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Plugin - MQ2Melee (1 Viewer)

are new abilities being added? is there a list of which class abilities are currently loaded into the plugin?>
Getting all sorts of unparseable errors and such(

Uparsable in Calculation '$'
Failed to parse /if condition '(NULL <100 && {Cast.Ready[Hastening of Milyex Rk. III|gem13} && TRUE)', non-numeric encountered.

Getting that for all of them essentially. I changed a few things but still I'm lost.)
their is a missing } from my parts :( on that line
downshit0=/if (${Me.Buff[Hastening of Milyex Rk. III].Duration} < 100 && ${Cast.Ready[Hastening of Milyex Rk. III|gem]} && ${Spell[Hastening of Milyex Rk. III].Stacks}) /casting "Hastening of Milyex Rk. III|gem"
How do I utilize mq2melee but disable the stick function? I have tried multiple settings but I can't seem to freely move about while tanking and meleeing. Also, I can't freely target mobs when there are multiples without my toon trying to re-target the mob I originally pulled. Basically, I'm trying to run my kiss .ini and eq2melee with conditions but have the freedom to move where I want and target what I want.
How do I utilize mq2melee but disable the stick function? I have tried multiple settings but I can't seem to freely move about while tanking and meleeing. Also, I can't freely target mobs when there are multiples without my toon trying to re-target the mob I originally pulled. Basically, I'm trying to run my kiss .ini and eq2melee with conditions but have the freedom to move where I want and target what I want.
for melee u can try /melee stickmode=2 save
for kiss parts i dont have any clue sorry
How do I utilize mq2melee but disable the stick function? I have tried multiple settings but I can't seem to freely move about while tanking and meleeing. Also, I can't freely target mobs when there are multiples without my toon trying to re-target the mob I originally pulled. Basically, I'm trying to run my kiss .ini and eq2melee with conditions but have the freedom to move where I want and target what I want.

Set StickHow=0 in kiss if you want MQ2Melee to handle stick.

This link should help with the re-targeting issue:

switch targets

you might need to disable MQ2Melee in kiss to allow you to freely target mobs.
Hey everyone!

I have a simple question and have been searching for an answer but can't seem to find any info. Is it possible to switch targets while using mq2melee without autoattack turning off?
unless it was changed it sticks to what you have targeted, so if you change targets it should reapply the stick to the new mob. if you look in your mq2moveutils.ini there should be an option to disable alot of stick things.
Thank you for the replies.

I have the stick option turned off in mq2melee. I play manually, but like a lot of the options that mq2melee has for automation of skill usage. The problem is, for example, if I were tanking and we get an add during the middle of the fight, I would like to be able to switch to the add and grab aggro so that the healers and casters don't get attacked. In this scenario when I switch targets autoattack turns off. It's a rather minor inconvience, but I was just wondering if there was a way around this?

Thanks again!

Edit: Btw, I was looking at the source and I could easily fix the problem I believe, it seems to have something to do with the override function. I believe it calls this function when targets are switched and the third line of that function has AttackOFF();
I'm not sure if removing that line would mess up anything and I've been having a hard time trying to compile the plugin. I have created the .dll but I get an error with moveitem.h when I load the plugin after running mq2. I'm not sure if I'm compiling wrong or if I'm missing something.
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Thank you for the replies.

I have the stick option turned off in mq2melee. I play manually, but like a lot of the options that mq2melee has for automation of skill usage. The problem is, for example, if I were tanking and we get an add during the middle of the fight, I would like to be able to switch to the add and grab aggro so that the healers and casters don't get attacked. In this scenario when I switch targets autoattack turns off. It's a rather minor inconvience, but I was just wondering if there was a way around this?

Thanks again!

Edit: Btw, I was looking at the source and I could easily fix the problem I believe, it seems to have something to do with the override function. I believe it calls this function when targets are switched and the third line of that function has AttackOFF();
I'm not sure if removing that line would mess up anything and I've been having a hard time trying to compile the plugin. I have created the .dll but I get an error with moveitem.h when I load the plugin after running mq2. I'm not sure if I'm compiling wrong or if I'm missing something.

just make a hotkey with /killthis and use that for your attack key
just make a hotkey with /killthis and use that for your attack key
Thank you! That was the last piece of the puzzle for a downshit

downshit0=/if (!${TargetID(MeleeTarg)}) /killthis
It's got a small delay before it starts autoattack and I haven't tested it much, but for now it is better than just standing there during those times I forget to turn on attack! lol.

If anyone knows a better way to do this, please let me know. Otherwise I hope this might help others if they run into the same problem!

Hmm, that does attack anything I target lol. Oh well, I'm sure I can figure out a better way, but at least I'm making progress and this will suffice for the moment.
can get group leader with ${Group.Leader.ID} or if you want a group number (0 being you) ${Group.Member[0]}

Because of that we can do ${Group.Member[2].Moving} and get a True or False response (I picked 2 random)

Edit: oooh you can do ${Group.MainTank.Moving}

Group TLO Infos
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I have a simple question and have been searching for an answer but can't seem to find any info. Is it possible to switch targets while using mq2melee without autoattack turning off?

Edit: Btw, I was looking at the source and I could easily fix the problem I believe, it seems to have something to do with the override function. I believe it calls this function when targets are switched and the third line of that function has AttackOFF();
I'm not sure if removing that line would mess up anything and I've been having a hard time trying to compile the plugin. I have created the .dll but I get an error with moveitem.h when I load the plugin after running mq2. I'm not sure if I'm compiling wrong or if I'm missing something.

I have the exact same question. Did you by-chance ever come up with a better solution ?

I personally use extended target window and target nearest hotkeys so when I'm tanking multiple mobs I lose valuable time getting aggro by having to hit the Auto-attack key to get/re-get aggro, so basically twice the keystrokes . Admittedly for melee boxes I prefer the behaviour as is to make sure they only attack when told.

This seems to be a long standing minor "Bug" in game play with this extension. It would be nice if there was an option /melee AttackOffOnSwitch=OFF or just a change in the code to stop this and revert to EQ game behavior; On until turned off or mob dead

I'm sure there was a good reason for doing this but it is double the work as it stands now to re-target and engage a different mob.
So, I've been using the Very Vanilla Compile to play on a new Emu server and have isolated routine crashes to the MQ2Melee plugin. I've tried an older compile from another site with version 6.020 of MQ2Melee. Do you have a copy of the old source for the plugin? I'd like to stick with the Very Vanilla compile, but that mean compiling the old version of the plugin.
Gitlab has all the commit history so you could go back to whatever you would like. But ideally if you have more info on the crash, we could fix the crash.
I can only find commits back to 2017 on Gitlab and that is MQ2Melee 8.2.
Ideally what would you need to determine the cause of the crash? It is a hard crash to desktop anytime I try to summon a pet on my Beastlord. The error reads "BuffStackTest crashed at address 0x73CB0. (It is crashing MQ2Main, but only with MQ2Melee loaded) The second window is a "dataZone crash at 0x23820"

The dump files in MQ2 state that "The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access"

I can e-mail in the dump file to eqmule, but honestly this is for a Emu server so I figured the support would be lackluster. I was going to do a comparison of the version of MQ2Melee that works against the current version, but I can't find the source for it.


Update: I reverted back to the version of Very Vanilla I downloaded last year and it works fine (it looks like sometime in the last few months, RedGuides updated there EMU build) ... unfortunately I don't have the source to the old EMU build and I can't update it or it will stop working. I'll try to compile 8.7 into the new RedGuides build and see if that solves the problem.
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UPDATED: It seems the keys are now stored in the macroquest.ini file under the settings below rather than the mq2melee.ini file. Don't remember this being the case before:

[Key Binds]


I am trying to use the global ini file (MQ2Melee.ini) to change the default melee and range keys, but it does not seem to be working. I created the file MQ2Melee.ini and save it in the release folder with the contents below:


Any idea why it's still keeping the defaults of z and x?

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It's as you described, the settings in macroquest2.ini (where all other keybinds are stored) are used, and the settings in mq2melee.ini have been removed. This provides consistency with keybinds in other plugin, and with in-game commands used to set keybinds. The downside as you've noticed is the settings in the mq2melee ini no longer work, but they were something that wasn't compatible with mq2 generally and shouldn't have been there originally.
any advice on what to change to allow me to attack pc pets since the global ini file is not used any longer? for skilling up specifically.
any advice on what to change to allow me to attack pc pets since the global ini file is not used any longer? for skilling up specifically.
don't have an answer to your question about pc pets - but guild hall dummies are awesome for skilling up on
A few posts up from yours alynel mentioned that the mq2melee no longer uses the global INI file. At least not for the meleekeys and rangkeys settings as those moved to the macroquest.ini file. I will see if the SpawnType setting still works from that file when i get time to test.
Plugin - MQ2Melee

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