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Reworked Fairy MM macro Fully Automated (1 Viewer)

change your locations after casting fairy fire to succor rather then the loc you have. i was afk for two hrs, came back and was still in same mission, you re warping to close to mobs at zone, changed it to succor and it works fine for me now
I don't use succor on purpose

You will get pushed out of zone. I found a new one, I'm raiding right now, I optimized it for you guys, I'm still using the barely finish on time version.

The macro code already looks funky, if I add zone.ID check every line in the kill shrine subs it's going to start looking really ugly. Instead I just changed the loc and let my test subject sit there for 30 minutes, just so happend the one that paths right by that spot is the same one that I had killed experementing earlier. So gave me bad results.

Essentially remove the /call WaitForDeath after /call Lootremains in the main loop

and change the "succor" loc to -184 153 -11
Try the loc I just gave you.

It should warp you outside the zone wall but still inside the zone geometry very far from the wondering rats.

South West Corner area.
POSTED BY Ccomp5950 (I am just reposting because we lost a few minutes of posts during the server transfer, and this one was good)

It's working for a lot of other people....

Did you update your spellcast.inc?

Did you save your AA's like I described?

Do you have 3 people in group at all times?

Check the /echo ${Zone.ID} make sure it is 368

Do you have the MQ2Fairy plugin?

if your connection speed is slow up the delay in:

Rich (BB code):
Sub Event_Death
	/varset Died 1
	/delay 1m

change the delay to 180s instead of 1m or even make it 2m

I've been running this macro for the last 8 weeks, as long as I don't crash zoning or go LD it will run all night and day and has for 4 days straight without me having to mess with it.

If it is hanging up and doesn't say "Macro has ended" then type /echo Me.WTF and it will give you an error message plus the place it is currently in on the macro (My ghetto debugger)

You said in an earlier post that it worked fine for you...what changed between now and then?

Post your modified mac or PM it to me please
For some reason i don't restart the MM after the first one is completed. . . i increased a few of the delays b/c i may be zoning too slow. but still not restarting the MM any ideas? Thanks!
kk reloaded mac as you originally posted it and just changed the succor point and removed the waitfordeath line as you said and it has run good for the last couple hrs, maybe i just missed something in the pasting or somethin, but so far so good, will let you know if anymore problems arise, gonna let it run for the next few hrs, and btw it seems they lowered the exp, i am currently getting just under 80% per run, no complaints though, also lvling a sham and he has gotten up to lvl 24 atm with this getting about a lvl every 3 runs.
maddog anychance you could IM me what your using? I seem to be unable to get the mission sometimes with the original mac , so cant afk and use it just incase.
Spunge16 said:
maddog anychance you could IM me what your using? I seem to be unable to get the mission sometimes with the original mac , so cant afk and use it just incase.

Do you have the fairymm mission plugin also? Can you just type /fairy and get the fairy mission? If not that is your problem. If you can type /fairy and get the mission then i'm not sure.
I'm not sure if I'm just zoning slow or if that even has anything to do with it. The macro worked well for two nights now all of a sudden it is not removing the people in my task. Is the command for removing players timed? Am I zoning too slow you think? I tried looking at it but I figure I'll mess it up more than anything.
Try adding a delay in the reset sub like so:

Rich (BB code):
Sub Reset
	/delay 1m (${Zone.ID}==25)
	/for g 0 to ${Group.Members}
	/varcalc g2 ${Group.Members}-${g}
	/taskremove ${Group.Member[${g2}]}
	/next g
Shouldn't hurt at all. Only time it is moving is when zoning. at least messing with the Movement Sub
How would you add a part in there where if the Shrine resists the Fairy Fire spell it will recast on it right then?
Hmm still wouldn't restart as it did not remove my members. I'll increase the delay and see what happens.
Ok my buddy figured it out for me. If you do not have DoN the /task commands don't work. Just an fyi if you are having the same problems.
bigdaddy said:
How would you add a part in there where if the Shrine resists the Fairy Fire spell it will recast on it right then?

add a /doevents before the 45 second delay.

It has to be after a 2 second delay (warp to succor, delay 2 seconds /doevents)

An example would be:

Rich (BB code):
Sub KillShrine1
	/if (${SpawnCount[Shrine02 NPC]}==0) /return
	/varset StartHP ${Me.CurrentHPs}
	/tar Shrine02
	/if (${Target.NearestSpawn[npc radius 60].ID}) /goto :Shrine1Looper
	/if (${Target.NearestSpawn[npc radius 100].Speed}>10) /goto :Shrine1Looper
	/if (!${Spawn[a_reanimated_grave_robber00].ID}) /goto :continue
	/if (${Spawn[a_reanimated_grave_robber00].X}>-210) /goto :Shrine1Looper
	/megawarp t
	/keypress left
	/delay 6
	/call cast "Fairy Fire" Activate
	/delay 1s
	/delay 10s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Fairy Fire"]})
	/delay 1s
	/if (${StartHP}>${Me.CurrentHPs}) /call Wait4Death
	/megawarp 155 -184 -11
	/if (${SpawnCount[Shrine02 NPC]}==0) /return
       /if (${Macro.Return.Equal[CAST_RESISTED]}) /goto :Shrine1Looper
	/delay 45s
	/goto :Shrine1Looper
been running this mac for several days and notcied that after awhile the mac will start dropping the mission before its through and get a new one.... the last crystal will be almost dead and the toon will turn, zone out, drop mission and get new one... anyone else having this prob?
For me, when I have it going for about 24 hours it does what you are talking about or just ends the macro altogether. I think it may just be in the delays and stuff for me. I reboot my computer and start it up again and it works fine. I probably have some spyware crap on my computer that slows my PC down after a while. I love the macro. Thanks a lot Ccomp I've been able to get my toons some needed AA to catch up to the rest of my guild.
This is a great macro. The only issue I have with it is that sometimes ( not sure why it is only every now and then ) My toon will get the mission, turn to move in, walk about half way to the zone, and stop. Then I get the error " time to rock " then The Current Macro has ended. Anyone have any idea what I could do to ensure that my toon keeps going and zones in?
k... figured out whats happnin when it quits mission before its through... when the last shrine is dot'd and about to die, if you die too and the shrine dies while your zoning from death, then you dont get credit for 3rd shrine kill... and the mac just exits like it won and starts new mission.. how can this be fixed?
I got one question, when your using this, with your accounts or friends accts that will tell no1 else, can you get banned for using this macro?
Yes, you can get banned for any macro.. any MQ2 use... any hack whatsoever... ESPECIALLY a afk hack... you just take that chance.
Well, I did that 1s delay thing. Now it zones in, but now the toon won't stop running. Keeps going even after selecting the AA's and stuff.
Ive tweaked the MM macro and i havent messed with the stuff that matters although im having a problem sometimes ill get the "/echo Time to rock" and then "Current Macro has ended" right after, and i have to restart the macro, any ideas?
For everyone that gets the error about macro ending after movign alittle and "Time to rock" heres what you have to do. Open your saved Nekmm with wordpad or some such. Find "Keypress forward" you will find 3 results. Each has "hold" after it except the last one. Just add "hold" without the quotes after the last keypress forward
--Edit BTW if you dont notice i use Toon instead of actual names as to not make the same mistake Maddog did lol --

ok folks, im trying to work this MM so i people without DoN can use it, (ergo, u got banned on your toon who just solely runs the macro AFK and u dont wanna buy all the expansions) and i need help from people who have a little knowledge of XML, i have it done Ghetto so MY toon uses it for my boxed toons but its not the right way to do it, what im using is

Rich (BB code):
/notify TaskWnd STASK_Memberlist listselect ${Group.Member[Toon3]}
what this does, is, it looks at the group window and finds 'Toon', THEN it goes the the STASK_Memberlist element and selects the toon in the same numerical order as it is in group window. For example if in the group it has in the group window Toon1 , Toon2, and Toon3 in that order, but in the STASK_Memberlist box theres Toon3,Toon1,Toon2 in that order,

Rich (BB code):
/notify TaskWnd STASK_Memberlist listselect ${Group.Member[Toon3]}

it would select Toon2 in the STASK_Memberlist box because Toon3 and Toon2 share the same 'position' if that makes sense, its ghetto i know, but i want to be able to know how to call the actually members in the STASK_Memberlist if anyone knows how, please help! :)

/end soapbox
bigdaddy said:
k... figured out whats happnin when it quits mission before its through... when the last shrine is dot'd and about to die, if you die too and the shrine dies while your zoning from death, then you dont get credit for 3rd shrine kill... and the mac just exits like it won and starts new mission.. how can this be fixed?

Giving you idea where the code is that you can toy with

Rich (BB code):
Sub KillShrine3
	/if (${SpawnCount[Shrine01 NPC]}==0) /return
	/varset StartHP ${Me.CurrentHPs}
	/tar Shrine01
	/if (${Target.NearestSpawn[npc radius 60].ID}) /goto :Shrine3Looper
	/if (${Target.NearestSpawn[npc radius 100].Speed}>10) /goto :Shrine3Looper
	/if (!${Spawn[a_reanimated_grave_robber02].ID}) /goto :continue3
	/if (${Spawn[a_reanimated_grave_robber02].X}>-35) /goto :Shrine3Looper

Increasing the numbers in red experimentally will help prevent you from getting aggro while fighting last shrine....lowering your chance to die and not get credited...Remember to increase it.....not decrease

I'd reccommend not increasing the first number by more than 10 or so.....And maybe increasing the second number in increments of 10 until you find a good safe number :)

Edit: You can do this for any of the Shrine killing Sub's really. It depends if you are frequently dying while Shrines are dotted. Increasing the distance mobs have to be will make killing the shrines sometimes last longer, but will avoid the 4-6 hour long loop of it trying to hunt down shrines or zoning out on a mission thats not done etc..
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isnt there a way to just cancel the mission and start a fresh if you die and dont get credit for kill? Im not so good at macroing but if you had it that when you tried to target a shrine , and no shrine could be targeted , it would start from the begining?
the shrines respawn.. so no need to cancel mission.. my question is, Is there a way to count how many shrines you have credit for killing before it exits? like if mission says you only have 2/3 but because you died and were zoning while a shrine died the mac thinks you have 3/3 when in actuallity you didnt get credit for the kill...
Starting again is also a waste of time. Just toy with the mob ranges, and you'll never need to restart and still finish by the timer the lockout timer is ending or maybe just a bit after it
I actually had the same problem with the macro, but what i found out, is i was getting aggro sometimes from the roaming rats at the safe loc, so i changed
Rich (BB code):
/if (${StartHP}>${Me.CurrentHPs}) /call Wait4Death
	/Warp loc -179 -74 -14
	/if (${SpawnCount[Shrine02 NPC]}==0) 


Rich (BB code):
/if (${StartHP}>${Me.CurrentHPs}) /call Wait4Death
	/warp succor
	/if (${SpawnCount[Shrine02 NPC]}==0) 

havent noticed much of a problem since.
Reworked Fairy MM macro Fully Automated

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