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Lua - MyBuffs (1 Viewer) v1.78

grimmier updated MyBuffs with a new update entry:


[1.47] - 2024-06-01​


- Actors throttling
We only update if there is a change in the buff list. or the timer is below 20 seconds for buffs

otherwise we will update every 2 min to check-in or be removed as stale after 3 min

/mybuffs mailbox
will show you the message frequency in a table.
the data is only recorded when you have this window open and clears when you close it.

Read the rest of this update entry...
sounds like the buff window isn't open?
you can minimize the window fine but we are pulling the info from the buff window.
We use this method since it is more reliable without having to target yourself every so often to refresh buffs.
Ahh I see, said the blind man... As a matter of fact, I didn't have the buff windows open as I have been using AlphaBuff and had turned them off. Thanks Grim, I'll give that a try.

Well I turned my buff windows back on and I still have the same error as above.

Just a suggestion, but you might want to put a Command tab at the top of this thread (next to the Overview tab). Tell all us dummies' how to load the Lua and what all the variables are for. Basically how to use this Lua. For example what is the command "/mybuffs client enable" for?

Also I turned off AlphaBuff just in case it was conflicting with MyBuffs.

Thanks for the help though...appreciate it.

Well I turned my buff windows back on and I still have the same error as above.

Just a suggestion, but you might want to put a Command tab at the top of this thread (next to the Overview tab). Tell all us dummies' how to load the Lua and what all the variables are for. Basically how to use this Lua. For example what is the command "/mybuffs client enable" for?

Also I turned off AlphaBuff just in case it was conflicting with MyBuffs.

Thanks for the help though...appreciate it.
basic commands are still the same

/lua run mybuffs will run the Lua as normal

the new start commands are these which was mentioned in prior update commit messages.

/lua run mybuffs driver will run with actors enabled and the gui open
/lua run mybuffs client will run with actors enabled and the gui closed.

you can also still see all of the commands when loading the Lua. as they are printed to console.

about the error you have I found the issue and will have a fix up in a few.
That did the trick Grim...thanks for all the help, appreciate it.

May I be so bold as to make a feature suggestion? Maybe adding in a way to sort by alphabetical order? Or by name? Just makes it easier for this old man to keep track of all the buffs.

I really like the scaling and font size adjustments, easier for me to read. Overall, nice job, different themes makes things prettier lol. WTG man.

Thanks again

Hey Grim

I know your busy with all the new stuff you have been posting, but can I request a feature for this Lua please?

Maybe adding in a way to sort by alphabetical order? Or by name? Just makes it easier for this old man to keep track of all the buffs.

Thanks for all you do.

Newest version erased my setups for this IMGui. Had to redo all 6 toons. Luckily I remembered their setup and just re did them.

eek I will have to look at that. the originals should still be there. I moved the configs and may have missed reading in the old one first. since the old version was a single file shared by all toons.
Hey Grim

Did you get a chance to look into this at all? Just checking up as I had not seen any updates lately. Not trying to push you or anything, I appreciate all you do.

And a suggestion for this particular utility. Can you make it so the list can be in Alphabetical order? Please!


I just used this for the first time since your latest update and found a few inconsistencies. (I took a few days off lol)

1. The "Name" sort does NOT sort by alphabetical order. It stays exactly how it was but makes all the buffs "blink".

2. "Duration" does the same thing.

3. "Slot" actually sorts by name and doesn't blink at all lol.

I tried this on 2 separate groups. I really don't know if it is my setup or what. But thank you for making these changes, I, for one really appreciate it.


I just used this for the first time since your latest update and found a few inconsistencies. (I took a few days off lol)

1. The "Name" sort does NOT sort by alphabetical order. It stays exactly how it was but makes all the buffs "blink".

2. "Duration" does the same thing.

3. "Slot" actually sorts by name and doesn't blink at all lol.

I tried this on 2 separate groups. I really don't know if it is my setup or what. But thank you for making these changes, I, for one really appreciate it.

addressed in next update should be within next 40 min or so.
Hey Grim

WTG man, that is a lot better...thank you.

I'm just nit picking here but I noticed one other thing...cringe.

When you sort by name it leaves slot #1 open. It's blank. Like I said it's nit picking but I thought you would want to know.

Again good job on these addons your making, especially this one.


Just noticed something weird going on. If you sort by name and then right click on a buff:

1. And click on Inspect it will inspect the wrong buff name in that slot. So it looks at what was in the slot for the inspection and not the buff itself.

2. I noticed this when trying to "Remove" a buff. When I clicked on remove, it removed the wrong buff. It removed the buff that was in that "slot" number. Instead of the buff name that showed in that slot after sorting by name.

After reading this over it sounds kind of like I am on drugs or something lol. It appears that the sort by name function does indeed sort by name but the app keeps the same buff in the same slot that it was in previous to the sort. Does that make more sense?

I get around this right now by just resorting to "by slot" and doing what I need to do. (Inspecting or removing)

Again thanks for all you do with these utilities, very much appreciated.


Just noticed something weird going on. If you sort by name and then right click on a buff:

1. And click on Inspect it will inspect the wrong buff name in that slot. So it looks at what was in the slot for the inspection and not the buff itself.

2. I noticed this when trying to "Remove" a buff. When I clicked on remove, it removed the wrong buff. It removed the buff that was in that "slot" number. Instead of the buff name that showed in that slot after sorting by name.

After reading this over it sounds kind of like I am on drugs or something lol. It appears that the sort by name function does indeed sort by name but the app keeps the same buff in the same slot that it was in previous to the sort. Does that make more sense?

I get around this right now by just resorting to "by slot" and doing what I need to do. (Inspecting or removing)

Again thanks for all you do with these utilities, very much appreciated.

ooh good catch, i will look at that when i get home from work today.

Thank you for the feedback.

Thanks so much for the quick fix on the sort by name problem. And grats on the new "Row" view. I will check that out next time I log in.

Great job man.

Lua - MyBuffs

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