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Contest RedGuides August '18 Contest. Reply to win Krono! (2 Viewers)

Not open for further replies.
Eh, CotH isn't so important anymore with campfire. It's usually really easy to run three characters to wherever and drop a fire. I definitely dropped my mage to have a cohesive melee group, and I'm super happy with it.
Right - but there are still places where campfires won't work so CotH is a valuable thing then.
Or: I usually park a Mage at places where I want to get to group to (just using some free accounts for that) - but yes - those mages aren't really needed for the group at all besides initial setup.
Right - but there are still places where campfires won't work so CotH is a valuable thing then.
Or: I usually park a Mage at places where I want to get to group to (just using some free accounts for that) - but yes - those mages aren't really needed for the group at all besides initial setup.

Rogue + Mage corpse + healer Merc is still the most effective way to get to places where running three toons just wouldn’t work or would suck.
I've come to the conclusion that having CotH is for some players like people who think that Ogre's frontal melee stun immunity is the most important thing. It's a personal preference and not something I think is worth an argument though years ago someone brought up their strategy of getting the mage killed and using their rogue to corpsedrag under SOS and use the new rez token to get him up. I pointed out that a rogue can drag two corpses as easily as one and use a campfire :P .

Different play styles are what makes the game fun :)
I've come to the conclusion that having CotH is for some players like people who think that Ogre's frontal melee stun immunity is the most important thing. It's a personal preference and not something I think is worth an argument though years ago someone brought up their strategy of getting the mage killed and using their rogue to corpsedrag under SOS and use the new rez token to get him up. I pointed out that a rogue can drag two corpses as easily as one and use a campfire :p .

Different play styles are what makes the game fun :)
Wisdom here, folks.
I've come to the conclusion that having CotH is for some players like people who think that Ogre's frontal melee stun immunity is the most important thing. It's a personal preference and not something I think is worth an argument though years ago someone brought up their strategy of getting the mage killed and using their rogue to corpsedrag under SOS and use the new rez token to get him up. I pointed out that a rogue can drag two corpses as easily as one and use a campfire :p .

Different play styles are what makes the game fun :)

Only applicable if you have 12 or fewer toons ;)

I have 15 accounts I regularly play/swap between, some of which have two or more toons that I situationally use. In my case, relying on campfire can get iffy.
My group setup right now is about as good as I have been able to get, RoS T2 mobs melt in seconds from the dps this group pumps out.
SK < tank
Mage1 < backuptank w/ air pet
Mage2 < dps w/ water pet
BL < dps
Clr < heals
Bard < puller/mez/dps
Ideal Melee Group Setup should be War Shm Bst Brd Ber Ber
Ideal Caster Group Setup should be Pal Dru Enc Mag Wiz Wiz
Ideal Around Automated-Grind Setup should be War Clr Enc Bst Ber Ber

And if mega group is allowed then

War Clr Shm Enc for Pull/Tank group

Exp Group will be
Shm Brd Bst BerX3
or Enc Mag Bst WizX3

So there you can see Bst is all round best class
Ideal Melee Group Setup should be War Shm Bst Brd Ber Ber
Ideal Caster Group Setup should be Pal Dru Enc Mag Wiz Wiz
Ideal Around Automated-Grind Setup should be War Clr Enc Bst Ber Ber
I would be interested why you would call this setup "ideal". (not contesting what you say - just really interested in your thoughts behind it)
I would be interested why you would call this setup "ideal". (not contesting what you say - just really interested in your thoughts behind it)

Hah, that was my first thought when I read it, too. Then I dismissed it as drivel when I saw no SKs as tanks. I don’t know about most people, but I pull with my SK and tag 2-4+ mobs on each pull, so solid AE agro is kind of important. The war and (to a lesser extent) pally struggle with that.
I started my playing as a solo Shaman (Iksar), long before mercs.
When Lucin came out I added a Beastlord (Iksar) to my group, so I dueoed a Shaman/Bst combo.
With all my deaths I figured I could use bit of help with my corpse runs so I added a Necro (Iksar).
Bst / Shm / Necr - I 3-boxed that group for a long time, and when mercs came out I really didn't have reason to add any more real toons, I just ran 2 tank mercs and a cleric merc.

Then a friend of mine and his wife quite playing and gave me their account info. I really didn't want to play THEIR toons, but couldn't let a good account go to waste, so I rolled out a Warrior (Iksar) - a Tank class because things were getting a bit tough for my Bst to tank and a War because I didn't want to have to go looking and hunting and waiting for spells to drop - , and a Mage for CoH (High Elf cuz their females were cute). and used a cleric merc for a long time that way as well.
War / Bst / Shm / Mag / Nec / Cleric Merc - And for me that was the funnest group I ran (and I ran that group a long time legit style...no 3rd party options, 5 comps, 5 keyboards, 5 monitors, and 1 pissed off wife.

Then I quite playing for a couple years (pissed off wife). But when THAT didn't solve things (divorce did) I came back.
Couldn't figure out how to single pull with my War in some of the areas I wanted to hunt...sevel hundred deaths later I traded my War in for an SK (Iksar) needed the snare/FD ability to single pull.

Sk / Bst / Shm / Mag / Nec / Cleric Merc - Played this set for a bit until even Snare/FD single pull wasn't good enough, needed better CC.
I then added an Ech for CC, but about that time I also came across Redguides and decided to try and run some small raids so made a cleric but still only wanted to run 1 group.

So my group became SK / Bst / Shm / Mage / Enc / Cleric

But in the end I have loved all my groups, and find it hard to choose which I think was best.
So my group became SK / Bst / Shm / Mage / Enc / Cleric

I actually really like the idea of this setup and have thought about doing this before a few times. What always stops me is the Shm/Enc combo and makes me wanna swap in a Druid/Wiz for one of those. Any benefit to keeping both a shm and enc that would outweigh an evac/dps/heal character? Especially at levels 100+

I'd love to sub in a NEC as the dps is so crazy good but ... so many choices work better in a group setting. But in that group, nec could easily replace BST since you have a shm it would appear. That would make it SK / Nec / (Shm|Enc) / Mage / (Wiz|Druid) / Cleric. This thread has me wanting to roll a new 6-box.
I don’t know about most people, but I pull with my SK and tag 2-4+ mobs on each pull, so solid AE agro is kind of important. The war and (to a lesser extent) pally struggle with that.
I am with you on the point that war and pally have issues with AE aggro.
But then again I usually try to pull singles and for harder mobs I find the war having some advantage over the sk - if you can manage aggro that is.
If it comes to AE - yes - SK appears to be superior.
I actually really like the idea of this setup and have thought about doing this before a few times. What always stops me is the Shm/Enc combo and makes me wanna swap in a Druid/Wiz for one of those. Any benefit to keeping both a shm and enc that would outweigh an evac/dps/heal character? Especially at levels 100+
No special benefit. The Shaman was my 1st toon so I have lots of attachment to the Shaman, Ench for CC. In your set you could swap out Shaman for a Druid...or Wizard...Yes ports would be nice, but I rarely need evac, and never play afk, so as for ports, and out of group druid/wizard works for me....I think they just need to make groups bigger, to allow up to 9 or 10 toons ....8-)
For me I like my set up,
SK = Main Tank/Agro Control + speed bump pet for DPS
Bst = DPS/Buffs + Pet DPS / Bst or Bst Pet can be emergency tank
Shaman = Buffs/Slow/emergency rez + Pet DPS
Mage = DA/COH/DPS/Pet Toys + Pet DPS/Secondary Tank
Enc = CC/Mind Buffs/Haste + Pet DPS
Cleric = Heals/Buffs/Rez
* Notice all have pets except cleric, and cleric can cast a combat pet... I love permanent, controllable pets...:sneaky::geek:
Last edited:
SK - tanking, group mana/health boost, snares
Shaman - heals, crowd control, dps, melee spike
Mage - off tanking, dps

Would like to add bard, and then either:

DPS: caster/melee
Heal: cleric/druid

Any suggestions on the latter two classes to go with sk/mage/shm/brd?
SK - tanking, group mana/health boost, snares
Shaman - heals, crowd control, dps, melee spike
Mage - off tanking, dps

Would like to add bard, and then either:

DPS: caster/melee
Heal: cleric/druid

Any suggestions on the latter two classes to go with sk/mage/shm/brd?
You can be very successful with just the shaman as healer (a few people like myself do that). You can really bring out the shaman ADPS if you throw two more melee DPS in there, and if you want to try to fulminate with alliance, make them the same (a lot of people like to use zerkers, but don't feel limited by that).
I have been experimenting with a group lately and its been rather interesting.

Paladin, Druid, Bard, Monk, Monk, Monk.

They are in their 70's right now but one of the very difficult things about this group is that there isn't a ton of utility. You have lesser versions of all utilities. One of the things I do enjoy with 3 monks is that there is very little downtime. I am sure in the future that will change but overall the downtime we have is minimal. I have never had a paladin or a druid before so this is a completely new experience for me. I have been enjoying the tanking ability of the paladin. They are really cool tanks, especially with their like 5s stuns! Not to mention the self-heals! I can't explain how many times that has saved me in the past. I am hoping to get 105 this weekend! Since its double xp weekend. Once these guys are 105 I am going to start up my next experiment of SK, Shaman, Enc, Berserker, Rogue, Monk and that should be interesting as well!
If you won Krono, please PM me your character's name on Vox and I'll parcel. (krono are server-wide items, they won't be locked to Vox don't worry.)

Chatlog of the contest (names have been changed to protect the guilty)
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:44 2018] Logging to 'eqlog.txt' is now *ON*.
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:46 2018] kaydy`s ward begins to cast a spell. <Growing Exuberance>
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:51 2018] kaydy`s ward begins to cast a spell. <Growing Exuberance>
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:51 2018] kaydy`s ward begins to cast a spell. <Nurtured Replenishment>
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:51 2018] kaydy is refreshed by the life force surrounding them.
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:51 2018] kaydy`s ward begins to cast a spell. <Unsummon Self>
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:52 2018] Targeted (Player): Berai
[Wed Sep 12 18:10:52 2018] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:05 2018] You say, 'This is for BIG KRONO'
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:07 2018] You say, 'ALL THE KRONO'
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:20 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Tranquil Blessings>
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:25 2018] You say, 'But first we're doing fun stuff: 1 month of Level 2 access for you or a buddy'
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:32 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Pack Spirit>
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:32 2018] Landile says, 'Hail, Emissary Tinnvin'
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:35 2018] Berai is surrounded by a brief lupine aura.
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:35 2018] You feel the spirit of wolf enter you.
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:35 2018] Landile is surrounded by a brief lupine aura.
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:35 2018] rgalive is surrounded by a brief lupine aura.
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:44 2018] Landile says, 'Hail, Emissary Tinnvin'
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:46 2018] Armarok has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:50 2018] You say, 'there were 100 posts in the thread'
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:52 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Tranquil Blessings>
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:54 2018] Landile's skin burns.
[Wed Sep 12 18:11:59 2018] You say, 'so let's random 100'
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:01 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Protection of Diamond>
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:05 2018] Siarsona's skin turns hard as diamond.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:05 2018] Armarok's skin turns hard as diamond.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:05 2018] kaydy has healed you for 200 points.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:05 2018] Your skin turns hard as diamond. You have been healed for 2800 points.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:05 2018] kaydy's skin turns hard as diamond.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:05 2018] rgalive's skin turns hard as diamond.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:13 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:13 2018] **It could have been any number from 0 to 100, but this time it turned up a 4.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:35 2018] You say, 'r1pt1de wins the month of level 2!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:44 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Tranquil Blessings>
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:52 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Pack Chloroplast>
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:56 2018] Siarsona begins to regenerate.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:56 2018] Armarok begins to regenerate.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:56 2018] Berai begins to regenerate.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:56 2018] You begin to regenerate.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:56 2018] kaydy begins to regenerate.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:56 2018] rgalive begins to regenerate.
[Wed Sep 12 18:12:56 2018] Infurbiated begins to regenerate.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:04 2018] You say, 'next up is a new forum username color'
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:09 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:09 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 77.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:16 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Tranquil Blessings>
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:19 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Legacy of Spike>
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:20 2018] Siarsona is surrounded by a thorny barrier.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:20 2018] Armarok is surrounded by a thorny barrier.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:20 2018] You are surrounded by a thorny barrier.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:20 2018] rgalive is surrounded by a thorny barrier.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:20 2018] Infurbiated is surrounded by a thorny barrier.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:22 2018] You say, 'Sum1!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:44 2018] Targeted (NPC): Emissary Tinnvin
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:44 2018] Right click on the NPC to consider her.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:52 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Tranquil Blessings>
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:52 2018] You say, 'Now for a new Discord username color...'
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:53 2018] Three tells General:2, 'whats the best Mount Blessing?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:55 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:13:55 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 23.
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:04 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Share Wolf Form>
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:12 2018] You say, 'That's NobodyKnows with the win!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:14 2018] Zgrobg tells General:2, 'ach prob from RoS progression mount?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:44 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Tranquil Blessings>
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:45 2018] You say, 'ok one sec'
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:46 2018] Mindjuicer tells NewPlayers:1, 'rotting on Sont Corpse Exquisite Velium Warsword Sontalak's Talisman Worked Dragonhide Gauntlets Worked Dragonspine Vambraces '
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:56 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Share Form of the Great Wolf>
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:59 2018] The spirit of wolf leaves you.
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:59 2018] You are now a wolf.
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:59 2018] kaydy turns into a wolf.
[Wed Sep 12 18:14:59 2018] rgalive turns into a wolf.
[Wed Sep 12 18:15:06 2018] Armarok says, 'Hail, Emissary Tinnvin'
[Wed Sep 12 18:15:23 2018] Zgrobg tells General:2, 'Golden Frontier Rhinoceros Saddle gives Mount Blessing Sana nothin else was close.. and think the RoS bird gives a bit more of everything?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:16:38 2018] You say, 'alright we're back'
[Wed Sep 12 18:16:41 2018] kaydy bonks Jenovah on the head!
[Wed Sep 12 18:16:44 2018] You say, 'I had to mix the bread'
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:10 2018] Merrilynne has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:24 2018] Evalle has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:29 2018] You say, 'How is everyone feeling tonight?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:32 2018] Merrilynne begins to sing a song. <Selo's Accelerando>
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:33 2018] Merrilynne begins to sing a song. <Selo's Accelerando>
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:38 2018] You say, 'CAN I GET A CHEER EMOTE'
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:55 2018] kaydy cheers at Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:17:59 2018] You say, 'Because the Krono are coming now'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:00 2018] Infurbiated cheers at Emissary Tinnvin.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:01 2018] Evalle says, 'Hail, Emissary Tinnvin'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:08 2018] Merrilynne says, 'Hail, Emissary Tinnvin'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:10 2018] You say, 'ONE KRONO will go to .....'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:12 2018] Merrilynne says, 'Hail, Emissary Tinnvin'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:15 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:15 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 3.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:20 2018] Targeted (Player): Redbot
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:20 2018] Right click on yourself to bring up your own inspect window. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting. You can also enable Click Through Self in the Options Window to stop clicking on yourself.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:22 2018] You say, 'plure!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:31 2018] You say, 'but wait there's smores'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:33 2018] Targeted (Player): Redbot
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:33 2018] Right click on yourself to bring up your own inspect window. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting. You can also enable Click Through Self in the Options Window to stop clicking on yourself.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:40 2018] You say, 'ONE KRONO will go to....'
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:44 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:44 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 2.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:49 2018] Targeted (NPC): Emissary Tinnvin
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:49 2018] Right click on the NPC to consider her.
[Wed Sep 12 18:18:54 2018] You say, 'raindog123!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:13 2018] kaydy says, 'this seems rigged, none of those words was kaydy'
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:17 2018] You say, 'let's give another away'
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:22 2018] You say, 'ONE KRONO WILL GO TO ....'
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:25 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:25 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 28.
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:30 2018] Targeted (NPC): Emissary Tinnvin
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:30 2018] Right click on the NPC to consider her.
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:37 2018] You say, 'kajnonei!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:56 2018] Valklei tells NewPlayers:1, 'anyone doing the queen gloomfang group, cant finish it bymyself, thought I could heh'
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:56 2018] You say, 'Now for the big stuff. TWO KRONO'
[Wed Sep 12 18:19:59 2018] You say, 'will go to...'
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:04 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:04 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 7.
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:11 2018] You say, 'Razkle!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:13 2018] kaydy says, 'are those regulation dice?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:21 2018] You say, 'I know it's weird, getting all from the first page'
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:33 2018] Nobleheart tells NewPlayers:1, 'that's why it says Group Mission har har!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:34 2018] You say, 'here we go again, another 2 krono'
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:40 2018] You say, '2 KRONO GO TO...'
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:43 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:43 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 81.
[Wed Sep 12 18:20:51 2018] You say, 'NobodyKnows!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:05 2018] Jaqqi tells NewPlayers:1, 'go under the waterfall to Crescent, do the Boawb qusts on 2nd floor balcony, one of the rewards is a 25resist poison mask - plus defiant weapon and shield, then u can solo her'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:22 2018] You say, 'alright last one'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:24 2018] Meibszais tells NewPlayers:1, 'do the other quests in tutuorial til u can defeat the spider queen'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:27 2018] You say, 'the fun stops here :('
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:37 2018] You say, 'Or I mean, after this...'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:41 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Zephyr: Iceclad>
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:42 2018] You say, 'because coming up is the big one'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:46 2018] You say, '3 KRONO'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:49 2018] rgalive fades away.
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:49 2018] You say, 'GO TO'
[Wed Sep 12 18:21:53 2018] kaydy says, 'wooop woop'
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:00 2018] Redbot drum roll.
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:02 2018] Infurbiated says, 'me?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:09 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Redbot.
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:09 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 54.
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:17 2018] kaydy cheers at Infurbiated .
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:20 2018] You say, 'Sum1!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:35 2018] kaydy says, 'fark, cheater dices for sure'
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:41 2018] You say, 'Thank you everyone for logging in'
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:54 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by Infurbiated .
[Wed Sep 12 18:22:54 2018] **It could have been any number from 1 to 100, but this time it turned up a 72.
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:04 2018] **A Magic Die is rolled by kaydy.
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:04 2018] **It could have been any number from 0 to 100, but this time it turned up a 74.
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:09 2018] You say, 'did you guys enter the august contest?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:13 2018] Keathar has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:15 2018] Jeremin tells General:2, 'Mount Blessing Taza'
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:17 2018] kaydy says, 'nope'
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:21 2018] Infurbiated says, 'boo...:)'
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:31 2018] Infurbiated says, 'no idea whats happening :)'
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:43 2018] You say, 'hehe it's ok, thank you for witnessing all the same'
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:44 2018] Targeted (Player): rgalive
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:44 2018] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect it. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Wed Sep 12 18:23:55 2018] Killuwen has completed achievement: Crescent Reach Traveler
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:09 2018] Infurbiated says, 'trainign begging anyway :)'
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:09 2018] You say, 'pst me who created kissassist for a parting gift'
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:12 2018] Mizik tells General:2, 'Cockatrice Mount gives Sana, Bridle of the Balefire Wyvern gives Taza'
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:13 2018] Mouse control deactivated.
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:18 2018] kaydy regards you indifferently -- what would you like your tombstone to say? (Lvl: 105)
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:19 2018] kaydy regards you indifferently -- what would you like your tombstone to say? (Lvl: 105)
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:19 2018] Mouse control activated. Use right mouse button.
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:23 2018] Targeted (Player): Killuwen
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:23 2018] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect him. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:46 2018] Zgrobg tells General:2, 'oo that wyvern is awesome lookin.. that a LoN prize or somethin?'
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:58 2018] You say, 'ok and that's it, i'm out!'
[Wed Sep 12 18:24:59 2018] It will take you about 30 seconds to prepare your camp.
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:03 2018] It will take about 25 more seconds to prepare your camp.
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:07 2018] Mizik tells General:2, 'RoS expac, that $140 one'
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:08 2018] It will take about 20 more seconds to prepare your camp.
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:12 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Tranquil Blessings>
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:13 2018] It will take about 15 more seconds to prepare your camp.
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:15 2018] Targeted (Player): Redbot
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:15 2018] Right click on yourself to bring up your own inspect window. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting. You can also enable Click Through Self in the Options Window to stop clicking on yourself.
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:16 2018] Targeted (Player): rgalive
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:16 2018] Stand close to and right click on the Player to consider and inspect it. Use the /toggleinspect command to enable or disable right-click inspecting.
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:16 2018] Zgrobg tells General:2, 'ahh.. the pay to 'win' option'
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:18 2018] It will take about 10 more seconds to prepare your camp.
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:22 2018] kaydy begins to cast a spell. <Pack Spirit>
[Wed Sep 12 18:25:23 2018] It will take about 5 more seconds to prepare your camp.
Contest RedGuides August '18 Contest. Reply to win Krono!
Not open for further replies.

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