Hey guys, I am working on the following trigger. Starting point would be melee on MQP in camp.
[Melee Choking Grapple Lands]
trigger=#*#is grappled by choking arms.#*#
/multiline ;
/assist *** ;
/autofire on ;
/echo "11s of ranged attacks" ;
/Pause 110 ;
/Autofire off ;
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} pause off ;
/echo "8s of melee" ;
/Pause 80 ;
/docommand /${Me.Class.ShortName} pause on ;
/nav spawn XXX ;
/autofire on
When I am testing it the
/pause is not recognized. The whole point of the event would be to dodge AE and switch back and forth between ranged and melee dps.
Could I get pointers? I am using CWTN plugins