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Reworked Fairy MM macro Fully Automated (1 Viewer)

another ban-like question, if im transfering a character from one of my accounts that has been using this macro frequently to a different account, will SONY check my files and find this, or will they just look to make sure the information is good, if so, how long about would it take for my macro information to fall behind so they dont see it? Also, if im running this macro with 2 other accounts will the other accounts have the chance of being banned as well just for getting the exp in the group?
bigdaddy said:
the shrines respawn.. so no need to cancel mission.. my question is, Is there a way to count how many shrines you have credit for killing before it exits? like if mission says you only have 2/3 but because you died and were zoning while a shrine died the mac thinks you have 3/3 when in actuallity you didnt get credit for the kill...

The problem with doing this is the logic checks involved on weather it is safe to warp to the shrine and cast (IE: Is a mob far enough away, is the appropriate undead grave robber far enough away in his normal path that he won't catch up to me by the time I'm done casting?) Since there is no way to be sure about all these things it would make it extremely difficult to make a macro that would work properly with all this involved. It can be done, don't get me wrong. But it's more effort then I'm willing to put forth right now. As of right now I'm almost max AA's and I know others that are using this with it's minor quarks are still getting free AA's while they sleep, the rare cases where they don't get an AA isn't all that bad to me.
giantman said:
another ban-like question, if im transfering a character from one of my accounts that has been using this macro frequently to a different account, will SONY check my files and find this, or will they just look to make sure the information is good, if so, how long about would it take for my macro information to fall behind so they dont see it? Also, if im running this macro with 2 other accounts will the other accounts have the chance of being banned as well just for getting the exp in the group?

Sony cannot check your local computer's files. You might have warp flags if that truely exists on your account (I'm still doubting it). You risk it by running MQ2 and Warping, it doesn't matter how long ago as if there were flags that appeared they aren't simply going to fade off your "record" after a set ammount of time has passed.

If your not caught now, and you get caught while transfering characters then chances are you were already in logs and will be caught eventually. So better to find out now by transfering characters (if they actually do check logs when doing this) then to put forth effort into your characters only to get banned 2 months from now for something you did last week.
regarding the fairy plugin. After it pulled down the plugin and placed it in my root Release folder it will not load when typing /plugin mq2fairy. Says plugin not found. Added the line to the mq2 ini and restarted MQ2 with no luck. This is my own self compile of MQ , was curious what else I may have to do to get this plugin to work. Is the plugin source open or avail? Thanks folks as always :-)
Cpt_Cam said:
regarding the fairy plugin. After it pulled down the plugin and placed it in my root Release folder it will not load when typing /plugin mq2fairy. Says plugin not found. Added the line to the mq2 ini and restarted MQ2 with no luck. This is my own self compile of MQ , was curious what else I may have to do to get this plugin to work. Is the plugin source open or avail? Thanks folks as always :-)

This question would have been better off in the MQ2Fairy thread but here is what is happening.

MQ2 has a check to see if MQ2Main.dll is older then the Plugin. If it is, then it loads the plugin. The compiled plugin would have to be older the MQ2Main because eqgame.exe has been patched since it's been posted.

Follow the instructions under "Removing the date/time check:" in THIS THREAD then recompile MQ2 into a clean directory
Great macro.. It's a bit late and I'm too tired to look over the code (testing right now how it runs).. It takes about 40 minutes to complete, which is still pretty good XP for just sitting back and reading, however, I'm thinking it should be possible to let more toons do this automated and speed up the task?

Anyway, will get some sleep and take a look at it. If it's abpit coordinating the attacks on the shrines (bear in mind I still haven't read through the macro yet, too tired), then I'm thinking this could be done with some chat events in the group, saying when and where you are and the others taking other shrines.. Or if the Fairy Fire stacks (anyone know?) then just have all 3 toons stack up the DoT on the shrines.

Anyway, off to bed with me..
So what would be the point of speeding up the completion of the task if their is a 45 minute lockout timer?

Think about that when you're more rested, unless you know something I don't (which is quite possible), then it should yield some interesting results.
hey guys, can someone please be nice and post a complete working macro with all the fixes included already? when I kill the queen and loot the shit i just sit there doing nothing.... any ideas plz?
ok so basically... I start the mac outside, it gets mission, zones me in, gets aa, then warps to queen, kills queen loots shit....now... how do i kill the shrines, i sit there once i loot the shit off queen and nothing happens... do I have to wait for something like a delay then it goes to shrines? because when i sit there the rats agro and kill me.. dunno if thats how it works, maybe u have to die then u kill shrines, either way idk... need help asap plz
ok so basically... I start the mac outside, it gets mission, zones me in, gets aa, then warps to queen, kills queen loots shit....now... how do i kill the shrines, i sit there once i loot the shit off queen and nothing happens... do I have to wait for something like a delay then it goes to shrines? because when i sit there the rats agro and kill me.. dunno if thats how it works, maybe u have to die then u kill shrines, either way idk... need help asap plz

Yes that is how it works currently, if you haven't added the fixes. Btw, some fixes throughout here are not for everyone, such as some of the delay's I changed the "succor" location for warp and removed the call for wait for death after the call for "Loot remains" and that's what I am currently running.
EvenLessSpam said:
Ah, I was thinking the lockout timer was from the completion of the task, not from the beginning of the task?

nope, it's from beginning.
Cool thanks guys.. I got it working somewhat... but when I complete it, it zones me out gets new mission and then "This current macro has ended"... and suggestions? I looked all through this thread and couldn't find the exact answer maybe i missed it buff if someone could help me I'd appretiate it very much <3
Hey I said that ! said:
For everyone that gets the error about macro ending after moving alittle and not zoning in while "Time to rock" heres what you have to do. Open your saved Nekmm with wordpad or some such. Find "Keypress forward" you will find 3 results. Each has "hold" after it except the last one. Just add "hold" without the quotes after the last keypress forward
I am currently running FarsothMM and get approx. 1 aa per loop. Has anyone reading this thread run both this mac and Farsoth, if so which gives better aa's. Before todays updated mac for Farsoth I have been getting about 22-26 aa's per day with one or two glitches that stop the macro per day.

All my toons are lvl 70, 5 in GH 1 doing mac. Every day or two I switch which toon is running mac.
I probably already said this, but great macro :)

I changed it a bit so I didn't have to die, also changed the shrine killer, to simply kill all shrines at the same time, cycling between them.
It doesn't check for mobs near the shrines because I figured it doesn't matter since I just fade when reaching my safespot.

Haven't had the time to test these changes properly, so it might not work fully as intended :(

Rich (BB code):
#Event NeedInvite           "#1# tells you, 'Invite me (#2#)'"
#Event LockoutTimer         "#*#task because you must wait 0d:0h:#1#m before you can#*#"
#Event Death                "You have been Slain#*#"
#Event FairyFireResisted    "Your target resisted the Fairy Fire spell."
#Event Zoned                "#*#You have entered#1#."
#Event NeedPlayers          "You can not be assigned this shared task because your party does not contain the minimum required number of players."
#Event NeedMana             "Insufficient Mana to cast this spell!"
#Event NoTarget             "You must first select a target for this spell!"
#Event NoLoS                "You cannot see your target."
#Event WitchlampForgets     "For some reason the Witchlamp loses interest in you and decides to go back to its section of the woods."
#Event CannotLoot           "#*#You cannot loot while a hostile creature is aware of your presence#*#"

#turbo 10
#include SpellCast.inc

Sub Main
    /if (${Plugin[mq2fairy].Name.NotEqual[mq2fairy]}) {
        /echo MQ2Fairy plugin is required to run this macro.
    |--Configurable Variables--------------------------------------------------|
    |--The Password to be auto-invited-----------------------------------------|
    /declare InvitePassword     string  outer   password
    |--The location to be used as warp "Safe Spot"-----------------------------|
    /declare SafeSpotY          float   outer   -184.00
    /declare SafeSpotX          float   outer   153.00
    /declare SafeSpotZ          float   outer   -11.00
    |--The location to be used as warp "KillRemains Safe Spot"-----------------|
    /declare RemainsSafeSpotY   float   outer   -234.00
    /declare RemainsSafeSpotX   float   outer   -420.00
    /declare RemainsSafeSpotZ   float   outer   -45.00
    |--The location to be used as warp "Zone Out Spot"-------------------------|
    /declare ZoneOutY           float   outer   -179.00
    /declare ZoneOutX           float   outer   -74.00
    /declare ZoneOutZ           float   outer   -14.00
    |--The location in Nektulos where it should warp to, to enter the instance-|
    /declare NekZoneInY         float   outer   -366.00
    /declare NekZoneInX         float   outer   400.00
    /declare NekZoneInZ         float   outer   -19.00
    |--The location which should be walked toward, to zone out of instance-----|
    /declare MvOutY             float   outer   -120.00
    /declare MvOutX             float   outer   -174.00
    |--The location which should be walked toward, to zone in to instance------|
    /declare MvInY              float   outer   413.00
    /declare MvInX              float   outer   -372.00
    |--The Zone.ID of the instance---------------------------------------------|
    /declare ZID                int     outer   368

    |--Various variables used throughout the macro-----------------------------|
    /declare NeedPlayer         int     outer   0
    /declare StartHP            int     outer   0
    /declare LOTimer            timer   outer   0
    /declare ZonedToInstance    bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare FFResist           bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare NeedTarget         bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare NoWitchlampAgro    bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare GotAgro            bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare CannotLoot         bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare KilledShrine[3]    bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare GSay               bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /declare DoDebugging        bool    outer   ${Bool[FALSE]}

    |--The Shrines-------------------------------------------------------------|
    /declare Shrine[3]          string  outer
    /varset  Shrine[1]                          Shrine02
    /varset  Shrine[2]                          Shrine00
    /varset  Shrine[3]                          Shrine01

    /declare i                  int     local   0
    /if (${Defined[Param0]}) {
        /if (${Param0.Upper.Equal[DEBUG]}) {
            /varset DoDebugging ${Bool[TRUE]}
        } else /if (${Param0.Upper.Equal[GSAY]}) {
            /varset GSay ${Bool[TRUE]}
    /if (${Defined[Param1]}) {
        /if (${Param1.Upper.Equal[DEBUG]}) {
            /varset Loot ${Bool[TRUE]}
        } else /if (${Param1.Upper.Equal[GSAY]}) {
            /varset GSay ${Bool[TRUE]}
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) {
        /mqlog clear
        /echo Writing debug info to logfile.
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@1 :: :loop begin
        /if (${Zone.ID} == ${ZID}) /goto :ready
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@2 :: Zone.ID == ${Zone.ID}
        /call Reset
        /if (${Zone.ID} != ${ZID}) /endmacro
        /varset LOTimer 40m
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@3 :: :ready begin; /call KillRemains
        /call KillRemains
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@4 :: Done killing remains; /doevents; /call LootRemains
        /call LootRemains
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@5 :: Done looting remains; /warping to safespot
        /squelch /warp loc ${SafeSpotY} ${SafeSpotX} ${SafeSpotZ}
        /call KillShrine
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@7 :: Done killing shrines; /warping to zoneout
        /squelch /warp loc ${ZoneOutY} ${ZoneOutX} ${ZoneOutZ}
        /if (${Zone.ID} != ${ZID}) /goto :loop
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@8 :: Getting ready to move out.
            /delay 2s
        /if (${Bool[${LOTimer}]}) {
            /if (${Math.Distance[${SafeSpotY},${SafeSpotX}]} > 10) /call Warper TRUE
            /goto :Wait
        /if (${Zone.ID} == ${ZID}) /call Movement ${MvOutY} ${MvOutX}
        /keypress BACK
        /delay 4s
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Main@9 :: :loop end
    /goto :loop

Sub Movement(float MoveX, float MoveY, int Point)
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Movement@1 :: MoveX: ${MoveX}; MoveY: ${MoveY}; Point: ${Point}
    /declare StartZone      int     local   ${Zone.ID}
    /if ((${MoveX} == 9999) && (${MoveY} == 9999)) {
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Movement@2 :: == 9999
        /varcalc MoveX ${Target.X}+1
        /varcalc MoveY ${Target.Y}-10
    /if ((${MoveX} == 1) && (${MoveY} == 1)) {
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Movement@3 :: == 1
        /varset MoveX ${Ini[pointset,Nekmm,PointX${Point}]}
        /varset MoveY ${Ini[pointset,Nekmm,PointY${Point}]}	
    /face nolook loc ${MoveY},${MoveX} 
    /if (!${Bool[${Me.Standing}]}) /stand
    /keypress FORWARD hold
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Movement@4 :: :loop begin
        /if (${Zone.ID} != ${StartZone}) /return
        /delay 1 
        /face fast nolook loc ${MoveY},${MoveX} 
        /if (${Math.Distance[${MoveY},${MoveX}]} > 10) { 
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Movement@5 :: Distance > 10: ${Math.Distance[${MoveY},${MoveX}]}
            /keypress FORWARD hold
            /if (${Zone.ID} != ${StartZone}) /return
        } else {
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Movement@6 :: Distance <= 10: ${Math.Distance[${MoveY},${MoveX}]}
            /keypress FORWARD 
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Movement@6 :: :loop end
    /goto :loop

Sub Reset
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@1
    /declare i                  int     local   0
    /declare g                  int     local   0
    /for i 0 to ${Group.Members}
        /varcalc g ${Group.Members}-${i}
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@2 :: Removing Group Member ${g} from task.
        /taskremove ${Group.Member[${g}]}
    /next i
    /delay 5s
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@3 :: :DustLoop begin
        /if (!${FindItem[Pinch of Dust from].InvSlot.ID}) /goto :NoDust
        /keypress I
        /delay 1s
        /for i 22 to 29
            /if (${InvSlot[${i}].Item.Container}) /itemnotify ${i} rightmouseup
        /next i
        /delay 1s
        /itemnotify ${FindItem[Pinch of Dust from].InvSlot} LeftMouseUp
        /delay 1
        /if (${Cursor.Name.Find[Pinch of Dust from]}) /destroy
        /delay 1
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@4 :: :DustLoop end
    /if (${FindItem[Pinch of Dust from].InvSlot}) /goto :DustLoop
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@5 :: :NoDust begin
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@6 :: :GettingPlayers begin; Members: ${Group.Members}
        /delay 30s (${Group.Members} > 1)
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@7 :: :GettingPlayers end; Members: ${Group.Members}
    /if (${Group.Members} < 2) /goto :GettingPlayers
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@8 :: :GetTask begin
    /varset NeedPlayer 0
    /delay 2s
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@ 9 :: Checking if players are needed
    /if (${NeedPlayer} > 0) /goto :GettingPlayers
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@10 :: :WaitLoop begin
        /if (${Window[TaskTemplateSelectWnd].Open}) {
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@11 :: TaskTemplateSelectWnd.Open
            /notify TaskTemplateSelectWnd TaskTemplateSelectAcceptButton leftmouseup
            /delay 5s
            /goto :GotTask
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@12 :: :WaitLoop end
    /goto :WaitLoop
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@13 :: :GotTask begin
    /varset ZonedToInstance ${Bool[FALSE]}
    /delay 10s
    /if (${Math.Distance[${NekZoneInY}, ${NekZoneInX}]} > 10) /squelch /warp loc ${NekZoneInY} ${NekZoneInX} ${NekZoneInZ}
    /delay 1s
    /call Movement ${MvInY} ${MvInX}
    /delay 1m (${Bool[${ZonedToInstance}]})
    /delay 10s
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@14 :: :LoadAAs begin
        /if (!${Window[AAWindow].Open}) /keypress V
        /notify AAWindow AAW_LoadButton Leftmouseup
        /delay 15s
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Reset@15 :: :LoadAAs end
    /if (!${Bool[${Me.AltAbility[Fairy Fire].ID}]}) /goto :LoadAAs

Sub KillRemains
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@1 :: :loop begin
        /squelch /target clear
        /varset StartHP ${Me.CurrentHPs}
        /if (${SpawnCount[remains npc]} == 0) /return
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@2 :: The remains are there; /target remains; StartHP: ${StartHP}
        /target remains
        /delay 1s
        /if (${Target.Distance} > 16) /squelch /warp loc ${Math.Calc[${Target.Y}-13]} ${Target.X} ${Target.Z}
        /if (${Bool[${Target.ID}]}) {
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@3 :: Still got target
            /face fast nolook
            /attack on
        /delay 2s
        /if (${SpawnCount[remains npc]} == 0) /return
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@4 :: Still got target
        /if (${StartHP} > ${Me.CurrentHPs}) {
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@5 :: Taking damage; StartHP: ${StartHP} > CurrentHPs: ${Me.CurrentHPs}
            /call Warper FALSE "${RemainsSafeSpotY} ${RemainsSafeSpotX} ${RemainsSafeSpotZ}"
            /delay 10s (${Bool[${NoWitchlampAgro}]})
            /varset NoWitchlampAgro ${Bool[FALSE]}
            /delay 2s
        /if ((${Me.AltAbilityReady[Faith of the Fay]}) && (${Me.PctHPs} < 50)) {
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@6 :: Faith of the Fay is ready and I got < 50 PctHPs
                /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@7 :: :HealMe begin
                /target myself
                /call cast "Faith of the Fay" Activate
                /delay 10s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Faith of the Fay"]})
                /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@8 :: :HealMe end
            /if ((${Me.AltAbilityReady[Faith of the Fay]}) && (${Me.PctHPs} < 50)) /goto :HealMe
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillRemains@9 :: :loop end
    /goto :loop

sub Warper(bool Fade, string WarpLoc)
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Warper@1 :: Fade: ${Bool[${Fade}]}; WarpLoc: ${WarpLoc}
    /attack off
    /if (${Bool[${WarpLoc}]}) {
        /squelch /warp loc ${WarpLoc}
    } else {
        /squelch /warp loc ${SafeSpotY} ${SafeSpotX} ${SafeSpotZ}
    /if (${Defined[Fade]} && ${Bool[${Fade}]}) /squelch /fade
    /delay 5s

Sub LootRemains
	/lootnodrop never
    /declare ItmSlot            int     local   1
    /declare ItmCount           int     local   0
	    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub LootRemains@1 :: :loop begin
        /varset StartHP ${Me.CurrentHPs}
    	/if (${SpawnCount[remains corpse]} == 0) {
    	    /lootnodrop always
    	/if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub LootRemains@2 :: remains corpse still there
    	/target Remains
    	/squelch /warp target
    	/delay 5s ${Bool[${Window[LootWnd]}]}
        /varset ItmCount ${Corpse.Items}
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub LootRemains@3 :: LootLag begin
        /if (${ItmCount} != ${Corpse.Items}) {
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub LootRemains@4 :: ItmCount: ${ItmCount} != Corpse.Items: ${Corpse.Items}
            /varset ItmCount ${Corpse.Items}
            /delay 2s (${ItmCount} == ${Corpse.Items})
            /goto :LootLag
    	/if ((${StartHP} > ${Me.CurrentHPs}) || ${Bool[${CannotLoot}]}) {
    	    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub LootRemains@5 :: StartHP: ${StartHP} > CurrentHPs: ${Me.CurrentHPs} || CannotLoot: ${Bool[${CannotLoot}]}
            /call Warper TRUE
            /delay 10s
            /varset CannotLoot ${Bool[FALSE]}
            /goto :loop
    	/delay 1s
        /for ItmSlot 1 to ${ItmCount}
                /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub LootRemains@6 :: ItmSlot: ${ItmSlot}
                /itemnotify loot${ItmSlot} rightmouseup
                /delay 5 !${Corpse.Item[${ItmSlot}].ID}
        /next ItmSlot
        /notify LootWnd DoneButton leftmouseup
        /delay 5s !${Bool[${Window[LootWnd]}]}
    	/if (${SpawnCount[remains corpse]} == 0) {
    	    /lootnodrop always
    	/if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub LootRemains@7 :: :loop end
	/goto :loop

Sub KillShrine
    /declare i                  int     local   0
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillShrine@1 :: :loop begin; ShrineNum: ${ShrineNum}; Spawns Radius 60: ${Target.NearestSpawn[npc radius 60]}; Radius 100: ${Target.NearestSpawn[npc radius 100]}
        /if (${Bool[${KilledShrine[1]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[2]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[3]}]}) /return
        /delay 1s
        /for i 1 to 3
            /if (${Bool[${KilledShrine[${i}]}]}) /next i
            /if (${SpawnCount[${Shrine[${i}]} NPC]} == 0) {
                /varset KilledShrine[${i}] ${Bool[TRUE]}
            } else {
                /varset KilledShrine[${i}] ${Bool[FALSE]}
            /if (${Bool[${KilledShrine[1]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[2]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[3]}]}) /goto :end
            /if (${Bool[${KilledShrine[${i}]}]}) /next i
            /varset StartHP ${Me.CurrentHPs}
            /target ${Shrine[${i}]}
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub KillShrine@7 :: :Continue begin
            /squelch /warp target
            /keypress LEFT
            /delay 6
                /varset FFResist ${Bool[FALSE]}
                /call cast "Fairy Fire" Activate
                /delay 1s
                /delay 10s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Fairy Fire"]})
                /delay 1s
                /call Warper
                /if (${i} != 3) /delay 7s (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fairy Fire]})
                /if (${Bool[${NeedTarget}]}) {
                    /target ${Shrine[${i}]}
                    /varset NeedTarget ${Bool[FALSE]}
                    /if (${Bool[${Target.ID}]}) {
                        /call Warper
                        /goto :loop
                    } else {
                        /next i
            /delay 1s´
        /next i
        /call Warper TRUE
        /if ((${Me.AltAbilityReady[Faith of the Fay]}) && (${Me.PctHPs} < 50)) {
                /target myself
                /call cast "Faith of the Fay" Activate
                /delay 10s (!${Me.Casting.Name.Equal["Faith of the Fay"]})
            /if ((${Me.AltAbilityReady[Faith of the Fay]}) && (${Me.PctHPs} < 50)) /goto :HealMe
        /if (${Me.Standing}) /sit
        /if (${Bool[${FFResist}]}) {
            /delay 7s (${Me.AltAbilityReady[Fairy Fire]})
            /varset FFResist ${Bool[FALSE]}
            /if (!${Me.Standing}) /stand
            /goto :loop
        /delay 45s
        /if (!${Me.Standing}) /stand
        /if (${Bool[${KilledShrine[1]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[2]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[3]}]}) /goto :end
	/goto :loop

Sub CheckAgro
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub CheckAgro@1
    /declare i                  int     local   0
    /for i 1 to ${SpawnCount[NPC]}
        /if (${NearestSpawn[${i},NPC].Speed} > 100) {
            /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub CheckAgro@2 :: Got agro (something is moving faster than 100).
            /varset GotAgro ${Bool[TRUE]}
    /next i

Sub Event_LockoutTimer(string Line, int WaitTime)
    /declare LockoutTime        timer   local   0
    /declare Announcer          timer   local   1m
    /varcalc WaitTime ${WaitTime}+1
    /varset LockoutTime ${WaitTime}m
    /echo Delaying ${WaitTime} minutes..
    /if (${Bool[${GSay}]}) /gsay Delaying ${WaitTime} minutes..
    /if (${Me.Standing}) /sit
        /delay 10s
        /if (!${Bool[${Announcer}]}) {
            /if (${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/600]} > 10) {
                /echo ${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/600].Int}m before starting..
                /if (${Bool[${GSay}]}) /gsay ${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/600].Int}m before requesting task..
                /varset Announcer 10m
            } else /if (${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/600]} > 1) {
                /echo ${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/600].Int}m before starting..
                /if (${Bool[${GSay}]}) /gsay ${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/600].Int}m before requesting task..
                /varset Announcer 1m
            } else {
                /echo ${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/10].Int}s before starting..
                /if (${Bool[${GSay}]}) /gsay ${Math.Calc[${LockoutTime}/10].Int}s before requesting task..
    /if (${Bool[${LockoutTime}]}) /goto :loop
    /if (!${Me.Standing}) /stand

Sub Event_Death
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_Death@1
    /delay 1m

Sub Event_FairyFireResisted
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_FairyFireResisted@1
    /varset FFResist ${Bool[TRUE]}

Sub Event_NeedPlayers
    /varcalc NeedPlayer 3-${Group.Members}-1
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_NeedPlayers@1 :: ${NeedPlayer}

Sub Event_NeedMana
    /declare i                  int     local   0
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_NeedMana@1
    /call Warper TRUE
    /if (${Me.Standing}) /sit
        /for i 1 to 3
            /if (${SpawnCount[${Shrine[${i}]} NPC]} == 0) {
                /varset KilledShrine[${i}] ${Bool[TRUE]}
            } else {
                /varset KilledShrine[${i}] ${Bool[FALSE]}
            /if (${Bool[${KilledShrine[1]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[2]}]} && ${Bool[${KilledShrine[3]}]}) /return
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_NeedMana@2 :: :medding begin
        /delay 6s
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_NeedMana@3 :: :medding end
    /if (${Me.PctMana} < 50) /goto :medding

Sub Event_NoTarget
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_NoTarget@1
    /varset NeedTarget ${Bool[TRUE]}

Sub Event_WitchlampForgets
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_WitchlampForgets@1
    /varset NoWitchlampAgro ${Bool[TRUE]}

Sub Event_CannotLoot
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_CannotLoot@1
    /varset CannotLoot ${Bool[TRUE]}

Sub Event_NoLoS
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_NoLoS@1
    /keypress BACK
    /delay 1s

Sub Event_Zoned(string Line, string ZoneName)
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_Zoned@1 :: ZoneName: ${ZoneName}
    /if (${Zone.ID} == ${ZID}) {
        /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_Zoned@2; Entered ${ZoneName} (${Zone.ID})
        /varset ZonedToInstance ${Bool[TRUE]}
    /varset ZonedToInstance ${Bool[FALSE]}

Sub Event_NeedInvite(string Line, string ToonName, string Password)
    /if (${Bool[${DoDebugging}]}) /mqlog Sub Event_NeedInvite@1 :: ToonName: ${ToonName}; Password: ${Password}
    /if ((!${Defined[Password]}) || (${Password.NotEqual[${InvitePassword}]}) || (${Group.Members} > 4)) /return
    /invite ${ToonName}
    /taskadd ${ToonName}
    /delay 1s
Uhm, wow....just wow.

It's amazing to see what I started QQ.

Thats my macro on CRACK!~ (I haven't tested it so I don't know if it works)
Oh yea, I forgot to mention that it will offcourse be a good deal faster done (if it works, still haven't tested), so it got a timer which is started after mission is recieved. If tone before that timer reaches 0 it will remain in instance and idle.
I no longer play everquest, if someone feels up to updating this it's on them.
Reworked Fairy MM macro Fully Automated

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