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Plugin - MQ2Rez (3 Viewers)

I've been trying to trouble shoot this for a week now.

Mq2events unloaded
mq2reacts unloaded
mq2war loaded
mq2rez loaded

"Releasetobind=off" and verified

Warrior dies and instant release to bind then clicks to campfire back.

Unload mq2rez and he doesn't release to bind.

Reload mq2rez and he doesn't release to bind

I'm kind of stumped. Can someone point me in a direction to test out or an area to research more?
Is there a way to make it so I'd only accept a rez from my cleric in group?
aye assuming you're using mq2rez (in which case i'll move this thread to the mq2rez thread) - mq2rez allows you to accept rezzes only from those (safemode doesn't have specific to EACH of those, just those as a whole)
/rez safemode on|off -> Turn On/Off safe mode (Accepts rez from group/guild/fellowship)
Just used the command you recommended, worked on all my toons! thanks a lot SIC!
you're very welcome.

the information for mq2rez is stored in your servername_dude.ini file in your release folder

so if you were vox an your toon name was swamsamwiz it would be vox_swamsamwiz.ini and you would have a section in that file you could adjust stuff.

I usually set my toons up by having everyone :

/rez accept on
/rez acceptpct 90

with a /bcaa //rez accept on
with a /bcaa //rez accptpct 90

doing a /rez status will also spit out all the current settings (which is easier than checking that ini file)
I keep reading folks having an issue with not accepting rez. I too have an issue with 2 toons out of 7 having an issue. I don't need an explanation of how to setup the toon, I've posted my ini settings below, but rather an explanation of why I have to physically accept the rez.

Command Line=DISABLED

Command Line=DISABLED
what's happening is the confirmation window that MQ2 res is looking for is partially enumerated meaning you can have multiple confirmation windows open and the plugin and MQ2 only look for the first instance that was open so you could have a confirmation window that's open and when you actually look for the confirmation window it'll say that there isn't one open even though you have one open that is the issue
which is why it works on some characters and it doesn't work on other characters and why some of the characters that it did work on for a little while it'll stop working for eventually it's just random when it happens
but the real kicker is is when you actually look at the element inspection and figure out which window is actually open it actually is the confirmation window that is open which is the main bug that seems to be happening and I already have an issue ticket in for it but I'm not a coder
yeah this is something that i believe the mq2 devs have fixed for the next major revision of mq2.

@Tone and @MaxD had found a work around by going into their UI_toonname.ini file in their everquest directory and deleting all the stuff under the [AlertsWindow] section. This section stores information about various windows you have opened, and can cause mq2 to think that there is other things happening with alerts.

These things bork it up
you can see sometimes the alert list gets really bogged up with entries

in talks with @Knightly back in january he suspected that the fix might be changing the find mq2window functionality to skip non-visible windows. Knightly might be able to shed more light on it
the commands are in the info up top but

/rez -> displays settings
/rez accept on|off -> Toggle auto-accepting rezbox
/rez pct # -> Autoaccepts rezes only if they are higher than # percent
/rez safemode on|off -> Turn On/Off safe mode (Accepts rez from group/guild/fellowship)
/rez voice on|off -> Turns On/Off voice macro "Help" sound output when you die. This is local to you only.
/rez silent on|off -> Turn On/Off text output when receiving a rez.
/rez setcommand "mycommand" -> Set the command that you want.
/rez help
/rez settings -> Show the current settings.

the only one you REALLY need to tweek out of the box is /rez accept on
I’m not sure what happens with this and my shaman. 5 toons it works perfect. Shaman has the same setup on the same computer, but it only accept resurrections half the time if at all.

Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot this? INI’s are all the same.
I’m not sure what happens with this and my shaman. 5 toons it works perfect. Shaman has the same setup on the same computer, but it only accept resurrections half the time if at all.

Is there anything I can do to troubleshoot this? INI’s are all the same.
double check your background fps settings.

if for some reason mq2 can't see the window (like bad frame rate rendering) this can happen
I am still learning this stuff but, is it fair to say this was the section that was added to MQ2Rez?

else if (!_stricmp("delay", Arg)) {
GetArg(Arg, szLine, 2);
errno = 0;
char* endptr;
int userInput = strtol(Arg, &endptr, 10);
if (errno != ERANGE && endptr != Arg && userInput >= 0) {
iDelay = userInput;
WriteChatf("%s\ayDelay\ar (\ag%i\ar) milliseconds", PLUGINMSG, userInput);
else {
bWriteIni = false;
WriteChatf("%s\ar Delay value not a valid ( >= 0 ): %s", PLUGINMSG, Arg);

I have a second comp that I let the update go through on and so far nothing seems out of the ordinary on that computer. Not sure why it popped it and quarantined it. Thanks for your patience and understanding.
            if (strstr(InputCXStr, " return you to your corpse")) {
                pct = 100;
                bReturn = true;

Looks to be fine in the code.

Jimbob did add a new delay recently which appears to default to approximately 5.1 seconds.

GetPrivateProfileInt("MQ2Rez", "Delay", 5100, INIFileName);

You'll want to check that this isn't your issue.
Plugin - MQ2Rez

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