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Contest RedGuides August '18 Contest. Reply to win Krono! (1 Viewer)

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PoP-era enchanter charm support group has been my favorite.

  1. Enchanter picks a dual-wield ready target for charm. Tash, mez.
  2. Malo on pet from Shm.
  3. 15 min snare on pet from Dru (optional)
  4. Ench charms. Mage gives it full pet weapons and armor/gear. Buffs/haste to pet from Ench/Shm/Clr/Druid.
  5. Ench proceeds to clear entire area solo with a beast of a pet. If a really bad break happens, Mage CoH's enchanter back to camp.
  6. Heal pet via mem-blur if away from camp, otherwise 4-CH healers top it off.
  7. Kill named with CoH debuff routine. Sham (Malo-CoH->repeat for slow/cripple), Ench (Tash->CoH if needed). Enchanter/Pet + both Clr go in alone for named that have the target max rule. Pray charmed pet doesn't break until named is dead.
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PoP-era enchanter charm support group has been my favorite.

  1. Enchanter picks a dual-wield ready target for charm. Tash, mez.
  2. Malo on pet from Shm.
  3. 15 min snare on pet from Dru (optional)
  4. Ench charms. Mage gives it full pet weapons and armor/gear.
  5. Ench proceeds to clear entire area solo with a beast of a pet. If a really bad break happens, Mage CoH's enchanter back to camp.
  6. Heal pet via mem-blur if away from camp, otherwise 4-CH healers top it off.
  7. Kill named with CoH debuff routine. Sham (Malo-CoH->repeat for slow/cripple), Ench (Tash->CoH if needed). Enchanter/Pet + both Clr go in alone for named that have the target max rule. Pray charmed pet doesn't break until named is dead.
I somehow like that approach. So literally only the ENC is doing the grind and if things go horribly wrong the MAG is ready to CoH back?
Usually I have a strong dislike for charm pets because in my very own special case they always tend to break when I need it least or the break break break break splat ...
  1. SK - Tank, Snare and FD pulling
  2. Cleric - Healing, buffing and Res
  3. Enchanter - CC, Buffing and DPS
  4. Rogue - DPS, SoS scouting and corpse recovery, Lockpick
  5. Mage - DPS, Backup pet tank, CoH
  6. Druid - Ports, evak, backup heals and DPS
Right now I use:

1. SK (Geared Poorly)
2. Mage (pet tanks)
3. Druid (spot heals, DoTs, Evacs, ports)

This team works pretty good right up till I hit the lvl 105-110 areas. Now the pet get hit harder, has a need for spot heals and my SK is just dust. I don't have a lot of pp (i farm just to buy spells) so conflag is out of the question... Been trying for some tier 2 drops.

I plan to use:

1. SK (Geared properly!)
2. Mage
3. Druid
4. Bard
5. Shaman

I may switch bard for chanter, I dunno yet. There are a lot of really cool set ups listed here. Also, if I can gear the SK i'm thinking of dropping something for a necro. I played necros for years (on another server) and they really have a LOT of dps. I dunno about the new lvls (100+) but my old necro was very high on the dps meters.
My favorite group is a druid! But sometimes if things get hard I have to bring out the sk. Then if things get even harder, whip out the cleric. Thinking of making a bard, one day.
Definitely this:

1. SK
2. Cleric
3. Enchanter
4. Mage
5. Mage
6. Mage

No ports is tricky, but with origin/steins, POK and a guildhall it really isn't that big a deal.
My favorite setup so far has been SK/Cleric/Enchanter/Beastlord/Rogue/Berserker. Really love the different utilities from each class and the dps is great.
I was curious as to the popularity of certain classes so totalled up the mentions up to this time/date.

My count was not done scientifically and I didn't double count classes that were mentioned in copied replies.

  1. Monk = 3
  2. Paladin = 5
  3. Rogue = 7
  4. Ranger = 8
  5. Beastlord = 9
  6. Necro = 10
  7. Warrior = 18
  8. Bard = 20
  9. Druid = 22
  10. Shaman = 26
  11. SK = 27
  12. Berzerker = 27
  13. Wizard = 32
  14. Cleric = 34
  15. Mage = 35
  16. Enchanter = 39

I guess the biggest surprise to me is how few people run Beastlords and Necros. And the Shaman count was really overstated by the poster that said he run a group of 6 of them. I would have thought that shaman would be more popular as healers than clerics since they can pretty much do anything a cleric can plus help dps and do crowd control. And no surprise that the SK is slightly more popular than Warrior but Paladins have no love at all! And for sure all those Mnk/Bst weapons must rot most of the time!
I was curious as to the popularity of certain classes so totalled up the mentions up to this time/date.

My count was not done scientifically and I didn't double count classes that were mentioned in copied replies.

  1. Monk = 3
  2. Paladin = 5
  3. Rogue = 7
  4. Ranger = 8
  5. Beastlord = 9
  6. Necro = 10
  7. Warrior = 18
  8. Bard = 20
  9. Druid = 22
  10. Shaman = 26
  11. SK = 27
  12. Berzerker = 27
  13. Wizard = 32
  14. Cleric = 34
  15. Mage = 35
  16. Enchanter = 39

I guess the biggest surprise to me is how few people run Beastlords and Necros. And the Shaman count was really overstated by the poster that said he run a group of 6 of them. I would have thought that shaman would be more popular as healers than clerics since they can pretty much do anything a cleric can plus help dps and do crowd control. And no surprise that the SK is slightly more popular than Warrior but Paladins have no love at all! And for sure all those Mnk/Bst weapons must rot most of the time!

I exist to hype shamans. My normal group has both a monk and a beast though, so I will take those weapon rots.
I was curious as to the popularity of certain classes so totalled up the mentions up to this time/date.

My count was not done scientifically and I didn't double count classes that were mentioned in copied replies.

  1. Monk = 3
  2. Paladin = 5
  3. Rogue = 7
  4. Ranger = 8
  5. Beastlord = 9
  6. Necro = 10
  7. Warrior = 18
  8. Bard = 20
  9. Druid = 22
  10. Shaman = 26
  11. SK = 27
  12. Berzerker = 27
  13. Wizard = 32
  14. Cleric = 34
  15. Mage = 35
  16. Enchanter = 39

I guess the biggest surprise to me is how few people run Beastlords and Necros. And the Shaman count was really overstated by the poster that said he run a group of 6 of them. I would have thought that shaman would be more popular as healers than clerics since they can pretty much do anything a cleric can plus help dps and do crowd control. And no surprise that the SK is slightly more popular than Warrior but Paladins have no love at all! And for sure all those Mnk/Bst weapons must rot most of the time!

That’s a fun counter!

Frankly, beastlords are awesome ... I’m a little shocked shaman are as high as they are, but the most surprising one for me is druids. I didn’t think people ran druids very often anymore. Like shaman, they’re hard to run and maximize abilities unless you’re playing the toon. Kiss just doesn’t prioritize duties super well, unless you have very elaborate conditions setup.
On TLP am running War, Bard, Sham, Clr, Chanter and Mage. As a previous poster stated it wont win any DPS races and I have to sometimes use an outside Druid to help move toons, the group is pretty solid and can handle the situations I tend to find myself in. The bottom line is I have fun playing them and the only wipes I can think of are due to game mechanics like a mob pathing weird and warping a dozen or so mobs. But since there is no right answer on how to have fun I am sticking with my choice :)
It occurs I should give up my normal group makeup: Shaman (I mean, duh), Warrior (melee DPS tank), Berserker (melee DPS ricepaper), Beastlord (melee ADPS/DPS, backup tank), Monk (melee DPS backup tank), Enchanter (should be a bard, but I CBA to bard anymore).
What I find interesting is the numbers for WAR, BER and SK.
I get the gist that SK appears to be the "go for" class in groups - just that I somehow never could get the hang of it (I find it too complicated to run in a boxed team - too many options *laugh*).
Then the WAR again appears to be the one who can get quite some beating even if you don't have to concentrate too much on him (that is why it is my personal choice).
BER - I have absolutely no idea how they work. Never tried one I think (shame on me).
Just returned to EQ from a very long hiatus (2003ish) and was an original 2-boxer back in the day.
I picked back up with 2-boxing running an SK and a SHM with mercs originally, then found Redguides after a month or so. Currently enjoying KA as I level up and have expanded my boxing group to include a Druid, Enchanter, Bard, and Mage (mainly building them all up to offer myself choices for future boxing groups once I hit max level and begin working on groups for specific reasons).
My "most funnest" boxing group is....
Ranger, Mage, Enchanter, Wizard, Wizard and Cleric! DPS is GOD!
Years ago, before they nerfed the Magicians Earth pet, the turd was kicking ass on at least 5 Dark Elves at a time in Neriak Fourth Gate when Call of the Forsaken came out. Ranger pulled out Thex's area to the hallway and the pet would just Rambo out. As expansions came and went, the turd with the nerfs became an offtank and the ranger I have played since 99 became the main tank. Still to this day, T2 named tanking in this current expansion. BEST...GROUP...EVER!
Chanter buffing, slowing and mezzing, 2 wizzys just annihilating with ranger working magic! Playing ranger for almost 20 years! Love!
I sound like a canyon echo on the...

...part. But I swap my Enchanter with my Bard/Beastie combo.

Wanna feel the heat Raz speaks of when I get my Wiz's up to level.

This summer we're introducing a renovated RedGuides, and two new exclusive plugins!​

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What's the most fun boxing group?

To enter, just answer the above question, or have an on-topic discussion. Example:

Both Ralph and Mary qualify for an entry, Joe does not.

Prize List:
  • THREE KRONO for one lucky winner.
  • TWO KRONO for one lucky winner.
  • TWO KRONO for one lucky winner.
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  • One Krono for one lucky winner.
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  • 1 Month of Redguides Level 2 access for you or a friend. Enjoy MQ2 compiles, the internet's largest collection of macros, private strategies, and a great community.

Winners will be chosen by in-game /random.

Contest sponsored by Almar's Guides! Home of the best KissAssist .ini library on the internet.

No purchase necessary. No more entries after August 31st, 11:59 PM PST.
Drawing will be held in-game on the Vox server, by use of /random. Time & location of the /random will be posted after contest ends, you are welcome to attend.
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Mine is 6 mages with pets and max nuking and pet aas so they can take a hit
My favorite group make up right now is Warrior,Bard,Shaman,Berserker,Ranger and cleric. not come across anything i cant get done with this crew love it.
Mine is 6 mages with pets and max nuking and pet aas so they can take a hit

There's a guy on my server that was playing like that for a long time. He never really talked to anyone more than a few sentences. Seems like he could take anything. My question... How does that work out in higher level zones where mobs are >110 ?
I was always partial to my ADPS dream team melee group. SK, Shm, Brd, Bst, Rng, Zerk. I swap a Wizard in place of the Ranger when I'm doing progression tasks and such for ports/evac.
SK, Cleric, Bard, BL, Zerk, Zerk. I ended up with this by accident. I have been doing progression for people as a side business to get krono's to pay for the accounts that my wife would not approve of (I have too many). He had a 110 BL. I used to run SK, CLR, SHM, BRD, Zerk, Wiz (Using Raz's EOKnuke). While being a well rounded group, I noticed a DPS increase with the BL....and as much as I love EOKnuke, my Wiz just ran OOM too quick....and would just be useless....so I made a zerk to replace the wizard.
There's a guy on my server that was playing like that for a long time. He never really talked to anyone more than a few sentences. Seems like he could take anything. My question... How does that work out in higher level zones where mobs are >110 ?

I bet it works out just fine, as long as the mob doesn’t AE. Frankly, I’d consider doing 5 mages and a shammy (or even better, a Druid) and just crush shit.
SK, Cleric, Bard, BL, Zerk, Zerk. I ended up with this by accident. I have been doing progression for people as a side business to get krono's to pay for the accounts that my wife would not approve of (I have too many). He had a 110 BL. I used to run SK, CLR, SHM, BRD, Zerk, Wiz (Using Raz's EOKnuke). While being a well rounded group, I noticed a DPS increase with the BL....and as much as I love EOKnuke, my Wiz just ran OOM too quick....and would just be useless....so I made a zerk to replace the wizard.

Gotta miss the days of bard dicho when it was impossible to run your wizard OOM lol.
My usual boxing group has to include a mage, since COTH is $$. Enchanter. My warrior and cleric. Then I'll usually throw in two wizards.

But I think I've had the most fun recently with a Bard, Paladin, SK, and three zerkers.
Eh, CotH isn't so important anymore with campfire. It's usually really easy to run three characters to wherever and drop a fire. I definitely dropped my mage to have a cohesive melee group, and I'm super happy with it.
Contest RedGuides August '18 Contest. Reply to win Krono!
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