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Question - Staff of Forbidden Rites (1 Viewer)


Seasoned veteran member
Jul 14, 2019
Is there any way to obtain a Staff of Forbidden Rites with just a 6 person box crew? Was there a write up that someone could reference that I'm not seeing by search?
Okay, I got it. Thanks, @cybris Took another 3-4 runs to get the timing right.

As stated, Harm Shield, charge, have rest follow. Spam /pet back off until everyone INCLUDING PETS are in the tunnel.

The trick for me is Vox has to be close enough to hit from tunnel, but not so close to be damaging PCs. Once it worked, it was easy as cake. Piece of pie.
I've tried both strategies multiple times and can get to 50% but not complete victory.

Only 6 characters, so there's that. Biggest issue is if all the pets get feared, Lady Vox changes agro to one of the chars and gets too close to the hallway (either SE with Tempus' strat) or the NW entrance via the other strat.

I'll keep trying. It'll happen.
If you look at the strategery i posted, i did mention that happens. The associated macro, makes a pretty solid difference in the event. If the pet gets feared because of bad positioning, just /pet leave that pet. The other pets are all taunting and will grab Vox instead. The potato that had a pet you just disappeared will make a new one, buff it and get back into the fight, if you're using the associated macro or something similar.
The key thing is the initial position with the pets inside the hallway hitting Vox through the wall and not being in LOS of her fear. Thats how things get sideways incredibly fast.

That all said, I must have spent hours wiping on her working on the strategy until it was working, and dozens of other permutations. Something that was brought up to my attention as a bonus, if you use the mq2autosize plugin, you can skip clearing a lot of trash (tentacles/etc), and just upsize/downside yourself to get into that corner area from the zone in. It seems a bit cheesy, and I have not tested that out myself, but another option you may investigate. Once you get Vox down though and figure it out, you'll wonder how you ever struggled previously.
Thanks for all the input. I followed tempus's strategy as suggested and snugged into the small hallway. Pets did not get feared which made it easy and got Vox in the first try after reading the strategy.

To make it easier on the placement, I cleared Vox room from the normal entry point, and then went back to zone in and climbed the hallway using autosize. If you jump up on the first ledge in normal size with all characters, then you can do /plugin autosize, /autosize sizeself 16 and jump the rest without problem.

This makes it easy to place Vox whitout sacrificing a Necro.
I made a few changes to the mac and was able to get Nag and LGuk mission to work well. I can't seem to get around the DGuk (Cursed Guk) mission to go as the mesh stops travel right down the ramp from the entrance point into water. I am guessing it the mesh, anyone have it working?
Also, the Mac has listing of missions in a 1,2 or 3 task selector and if you have done the missions it works great and chooses the proper mission from OMM. But if you are a new person/group doing these, OMM requires you do in order Nag, then LGuk second and DGuk third. 2 and 3 require a manual switching of a task number I have found. Then it requires you to edit the 2 and 3 back for use after. I am curious if anyone knows of a way to read the text in the mission selector window instead of just the 1st 2nd and 3rd positions. Feel free to Post or DM me if wanted. ty.

Edit: Btw, I recall using this mac and doing all 3 missions flawlessly each once a day. I have not used it since s long time ago, so am hoping to see what can be done to get it going again.
I made a few changes to the mac and was able to get Nag and LGuk mission to work well. I can't seem to get around the DGuk (Cursed Guk) mission to go as the mesh stops travel right down the ramp from the entrance point into water. I am guessing it the mesh, anyone have it working?
Also, the Mac has listing of missions in a 1,2 or 3 task selector and if you have done the missions it works great and chooses the proper mission from OMM. But if you are a new person/group doing these, OMM requires you do in order Nag, then LGuk second and DGuk third. 2 and 3 require a manual switching of a task number I have found. Then it requires you to edit the 2 and 3 back for use after. I am curious if anyone knows of a way to read the text in the mission selector window instead of just the 1st 2nd and 3rd positions. Feel free to Post or DM me if wanted. ty.

Edit: Btw, I recall using this mac and doing all 3 missions flawlessly each once a day. I have not used it since s long time ago, so am hoping to see what can be done to get it going again.
We're outside of the macro topic, but the mission order is something I was not actively aware of. I'll try to get a fix for that into the macro.
The meshes are... frankly a pain if you're using nav. there were dozens of hours put in making connections, using lev/no lev trying to navigate into, through and out of the water/lava without a good solution except to offload those sections to something like a /play path with mq2advpath, which is more setup the end user would need to do. Without doing that I don't have a good solution still.
And frnakly, there's certainly some other bugs witht he missions, but i haven't gone back in a good while to look at the macro for a good updating, which it probably needs. I wanted to dynamically read through task steps, as sometimes toons would not update in the macro and run around aimlessly for awhile, but that sort of array work was beyond my skill level.
And all things considered, porting it to a Lua script with a single driving toon might be a better solution, but that would require someone who knows Lua to write it, as I have no knowledge :)
As a followup, Redfrog, if you have good changes for it, please PM me, and I'll see about getting them merged in, credit where it's due.
Absolutely, I did not post it yet as I was wanting to figure out what to do...but of course here it is as it stands, its all your work just minor mod.
Trying to remember.. I tested out a few ways and in the end simply changing to nav fixed going over the lava instead of moveto. I kept nosediving down in the lava until I tried Nav.
Line 1066:
/nav loc -812 68 -100
This is where the selector thing for 2 and 3 gets weird. You have it working great for if you have all the missions done already. I found it when I ran a new group that has never done OMM. Once they do the missions, then it has to go back (for farming brews)
Line 260:
/invoke ${Window[TaskSelectWnd].Child[TaskList].Select[3]}


  • omm_grp.mac
    46.1 KB · Views: 10
I was thinking about moving this to Lua would be a fun project to try.
The only mesh issue I experienced was the lava right at end going to EL.
Should be solvable though for instance I know nav works navigating sirens grotto when you have to swim through the water to get to WW.
Some toons can miss getting credit for the kills :( not sure what the criteria was - but it happened to me when i ran 15 toons through it - there was a couple that could not see the full list of stuff on the vendor.
Not certain if they were dead or hovering or just not in the zone when vox/naggy die - but it does suck to do these raids miss it.

The toons have the achievement for the Kills - but the gear is just not on the vendor. I suspect its just a bug but I didnt bother petitioning it - cos what am i gunna say.

Hi DBG - I just ran 15 toons through this raid and only 12 of them can buy the Staff.....What gives?
Hi DBG - I just ran 15 toons through this raid and only 12 of them can buy the Staff.....What gives?
Ha!!!!! I had 18 in raid. I just went to check rightnow and all got credit but the 6 that do not have the 7 req raids can see partial loot but not the staff. They were not permitted to enter either raid but did recieve the credits. I will run them through Solteris tomorrow and see if that corrects the issue.
Ha!!!!! I had 18 in raid. I just went to check rightnow and all got credit but the 6 that do not have the 7 req raids can see partial loot but not the staff. They were not permitted to enter either raid but did recieve the credits. I will run them through Solteris tomorrow and see if that corrects the issue.
You might give the Crystallos raid a try for the back flags. It is SOOO much easier than dealing with the Solteris #3 splitting guy.
Tower of discord is insanely easy and no flags are required now.

For Scryer's in Tower of Discord. Easy mode - Give each toon 1 of the torches then setup 3 hotkeys (was going to make a macro, but felt it wasn't worth it).

Hotkey 1:
/multiline ; /nav loc -91.93 874.44 57.38 ; /dex toon1 /nav loc -45.66 877.57 57.39
/dex toon2 /nav loc -4.55 796.19 57.39
/dex toon3 /nav loc 41.91 774.18 62.36
/dex toon4 /nav loc 41.45 735.05 62.36
/dex toon5 /nav loc -3.46 711.76 57.29

Hotkey 2:
/multiline ; /nav loc -44.52 635.70 57.38 ; /dex toon1 /nav loc -93.26 637.29 57.39
/dex toon2 /nav loc -132.48 712.78 57.39
/dex toon3 /nav loc -180.33 735.26 62.38
/dex toon4 /nav loc -179.78 774.90 62.36
/dex toon5 /nav loc -132.01 796.77 57.39

Hotkey 3:
/dgza /useitem "Scryer's Torch"

Time the runs to the braziers(think that is the word?) in between the trash respawn after you clear the room since there is a cooldown on the torch.
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Solteris #3 Splitting Guy got patched afew months ago - it is now super easy and doesnt bug out after a fail.

I cant remember what they patched but i did do solteris straight after and it was super easy.
you mean the one where you had the big guy that you dps'ed to a certain point, he splits in 2, then you have to balance his dmg like REAL tight and his split, then splits again, and same mechanic, real tight dmg distribution?

They changed that?
Yes - I cant recall exactly what they patched - but try it again and u will find- Oh this is easy now.
right on! definitely going to give that a shot..

Tons of neat illus and type clickies in that overall raid event (solteris).. if that pain in the BUTT boss is no longer a deterrent, I'll be doing that a bit more!
For Vox - Perfect location for Vox where you are hidden, pets do not get feared but hit her through wall.

/dga /nav loc 748.93 -403.60 0.62

Basically, I follow TempusX's strat of clearing before the pull. Harmshield, hit nav vox hotkey, spam pet back hotkey, and watch the pets slowly arrive, when they all get there, all pets attack. Go make a sandwich. I KID! Just watch the decimation and loot.
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For Vox - Perfect location for Vox where you are hidden, pets do not get feared but hit her through wall.

/dga /nav loc 748.93 -403.60 0.62

Basically, I follow TempusX's strat of clearing before the pull. Harmshield, hit nav vox hotkey, spam pet back hotkey, and watch the pets slowly arrive, when they all get there, all pets attack. Go make a sandwich. I KID! Just watch the decimation and loot.
I'll stick with my advice that Crystallos is the easiest raid zone to clear for flags. The last time I did it I took my 120 monk ( probably 115 at the time ) and just ripped through the zone. Took maybe 45-60 min to do all 8x events


Solteris ... Love the clickies, hate event #3 even after the "patches"

About 6-9 months ago they patched Solteris Event #3 ( the one that from 1 -> 2 -> 4 -> 8 -> 16 - kill them all ).

Original version:

If you fail the hp check ( all splits are with in 10% on the 2x and 4x then 5% on the 8x ) the event would depop all the mobs and spawn a bunch of overpowered versions that would wipe the raid force. The event would NOT reset so after a CR you had to drop the raid DZ and grab a new one.

If you were farming the event with a current level character(s) it was also possible to do to much damage and KILL the mobs instead of them splitting.

The trick to doing this mission was to get a necro, have them remove all their gear that would cause a proc, and have them use their sphere line of spells which does a flat amount of damage to everything with in an area.


The new and improved version put some checks on the event and allows the zone to repop when you fail the boss so you can re-try it over and over with having to drop and reget the DZ.

When I tried it last time they had a bug where each time you failed and the zone reset, there was another copy of the 4th boss. I failed the HP checks quite a few times and when I moved to the next boss I was suddenly dealing with 10x+ copies boss + trash.
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When I tried it last time they had a bug where each time you failed and the zone reset, there was another copy of the 4th boss. When I went to kill him I had quite the surprise when I suddenly was dealing with 10x+ copies of the trash.
I had that happen today as I needed a new cleric to get the 7 raids and I breeze through Solteris (when I don't have a brain fart and leave DS on my SK).
Just as a heads up (maybe someone already said it and, if, move on LOL)

I didn't want to run my other groups through solteris or the other raids and, since I read you could be in a raid and get credit even from outside the instance, I decided to give it a go. I left one group in the GH and took my flagged group to request the raid and do Vox. Even though the group in GH got credit for the raid and the reward, they still cannot see the staff in Mck's inventory. So maybe you can use this strat to get brews to buy the staff, but you have to be present for the kill at least once to buy said staff :bang:

I am gonna do tower instead of Solteris as per Shadow's advise
I’ll second tower of discord, I did hard mode full clear then cleared the first event on normal mode.
Naggy was easy following tempusx strat, hardest part was running everyone to the first pull spot and hoping invis doesn’t drop. (Invis Lua borks the macro also)
Vox room pull was a mess and with 6 toons just killed it all. I did jump up the alcove at the zone in (didn’t need autosize plug-in mentioned before) and sent pets in to kill her from there.
Question - Staff of Forbidden Rites

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