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Contest May '20 Contest: What's your 6-box crew for the original Norrath? (2 Viewers)

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Human Monk
Troll Shammy
Erudite Enc
Gnome Mage
Gnome Mage
Gnome Mage

Bonus question: Raid Group
Human Monk
Erudite Enc
Erudite Wiz
Erudite Wiz
Erudite Wiz
Erudite Wiz
Erudite Wiz
well i decided to make all humans for ease of group makeup
sk human
monk human
cleric human
ench human
mage human
druid human

raids same ones , but if i was in a raid guild id not use mq and just play one toon a shammy or druid most likely .
Ogre warrior
Dwarf Cleric
Troll shaman
Human Monk
Human Monk
Human Monk

Just love the fact that monk don't need weapon or money for spells to be good dps!!
3 gnome mages.
1 gnome wiz for teleports
1 gnome cleric to keep the pets alive
1 gnome enchanter for CC

They would be ok on original everquest in raids, not sure if they are of any use in TLP raids.
Dwarf Paladin
Barbarian Shaman
Wood Elf Druid
Human Necromancer
Half Elf Bard
Halfling Rogue

All about the spirit of inclusiveness. 6 races 6 classes, everyone gets a go.
My normal six box is SK, CLR, ENC, BRD, NEC, WIZ

I started off maining a wizard originally, I began playing in Kunark with a WIZ never rerolled and around 2004 I began boxing, it started with having a bard that would sit with me and drop out of group while I kited singing mana song to reduce my down time. This quickly expanded to a cleric to carry out rezzes when my kiting went wrong. I think I enjoed PL'ing the characters up so much that I rolled an SK next, I was always impressed as a WIZ by the aggro that SK's could generate. The ENC and NEC quickly followed after that and I had my 6 man assembled and levelling up.

One criticism would be that this set up is a bit caster heavy and indeed at the time I was six boxing velious and luclin raid content. At the time I felt a WAR would have better discs to help with tanking named and also, when doing Luclin content resists and the sheer HP of mobs meant mana often ran dry - so the group was lacking somewhat in sustained melee damage. The state of the game now however is that SK's are great tanks and sustained melee damage too!

I ran a trial run on ragefire over the past week to get ready for Rizlona. What I've found is that Breeze is a Luclin era spell so the chanter can't provide clarity to the group - this exacerbates the caster heavy mana problem but is somewhat offset by the OP pets from the SK and NEC which melt classic mobs quick enough. I would consider dropping the WIZ for a MAG but I'm WIZ4LIFE and will need the ports later.

I think the following 6 man is a good set up that I've seen other people run; WAR, CLR, DRU, SHM, MAG, ENC - there is lots of supplementary healing, lots of buffs, cc is covered too.

One thing I've noticed is that on my usual 6 man, I have a backup rez from the necro if things go south and the cleric dies, the necro normally gets FD off and can recover the group. Don't have this option in classic though so perhaps a Paladin tank instead of the cleric? Not to my taste but worth considering.

For the raid set up bonus I think a bit extra melee damage is needed to the WAR, CLR, DRU, SHM, MAG, ENC set - I would perhaps drop the Mage or Druid for a Ranger - probably the druid assuming you don't need ports for travel and switch the MAG for a WIZ to give WAR, CLR, RNG, SHM, WIZ, ENC

Edit: Oh and I should say, I always run all human groups. Who needs regen and frontal stun immunity!! The bonus of going all human is you only need load the human luclin models if you want to use mounts with your group and save on memory usage. I guess if I'm recommending a SHM and breaking the mold, I'd go troll for the regen.
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Halfling Druid
High Elf Paladin / Ogre SK depending on fight
Troll Shaman
Half Elf Bard
Dark Elf Necro
Dark Elf Mage
Ogre Sk - Stun immunity and agro control
HE Cleric - Highest Wis for mana pool to maintain heals for group
HE - Enc mainly for Int and Cha for good mana pool but higher chances to hold charm and mez. Haste/Slows/CC/Clarity
Erudite - Mag and Wiz mainly for the Int mana pool. Good fire power and good backup or off tank
WE Bard - Over haste/ slow/ caster and mellee buffs and procs / lockpick
Dark ElfWarrior
Dark ElfCleric

I like the idea of this group because it kind of represents the inhabitants of the Commonlands. Young Dark Elves cut their teeth murdering halflings. The hobbits enjoy merriment until they hear stories of ink-skinned assassins working with the orcs to take over their Thicket. The dark elves' classes represent confidence and power, while the halflings' represent subtlety and aloofness. Their paths all collide with a juvenile and naive monk who wants to serve as their mediator. Additionally, a seemingly lost Gnome from far lands manages to tag along, performing tricks and spectacles to entertain and reduce the infighting that occurs.

My bonus raiding group would not have such a rich tapestry of backstory.
Ogre Warrior - Stun Immunity, Starting Stats, Physical
Troll Shaman - Regen, odor to slow enemies
Human Ranger - Tracking, Physicality, Lazy ranged safe dps
Human Monk - Pulling, Physicality
Erudite Enchanter - Pet DPS, Clarity, Powerful hastes
Dwarf Cleric - Front flips, looking cool as heck (bonus female with beard)
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well i decided to make all humans for ease of group makeup
sk human
monk human
cleric human
ench human
mage human
druid human

raids same ones , but if i was in a raid guild id not use mq and just play one toon a shammy or druid most likely .

That may be the best strat.
Get them going fast. No kamikazi runs needed. Just start blowing stuff up.
I decided on for both group and raid:
Human Warrior (will main this because I have never played a warrior and MQ2War here I come!)
Human Cleric
Half Elf Bard (plan to pull with this)
Human Monk x 3 (MQ2Monk here I come!)

All starting in Qeynos!
Shadow Knight

SK - Tank because they're awesome.
Cleric - Heals, buffs, rez.
Enchanter - Crowd Control, mana regen, haste, slows - Enchant metals for jewelery making.
Mage - Summon magical weapons, arrows, etc. Also, pet, mod rod.
Wizard - Transportation and the built in boom stick.
Rogue - Because locked doors are stupid and I want to unlock them.

I chose these more for their utility than their specific combat abilities. With the group makeup the only one that really sticks out is the rogue as a pure melee class versus everything else being caster based.

It's also worth mentioning these can all be one race.
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Male Troll ShadowKnight, Female High Elf Cleric , Female Barb Shaman , Erudite Female Enchanter, Human Male Mage, Gnome male Wizard

I like the Dual Utility heals and dots of Shaman as well as enjoy its slows. and love the maximized Buffing.
Races would be
Male Ogre Warrior due to frontal stun resist
Female Wood Elf Bard for CC and aDPS & just because wood elves are sexy
Female Barbarian Rogue due to slam bonus and the Amazon/sexy vibe
Iksar Monk due to Regen and AC bonus --- Pull my tail
Iksar Shaman due to Regen and AC bonus & buff/utility
Erudite Cleric -- the peace keeper, Neutral faction since the group is a mix of good vs. evil races.

You have to remember the way the game was back in the day... Which classes were overpowered, which lacked skills they now have. Mana regen was not what is now, if you go casters you will have to deal with med breaks. Rogue's and Monks were the goto back then because they had less of a demand on stamina. Clerics were going OOM to heal tanks a bard could help with this, and warriors were the goto for tanking. Max slows and stuns and mez was essential to keep the group constantly killing. I know evac was a life saver back then, but you just have to play it safe on pulls and having a tag team pulling set-up helped with this.
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I am having a hard time deciding.

Right now I am thinking:

SK - Gnome
Cleric - High Elf
Mage - High Elf
Wizard - High Elf
Enchanter - High Elf
Rogue - Wood Elf
Or maybe I will just make all humans to keep things easy and swap the rogue out for a monk. I just have good memories of crushbone and but I'm not sure the headache of getting everyone there is worth it.
Thank you everyone for entering, drawing will be held 6/4/2020 at 7:30PM PST, Vox server, crescent reach spawnpoint. You are not required to attend to win, but are welcome to watch the /random's in real time.

@TheEld3r - 1 month of level 2
@Paxzon - Username colors
@Warl0ck45 - Paid plugin/macro of your choice
@McFleck - 1 Krono
@rural_gammie - 1 Krono
@codewild1029 - 6 Krono
@Sum1 - Original map of Norrath. Let me know if you want that frame too!

Please PM me with relevant details for your prize. If you won Krono, I need a toon name on the vox server for parcel (krono are cross-server, it doesn't matter where you receive.)

Log of the contest. Character names have been changed.

[Thu Jun 04 21:30:43 2020] You say, 'heloooo'
[Thu Jun 04 21:30:46 2020] You say, 'how are you'
[Thu Jun 04 21:30:53 2020] You say, 'oh the fire is hot'
[Thu Jun 04 21:30:53 2020] Freefrali's skin burns.
[Thu Jun 04 21:30:55 2020] Freefrali has taken 3 damage from Bonfire by Bonfire.
[Thu Jun 04 21:30:57 2020] Freefrali's skin burns.
[Thu Jun 04 21:31:40 2020] You feel as if you are about to look like yourself again.
[Thu Jun 04 21:31:46 2020] You feel as if you are about to look like yourself again.
[Thu Jun 04 21:31:52 2020] Your illusion fades.
[Thu Jun 04 21:32:27 2020] Rummbuk tells NewPlayers:1, 'The Dark Age is looking for active members and people that wanna help others and move forward as a team, raids and events are here PST or find a member/officer to invite.'
[Thu Jun 04 21:32:27 2020] Rummbuk tells General:2, 'The Dark Age is looking for active members regardless the level as long as ur active and like to be a team player come join us find a member/officer for a invite. raids and events are starting up need people that would like a good place to be'
[Thu Jun 04 21:32:42 2020] Logging to 'eqlog.txt' is now ON.
[Thu Jun 04 21:32:45 2020] You begin casting Illusion: Steam Suit.
[Thu Jun 04 21:32:47 2020] You feel different.
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:01 2020] You say, 'ok the Redguides contest drawing begins now, today, this moment!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:13 2020] You say, 'are you ready??'
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:23 2020] Mahriza hit a Nokk elder for 20 points of disease damage by Infectious Cloud.
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:23 2020] You say, 'Thank you for witnessing this and keeping me honest'
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:28 2020] Honley cheers at Redcontest.
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:28 2020] Jackzonee cheers at Redcontest.
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:30 2020] You say, 'let's see how many folks entered today'
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:42 2020] Freefrali says, 'is there a doc that tells us which our our numbers?'
[Thu Jun 04 21:33:53 2020] You say, '0 entered today!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:34:06 2020] You say, 'because it ended May 31st. '
[Thu Jun 04 21:34:23 2020] You say, 'But for May there were over 180 entries'
[Thu Jun 04 21:34:31 2020] You say, 'and yes, your entry # is your post # in the thread'
[Thu Jun 04 21:34:40 2020] You say, 'priming the pump, here we go'
[Thu Jun 04 21:34:43 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 144.
[Thu Jun 04 21:34:53 2020] You say, 'alright looks good, let's begin'
[Thu Jun 04 21:35:21 2020] You say, 'For the month of Redguides level 2....'
[Thu Jun 04 21:35:25 2020] You say, 'the winner is...'
[Thu Jun 04 21:35:31 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 14.
[Thu Jun 04 21:35:46 2020] You say, 'TheEld3r!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:35:50 2020] Honley cheers at Redcontest.
[Thu Jun 04 21:36:00 2020] Jackzonee cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:36:00 2020] You say, 'huzzah'
[Thu Jun 04 21:36:13 2020] You say, 'ok since we have so many folks here, we'll do a door prize at the end'
[Thu Jun 04 21:36:36 2020] You say, 'up next, USERNAME COLORS. By far the most prestigious thing you can have on the internet'
[Thu Jun 04 21:36:45 2020] You say, 'I suggest the color red btw'
[Thu Jun 04 21:36:51 2020] You say, 'the winner is...'
[Thu Jun 04 21:36:59 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 73.
[Thu Jun 04 21:37:07 2020] Honley cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:37:18 2020] You say, 'Paxzon!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:37:23 2020] You say, 'ok up next..'
[Thu Jun 04 21:37:23 2020] Jackzonee cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:37:54 2020] Jackzonee begins casting Selo's Sonata I.
[Thu Jun 04 21:37:57 2020] You say, 'A paid plugin/macro of your choice. There are some truly great pieces of software that can be yours...'
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:03 2020] You say, 'The winner is...'
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:08 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 77.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:24 2020] Honley cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:26 2020] Jackzonee cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:29 2020] You say, 'Warl0ck45!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:37 2020] You feel as if you are about to look like yourself again.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:43 2020] You feel as if you are about to look like yourself again.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:45 2020] Kegolyen waves at Redcontest.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:49 2020] You feel as if you are about to look like yourself again.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:49 2020] Your illusion fades.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:49 2020] You say, 'I hope he picks a good one'
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:52 2020] You say, 'Hi Kegolyen!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:56 2020] You begin casting Illusion: Steam Suit.
[Thu Jun 04 21:38:58 2020] You feel different.
[Thu Jun 04 21:39:13 2020] Honley says, 'lots of good ones'
[Thu Jun 04 21:39:15 2020] You say, 'Ok up next is a Krono'
[Thu Jun 04 21:39:37 2020] You say, 'shiny, green, not much else to say. THE WINNER IS...'
[Thu Jun 04 21:39:45 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 80.
[Thu Jun 04 21:39:59 2020] Honley cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:00 2020] You say, 'McFleck!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:01 2020] Jackzonee cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:06 2020] You say, 'That was fun, let's do another krono'
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:14 2020] You say, 'THE WINNER IS...'
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:21 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 183.
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:31 2020] Honley cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:39 2020] Jackzonee cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:41 2020] You say, 'rural_gammie! '
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:42 2020] Jackzonee stands on his tip-toes and does a dance of joy!
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:46 2020] You say, 'let's hear it for the grandmas'
[Thu Jun 04 21:40:48 2020] Jackzonee says, 'wasn't me lol'
[Thu Jun 04 21:41:03 2020] You say, 'love an eq grandma'
[Thu Jun 04 21:41:21 2020] You say, 'let's do 6 krono all at once'
[Thu Jun 04 21:41:31 2020] You say, 'The winner of 6 krono is....'
[Thu Jun 04 21:41:40 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 143.
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:02 2020] You say, 'codewild1029!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:03 2020] Jackzonee cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:05 2020] Honley cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:08 2020] Honley purrs to himself.
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:25 2020] You say, 'ok this next one is the original map of Norrath'
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:30 2020] Mintx has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:30 2020] Edraine hit a young bat for 20 points of fire damage by Fingers of Fire.
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:39 2020] You say, 'I framed this and it's been on my wall for about a decade'
[Thu Jun 04 21:42:54 2020] You say, 'I'm taking it down and shipping it to someone hopefully in the USA'
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:17 2020] You say, 'the winner of the beautiful cloth map, our grand prize, out of production since BEFORE NAPSTER...'
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:28 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redcontest. It could have been any number from 2 to 188, but this time it turned up a 138.
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:36 2020] Jackzonee cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:37 2020] Honley cheers.
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:43 2020] You say, 'Sum1!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:46 2020] You say, 'congrats sum!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:57 2020] Edraine hit a young bat for 47 points of fire damage by Fire Bolt.
[Thu Jun 04 21:43:59 2020] Honley says, 'congrats all winners'
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:01 2020] Jackzonee thanks Redcontest heartily.
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:02 2020] You say, 'ok let's do a door prize for everyone who showed up'
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:15 2020] Jackzonee says, 'win or loose, was fun to witness'
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:24 2020] Honley agrees with Jackzonee.
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:37 2020] You say, 'For 1 krono, everyone please /random 100. WHOEVER IS CLOSEST TO 42 WINS'
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:51 2020] You feel as if you are about to look like yourself again.
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:52 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Honley. It could have been any number from 0 to 100, but this time it turned up a 90.
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:54 2020] **A Magic Die is rolled by Jackzonee. It could have been any number from 0 to 100, but this time it turned up a 4.
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:56 2020] You begin casting Illusion: Steam Suit.
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:57 2020] You feel as if you are about to look like yourself again.
[Thu Jun 04 21:44:58 2020] You feel different.
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:10 2020] Edraine hit a young bat for 16 points of cold damage by Icestrike.
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:17 2020] Jackzonee says, 'bout the most opposite rolls could get lol'
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:21 2020] Silidan has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:26 2020] You say, 'haha i need a calculator'
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:31 2020] Edraine hit a filthy vermin for 49 points of fire damage by Fire Bolt.
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:32 2020] You say, 'Congrats Jackzonee'
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:41 2020] Honley cheers at Jackzonee.
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:43 2020] Jackzonee cheers at Redcontest.
[Thu Jun 04 21:45:48 2020] Jackzonee says, 'thank you :)'
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:06 2020] Honley thanks Redcontest heartily.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:12 2020] Targeted (Player): Jackzonee
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:12 2020] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:18 2020] Your krono trade with Jackzonee has been successfully processed.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:31 2020] Jackzonee says, 'awesome, thanks again!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:31 2020] Edraine hit a filthy vermin for 16 points of cold damage by Icestrike.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:32 2020] You say, 'thank you both for coming out and keeping me honest'
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:40 2020] Jackzonee says, 'grats to the winners!'
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:45 2020] Jackzonee begins casting Song of Stone XII.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:45 2020] Jackzonee tries to cast a spell on you, but you are protected.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:47 2020] Jackzonee begins casting Selo's Sonata I.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:47 2020] You say, 'have a great night :)'
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:50 2020] It will take you about 30 seconds to prepare your camp.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:53 2020] Jackzonee bows before Redcontest.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:54 2020] It will take about 25 more seconds to prepare your camp.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:54 2020] Edraine hit a young bat for 14 points of cold damage by Numbing Cold.
[Thu Jun 04 21:46:59 2020] It will take about 20 more seconds to prepare your camp.
[Thu Jun 04 21:47:04 2020] It will take about 15 more seconds to prepare your camp.
Contest May '20 Contest: What's your 6-box crew for the original Norrath?
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