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Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin (4 Viewers)

I use MQ2autologin to log-in my toons. I have 3 monitors. I have my main on one profile, and the other 5 in another profile.
I put my main on his own profile so he would load in the center screen.
The other 5, when they load, the windows stack on top of each other and I have to place them where I want them. I put the tank and healer on the left monitor and the three support on the right screen.
Is there a way to make them remember where I put the windows so I don't have to manually move them each time i log in? Or would that require that I put each toon on its own profile? That's the reason I ended up putting my main on his own profile, so he'd load where I wanted with the UI I wanted.
I use MQ2autologin to log-in my toons. I have 3 monitors. I have my main on one profile, and the other 5 in another profile.
I put my main on his own profile so he would load in the center screen.
The other 5, when they load, the windows stack on top of each other and I have to place them where I want them. I put the tank and healer on the left monitor and the three support on the right screen.
Is there a way to make them remember where I put the windows so I don't have to manually move them each time i log in? Or would that require that I put each toon on its own profile? That's the reason I ended up putting my main on his own profile, so he'd load where I wanted with the UI I wanted.
There is currently not.

Some folks use is over for this.

Keep in mind you throw away some performance with framelimiter by doing this, but to each their own
There is currently not.

Some folks use is over for this.

Keep in mind you throw away some performance with framelimiter by doing this, but to each their own

I appreciate the response. I may build a 3rd profile and put my 3 support toons on that one.. to at least get them to show up on the 3rd monitor.
With the 3 profiles, my main will show up on the center, my tank and healer on the left monitor and the 3 support on the right monitor.
Appreciate the response. Thank you.
Wrong forum

I am brand new to MQ. I watched the first couple youtube videos and I am running into a problem while setting up auto login.

I set up the profiles as the video instructed but when I tested it... instead of logging in all of my accounts, the username is populated with my profile name, an underscore, the server, a colon, and my character name(s) instead of the username (the password is left blank). After the login fails, the username is filled out properly (thought the password is still blank)


I am thinking that something is loading in the wrong order, but I don't know how to correct it.

Here is what the MQ2AutoLogin ini file has:

DefaultEQPath=C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\EverQuest
EQPath=C:\Users\Public\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\EverQuest


I subbed out the character names with asterisks and replaced a lot of the blob lines (which I think is machine code) with ellipses (...)

Can anyone tell me what is going on here and help me correct it?
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It always shows this format during the logon process for me, but it goes through and logs in properly. it behaved the way you describe when i simply had the wrong passwords loaded in, so it could be something as simple as that.

the formatting in the username there is normal behavior though from what ive seen
maybe go into the mq2 profiles, and right click on them to edit. i had a few cases where ones that i had filled in and saved were totally blank when i opened them despite being labelled correctly with set, char name, and server name. not sure if user error or bug due to how i put them in one after another.
After troubleshooting for over an hour, I'm at the point of pulling my hair out and need assistance. SIMPLY PUT; I am just trying to have my clients boot with custom INIs so they will all have their own hotkeys set per character. The problem is, I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get this to work without using the MQ2 UI. I have tried to set it up as sessions and then use a batch file but then the games are not properly booting with AutoLogin going. I'm sure I'm just a moron, but this whole issue with AutoLogin and getting it to properly work with a custom INI has kept me from using ISBoxer, WinEQ, or any other boxing software just due to compatibility issues. Those are to be expected but I feel like I should at least be able to get my games booted. lol

Can anyone assist me with getting this properly working or perhaps an alternative to getting my character to all have their own settings/hotkeys?
Been pulling my hair out after just moving my toons to the Test server and not being able to auto-login. My MQ2AutoLogin.ini looked like:
DefaultEQPath=G:\GAMES\Everquest TEST Server
EQPath=G:\GAMES\Everquest TEST Server

With the double hyphens on Profile=test--main and on the [test--main] section, when I launch a toon nothing happens at all. I could do a "Clean Launch" and EQ would run, and I could select the toon to play from the autologin display in the client and it'd load fine. But I don't want to manually load my toons. :)

I changed
to a single hyphen
and autologin started working directly from MQ.
I've been using this plug in for a long time with no issues. about a week ago, when i select load all on any profile, it just goes to the sign in screen and puts the default info in there. I am not sure what other steps i can do to provide any debugging info, but it just stops there...i havent changed any passwords, or any of the profiles, it just plain stopped.
I'd like to confirm that I understand what's going on with my characters and where the settings (ini files, UI ini files, loot (AG AN Nvr) files) are when using MQ2AutoLogin so I know where to go to make changes.

I'm looking at my MQ2AutoLogin.ini and I see the two profiles I have created. Each profile is pointed at a particular EQ installation via the "EQPath=D:\Path\toMy\EQinstallation". From this, I take it that each character in a profile loads from the same eq installation/instance.

Profile 1 loads from EQPath=D:\Program Files\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\Everquest Folder 1: so all the characters using this profile, I'll want to modify the files for those characters in the "Everquest Folder 1" directory
Profile 2 loads from EQPath=D:\Program Files\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\Everquest Folder 2: so all the characters using this profile, I'll want to modify the files for those characters in the "Everquest Folder 2" directory

So, when using MQ2AutoLogin, I'll want to update the appropriate toon file in that profile path installations.

If I'm running the toon on its own, without using MQ2 AutoLogin, I'll need to make sure I transfer those updated files to the individual EQ installation I have for each account.

Is this correct?
I'd like to confirm that I understand what's going on with my characters and where the settings (ini files, UI ini files, loot (AG AN Nvr) files) are when using MQ2AutoLogin so I know where to go to make changes.

I'm looking at my MQ2AutoLogin.ini and I see the two profiles I have created. Each profile is pointed at a particular EQ installation via the "EQPath=D:\Path\toMy\EQinstallation". From this, I take it that each character in a profile loads from the same eq installation/instance.

Profile 1 loads from EQPath=D:\Program Files\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\Everquest Folder 1: so all the characters using this profile, I'll want to modify the files for those characters in the "Everquest Folder 1" directory
Profile 2 loads from EQPath=D:\Program Files\Daybreak Game Company\Installed Games\Everquest Folder 2: so all the characters using this profile, I'll want to modify the files for those characters in the "Everquest Folder 2" directory

So, when using MQ2AutoLogin, I'll want to update the appropriate toon file in that profile path installations.

If I'm running the toon on its own, without using MQ2 AutoLogin, I'll need to make sure I transfer those updated files to the individual EQ installation I have for each account.

Is this correct?
There's a lot of things going on but I will try to help address what I know after using this for quite a while...

1) I can only speak of MQ2AutoLogin.ini. Your username and password was obfuscated so that it is not a cleartext. This plugin just help to automate logging your characters in using the EQ installation path given by you.
2) So Yes, each profile is all or nothing in terms of EQ path. (so don't mix characters from different EQ path) (for example, all characters loaded from Profile 1 will share the same setting EQ wise, not MQ wise). Example, if you have a specific window size, location, ui layouts etc. All characters in the same profile will share this.
3) I am assuming you mean all your other configuration files for the other plugins in the macroquest/redguides folder? Yes, whatever you configured will remain there. But not your EQ files for each character...
4) Do you mean macroquest folder for Test versus Live? Because your EQ folder will retain the last character you logged in. So, let's say your last logged in character in MQ2Autologin is Character6, then, that EQ folder will contains setting for Character6. Basically, the last one wins. So, you will NOT be able to configure for each toon, EQ wise. This is because you can only select one EQ installation path for the entire profile.

Let's say you have Profile 1, and you have set 6 characters there;

[Profile 1]
EQPath=<your eq folder>
<servername>:Char1_blob=...<contains your obfuscated/lightly encrypted username and password>

Char6 info will be in your EQ folder pointed by EQPath above.

In summary, there are macroquest/red vanilla folders and there are eq folders. The EQ folders are untouched by macroquest/red vanilla. All the configuration you have for autoloot,abilities etc is in the macroquest folders. You won't need to create separate folders for them unless you are talking about test versus live EQ version.

I hope this helps...
What if I have a toon that is running auto logout via the bazaar and another toon on the same account needs access to that account. This question is due to the patch today.
Wrong forum
Not sure if this is a problem or question but, auto login for me does not go passed char select screen. It will login in fine, select the server I have but when it reaches the char select screen it pops back out to the server select. It continues this loops until I pause auto login. Any suggestions or help on what I am doing wrong? I have tried the profile auto login, the station name and session login method..all three end up the same loop.
Each resource on RG has an Overview / Discussion Thread and either a link to their wiki or tabs with FAQ, Commands, Etc.
Please make sure to post in the respective discussion thread, and check the FAQ/Commands/Wiki for information before posting.

Common Problems
Server ShortName = Server Login Screen (Exact name including spaces and characters)`
1: Not moving past the server login screen:
a: AutoLogin is: disabled
b: Server login screen not exact to what is on your server login screen (Different EQEmu hosts use different nomenclature)
2: Log into character select but then instantly log back to the server login screen
a: Server ShortName is wrong, This must match (characters in server ${EverQuest.Server})
Howdy everyone! Does the new fancy profile system support loading multiple toons if each toon has their own EQ directory? If so, I cannot seem to find in the wiki or overview how to do so.

Everything I am reading shows me how to load multiple toons, yes, but only if loading all from one EQ directory. I have the storage space, so I make a separate EQ directory for each character I intend to log in.

How do I go about getting MQ2AutoLogin to tolerate/function with that? I can create one Profile for each toon, but then I don't know how to batch log them all in with the click of a button since, from what I can tell(?), AutoLogin likes to check/run one profile at a time.

Edit: Sort of partially answered my own question. I got MQ2AutoLogin to work the old fashioned, non-encrypted way when loading in multiple toons from multiple directories. Still curious if the encrypted/newer method (with profiles) supports this. Thank you!

Edit2: Nevermind. Using the Sessions style only works until the second character, at which point it just has chosen a random toon in my list of 6 and attempts to log it in repeatedly across all instances of the game.
Last edited:
Howdy everyone! Does the new fancy profile system support loading multiple toons if each toon has their own EQ directory? If so, I cannot seem to find in the wiki or overview how to do so.

Everything I am reading shows me how to load multiple toons, yes, but only if loading all from one EQ directory. I have the storage space, so I make a separate EQ directory for each character I intend to log in.

How do I go about getting MQ2AutoLogin to tolerate/function with that? I can create one Profile for each toon, but then I don't know how to batch log them all in with the click of a button since, from what I can tell(?), AutoLogin likes to check/run one profile at a time.

Edit: Sort of partially answered my own question. I got MQ2AutoLogin to work the old fashioned, non-encrypted way when loading in multiple toons from multiple directories. Still curious if the encrypted/newer method (with profiles) supports this. Thank you!

Edit2: Nevermind. Using the Sessions style only works until the second character, at which point it just has chosen a random toon in my list of 6 and attempts to log it in repeatedly across all instances of the game.
This is how I do the station name in a batch file if I'm loading from different directories
@echo off
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
start /B "charname" /D "C\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname

if you are seeing weirdness maybe add a delay between each

@echo off
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
timeout /t 1 /nobreak >nul
start /B "charname" /D "C:\dir\" eqgame.exe patchme /loginname
Thank you! I actually was tinkering with it today and got it working with UseStationNames instead of sessions. Seems like a such a simple solution hah
Seems like this becoming a wide spread problems with files locking up during the auto login toons.
The problem comes from all the toons loading up the same time and causing files to lock up.

When we do load all, can we add 1-5 second delay for each toon loading up? Maybe add field for each toon that lets you add custom delay?
dannuic is currently rewriting a lot of autologin functionality. Better off putting the request up at: https://github.com/macroquest/macroquest/issues

But I don’t understand what you’re saying about “files locking up.”

You can already split your toon load times as shown above by just delaying launching of EQ. You can also set delays for loading and character select, but I have a feeling that’s not what you’re describing.
The problem is coming from MacroQuest_Overlay.ini how the settings are being saved and read.
This started with the new CWTN plugin UI.

1) Overwriting conflicts when multiple toons are logged in at the same time.
2) Only during the initial creation entry in the INI file, and data entry previously configured haven't been affected by this conflict.

eqsubi15 has done all the work. I just rewrote his main points.
Is it possible to launch a profile from a command line instead of going the right-click on the mq icon route? I tried launching the individual toon route via command line, and that works, but it has the problem of the next time you run the batch file, it launches them all again, even if they are already logged in. It also does not load them with the hotkeys set to be able to switch windows easily. Then when I do the right click launch profile after the batch file, it tries to launch them all again, as it does not realize the sessions are already launched.
have there been changes to autologin?

Now when logging in in the username field in the everquest UI, I'm seeing "<profile name>_<servername>:<character name>" which seems really weird to me. Although it is still logging in successfully.

Seems super weird to me that it's putting that odd text in an actual login prompt.

Edit: I guess this is the behavior when you launch EQ from MQ tray/profiles
have there been changes to autologin?

Now when logging in in the username field in the everquest UI, I'm seeing "<profile name>_<servername>:<character name>" which seems really weird to me. Although it is still logging in successfully.

Seems super weird to me that it's putting that odd text in an actual login prompt.
Always been like that for me, /shrug
I started seeing a bouncing when using /switchchar command. I would start by doing a /switchchar toonb to do some TS stuff, then I do /switchchar toona to come back sometime later, but the system brings in toona, then immediately switches back to toonb. In this case, both toons are in a safe zone, toona in a palatial guild hall, and toonb in POK. I have noticed it a few times in the past couple of weeks, but this is the first chance I had to report the issue.

And I may have found/fixed the issue. I had a /timed 20 /yes as the second line of the hotkey to /switchchar toona. Once I removed that line it stopped bouncing. I had used that before to answer yes to the camp fast button, but the plugin handles that now. Leaving the post here in case someone else runs into the same issue.
I'm using the third autologin method, that is using stations names in the ini file. Autologin seems to hang at the select server screen. I'm loading a number of characters. It's necessary to involve inner space so the characters use the right screen and the selected character uses the left screen. It's a 49 in monitor. The profile in innerspace is using the file generated by isboxer.

Its very odd. It hangs at the server select but somtimes after a few minutes it continues and logs correctly. I've been loading the load character set a few times in order to get it to load correctly. I've been using the same ini file for months and didn't have a problem. This has shown up in the last few weeks.
Hello everyone.

I'm experiencing an issue with adding accounts to MQ AutoLogin UI. Each account I add overwrites the previous in the Accounts list. This also overwrites the associated account with any characters I have added to the Characters list.

All of my accounts have different names and passwords, the only shared element in this process is the EQ Install.

I'm going to provide some screenshot below to help explain the issue.

First account added:

Adding a second account: Here I have added a character to the characters tab.
1708114534403.png 1708114908438.png
Note the first added account is listed as eq (test) above.

Result of adding the second account (EQ1): Here you can see that the account for the character has changed.
1708114601335.png 1708115031933.png
Note that the account list has changed from eq (test) to eq1 (test). This repeats no matter if I try to edit an existing account or add a new account.

Any guidance as to how I should be completing this process is appreciated. I suspect this might actually be a user error.

I had this issue. it is basically selecting the existing account when you go to add the next one and editing it instead of creating a new one. to stop this hit escape before clicking the add new account button

That was it, I didn't realize that the selected account was never losing focus.

Thank you so much for that information, it is typical how so many issue are the smallest things.
Plugin - MQ2AutoLogin

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