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Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew? (2 Viewers)

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Best player I ever met in EQ, my wife Smilin the halfling cleric.

We met during the original beta in 99, and agreed to meet up on day of release, found out we actually lived close to each other in RL (what are the chances????)

Roll forward to 2003 and I proposed, and this October we'll be celebrating our 20th wedding anniversary!

2 kids, lots of cats and we're still both very much in love and still play games together.

Literally doesn't get any better than this.
A half elf wizard that lead the apostles of insanity guild on quellious. The legend is that he would get in game drunk (and probably real life drunk) and challenge people to climb the wizard spires in nk and jump off. He was a fun dude. Some of my best times were with that group doing raids we were barely qualified for.
Growing up back on Mith Marr server ran around with 2 guys Tynk (gnome enchanter) and Tolkien (High Elf Cleric), we made a pretty decent trio with me being a lowly Warrior but these 2 guys were always ready to do anything challenging or dumb lol. Lost touch with these guys due to life changes and have no idea where they are these days but I do hope they are doing well and remember me as well.
Soulrevivor-- Cleric in Immortals of Justice , second on server to get epic, could heal raid/group/self. Tanked like a war, healed like 2 clerics. This was before all the helpful xtargets and everything was done with hotkeys and assist keys. Needed kill groups for raid loot...
Back in the day Laotzu. He literally wrote the book on how to pull as a monk on monkly business.
The guy was able to pull the Statue past Vindi without bringing Vindi to the raid. Mad respect for that guy.
Meredette on Brell - Best Monk ever
A guy named Mahha that used to play on Zek. Cool guy. He used to play a mage and would powerlevel me for free in Erudin Burning b/c he took pity on a bobo player with awful gear.
Won’t mention his name but back in 2004 he used to ,”box” his whole group and he’d make room for me sometimes and I’d be amazed at how he could play so many toons at once!

He was a beast but ever since I joined this community it makes me wonder if he was using 3rd party software back then and I was just ignorant to any signs lol
There was software available back then it was not use friendly at all. So am guessing that person was good with coding
Of the folks I actually played with or against,

Jakkard on Rallos Zek, innovative PvP troll shaman.
Badmartigan also on RZ, DE wizard who teamed up with a gnome enchanter and wreaked havoc on the high-end game.
Sam Deathwalker on Sullon Zek. Everybody had boxed a character or two, but a full group of identical wizards was a new and hilarious idea.
Sathed on Rizlona, a patient and knowledgeable raid leader.
I started on Sullon Zek and because of my name, started with Sam, I was always asked if I was one of the Sam's. I tried to changed my name it happened so much but back then there was no name change. It was reroll.
Back in PoP days was when i first started raiding
there was a SK guild leader named Thok.
He picked up alot of non raiding folks and helped them become better..
The whole guild was some pretty awesome folks actually

He gets a vote for what im guessing was pure hell training all those people
Mazzic the Reaver from bertox deserves a mention.

Gster from Cestus Dei
Sandaormo, still active. Great warrior with an amazing understanding of game mechanics.
Mazzic the Reaver from bertox deserves a mention.

Gster from Cestus Dei
Sandaormo, still active. Great warrior with an amazing understanding of game mechanics.
Gster lolz him and apostate were well but gster and his hp augs killed me .... heaven forbid a sk took gster's aggro = rage quit
shakuras was a great sk there sanda still awsome person
Can’t recall their names but it was a pally and cleric combo back during GoD on Luclin server that let me tag along and even though it took them hours they could kill named mobs it took raids to do. Qvic minis where highly contested but they could do them without issues, got to gear up without using dkp.
i am guessing this was on drinal only one person i knew that was duoing the goats there but i know the name of him
Gster lolz him and apostate were well but gster and his hp augs killed me .... heaven forbid a sk took gster's aggro = rage quit
shakuras was a great sk there sanda still awsome pe

Gster lolz him and apostate were well but gster and his hp augs killed me .... heaven forbid a sk took gster's aggro = rage quit
shakuras was a great sk there sanda still awsome person
He was almost never out of position and still held agro even with those HP AUGS (which o agree..were odd). He was a big part of CDs success
When I first started he was in my guild then went to triton was a necro Sallymanders
and my friend in game Wailin a shaman, he would help anyone.
I must apologize for this post ahead of time; I know it will be long, rambly and full of uninteresting nostalgia -- sorry!
At first glance, this thread simply read as a 'who is the most skilled player you've come across', but I ended up interpreting the word 'best' in a plethora of different, and to me at least, unexpected ways;
The best memories I have of playing Everquest do not revolve around epic quests, server first raid kills, getting that BiS piece of gear, but instead rather my very first guild, I was a completely clueless barbarian shaman, and I was invited to join a barb only guild on Cazic, my first server. It was full of helpful and kind people that patiently endured the endless barrage of incoherent questions coming from my 12-year-old brain. For the life of me I cannot remember what the guild was called, but I loved every second of it.
The best player I have ever played with I met a few months later, he convinced me to make a new character on his server (The Nameless) so that we could play together. He played a wizard called Arbaal. It was through him that I learned how to actually play the game, he also helped me understand the concept of raiding, of raid guilds of playing mmorpgs in a more competitive way. All of which in turn made me a better player, not just in Everquest, but in every game I have played since. From then on we have played a bunch of games together, from both versions of Starcraft to WoW, ESO and even Half-Life -- and he was incredibly proficient in all of them.
The best guild/raiding experience was probably beating Emperor Ssra with Remedy and finally getting into Vex Thal. The absolute slog to gear up, farming bane weapons, shards and doing the key quests made the actual kill feel like an actual accomplishment. I also really enjoyed the zone layout and all the snakes! A perhaps petty but truthful part of me wants to give an honorable mention to our biggest achievement in PoP, which was cockblocking Aerin'Dar from Legacy of Steel for what felt like an eternity, the flame wars and forum drama was fantastic!
The best boxer/farmer/bazaar person while hotly contested must go to someone I consider a close friend (but shall remain nameless). He spent so very many hours farming Sol Ro's tower that he had complete control over the ornate armor market, he was great and efficient at multiboxing (without software). I was just always very impressed!
Lastly, the best person I ever had the pleasure of meeting was a cleric that was just universally loved by everyone that ever encountered him. He never had anything bad to say about anyone, and no matter how busy he was, he always had time to lend an ear if you needed it. While it is nice to be skilled, to get items, to achieve things in the game whether solo or with a guild, they all pale in comparison to meeting such compassionate and wonderful people. I genuinely feel that being a dumb wayward kid playing an online elf simulator in my early teens would have been a waste of time if not for encountering the kind of people that make you want to be a better and kinder version of yourself.
Yes Sally was, helped me a few times doing dangerous things and then needed a summon, even rez without charge.

wailin also helped with my first monk giving me a pipe from chardok without charge.

There have been other skilled and helpful players in the 23 years since i first started playing eq, but those two have always stuck in my head.

The ones who would help just to be helpful when at that time it was usually "open a trade with plat" for a rez or begging in chat for a summon in some zone with a nice chunk of plat back then. I am glad I have been able to help others just to help paying forward as others have in the past.
I have one more person I would say cause he has helped me over last few months, setting up with software here, rk2 and 3 spells, and even giving me rotting raid gear for some of my toons and now I have 23 toons at 120 and some max AA toons as well with an A and B team I would not be able to be at the level with my toons without his help since I had brain damage a couple years ago and would not be able to enjoy the game like I can now.

But he is an active player so I dont feel comfortable listing his name.
I remember an SK named milkman or something like that. He was always soloing and if you were in his area, he always invited you. He was a master at the swarm thing. Was crazy to watch him with named. He could survive everything it seemed.
After reading Willard's post id like to give a shout out to the best guild I was ever in - and possibly one of the best guilds ever.

Talisman on Tunare

This guild was one of the first very professional raiding guilds during the golden era of EQ - they had lots of very strict, serious people who had a passion to be the best. They had a lot of server wide firsts and they had a lot of involvement with the development and bug fixing in the early days. It wasn't uncommon to have the GM's raiding with us.

A lot of the folks from Talisman still play in top tier guilds so I can't really mention their names but there are two I can.

- Grunties one of the best Rangers ever - RIP. Used to be a radio presenter IRL and omg we had fun in Ventrilo as he would do running commentary. I wish i had recordings.
- Lozack one of the best Clerics - RIP. The most unassuming and most reliable Cleric ever. There is a shield ornament named in his honor available on Marketplace. I petitioned to get a wandering spirit toon named Lozack to walk around POK buffing randoms but the dev's we knew had moved on and Sony had no imagination so it never happened.
I have one more person I would say cause he has helped me over last few months, setting up with software here, rk2 and 3 spells, and even giving me rotting raid gear for some of my toons and now I have 23 toons at 120 and some max AA toons as well with an A and B team I would not be able to be at the level with my toons without his help since I had brain damage a couple years ago and would not be able to enjoy the game like I can now.

But he is an active player so I dont feel comfortable listing his name.
this is my prob most all the players are currently active after 20 years lol
Not the best player, per se, but one that stands out to me is a bard I can't recall the name of that I would watch at an Internet cafe before I knew what EQ was. He was level 50 and would spend hours in Oasis kiting sand giants and I just viewed this guy as legendary. Spurred my interest in the game and became fascinated with it. Started playing it because of him and how cool it was when another friend played an NPC in commonlands at like level 3 when that was still available and fought a player. Good memories.
When I first started as a little ranger there was another ranger and we roamed the tundra of Everfrost forever it seems. Wish I could remember his name but I am old, he is old and the game is old. lol

Then I moved on to joining guilds etc. But I still remember that first guy I played with. Sort a.
I think my favorite players were the peas... one person boxing before boxing was cool.. Blackeyed Pea and Sweet Pea on Innoruuk <3
This is more of a personal thing, but for me it was a Wizard named Raelface back in the Kunark/Velious era. I used to watch him quad kite and I was simply amazed when I could barely solo a single blue con. I had some serious Wizard envy back then.
Adad a halfling druid on the Tribunal server. Met him in a horrid guild, he is the one that got me started boxing followed by coming to RG. Helped me to hear up the crappiest warrior ever to...an ever so slightly less crappy war.
In my early days of EQ from 2002 -2007ish when they all moved full time to WoW, i had a core group of ppl i played with.
I still miss the hijinx we got up to in PoP / GoD / OOW
Riji, Bustaar, Umbria, Evirr, Raois, Bumserk

Some of my toons now, as a homage to these people have their names as surnames
Contest 🩴SUMMER '23 RAFFLE🐚 Who were the best players you ever knew?
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