estimate as we don't log anything in game nor are we the only distributor. DPG has a much better idea about usage than we do.


If you took the time to vote or reply, thank you. Here's the primary action suggested in every post with at least two votes:

Add detection safeguards to MQ + 149
Communicate with DPG + 101
Boycott / Stop playing altogether + 55
Stay the course / No change +49
Focus on Emu +20
Stop promoting our playstyle +20
Remove Truebox restrictions +9
Add more "anti"-features such as anti-AFK checks. + 7
Turn on safety features by default: audible alerts on say, tell, /ooc camp checks, etc. + 4
lol +2

The highest two suggestions have been heard loud and clear. I imagine an effective boycott would need organization, I'm open to it but not just yet. Staying the course has already been tried 😅. Emulator is attractive for many reasons, and work has already begun on MacroQuest for emu clients. I don't think we'll take down our youtubes or relax truebox restrictions anytime soon. I wouldn't push for anti-features without some type of assurance they'd help our cause. Some safety defaults like those hotpocket suggested will probably be in a commit soon.

Again, thank you all for the replies and for sticking with us to this point. If there are any ideas I missed, or improperly summarized, please reply!
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so i went to the eq forums to see what all is being said on there. dear god that place is more toxic then a nuke test site that was a landfill before testing.
It's pretty amazing to see so much passion about something they know so little about. It's really like seeing people who read books about EQ talking about EQ, even though they've never actually played EQ.

Lots of good ideas there if you've been playing for a month and tons of bad ideas and info if you've been playing for a few years.
TLDR: Dont change anything - Just try to be invisible.

The absolute Best thing about Redguides is the Community. A big part of that community is the integrity we hold ourselves too.

While acknowledging that we are breaking the EULA...and technically YES we are cheating, Im sure most of us stand against active hacks and game breaking exploits, and not allowing playing on TrueBox is the ethical thing to do.

I think most of us agree that we are against anything that impacts other users experience of the game.

I just want to play EQ. Not to make Real life money, I do not want to upset anyone or impact on their ability to experience the game as it was designed.

I do want to have Autofollow that works, a guild portal that is easy to use, auto navigation for me and my group, and an auto accept system for trusted toons.
Nothing spectacular there...just QOL stuff that is not game breaking.

QoL stuff shouldn't be bannable - but the guild I was in was using a Loot Auctioning Bot for Auctioning the loot from raids.
We killed the Big Boss and linked the loot to the Bot.

The folks in the raid would send tells to the bot with a DKP Bid and it would determine who the winner was based on attendance and DKP etc.
It was fast an efficient and with multiple bots it would auction multiple things at once - and 100% just a QOL tool.

When the person associated with this loot auction bot was Banned - not suspended - others (Family) also quit in response. The end result was the guild imploding and now the guild struggle to kill Zlandicar.

So, I don't know if there is any solution to the "Cheating" Stigma that is caused by using RG, but I do know that I try to remain invisble.

1. Don't talk about Fight Club
2. Don't play for 40 hrs a day in the same spot farming hDex Augs. You are asking for a Banhammer.
3. Don't use Overseer. (Tin Foil Hat advises that they can probably see that you do Overseer every 12 hrs like clockwork!)
4. Don't use Feedme - especially if you are just sitting in the Guild Lobby afk
5. Make a Pause ALL (/boxr pause) when you run to the make no 2, or make a cuppa tea.
6. Don't get into fights with people in EQ.
7. Clean up your mess.
8. Don't be impatient - you will Max AA soon enough - no need to let it run overnight.

There is nothing to say that i wont still get suspended or banned, but I will try to continue to remain invisible and try not to upset anyone.

I wouldn't want to see RG change our Ethics - since DBG is clearly at war with people who do the stupid things.

We can only hope that after all the stupid users have been banned, then the remaining people who just want to play the game - solo in a group of 54 will be left alone.
I was in that guild. The loot bot didn't even use MQ. And we had been using it since about 2011. All it did was read the log file and CTRL-V into game chat and press enter.
Yeah, Bentio is a troll crusader on a mission. Which is why I think they should have a forum for All Access feedback only. All these F2P accounts people just create to play ForumQuest, maybe take some feedback from the paying customers and see how the view shifts.
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It's pretty amazing to see so much passion about something they know so little about. It's really like seeing people who read books about EQ talking about EQ, even though they've never actually played EQ.

Lots of good ideas there if you've been playing for a month and tons of bad ideas and info if you've been playing for a few years.
I think fair number of the crusaders there are either TLP recyclers or P99 snobs
So i just finished forcing myself to read the trend on the EQ forum and all i can say is WoW.
Maybe i'm wrong but i was on Rizlona in a guild there and i did more as a boxer to help people get epics get flags farm spells then any non boxer in the guild did. I have never came across any boxers that have been assholes like some of these people are making us all out to be. I"m not saying they are not out there i know they are i just think there is more boxers and mass boxers that are willing to help people then there is that want to make the game hell for people.

So Buddy can box Raids and sell loot for Kr there a fix for that don't buy it. That's What i don't understand with these people if i'm boxing in an instance zone or boxing a raid that's in a dz how am i effecting their game play? If i leave my toons on 24/7 farming shit in a dz or a zone on one goes to and i'm making money how does that effect them? It doesn't at all.

I know a lot of people on Rizlona that bought GoD and OOW loot because they wanted to better their toons and enjoy the game and they were single toon players. I also know boxers who went out of their way to run raids to gear people and their alts to help them out.

We had one guy in the guild i was in would bitch and bitch and bitch about people using MQ till it came time to raid and we didn't have enough then it was ok and he shut up and didn't care as long as the raid was full and he could get his DKP. IMO these are the people that are crying on the EQ page about people boxing and using MQ. When they don't get any gain out of it they want you banned but when they can gain from it it's all good. They bitch the loudest in public about it and either use it themselves or have friends they get shit from that use it and that's ok to them.
So many games out there. thankfully this witch hunt managed to break my addiction to eq. its gone. I am enjoying my break. I log on my guys sometimes to run overseer for lower lv but i haven't killed a mob i think since April the 4th. Also haven't spent any cash so win win? heh.. enjoying the site. still enjoy logging into RG and reading forums.

Like everyone else I am 100% sure I will bb eventually. got krono and plat banked and waiting.

Money ALWAYS talks. u don't pay, eventually that will get noticed by people who invested to make money. Surveys etc are great but at the end of the day, even if u do not use a credit card or w/e to pay for your subs... ie buy krono... someone is paying for that somewhere with real life cash and that market has been taking a beating now. Gotta remember that. a monthly sub was paid for by a real person somewhere along the way. It didn't come off looting a mob.

cya again:) keep on chatting. This forum is the best
The most important features from MQ in my perspective is; /stick (to grp member) and the FPS limiter. Then I am able to box with current hardware.

As of now, when using EQ command /follow the toons randomly stops following or starts the orbit of doom. I am not able to load mkre than 3 toons before just zoning takes 5 mins.

Suggestion: try to infuence daybreak to implement some features from EQ or have a slimmed down version of MQ?
Like many, I feel more confortable with this community than the EQ one.
Atmosphere is so much friendlier.
I spent some time to explain mq is bringing features, which are not available as the game is intended to be played, and open the game to people that wouldn’t play otherwise.
That EQ is not a competitive game, except for raiding, and mq is a sort of mod allowing players to experience baldur in EQ.
There was a few other doing it, but i feel we got tired with the endless trolling.
The information is available if DPG want to consider a different view point.
https://forums.daybreakgames.com/eq/index.php?threads/what-constitutes-as-cheating.281242/ *Lastly, we will not publicly list specific names of approved third-party programs and software as we cannot guarantee that those programs will remain approved in the future.* but that means they do have a list of approved third-party programs... that list would be interesting. i mean even if it was handed over or found out with speech that proves its only a provisional approval it would be lovely to see.
Like many, I feel more confortable with this community than the EQ one.
Atmosphere is so much friendlier.
I spent some time to explain mq is bringing features, which are not available as the game is intended to be played, and open the game to people that wouldn’t play otherwise.
That EQ is not a competitive game, except for raiding, and mq is a sort of mod allowing players to experience baldur in EQ.
There was a few other doing it, but i feel we got tired with the endless trolling.
The information is available if DPG want to consider a different view point.
Yeah that is pretty much it. I made my point on the official forums, if the trolls there are going to make assumptions about anyone who uses MQ and assume we all fall in to the AFK bot army farm RMT group then there isn't anything else that can be said.

I am at least glad that the mods didn't delete the posts/threads so it is there for anyone who wishes to think for themselves and are willing to have an open mind.

At this point there is no reason to say anything else as Benito will just jump on it like a hobo on a ham sandwich and derail. (note how he never has anything constructive to add to any other post on the forums, he only appears for mention of third party software)

I particularly enjoyed when one poster said if they knew someone who "Cheated" in Everquest they wouldn't trust them in real life... If I had to choose to spend time with people on either the official EQ forums or these forums the choice would be easy.
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So many games out there. thankfully this witch hunt managed to break my addiction to eq. its gone. I am enjoying my break. I log on my guys sometimes to run overseer for lower lv but i haven't killed a mob i think since April the 4th. Also haven't spent any cash so win win? heh.. enjoying the site. still enjoy logging into RG and reading forums.

Like everyone else I am 100% sure I will bb eventually. got krono and plat banked and waiting.

Money ALWAYS talks. u don't pay, eventually that will get noticed by people who invested to make money. Surveys etc are great but at the end of the day, even if u do not use a credit card or w/e to pay for your subs... ie buy krono... someone is paying for that somewhere with real life cash and that market has been taking a beating now. Gotta remember that. a monthly sub was paid for by a real person somewhere along the way. It didn't come off looting a mob.

cya again:) keep on chatting. This forum is the best
Agree...the way i see it...if everyone unsubbed/cancelled today...even with people that were subbed for monthly, 3-month, 12-month...etc...the true impact of this foolishness won't actually hit their books for a couple of quarters. Their stock's not been doing great...angering any portion of their shrinking player based is really suicide, specially if the anger the part of their player base that provides a higher per acct revenue.

I've said this a couple of times...outside of irrational behavior (which I wouldn't put past some of the DBG dev's) the only context in which this makes sense is if they're gearing-up/cleaning house to flip the intellectual property (IP/Game) soon. If you look at what they've announced in their roadmap and implemented in terms of changes I don't see this company hanging on to EQ for Year(s)...i'd say months at most.
so what your saying is keep buying lottory tickets and hope to win enough jack pots to put a bid on it and then shape the game in my own immage like and overlord with full power trip and ego powers MUHAHAHA. My first rulling is that all connections to server shall be slowed down to 53.3kbps!
In my opinion that is simply because it CANNOT be replicated. I think that EQ was the perfect nexus of gamer mentality with gameplay that could have ONLY happened in the late 90's. I really dont think it can ever happen again.

Think about it, most of us grew up on DnD or other table top RPGs that were incredibly challenging. To get a DnD character to lev 18 literally took a miracle. We were mentally primed for shit to be HARD as fuck, to scrounge and work like a freak to make one tiny advancement in your character, to have an evil DM set traps for you spelling certain death at every turn.

When EQ came out this played right into our mindset! It was perfect! No fucking map at all! A sense heading skill that actually had to be leveled up and at low levels was worth FUCK ALl. Spells fizzling left and right just when you need them to save your life! Moving one zone out of your start zone by yourself was nearly a certain death sentence. Do you remember literally sitting at your computer drawing out maps of Befallen with a pencil and graph paper? Do you remember the agonizing corpse runs through Tox, losing ALL of your gear because you couldn't successfully CR before corpse faded? In today's terms, the shit was nuts. The Gamers of today don't have any time or inclination to mess with something savage like that. But for us, it literally HOOKED us on the game. The difficulty, the incremental success, the sense of genuine satisfaction when you hear the "Ding!". That shit, for us was CRACK for our kind of mindset and we ate it up with a spoon!

But, today, you don't have a sea of gamers primed for something like that. I suspect that it was a single moment in time where the universe aligned with the perfect Gamers tothe perfect Game to entice them like nothing ever had before. Now, we are all addicts so even though the game has grown faaar from those roots, we are still deeply invested. I play all kinds of games, FPS, RTS and RPG but EQ is still the ONLY MMORPG that I play, nothing has enticed me since EQ.

Who knows. Never say never. But, I think the EQ phenominon can't be duplicated.
I don't appreciate this reply, and those who upvoted it.
Knightly and I took it to PM and kicked it around to not disrupt the thread. I never once compared it gift cards nor ever thought of that as an example. When you collect a payment you absolutely cannot ALWAYS declare it as recognized revenue as you have an obligation to meet certain performance requirements - at least if you are applying GAAP like a normal company. And every CFO I’ve ever worked with is very careful with their teams about when and how to recognize revenue - despite payments being collected earlier in the process.

Regardless of all that and I appreciate Knightly’s thread (lot of good info in there) there is still implications on how they recognize the revenue against the internal product for profit - so there’s a different type of implication for the devs. It would venture to guess they attribute krono to which game its consumed in since that ultimately will drive profitability. If so the original point I was trying to make was that people think the consumption of krono for boxed chars isn’t helpful - which is absolutely not true.
Difference between earned and unearned revenue is important but not for the discussion at hand imo. The reality is they 'got' their revenue when sold and the people holding Kronos would get zero if they shut down the servers tomorrow. That's as good as earned revenue according to GAAP. Now how they allocate that revenue internally and what liabilities if any they decide to carry to show outstanding potential game time could make a difference. But its pretty clear to me that the accountant's really arent running the show at DBG or most game companies. I think kronos matter in the conversation just not nearly as much as some people are claiming. I dont think any particular economic argument makes a bit of difference to the developers and GM's generally. Your top 2-3 guys(gals) on the game might be involved in the financial stuff but the rest of the team likely isnt.
Difference between earned and unearned revenue is important but not for the discussion at hand imo. The reality is they 'got' their revenue when sold and the people holding Kronos would get zero if they shut down the servers tomorrow. That's as good as earned revenue according to GAAP. Now how they allocate that revenue internally and what liabilities if any they decide to carry to show outstanding potential game time could make a difference. But its pretty clear to me that the accountant's really arent running the show at DBG or most game companies. I think kronos matter in the conversation just not nearly as much as some people are claiming. I dont think any particular economic argument makes a bit of difference to the developers and GM's generally. Your top 2-3 guys(gals) on the game might be involved in the financial stuff but the rest of the team likely isnt.

100% to all of this. That said when the books start getting hit the bean counters do care and will come down on the devs. When they ask and dig into why a subscription Drop with high profitable accounts…..

Devs don’t care but their bosses and then the devs end up seeing the light when sales/finance comes along - revenue always is king in the end.

also if there aren’t mq2 team members consuming Kronos left and right - it’s fairly safe to say less krono willl be bought in the future.
100% to all of this. That said when the books start getting hit the bean counters do care and will come down on the devs. When they ask and dig into why a subscription Drop with high profitable accounts…..

Devs don’t care but their bosses and then the devs end up seeing the light when sales/finance comes along - revenue always is king in the end.

also if there aren’t mq2 team members consuming Kronos left and right - it’s fairly safe to say less krono willl be bought in the future.
Its a symbiotic relationship…one hand eventually washes the other in every regard. You mess with one you disrupt the ecosystem

tobey maguire GIF
Venom 2 Yes GIF by Venom Movie
The parent company of Daybreak is pretty interesting. EG7's stock has cratered over the last few months. At the time of their 2021 annual report, the stock was trading on the Nordic Nasdaq exchange for 35 sek (Swedish currency) and is now trading around 14sek ($1.68 per share). EG7 purchased Daybreak for $300m. Daybreak represents the largest share of operating revenue for EG7.

What I didn't know was EG7 also purchased Piranha Games (MechWarrior Online),. EverQuest and MechWarrior Online are two of my favorite games. I've easily spent over $3000 on MechWarrior Online over the years buying various Mech packs. For EQ, I usually have 6-8 accounts subbed at any time, plus I buy expansions and in-game items (bags, etc.), totaling to something like $2,000 a year (I buy the premium xpacs on most accounts). Essentially, I'm the whale of a customer that EG7 has been targeting.

Last year, EG7 reorganized and now the former CEO of Daybreak is the interim CEO of EG7. After reading the 2021 annual report, it appears that EG7 financed their buying spree by borrowing a ton of money and dilluting their shares (i.e. issuing more shares in an attempt to raise capital). The borrowing means that EG7's various subsidiaries must generate profits to make their debt payments. In their strategic note, EG7 admits that the ability to refinance and rollover their debt is a primary concern going forward. EG7 is built on leverage, and what that means is the firm is sort of a house of cards. When they bought Daybreak, it was a major investment that increased their revenues dramatically. But it is important to keep in mind that revenue is not profit. The largest shareholders of EG7 at this time are institutional investors (banks and PE funds),. They expect results or changes will be made at the executive and operational level.

Based on previous Daybreak financial reports, EQ represents a substantial share of Daybreak's operational revenues and thus EG7's revenue. Given the leveraged strategy EG7 has adopted, maximizing revenue becomes agenda item number for each subsidiary, and with Daybreak being their most visible property, there's considerable pressure on Daybreak to deliver results.

I don't know how exactly Daybreak plans on maximizing revenue by hitting customers like us who sub multiple accounts and are active in the community, but it seems like a poor operational strategy to me. I understand that some of the tools of MacroQuest can be exploited, and I think it's incumbent on our community to distance ourselves from the plat-farmers and the people who cock-block other players by setting up 24/7 camps. We have to understand that those are things that can upset the average Daybreak customer. Remember, Daybreak's job is to maximize revenue for it's holding company so EG7 can continue to deliver shareholder value either through continued acquisitions or dividends.

I've been using Red Guides and Very Vanilla for years now and absolutely believe in the mission. Over the past couple of years I've really dug the CWTN plug-ins and Sic's videos. What those guys are doing is downright amazing. Personally, I can't imagine playing EQ without any of those tools. In game, I play nice. I'm always at my keyboard and I log out when I'm not actively playing. I don't cheat or use any exploits and only run a group so I can go through the content which I wouldn't be able to do if I had to sit around and LFG for hours, days, months. To date I have yet to be visited by a GM or have an account banned.

As for what to do with the ban-waves, I do not think retaliation is a good idea. Ultimately, I believe our best course is stress good behavior, don't camp-hog and in general play nice. We mean just as much to Daybreak's financial success as any other customer they have. As long we don't do things that upset the average game (most of whom don't really give a crap about some guy multi-boxing) we should be fine in the long run. EverQuest is a legacy product, and this means that it has a niche market that likely won't grow in size. Daybreak's major play is to maximize the revenues from their ***existing*** fan-base. That means us, even multi-boxers who use third-party software.

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In my opinion, if you want to stage a walk out, you need it to be noticeable. I would guess that on a day to day and possibly even week to week basis, populations of logging in fluctuate enough that you’re not going to show up on the radar for not logging in for two days. Also, as someone pointed out, not logging in just reduces server load, it doesn’t change any financial situation.

So if you want to stage a walk out and be visible the way to do it is:
1.) Notify DPG what is happening and when. This points them in the direction so they know what to look at.
2.) Cancel all of your subscriptions at the same time on the same day.
3.) Stay canceled for one to two months.

Timing-wise, it matters when you do it. Doing it at the start of the new TLP for example is probably a bad idea, given that there is an influx of revenue when a new TLP starts. So your walk out is a blip, but the reasoning of the revenue data might suggest that it just wasn’t as popular a TLP ruleset.

Of course, doing it that way is also giving them a list of accounts that use MQ. So it’s a bit of a double edged sword.

Also, people who are F2P are only revenue when they buy items from the store, in the sense of showing up for something like this.
How much support is there for not logging in to EQ the 31st and first?

Please, consider a two day walkout and then do it. Only way to find out if we are indeed, Legion.

By you not logging in for 2 days in a show of defiance will make no difference. They will laugh.

If you however cancel all of your accounts and do not login for 1 month and enjoy the spring/summer weather instead maybe a better show of force. :hfive:
By you not logging in for 2 days in a show of defiance will make no difference. They will laugh.

If you however cancel all of your accounts and do not login for 1 month and enjoy the spring/summer weather instead maybe a better show of force. :hfive:
I cancelled all my subscriptions in January. I always take time in the summer. The point of the two days is simple, either we are noticable or not.
I cancelled all my subscriptions in January. I always take time in the summer. The point of the two days is simple, either we are noticable or not.
They'll notice less unsubscribed players logging on if you do that...lol. Saves them power, doesn't really do much other than that. Now if you stop trading kronos, log out all your traders...etc...they still probably won't care...but you'd be ruining the game for whoever is still left playing/paying by reducing quality of life things like buying things cheap (items/trademats/kronos) and if you grouped with anyone they'd be left alone to fend for themselves in the game

In the end, the only thing you can do to really hurt them is to use their services, not buy anything from them, and stop contributing to the overall server...which would kind of defeat the purpose of playing imo...

The green space goblin with the rave stick says...

why leave? revenge of the sith GIF by Star Wars

If you really want to send a message...drive up Krono prices to 10 million per (or more), jack up all bazaar mules to like 5k or more per individual trade combine ingredient...that'll actually show them how much dependency they have on us for their ecosystem to work...just saying...
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The point of the two days is simple, either we are noticable or not.

Exactly. There are anecdotes here that some servers are turning into ghost towns. This could be a simple way to demonstrate to both DBG and to the vocally anti-boxer crowd what kind of impact we have. It's also why I suggested we take down our bazaar mules and buff bots for those 2 days.

If they don't even notice the blip then it's no harm, no foul.
so i went to the eq forums to see what all is being said on there. dear god that place is more toxic then a nuke test site that was a landfill before testing.
Eq players are literally the worst sort that gaming has to offer. Pompous, arrogant grognards that think gaming should be work and any fun having its verboten. They love to shit on younger gamers, but I'd take LoL/fortnite trolls over eq grognards any day.
How much support is there for not logging in to EQ the 31st and first?

Please, consider a two day walkout and then do it. Only way to find out if we are indeed, Legion.
I haven't logged in since they nailed 3 of my accounts last week. My holiday was up last night and i have been playing WoW and Dead by Daylight and watching Hockey.

I miss it every now and then and go to log on and stop myself and go do something else. As of right now they Lost 12 of my monthly accounts and i was planning on going gold on my other 6 i was messing around with on FV.

I might take a break for a bit and see how everything works out as of right now i don't plan on billing or using kr so i can play for 2 weeks out of the month.
Here are my thoughts on what we should do as a community to Enjoy the game as we are not here to make money, krono or grief others:

Let's all take a 8 month break, cancel any active subscriptions, no buying new expansions (Hence the 8 months) roughly. Yes, if you really care and love to play the game, it will hurt a little on the inside to take a stance like this, BUT only "if" you claim you "use MQ" just to enjoy playing the game and not make money or pay for subs. So at this point it will be just the people abusing it (whether they claim to or not) and making money for themselves and DBG krono sales. Then you truly will see how much DBG and the white knights care about the game and who truly uses MQ for what purposes. IMO, DBG doesn't give two $hit$ when MQ is making them money, they do seem to care when the white knights cry about MQ groups and raiders doing things they can't do without lfg for 2 hours and even after 2 hours getting the worst group in the world wasting the rest of their night trying to get something done.
It would be SO SUPER EASY to find automated players in zones no one visits or cares about anymore and even in current zones yet DBG WILL allow them to stay there 24/7, just like they are this very moment as I type this post. Most servers have 1-4 players in every Underfoot zones 24/7 for months on end farming plat items. I know this for a FACT as I have watch the same dudes do this for the last 10 months (No exaggeration). Why you ask is DBG not Suspending/Banning people like this. It is because White knights don't give two craps about those MQ users because they are to busy buying kronos FROM DBG to trade for plat, services or goods they are providing for them and their alts. These MQ users does not affect their raiding and grouping in current content and help DBG sell kronos. BUT, You need real people to group in current content, so white knights and guild leaders who worry about their guilds status (on some stupid leader board), and holy than though crusaders don't report those type of MQ users. They go after people like RG users who just want to play the game in peace. Why do I believe this, well..... Because DBG is not suspending the characters in same zone killing 24/7 for 10 months abusing MQ . DBG is suspending MQ users who are doing current content or MQ users who are getting reported by fore mention others. DBG wants to appease these people because the squeaky wheel (no matter the majority or the minority) gets the grease in todays society. PLEASE NOTE, DBG doesn't have the ballz to ban the MQ users as they know it will eventually lead to the sunset of EQ. So they are trying subtle ways to to realign the stars so everyone is happy, including their bottom line.

To be brutally honest, I have this to say... take it or leave it.
When the DBG guy who is in charge of reading this forum reads this and wants to pat me on the back for nailing this thing on the head, just PM me. I already canceled my 7 subs, 2 of which are 20 years old. My advice to you will be Shit or get off the pot. You know how to detect it, we know that you know and yet you still allow us break your EULA. Grow some ballz and start the permanent bans, lets see how we all fair. I see two scenario's.

1: I move on with my life and quit EQ. You actually hold true to your EULA and in the process loose money, plus all of the people who claim to hate MQ loose their pay to win avenue of buying krono for goods and services only MQ users provided. then let the cards fall where they may, at least in the end you had ballz to stand by your EULA instead of beating around the preverbal bush.

2: MQ users go legit because they know they will get banned. If this happens, you will you loose money as they will sub 1 -3 accts tops and not 1 -56 accts (Fact as far as I am concerned). People stop buying krono because their pay to win avenue just dried upped. Let the cards fall where they may and hope you didn't just sunset a 20+ year old game. Because IMO (and this is just an opinion) so many young people are dying to play EQ and lfg for hours on end (Sarcasm here).

I suggest (with all due respect) you come to some kind of agreement though so we can all be happy. I am not sure what this looks like. Hire some RG guys and incorporate vanilla NON afk versions into your game or make your own shit up. There are SO MANY QOL improvement RG offers, if you considered offering things like this in your game, we probably would not be making stupid ass posts like this and you wouldn't have half the issues you have because of MQ. I truly believe that most people use Red Guides MQ to play a 20 year old game they love and that is why it has endured.

See you next year.....

Regards, my 7 accounts and your lost revenue.
Request - How should we respond to suspension waves?
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