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Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew? (1 Viewer)

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Thott was a really good bard but understood the metagames within EQ so well too.. I think he finally retired from EQ 3-4 years ago. I considered him a friend.
There was a bard named Jeremiah on Zek. The dude owned people left and right. When I left Zek, he was number one on the kill chart. Legit old school twisting songs and kicking ass.
Can’t recall their names but it was a pally and cleric combo back during GoD on Luclin server that let me tag along and even though it took them hours they could kill named mobs it took raids to do. Qvic minis where highly contested but they could do them without issues, got to gear up without using dkp.
The best players I knew, were both druids.

Nettuni, would drop whatever she was doing, to help you. If you needed a port for a CR, she was there. If you needed someone to help you invis to a mob so you could camp something, she was there. Needed a PL or help farming faction mobs, she was there. She would help people who were shitty people, and I would see them turn around, and become helpful in return.

Layana was the second. She was the 'den mother' of my long term guild. Before there was a raid UI, she organized us. She would wrangle 100 people, ensuring they got a rez, got a corpse drag, knew how to get to the zone, were in the appropriate group if they didn't have an EB item, etc. All the bullshit people wouldn't put up with today, she dealt with it, with grace.
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Iz was our guild leader - a mage who was truly magical (Would pull the modem out, ghost through walls and then plug the modem back in)
We used this exploit to race other guilds to mobs. Iz would bypass the entire zone, and then coth the raid.

I do miss the days when we used to race to Raid mobs. It seemed to add a little more competition and excitement. On Tunare we were mostly civil about....mostly.
ishy drackos from the nameless. best player behind the toon by a damn sight. one of the most patient and agreeable eq players i've ever met. he'd buff baby iksar for hours outside of cabilis w/o complaint and never had a harsh word for anyone. i first saw and watched him interact with others as a lvl 1 iksar and thought, maybe someday i can be like him.
Sybine - Terris Thule - Early 2000's Era. I had no concept of MQ or any kind of help whatsoever for EQ. They played 5 characters with ease and seemed to just breeze through zones and content, you were only so lucky if you got to fill that 6th spot.
One of my favorites was Mudcrushy the shaman. Old Maelin Starpyre days. Not only did he just rule the groups we were in, but he was also funny as hell! I also think he had a rogue that was invovled in the first killing of the sleeper? He also invited me to my first raid ever. Plane of Time! Great memories from a solid guy!
Redbot's edit: I'm pickpocketing this thread for a reply raffle!


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Sunshine Break by Julie Bell​

Who were the best players you ever knew?

To enter, just answer the above question or contribute to the discussion. The winner will be chosen by /random.
While we usually disallow in-game names on the boards, we'll make an exception for this contest provided the characters mentioned are retired or have no connection to this site.


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Shipping of physical items is to USA only, an alternate prize will be selected if we can't find a cost effective way to ship.
Posting with multiple accounts, or screwing with the contest will lead to certain doom.

Robren911's original post that got the conversation started:
For me one and two are no brainers. One was a HHalfling Druid named Mechy. Mechy fit because he was a machine. He uses to heal me in VP while I tanked with a Shaman. He was that good
Two was a French Dwarf Pally named Khrogulai
He was just a beast. Would come back with crazy loot he got on his on., I really hate to do this but #3 was one of the original DPS Shaman. Soloing dragons in Western Wastes, talking down raid mobs. Number 4 and 5 were cousins Galen and Geordie a Mage and a Necro respectively and they used to take down raid mobs with me. Back when that was possible. I really miss all those guys. Honorable mention my best friend Shea. And Louis Roberts the worst puller in the world. He probably made me sharp back then it was get creative or die.
Back in 2004 i came across an erudite paladin called Atno, he was doing things solo a pally even back then shouldnt be able to do he was soloing all the stuff you would expect to see a necro doing but he did it with style ths was on fv he really made me feel like maing a pally but i was to wrapped up in my necro to bother
When I was but a wee paladin on BB back in the day there was this druid name Caomin (or something very very similar - it has been 23 yrs) and he was just awesome. Not only did he come through zones helping out lower levels, he was always out soloing something that other people needed groups to do. He inspired me to make my first druid on classic, and even showed me good spots out in the Karanas to hunt and hone the craft. Druid charming, snare kiting, quad kiting, root rotting even dangerous casters. Such a good dude.
Azart / Shadow Knight on the Test server. If there was any possible way to solo a mob or named in the game he could do it. Always had the GM's on his back accusing him of exploits, but he would literally show them that it was possible without any exploits. After being harassed by GM's on a regular basis he ended up getting banned for life with a simple reply to a GM "F*CK OFF!
Played with some awesome people over the years eq and eq2 - there are some standout characters for just their person above and over their playing.

There was this Troll Shaman named Kazrack - he had all these cool hotbutton emotes, and he would do this emote where his toon danced and the emote said something about "throws you troll gang signs". in my imagination (and memory) his toon would articulate gang signs with his fingers as it was dancing. He was a super kind guild member who spent a lot of time helping folks. the last time I spoke with him he said he was going to jail, which was sad to hear.

I had a really close friend, Oshimi - we used to talk on the phone every now and again, long distance fees did not amuse my parents. Oshimi was a little older than me, both his parents played and were super awesome people too. IIRC his dad got a brain tumor and passed away. was sad to hear that after years of not talking to him. I think about him often and I hope he is well.

Verlinka / Uusagi - they were a druid / monk duo which were awesome - Verlinka was very sweet to me and we'd hang out - uusagi and her were an item (they were like ~8 years older than me). I always felt like uusagi only let me hang around with him because of Verlinka - she was supposed to go move to hawaii and live with him - never heard from her after that. Verlinka was one of those people who were so good to their core, that every time I'd be like "so necros have this ability that does xyz" she'd be like "omg how could you do that to that poor little fluff ball" - and i'd be like "uh, you're root rotting too!"

Anyone who was on BB in the original RiP guild would be amiss not to mention how amazingly awesome GooglieMooglie was - Googs was just a gem of a human being. Used to talk to her on the phone now and again too. Coincidentally, now I don't live too far from where she lived, and would be cool to be able to catch up.

Many of the people/memories I hold dear in EQ are about people who treated other people well, but also played with some amazing players

Kaneece Kaneece - fellow necro, we'd 2box clerics and could do all sorts of crazy shit
Hasen - warrior - he offered to pay for internet for me when my family was having some trouble and i might have had to not have it for a while. he once said "i'll be back later, the wifey gonna give me a hummer" and naiively I was like "what?! you're going to go buy a hummer? that's amazing" - oh sweet child.
Blumpkin - druid - years later after a long break, he ran into me with a different name, and said "yeah they finally caught me and made me change it" now, years later, a fully formed adult, i googled the word and was like "omg I can't believe i've told stories to friends for YEARS about 'my buddy, blumpkin' not knowing what it was.

There are some really awesome folks i'd love to mention, but i know they still play - and they don't know who I am and would probably just be better for everyone if it remained that way.

EQ is such a cool game. the social aspect back in the early 00's was pretty unmatched.

Unfortunately there were certainly some miserable folks over the years, some that i think back and recognize as manipulative, abusive behavior.

Anyhow cool thread - hope everyone is thinking carefully about who/what names they're sharing =p
Dammit. I wish I didn't burn those brain cells. I can't remember his name (he played a female necro) but was bad ass. There is a ravine that had shrooms I could kite as necro. Far enough apart to easily kite 1 at a time. 1 day as I was solo kiting this necro ran by me and grabbed all of em (5 or 6) asked if I wanted exp and put me in group. Told me to go eat dinner or something because I would get in his way. I watched him work his magic and was amazed. I think the best times where group and just bullshitting. Laughing so hard your jaw hurt next day. 1 day he never came back on. Wish I remembered his(her) name. ☹️Now I am sad.
Good thread.
On Tunare there was this beast of a SK named Santzu.
We were able to pull off some pretty incredible / harrowing pulls with an SK and my toon with very limited healing before merc's hit the scene. Without doxing myself with more details, he was a great friend during that period of my life. Lost contact with him a few years ago when College happened. :(
Shameless plug for my little bro in RL, because he is the first (and only) player I have watched in-person, so that I could see his 'set-up.' He was in HS, and I was home visiting one weekend and he was raiding some end game stuff on his druid "Redacted" (circa OoW or DoN), and I thought to myself, "Oh wow, that's how you're supposed to play this game."

I had been running around Norrath like the scrub I am for years at that point, and it truly showed me what was possible in this game.
I’ve met two really Glgood players I like to think are some of the best they both actively raid in multiple teams on multiple classes! I’d prefer not to mention names but they are amazing! The dps and healing and tanking on these characters is crazy! One pretty much Carry’s the raid team on his shadow knight, regularly tanking 20% of the melee damage over the course of all 9 raids! They have inspired me to learn more classes than the 3 I already know and raid so I actively raid on the multiple servers they are on as well! Glad to have met them they helped me learn so many classes in this game, my favorite part of the game is the social aspect raiding multiple servers is just a bonus.
The Best .. always hard, because who knows everyone, right?

I have the best memory of an early guildleader back in Darkwind on AB.

He played a female halfling cleric and (to avoid a reveal of his in game name) went by the nickname Toes.

Leading a bunchof roughly 100 very ambitioned young adults must have been super hard.
He managed. He was old (in his thirties lol) and experienced back then already. Fond memories.
I would like to mention a player I had the honor to group regularily with when the game was first released. He played a Wizard and was probably among the first with the Root/Park and Root/Nuke strategies for clearing camps and solo exping.

Gallenite, Erudite Wizard on Innoruuk, Guildleader of The Pantheon.

We grouped, raided and beat content for a few years, and he had quite interesting ideas on how to improve the game. He later become Technical Director of Everquest and is today the CEO of Trion Worlds. Thanks again for a wonderful experience in the game we all love, Gallenite.
I did not know anyone directly as some of you all did, as I was a knucklehead Role-player type who enjoyed the game. I allowed my wife to play and BAM..had to go buy another copy of EQ in May 99, Yes she TOOK my copy from April !@$@$!#
Back, I have composed myself.
So where were we? Oh yes.. she not only TOOK my account, she excelled at EQ and joined a Ultra Raid guild. Watched her do UBER things while I played kill-a-rat and say things like 'Knave, thou shall not defeat my justice Deathfist Pawn!' 🐀👹
I've tried to think of who was the best of all the people i've meet in EQ, and to be honest its very hard to pick anyone person and claim they were the best.
but there is a couple i remember to this very day, that i am still friends with even after all these years (and half a plantes distance in between us)

Terry & Paul, great players and amazing friends that always were up for an adventure filled with late night talking that made the problems of the day seem gone for a moment.
And i am sure we all have meet people / person like that in everquest.
Ekolatderf A bard on bertoxx. Back when Dragons Of Norrath came out There was a mission. Grimblax I believe. He could run his bard to the end of the zone, and come back with just the boss single, prolly ran past 100 mobs on the way. So it took the mission time down to about 2 minutes. He was a ridicuously skilled bard. I have never met another one like him.
Back in the day Laotzu. He literally wrote the book on how to pull as a monk on monkly business.
The guy was able to pull the Statue past Vindi without bringing Vindi to the raid. Mad respect for that guy.
Laotzu, was the best Monk ever in EQ . Tribunal Legendary days FTW.
The best player I have ever known had the best support group, or a little support from something else /wink. I've played with so many people, and for so long, I can't remember any names....
Though I didn't know either personally, +1 for Fansy and in the same vein: Richardo Truxillo.

I had a paladin friend who turned into a paladin/cleric duo when he met his wife. He was always exceptional, but as a pair they were unstoppable. They maintained endgame raider status for years while I bounced in and out due to school/life as their lowly ranger tagalong. He never had an alt in 20+ years and was always the epitome of a paladin to me: always willing to help, was a fair leader when we were guilded together and he was in a leadership role, etc.

There was also a necro I used to be guilded with that was amazeballs. I remember just being in awe of his parses, and this was back when he had to have multiple spell sets saved and swap between them mid raid.

Thanks for the shout out. Pally life forever, though we did have our struggles early on in the game.

Best player I knew was this guy I hung out with named Omniscience. He was a cleric who played odd hours. I found out over time that he lived in China. He would do just absolutely insane things with his character, would find ways to cheese fights and never missed a heal. Always had the best gear as well. Truly a player who thought outside the box for sure!

Honorable mention to Celestias from Talisman. A fantastic tank who helped me save another guild's wiped Plane of Fear raid when I wiped our own out trying to save theirs. *grumbles something about Richardo being a paper tank*
lmfao 20 mobs and come back with 30
Lou was like 24 and he and his wife had 3 kids and she was pregnant. So when he would come back with 2 zones full of mobs sometimes one of us would ask damn Lou how many mobs did you get pregnant when you were pulling? Cause we know you can run by a mob and knock them up.
I am about to get really honest here. I love the idea of being one of the original DPS Shaman. I even kind of like the idea the group depends on me as the killer. But I have no sense of direction. I can't find my way from the Guild Lobby to The Bazaar in PoK but I could solo raid mobs. Who really knows who the first real DPS Shaman was. But I know it was not me. I started in Kunark as an SK and I got my Epic and went as far as I could with Sithar my Iksar SK. So I tried toon number 2 a Shaman. When I heard our friend had been soloing Dragons in Western Wastes with his Shaman Xiothorpe. I was burnt out on my Sk and Xiothorpe sounded amazing. Unfortunately Jesse our friend Sold Xiothorpe before I could learn much of anything al all from him. all I know was I wanted to be able to do what he was doing. I never dreamed I'd get better at it.

And once being as good as I was at playing Shaman going to having a right hand that I have to death grip the mouse and my right hand still may fly left at anytime. To having only fading memories of the amazing friends I made and the exploits we shared because I threw a blood clot after dental surgery. It's not fair it's just life.

Luckily I stumbled across MQ2 Red Guides and VV. To quote Star Wars you all have honestly given me "A New Hope"
actually a newer player that stands out to me was Foulspirit he taught me the basics and helped me along the way with the sk.
Back in the day on Tholuxe Paells, there was a necro named Nizi, very well known for soloing most group content up through the velious days. I had a few friends that were very experienced and knowledgeable, Appren the mage, Tethered the necro, Ghanon the shaman, all somewhat infamous for different reasons =)

Have met many really great player over the years. Meilstorm DE SK is the player that amazed me. Always great company and helpful to guildies and other players.
There is a legendary monk on FV who has given away more bags to new players than i can count and is rumored to be quick with the tounges. Great addition to the community!
Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew?
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