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Question - Staff of Forbidden Rites (2 Viewers)


Seasoned veteran member
Jul 14, 2019
Is there any way to obtain a Staff of Forbidden Rites with just a 6 person box crew? Was there a write up that someone could reference that I'm not seeing by search?
I just completed this with a 8 man run. 6 Mages and 2 Necros.

Getting to Vox was the easy part really, pet pulling with the Necro made it very easy to pull...and really I didn't even need to split I would take 2 Ice Giants and a tentacle terror without issue with 8 pets buffed and kitted out.

For Vox, what eventually worked was once you are down to just Lady Vox, intend to sac one of the necros. Take everyone into the room though the movable rock, then just stay right there at that rock. Let the rock close and then put everyone's back up against that rock. The Necro you want to Sac (in my case they lived and survived the fight) needs to run in and kinda hug that wall on the right into that alcove. It will aggo Vox to them, thus getting her close enough to others to send in the rest of the pets. I had turned taunt off on the Sac Necro's pet so the other pets took aggro and Vox turned around. The rest of the pets just kept smashing on her and taunting.

So some interesting tidbits - it helps to be an actual mage when prepping - you can summon things onto the cursor and while the first one disappears - the rest show up in the monster mission. I did this with Mage Epic 1.0 but it wouldn't let me click it inside as I wasn't the right race o_0. Taking level 80 summoned items in is a huge help. This is what I took in with me

10x Visor of Vabtik
10x Fist of Ixblat (These the mage has to have on his cursor as they aren't castable on anyone else)
10x Grant Spectral Plate
3x Grant Spectral Armaments

I gave each pet one Fist of Ixblat (which they can proc the 250DD) and one Spectral Armament weapon for the stats (can't proc these but the stats are great), Giving them the Spectral Plate gives them a ton more HP, AC and stats and the Visor is 20% haste worn.
Also I used a full crew of Air pets not Earth pets like the OMM_Raid mac does by default. I simply altered that MAC to use the Air pet Alt Activate number. The Air pets have plenty of HP with the summoned items and actually land hits a lot more than the Earth Pets do. One thing to keep in mind, the MAC for OMM_RAID will keep your pets summoned and buffed but it does not actually have them attack, make sure you keep spamming a pet's attack lady vox key.

Some useful Alt Activates
Alt Activates for Mages
Air Pet 2683
Earth Pet 2684
Burnout III 2682
Shock of Swords 2680
Arch Shielding 2881

Alt Activates for Necros

Feign Death 2823

Useful to me buttons:
Set Everyone to Follow even Outside of Group
/dgze /afollow spawn ${Me.ID}
/dgze /afollow off

One thing I would like to do eventually is figure out how to get it to kit the pets out for me - as frankly that was the most frustrating part while learning this.
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OK I'm not a raider but the staff appeals to 3 crews of friends what would be the minimum number of steps we have to go through to get the staffs? Thanks in advance this will be extremely helpful to a few good groups of guys!
Minimum, I know you have to do the seven "raid" requirements. Tower of Discord is recommended. Then I believe you need to do a OMM group mission to be able to zone into a raid. You can literally get the OMM MAC and have it run one for you. I think you have to do Naggy to be able to request Vox but I am not certain. My guy was flagged from when it was new content. So my boxed people didn't actually request the raid.
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OK I'm not a raider but the staff appeals to 3 crews of friends what would be the minimum number of steps we have to go through to get the staffs? Thanks in advance this will be extremely helpful to a few good groups of guys!

I would flag ~14 toons if you want to make it super easy. I did it with 12, but I took a bunch of tries on Vox until I got it right. Would have been much easier with a few extra.
Flagging is for any of the 7 raids from SoD, as mentioned, the Tower of Discord is easy and mostly straightforward. Then you can do the 3 OMM group missions with the Macro. It will do the entire mission for you, except for open the chest and loot the item (which is a requirement for completing the mission). Once those are done, you can request the raids from OMM. Both Naggy and Vox have the easy to follow walkthrus up, those are manually run, the mac helps though by casting new pets. While you are in a raid, you can have your other characters sitting in GH or wherever and they will get flagged for the SoD raid but not for the group OMM missions. Though the mac makes those so easy, it should not bother anyone.
If you have never done any SoD progression, which line is the easiest to actually get flagged to request the raids? As I read it, in order to request the Tower raids, you need to have done one of the Korafax raids to ket keyed for Tower, and to request the Korafax raid, you need to do all of the dishiveled human and Telivar's tasks. Is that still the case...or is there anyway around having to do all the early progression just to request the raids, outside of having someone else who is already flagged requesting the raid for you?
Just an update and a question. I decided to do Tower raids. Took about 2 hours to do the solo / group progression in order to request the raids. I did the first 3 Tower raids on hard because I didn't know how to request the normal mode raids. For anyone that comes later looking for into, to trigger Tower raids, you click on the doors leading into Tower (from inside Korofax). When the box comes up, it says something along the lines of "there is a harder version of the event...would you like to try it?" If you click yes, you get the hard version of the raid. If you click no, you get the easy version. I did the first 3 raids on hard and they are completely trivial, just run in and zerg them and disregard all mechanics. The 4th raid is the pita lighting the torches...now that I have read this whole thread, I will try number 4 again with the hotkeys listed above...thanks!

My question is since I did the first 3 raids on both hard and normal, does that count as 6 raids for purposes of flagging for OMM, meaning I just need 1 more to be fully flagged?

Edit: I did confirm that you can add toons to the raids in Tower and they will get credit from outside the zone. I just parked my second group in guild hall and all got credit looking at /ach on each of them.
Another update. I am doing Tower raid 4 using the hotkeys listed above and all of the toons are navigating to the correct fire pots but 2 of them are getting "you aren't close enough" to use the flame clicky message every single time. Even doing it manually on those 2 fire pots, I can't reliably find a spot / loc that will allow the clicky use. If I get it to fire once and wait for the cool down to expire and try clicking again from the exact same spot I get the error message. Not sure what else to try....just seems to be very buggy.
Thanks @dewey2461, though it looks like thee is quite a bit of pre-req stuff to request the raids, including needing to do the MMM raid? Or am I missing something short of getting someone else to request the Crystallos raids who is already flagged?

Update #3 - Had 6 raids done (Tower 1- 3 on Normal and Hard = 6). Went and did the pre-reqs for Queen Malarian raid...easily solo'd and done in an hour. Did Queen Malarian on Normal and Hard which was easiest of all of them....completed both within 10 minutes. Jumped to PoK and hailed OMM. He offered me Ancient Hero's - Lord Nagafen which I accepted (just to see if it worked...don't have time to do it right now) and it took me to the pick out your monster screen. So, does that mean I am fully flagged or he wouldn't even offer Naggy? I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere that you can get by with doing the Normal / Hard modes of each mission to count towards the OMM stuff and being able to actually see the staff once Naggy and Vox are done. When I right click on OMM, there is nothing at all showing at the moment. Are the 3 group missions OMM offers necessary to do also?
Would love a further explanation of how this is done to give it a try!
Offer Old Man Mckenzie 1 flask of water, and 3 bags of pet gear, press trade to get them back on your cursor, then zone in. You'll temporarily loose the flask of water (you'll get it back once you zone out), but you'll have 3 bags of gear worth for your pets. Can also do clarity-pots, or whatever else you want to bring inside.
Offer Old Man Mckenzie 1 flask of water, and 3 bags of pet gear, press trade to get them back on your cursor, then zone in. You'll temporarily loose the flask of water (you'll get it back once you zone out), but you'll have 3 bags of gear worth for your pets. Can also do clarity-pots, or whatever else you want to bring ininside.
Thanks. I would give you a red cent but I am all out for the day. Sorry
Thanks. I would give you a red cent but I am all out for the day. Sorry
Another solution is to just summon like 10 bags and never take them off your cursor. You'll lose the first one, but keep the rest.

Keep in mind, this 'trick' seems to fuck with your loot though, so the person who brings items on cursor inside isn't able to loot anything. This has happened to me a couple of times.
I have this posted somewhere else, but this might be a good place to have it to help those that find this thread.

Old Man McKenzie Classic Missions / Raids.

Driver toon buttons:

/alt activate 2810 <<<<<<<<<< Pet driver, you do not want the LEM activated on your driver toon. This will active a Necro pet
/alt activate 2823 <<<<<<<<<<< Feign Death
/alt activate 2805 <<<<<<<<<<< Pet buff Necro pet
/alt activate 2709 <<<<<<<<<<< DMF
/dggexecute /alt activate 2805 <<<<<<<<Pet buff all the Necros pet in the group

/dgzexecute /afollow spawn ${Me.ID} <<<<<<< Makes everyone in the raid to follow you.
/dgaexecute /afo off <<<<<<< Makes everyone in the raid stop following you.

Assist, one button
/dgzexecute /target id ${Target.ID}
/noparse /dgzexecute /pet attack
/pet swarm
/noparse /dgzexecute /attack

Summon Pets for Necro, Mage and Shammy.::

Raw Data:
local mq = require('mq')
local function condition()
if mq.TLO.Zone.ID() == 73 or mq.TLO.Zone.ID() == 32 or mq.TLO.Zone.ID() == 66 then

      if mq.TLO.Me.Class.ShortName() == 'NEC' and mq.TLO.Me.Pet.ID() == 0 then
        mq.cmd('/alt act 2810')
        mq.cmd('/pet attack')

       if mq.TLO.Me.Class.ShortName() == 'MAG' and mq.TLO.Me.Pet.ID() == 0 then
        mq.cmd('/alt act 2684')
        mq.cmd('/pet attack')
       if mq.TLO.Me.Class.ShortName() == 'SHM' and mq.TLO.Me.Pet.ID() == 0 then
         mq.cmd('/alt act 2847')
         mq.cmd('/pet attack')

return {condfunc=condition}
I spent about an hour zerging through Crystallos raids to get the flag so I could buy the Staff from OMM. Prior to this I did the naggy raid from OMM. I got the 63 brews from the Overseer vendor in PoK. Crystallos was easier than doing the Tower of discord or Solteris raids all though getting to the final mob in Crystallos was a challenge as the pathing via the trapdoor is wonky. Good luck y'all
Thanks @dewey2461, though it looks like thee is quite a bit of pre-req stuff to request the raids, including needing to do the MMM raid? Or am I missing something short of getting someone else to request the Crystallos raids who is already flagged?

Update #3 - Had 6 raids done (Tower 1- 3 on Normal and Hard = 6). Went and did the pre-reqs for Queen Malarian raid...easily solo'd and done in an hour. Did Queen Malarian on Normal and Hard which was easiest of all of them....completed both within 10 minutes. Jumped to PoK and hailed OMM. He offered me Ancient Hero's - Lord Nagafen which I accepted (just to see if it worked...don't have time to do it right now) and it took me to the pick out your monster screen. So, does that mean I am fully flagged or he wouldn't even offer Naggy? I haven't seen it confirmed anywhere that you can get by with doing the Normal / Hard modes of each mission to count towards the OMM stuff and being able to actually see the staff once Naggy and Vox are done. When I right click on OMM, there is nothing at all showing at the moment. Are the 3 group missions OMM offers necessary to do also?
This gentleman got me flagged I just wanted to acknowledge him and say thank you. He was also the friend that didn't get the loot I sent like 30 mill worth of stuff to the wrong person. He was really cool about it.
For future reference, I ran into the issue of my druid having both naggy and vox raid credit but unable to see items from Old Man Mckenzie. I did the raids last month and invited the druid but never zoned him in. To fix, I simply started vox raid, zoned into the raid and left. Didn't kill anything except the giant who attacked on zone in. I was able to see all items after zoning in. I am not sure if it was zoning into the raid or getting the "The Permafrost Caverns Traveler" achievement.
Get the raid requirements done, get the vox kill done (you do not need to be in zone for either). If you are not the requestor of vox for that kill (meaning someone else requested and killed vox), just go to old man and try to request a raid. you'll only get naggy as an option, but that's fine, then all the things should show up. That was my and one other person's experience recently.
Question - Staff of Forbidden Rites

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